Probably a combination of all will happen.
A few Senators will filibuster it for a while, but that won’t kill it, because Dems have the upper hand now. Mounting public pressure will get squashed by the MSM and big social tech. The Manchin clique may produce a “softer” compromise, that neocon RINOs will vote to pass, making for a lot of bad law. Whatever passes will be picked at by the SCOTUS, after the damage is done, but once the court gets packed to 11 or more, the detritus will remain, to further erode the republic.
Hasn’t this scenario happened before?
The only option that’s irrelevant is, “Unsure.”
Tom M
3 years ago
Maybe some watered down version passes and then Joey fills in the blanks with endless executive orders. I do not trust the Repubs and many would be middle of the road Dems will be strong-armed by nutzy Pelosi. I do not trust the courts to act in favor of the Constitution as they have surrendered all rationality. Anything coming from an Marxist controlled Congress is going to be terrible. Even that $1.9 trillion monster that does little for the people but spreads generous funds to blue states and outside of the country in the name of corruption and Communism needs to be redone.
3 years ago
The morons will pass some form of the Bill.. I hold little hope for the Supreme Court to protect the US citizens.
Jim VH
3 years ago
The Democraps in congress have already shown us they not let anything stop them from whatever they want. They proved this in 2009 with Obamacare. I said then “ if you think anyone in Congress or the senate really cares about your healthcare you better think again”. Remember never let a crisis go to waste. They have used the COVID fiasco to steal an election and this is their reasoning for this bill. The obvious choice is missing. They will pass it! They will do whatever they need to , to pass it. Rules changes, eliminating the filibuster, Ext. Whatever is necessary. After all that was the purpose for what went on in the November election and runoff election in Georgia. Remember no court has even seen the evidence because they haven’t agreed to see the cases, no matter what the main stream media has said.
3 years ago
My prediction
If this ultra destructive power play monstrosity comes into effect
The USA and we are doomed to permanent socialist democrat majority control
With all its accompanying ills for which we will pay dearly.
I don’t trust Joe Manchin or Sinema
3 years ago
I think the silent majority is silent no more. WE have seen this country do a 180 since JAn 20th and i believe no one but the extreme left like the direction we are headed. I think the Dems have already lost the house and senate in 2022. The only question is when do they learn!! The economy is going to falter soon as energy prices rise and the price of food and consumables rise due to energy cost. Will they learn? do they think trying to buy good will with foreign countries is going to work? When do we learn.
3 years ago
If this bill does pass, I just pray that there is a constitutional court that this can come before. Too many liberal judges are tearing our country apart.
Also, how can there be over 100 unsure votes on this liberal piece of junk?
3 years ago
The options for the poll are far too limited and far too positive. This is going to pass, there is no doubt. The only question is if this can be contested in the correct district so that it continues to be overturned as the wholly unconstitutional piece of garbage that it is.
3 years ago
Just wanted to say – there are NO “moderate” Democrats. They may talk like moderates, but in the end, Democrats do as they are told by the Politburo.
3 years ago
It will pass in some form and the Chief Justice will decline to take action.
This is the trend.
John Roberts was placed in the Supreme Court by W Bush on recommendation from H Bush and their buddy Bill Clinton.
We are screwed unless lower courts take action.
3 years ago
Here comes the Obama years all over again.
Daryl E. Culler
3 years ago
The one real option is not listed. 50-50 split in senate with VP Harris breaking tie in favor of passage.
Anthony P Comuso
3 years ago
This Bill initiated by the DEMONIKRATS will SEAL the future for CORRUPTED ELECTIONS and it will SEAL the future for republicans NEVER to be elected into office.. Just another step in having this DISHONORABLE country fall deeper into SOCIALISUM. SERIOUSLY…
3 years ago
I have no faith in any demonrats! They are doing satan’s work. The slaughter of children (around the world now, with American taxpayer’s money). Gay is the way! Total dismantling of our capitalist country to bring communism. Everything the demonrats are for, so is satan!!!!! Legalization of sins means no one needs to repent! We are in for darkest days we’ve ever known.
