The states of Missouri and Mississippi have recently