Cheryl Felix
3 years ago
Joe Biden has full blown dementia and did when he ran for President which someone should declare illegal!!!He did not win and could not find his way out of a paper bag if you cut a hole in it. Somebody do something!!!!!
3 years ago
Please, Please, Please, contact your Senators (on every bill coming down the pipe)!!! You can very easily google your state name and senators. The result will have a way to call or email your respective senators. They work for us! They want to be reelected. Don’t assume they are for the Bill if you are in a ‘red’ state. Don’t assume they know how you feel about the Bill. They take notice when their constituents reach out! It is time that we, as conservative Americans, have a voice with resounding sound that stands up for our Republic! Be Heard! Be the One! Make a difference! If not for you, then for your children’s children. God Bless the United States of America!
Anthony B Cristarella
3 years ago
This bill is only about power and the first step in the process to turn our Country into a communist dictatorship just like China.
Tom K.
3 years ago
I see a lot of unsure votes because we the people know it will pass in full so our votes mean nothing. We had our chance, God sent us a Jonah and the mob crucified yet another.
I sure hope I am proved wrong on this one!
3 years ago
Just another way to steal the next election and every election in the future. The devil has taken over the democratic party
3 years ago
They are not Progressive, if they ever looked in a dictionary they would discover they are Regressive.
3 years ago
This administration (Biden’s handlers) are trying to pass the most controversial legislation this country has ever seen. Their new “normal” is anything but. This includes this bill, the Equality bill and others. If these measures pass, and SCOTUS does not strike them down, America as we know will cease to exist.
Jinger Jenkins
3 years ago
The socialist party will pass it.. since that president has been in office it is nothing for the people.. but against the people! NO, they are no longer considered democRats in my book, look at all things they have done… banning children’s books because they are dangerous.. to who? Dr. Seuss never hurt anyone. Trying to get rid of the oil industry, people have been laid off because of stupid moves… and we thought Obummer was bad.. this one far exceeds him!
joe henderson
3 years ago
Democrats are once again proving that they are willing to wage all out war on the Constitution. If it passes they might have a rude awakening.
3 years ago
It’s extremely likely that it will pass on partisan vote with VP being the decider, again.
Shirley Berry
3 years ago
I wonder how some of these senators can sleep at night with the awful things they have done to our country. I never thought in a million years that the United States of America would have a communist government. Shame on them.
Michael Taylor
3 years ago
Maybe, since there was an actual forced reading of the Bill, there will be some clearer thinking take place and some of the worst aspects will be removed. Unfortunately, since the major media outlets (including social media) have all signed on with PRAVDA the feelings of the people will not be heard. If you still do business/socialize with these traitorous media outlets you’re getting exactly what you’ve asked for. Don’t know who made the quote but it still rings true – ‘There is no one so blind as he/she who WILL NOT SEE!’
3 years ago
This bunch are so anti-law, anti-rule,anti-God,anti-family,anti-country,anti-race, anti-fact,that they cannot see that they are destroying their own lives let alone the rest of ours.
They are like drug addicts or alcoholics hooked on power and laundering money.
The Great Experiment is failing.
They have done as the Romans did and it fell.
Frank Alfter
3 years ago
It’s just unimaginable how we have become so unAmerican in just the last few decades. Have these people forgotten our constitution??? We really need to go in the opposite direction with voting, after the most recent election debacle. Voter ID is an absolute must, no mail-in voting except validated absentees (and those are out of country), no early (or late) voting, no ballot harvesting.
Daniel R Higgins
3 years ago
This bill will literally take away the right to vote from law abiding American citizens. There will never again be a fair election. The rule should be simple one person one vote show up in person and have ID to prove who you are and that you do reside in the district you are voting in. Absentee votes should have to be requested and valid ID needs to be required so that the votes can be verified as leagal votes.
3 years ago
Please join me in prayer that God stops the worst of this so that we have some hope of future free elections, not ballot stuffing by the unionized bureaucracy. These vermin will continue to shut down churches that oppose their remaining our ruling class. These are the playground bullies, drunk with power, who now do the Devil’s work.
Drake C
3 years ago
Elections have consequences. The election process needs to be fixed.
3 years ago
Feeling pretty discouraged at this moment. I hope and pray this doesn’t take away from who we the true people are! Right now, I feel I am living in a ‘nightmare’ that I never saw coming, and I’m blown away by the events of the voter fraud.
3 years ago
This enforces the term limit question that should be instituted immediately, 2 terms with the chance of running again set at 18 years. We see where career politicians like Pelosi, Schummer and other long term representatives and senators think they are the government period!! We the people who pay their salaries are the ones they set up to shaft. Let’s have a lot more common sense to the people who are making themselves out to be our Kings and Queens, Let’s get a handle on this situation before the country is sold out to Communism which is where we are headed in a very short period of time.
3 years ago
I am not able to choose an option it depends on which way the wind is blowing.I am hoping that the take over will fail but can’t be sure because it is all about power and wealth. I agree God have mercy on us.
Lawrence Greenberg
3 years ago
This bill is unconstitutional from first word to last. The Constitution states very clearly that voting rules and regulations are in the hands of the various state legislatures. This bill is a blatant attempt by the federal government to take control of all national elections and institutionalize rules, regulations, and processes that will enable the Democrats to steal every national election from now until the end of time, just as they did last November and again in January (in Georgia). The passage of this bill will spell the end of this nation through the permanent creation of a left-wing dictatorship. And if the Supreme Court refused to even hear Rudy Giuliani’s suit against the violation of the Constitution by the various states which changed their election laws unconstitutionally in the months leading up to the November election (several states had their election laws changed by judges, governors, election officials, etc., all of which is unconstitutional), then they will likely not be willing to hear any suit against this unconstitutional legislation as well.
William Miller
3 years ago
We have the most corrupt government that I never dreamed that we’d see in America but blood of the Innocence is crying to God and the good are going to suffer with the bad
3 years ago
None of the above. Please include link and summary to clarify about bill; allow read referenced bill. Since this HR1 specifies federal elections, doubt unconstitutional. Many Democratic majority state legislators also working on similar changes to state codes.
3 years ago
Don’t put your hopes in the GOP or SCOTUS to save the day! Even Trump (Kushner) is already endorsing RINOs for 2022 who certified a fraudulent election and trashed Trump and MAGA patriots for the Capitol Hill protests.
The straw that breaks the camel’s back will be when they go after the 2nd amendment and declare millions of Americans as felons overnight…
3 years ago
Unfortunately, we don’t have a Supreme Court that supports the constitution, so I don’t see them overturning anything this Admin. does. If stalemate @Senate, Harris will be the deciding vite e voila, passed.
Christine Gengler
3 years ago
Unsure, would’ve been more appropriate. From what I’m reading and seeing on conservative television, this bill seems to be on its way to passing. I am frightened.
3 years ago
I have given up trying to predict where the federal government will go. The Dems and RINOs are so corrupt, looking only after their own greed and power appetite and couldn’t care less about the citizenry. Things have been put in place I never dreamed would happen in our country in only a few short weeks due strictly to the hatred of and jealousy of the success of President Trump. Everyone talks about 2022 and 2024. I do not share their optimism these elections will be any different than the 2020 election. The left has the power and they’ll NEVER give that up – no matter what the cost!
3 years ago
Any more… what does it matter, No one follows or enforces Federal Laws, State Laws or the Constitution.
Aren’t Marijuana and Heroin still Federally Illegal Schedule 1 Drugs? Yet 26 States have legalized Pot and several Cities like Seattle have legalized quantities of Heroin. It doesn’t seem to matter.
Aren’t Illegal Aliens (thus the term Illegal) who sneak into the U.S. without protocol violating Federal Laws and Legislation like the Naturalization and Immigration Act and several Federal Criminal Codes of Enforcement resulting in a minimum of a fine and deportation and even prison… when/if prosecuted? Yet, how many States and Cities have passed Sanctuary Legislation for legalizing “Illegal Aliens”? It doesn’t seem to matter.
Aren’t there Federal Laws and Legislation against Destruction, Defacing and Illegal Forced Entry into Federal Properties like Post Offices, Courts, Parks, Memorials and Museums? Yet, the Federal Government just spent over $1 billion Taxpayers Dollars (not claimed on Insurance) to clean-up, repair, demolish, paint, and other processes caused by months of Riots. The Government know who these people are and doesn’t prosecute… Hell, our own Vice President helped Establish and Fund representation to not prosecute!!
Numerous States didn’t bother to Legislate Election laws… they just had some unelected bureaucrat change the laws to get the outcome they wanted. And the SCOTUS said… nothing to see here. Apparently they’ve never read Federal or Constitutional election law.
Could you imagine a football game where the home team is losing by 3 touchdowns when the clock ran out… and the league said, you have to continue to play until our desired outcome is achieved. And by the Way… there will be NO penalties on the home Team until the game is called.
We have over 200 million pieces of Federal legislation some thousands of pages long. Most of the legislation overlaps and conflicts with each other. HR1 is the same. It conflicts and overlaps with existing legislation but doesn’t define which Laws are now Obsolete… nor does it say this bill Supersedes ALL other existing laws. So theoretically, a prosecutor has a smorgasboard of obscure laws to pick and choose from…
So, again HR1 is just another piece of Legislation NO ONE will pay attention to, except to politically complain about. Seriously, do you think any of these Congressmen wrote this bill?
3 years ago
The RINOs with the Dems will pass it as is. They have already allowed the steal and don’t care to govern. The kickbacks are the same. Until 25% of the politicians are perfectly removed welcome to the gulag.
3 years ago
I’m unsure, but honestly believe it will pass because the democrats have repeatedly shown themselves willing to do whatever it takes (including breaking the law) to remain in control. They will have no concern whatsoever of ever being voted out if this passes which is a great incentive for them to pull out all the stops and even end the fillibuster (which they’ve done before).
Mike Lagree
3 years ago
Our government cares more about illegal aliens than the hard-working Americans who foot the bill. They care more about canceling Dr. Suess and Mr. Potato Head than they do about upholding our Constitution. America is on the dangerous path to Socialism; we, the people need to stand up and take back our country from these wacko Lefties!
Paul W
3 years ago
If this disaster passes, there will undoubtedly be legal challenges. We’ve seen the political bias and craven cowardice of the courts. They have made a mockery of the judicial branch. I no longer count on them to do what’s constitutional. Sates MUST stand their ground. The Constitution mandates that STATES determine their election laws. Even they, however, need improvement and need to be enforced. In heavily partisan districts poll watchers from BOTH parties MUST have the ability to clearly observe. That, again, will undoubtedly require court orders in some precincts…and I have no faith in the court system. I have no faith in election integrity now…the passage of this treasonous bill will solidify my lack of faith even further. I do have faith in God and I agree with Charles Nolan’s post…we need to pray…often. Please God, STOP THESE AGENTS OF EVIL. NOTHING that the left does is for the good of the people…YOUR PEOPLE. Nothing they do is done in your name. NOTHING!
PS Remember–jerry nadler recently said, “God has no authority in the House.”
3 years ago
If there ever was an unconstitutional bill this is it. The Constitution gives the state legislatures the power over elections not the house of representatives who is currently lead by a crazy nut job who belongs in an insane asylum not the U.S. Government.
Robert Drum
3 years ago
The corrupt leftists and their pet RINOs will pass the bill swiftly to ensure years of Leftist dominance.
Wayne Peterkin
3 years ago
It’s a lousy bill that if passed might guaranty we never see a fair and honest election, making us no better than a third-world s-hole. If we, the foundation of a democratic form of government, cannot develop the means to insure every election earns the trust of the people that it was fair then democracy itself is a sham. Yet the left, with a philosophy that the ends justify the means, is working to ensure that our elections can be stolen by fraud. HR1 is a big step in that direction.
3 years ago
How about one more option, it will get passed, our leaders will be bought or threatened, our Supreme Ct won’t hear it, and We the People will be hosed AGAIN. We let them cheat to win, we are watching them change our country forever.
Probably a combination of all will happen.
A few Senators will filibuster it for a while, but that won’t kill it, because Dems have the upper hand now. Mounting public pressure will get squashed by the MSM and big social tech. The Manchin clique may produce a “softer” compromise, that neocon RINOs will vote to pass, making for a lot of bad law. Whatever passes will be picked at by the SCOTUS, after the damage is done, but once the court gets packed to 11 or more, the detritus will remain, to further erode the republic.
Hasn’t this scenario happened before?
The only option that’s irrelevant is, “Unsure.”
Maybe some watered down version passes and then Joey fills in the blanks with endless executive orders. I do not trust the Repubs and many would be middle of the road Dems will be strong-armed by nutzy Pelosi. I do not trust the courts to act in favor of the Constitution as they have surrendered all rationality. Anything coming from an Marxist controlled Congress is going to be terrible. Even that $1.9 trillion monster that does little for the people but spreads generous funds to blue states and outside of the country in the name of corruption and Communism needs to be redone.
The morons will pass some form of the Bill.. I hold little hope for the Supreme Court to protect the US citizens.
The Democraps in congress have already shown us they not let anything stop them from whatever they want. They proved this in 2009 with Obamacare. I said then “ if you think anyone in Congress or the senate really cares about your healthcare you better think again”. Remember never let a crisis go to waste. They have used the COVID fiasco to steal an election and this is their reasoning for this bill. The obvious choice is missing. They will pass it! They will do whatever they need to , to pass it. Rules changes, eliminating the filibuster, Ext. Whatever is necessary. After all that was the purpose for what went on in the November election and runoff election in Georgia. Remember no court has even seen the evidence because they haven’t agreed to see the cases, no matter what the main stream media has said.
My prediction
If this ultra destructive power play monstrosity comes into effect
The USA and we are doomed to permanent socialist democrat majority control
With all its accompanying ills for which we will pay dearly.
I don’t trust Joe Manchin or Sinema
I think the silent majority is silent no more. WE have seen this country do a 180 since JAn 20th and i believe no one but the extreme left like the direction we are headed. I think the Dems have already lost the house and senate in 2022. The only question is when do they learn!! The economy is going to falter soon as energy prices rise and the price of food and consumables rise due to energy cost. Will they learn? do they think trying to buy good will with foreign countries is going to work? When do we learn.
If this bill does pass, I just pray that there is a constitutional court that this can come before. Too many liberal judges are tearing our country apart.
Also, how can there be over 100 unsure votes on this liberal piece of junk?
The options for the poll are far too limited and far too positive. This is going to pass, there is no doubt. The only question is if this can be contested in the correct district so that it continues to be overturned as the wholly unconstitutional piece of garbage that it is.
Just wanted to say – there are NO “moderate” Democrats. They may talk like moderates, but in the end, Democrats do as they are told by the Politburo.
It will pass in some form and the Chief Justice will decline to take action.
This is the trend.
John Roberts was placed in the Supreme Court by W Bush on recommendation from H Bush and their buddy Bill Clinton.
We are screwed unless lower courts take action.
Here comes the Obama years all over again.
The one real option is not listed. 50-50 split in senate with VP Harris breaking tie in favor of passage.
This Bill initiated by the DEMONIKRATS will SEAL the future for CORRUPTED ELECTIONS and it will SEAL the future for republicans NEVER to be elected into office.. Just another step in having this DISHONORABLE country fall deeper into SOCIALISUM. SERIOUSLY…
I have no faith in any demonrats! They are doing satan’s work. The slaughter of children (around the world now, with American taxpayer’s money). Gay is the way! Total dismantling of our capitalist country to bring communism. Everything the demonrats are for, so is satan!!!!! Legalization of sins means no one needs to repent! We are in for darkest days we’ve ever known.
Joe Biden has full blown dementia and did when he ran for President which someone should declare illegal!!!He did not win and could not find his way out of a paper bag if you cut a hole in it. Somebody do something!!!!!
Please, Please, Please, contact your Senators (on every bill coming down the pipe)!!! You can very easily google your state name and senators. The result will have a way to call or email your respective senators. They work for us! They want to be reelected. Don’t assume they are for the Bill if you are in a ‘red’ state. Don’t assume they know how you feel about the Bill. They take notice when their constituents reach out! It is time that we, as conservative Americans, have a voice with resounding sound that stands up for our Republic! Be Heard! Be the One! Make a difference! If not for you, then for your children’s children. God Bless the United States of America!
This bill is only about power and the first step in the process to turn our Country into a communist dictatorship just like China.
I see a lot of unsure votes because we the people know it will pass in full so our votes mean nothing. We had our chance, God sent us a Jonah and the mob crucified yet another.
I sure hope I am proved wrong on this one!
Just another way to steal the next election and every election in the future. The devil has taken over the democratic party
They are not Progressive, if they ever looked in a dictionary they would discover they are Regressive.
This administration (Biden’s handlers) are trying to pass the most controversial legislation this country has ever seen. Their new “normal” is anything but. This includes this bill, the Equality bill and others. If these measures pass, and SCOTUS does not strike them down, America as we know will cease to exist.
The socialist party will pass it.. since that president has been in office it is nothing for the people.. but against the people! NO, they are no longer considered democRats in my book, look at all things they have done… banning children’s books because they are dangerous.. to who? Dr. Seuss never hurt anyone. Trying to get rid of the oil industry, people have been laid off because of stupid moves… and we thought Obummer was bad.. this one far exceeds him!
Democrats are once again proving that they are willing to wage all out war on the Constitution. If it passes they might have a rude awakening.
It’s extremely likely that it will pass on partisan vote with VP being the decider, again.
I wonder how some of these senators can sleep at night with the awful things they have done to our country. I never thought in a million years that the United States of America would have a communist government. Shame on them.
Maybe, since there was an actual forced reading of the Bill, there will be some clearer thinking take place and some of the worst aspects will be removed. Unfortunately, since the major media outlets (including social media) have all signed on with PRAVDA the feelings of the people will not be heard. If you still do business/socialize with these traitorous media outlets you’re getting exactly what you’ve asked for. Don’t know who made the quote but it still rings true – ‘There is no one so blind as he/she who WILL NOT SEE!’
This bunch are so anti-law, anti-rule,anti-God,anti-family,anti-country,anti-race, anti-fact,that they cannot see that they are destroying their own lives let alone the rest of ours.
They are like drug addicts or alcoholics hooked on power and laundering money.
The Great Experiment is failing.
They have done as the Romans did and it fell.
It’s just unimaginable how we have become so unAmerican in just the last few decades. Have these people forgotten our constitution??? We really need to go in the opposite direction with voting, after the most recent election debacle. Voter ID is an absolute must, no mail-in voting except validated absentees (and those are out of country), no early (or late) voting, no ballot harvesting.
This bill will literally take away the right to vote from law abiding American citizens. There will never again be a fair election. The rule should be simple one person one vote show up in person and have ID to prove who you are and that you do reside in the district you are voting in. Absentee votes should have to be requested and valid ID needs to be required so that the votes can be verified as leagal votes.
Please join me in prayer that God stops the worst of this so that we have some hope of future free elections, not ballot stuffing by the unionized bureaucracy. These vermin will continue to shut down churches that oppose their remaining our ruling class. These are the playground bullies, drunk with power, who now do the Devil’s work.
Elections have consequences. The election process needs to be fixed.
Feeling pretty discouraged at this moment. I hope and pray this doesn’t take away from who we the true people are! Right now, I feel I am living in a ‘nightmare’ that I never saw coming, and I’m blown away by the events of the voter fraud.
This enforces the term limit question that should be instituted immediately, 2 terms with the chance of running again set at 18 years. We see where career politicians like Pelosi, Schummer and other long term representatives and senators think they are the government period!! We the people who pay their salaries are the ones they set up to shaft. Let’s have a lot more common sense to the people who are making themselves out to be our Kings and Queens, Let’s get a handle on this situation before the country is sold out to Communism which is where we are headed in a very short period of time.
I am not able to choose an option it depends on which way the wind is blowing.I am hoping that the take over will fail but can’t be sure because it is all about power and wealth. I agree God have mercy on us.
This bill is unconstitutional from first word to last. The Constitution states very clearly that voting rules and regulations are in the hands of the various state legislatures. This bill is a blatant attempt by the federal government to take control of all national elections and institutionalize rules, regulations, and processes that will enable the Democrats to steal every national election from now until the end of time, just as they did last November and again in January (in Georgia). The passage of this bill will spell the end of this nation through the permanent creation of a left-wing dictatorship. And if the Supreme Court refused to even hear Rudy Giuliani’s suit against the violation of the Constitution by the various states which changed their election laws unconstitutionally in the months leading up to the November election (several states had their election laws changed by judges, governors, election officials, etc., all of which is unconstitutional), then they will likely not be willing to hear any suit against this unconstitutional legislation as well.
We have the most corrupt government that I never dreamed that we’d see in America but blood of the Innocence is crying to God and the good are going to suffer with the bad
None of the above. Please include link and summary to clarify about bill; allow read referenced bill. Since this HR1 specifies federal elections, doubt unconstitutional. Many Democratic majority state legislators also working on similar changes to state codes.
Don’t put your hopes in the GOP or SCOTUS to save the day! Even Trump (Kushner) is already endorsing RINOs for 2022 who certified a fraudulent election and trashed Trump and MAGA patriots for the Capitol Hill protests.
The straw that breaks the camel’s back will be when they go after the 2nd amendment and declare millions of Americans as felons overnight…
Unfortunately, we don’t have a Supreme Court that supports the constitution, so I don’t see them overturning anything this Admin. does. If stalemate @Senate, Harris will be the deciding vite e voila, passed.
Unsure, would’ve been more appropriate. From what I’m reading and seeing on conservative television, this bill seems to be on its way to passing. I am frightened.
I have given up trying to predict where the federal government will go. The Dems and RINOs are so corrupt, looking only after their own greed and power appetite and couldn’t care less about the citizenry. Things have been put in place I never dreamed would happen in our country in only a few short weeks due strictly to the hatred of and jealousy of the success of President Trump. Everyone talks about 2022 and 2024. I do not share their optimism these elections will be any different than the 2020 election. The left has the power and they’ll NEVER give that up – no matter what the cost!
Any more… what does it matter, No one follows or enforces Federal Laws, State Laws or the Constitution.
Aren’t Marijuana and Heroin still Federally Illegal Schedule 1 Drugs? Yet 26 States have legalized Pot and several Cities like Seattle have legalized quantities of Heroin. It doesn’t seem to matter.
Aren’t Illegal Aliens (thus the term Illegal) who sneak into the U.S. without protocol violating Federal Laws and Legislation like the Naturalization and Immigration Act and several Federal Criminal Codes of Enforcement resulting in a minimum of a fine and deportation and even prison… when/if prosecuted? Yet, how many States and Cities have passed Sanctuary Legislation for legalizing “Illegal Aliens”? It doesn’t seem to matter.
Aren’t there Federal Laws and Legislation against Destruction, Defacing and Illegal Forced Entry into Federal Properties like Post Offices, Courts, Parks, Memorials and Museums? Yet, the Federal Government just spent over $1 billion Taxpayers Dollars (not claimed on Insurance) to clean-up, repair, demolish, paint, and other processes caused by months of Riots. The Government know who these people are and doesn’t prosecute… Hell, our own Vice President helped Establish and Fund representation to not prosecute!!
Numerous States didn’t bother to Legislate Election laws… they just had some unelected bureaucrat change the laws to get the outcome they wanted. And the SCOTUS said… nothing to see here. Apparently they’ve never read Federal or Constitutional election law.
Could you imagine a football game where the home team is losing by 3 touchdowns when the clock ran out… and the league said, you have to continue to play until our desired outcome is achieved. And by the Way… there will be NO penalties on the home Team until the game is called.
We have over 200 million pieces of Federal legislation some thousands of pages long. Most of the legislation overlaps and conflicts with each other. HR1 is the same. It conflicts and overlaps with existing legislation but doesn’t define which Laws are now Obsolete… nor does it say this bill Supersedes ALL other existing laws. So theoretically, a prosecutor has a smorgasboard of obscure laws to pick and choose from…
So, again HR1 is just another piece of Legislation NO ONE will pay attention to, except to politically complain about. Seriously, do you think any of these Congressmen wrote this bill?
The RINOs with the Dems will pass it as is. They have already allowed the steal and don’t care to govern. The kickbacks are the same. Until 25% of the politicians are perfectly removed welcome to the gulag.
I’m unsure, but honestly believe it will pass because the democrats have repeatedly shown themselves willing to do whatever it takes (including breaking the law) to remain in control. They will have no concern whatsoever of ever being voted out if this passes which is a great incentive for them to pull out all the stops and even end the fillibuster (which they’ve done before).
Our government cares more about illegal aliens than the hard-working Americans who foot the bill. They care more about canceling Dr. Suess and Mr. Potato Head than they do about upholding our Constitution. America is on the dangerous path to Socialism; we, the people need to stand up and take back our country from these wacko Lefties!
If this disaster passes, there will undoubtedly be legal challenges. We’ve seen the political bias and craven cowardice of the courts. They have made a mockery of the judicial branch. I no longer count on them to do what’s constitutional. Sates MUST stand their ground. The Constitution mandates that STATES determine their election laws. Even they, however, need improvement and need to be enforced. In heavily partisan districts poll watchers from BOTH parties MUST have the ability to clearly observe. That, again, will undoubtedly require court orders in some precincts…and I have no faith in the court system. I have no faith in election integrity now…the passage of this treasonous bill will solidify my lack of faith even further. I do have faith in God and I agree with Charles Nolan’s post…we need to pray…often. Please God, STOP THESE AGENTS OF EVIL. NOTHING that the left does is for the good of the people…YOUR PEOPLE. Nothing they do is done in your name. NOTHING!
PS Remember–jerry nadler recently said, “God has no authority in the House.”
If there ever was an unconstitutional bill this is it. The Constitution gives the state legislatures the power over elections not the house of representatives who is currently lead by a crazy nut job who belongs in an insane asylum not the U.S. Government.
The corrupt leftists and their pet RINOs will pass the bill swiftly to ensure years of Leftist dominance.
It’s a lousy bill that if passed might guaranty we never see a fair and honest election, making us no better than a third-world s-hole. If we, the foundation of a democratic form of government, cannot develop the means to insure every election earns the trust of the people that it was fair then democracy itself is a sham. Yet the left, with a philosophy that the ends justify the means, is working to ensure that our elections can be stolen by fraud. HR1 is a big step in that direction.
How about one more option, it will get passed, our leaders will be bought or threatened, our Supreme Ct won’t hear it, and We the People will be hosed AGAIN. We let them cheat to win, we are watching them change our country forever.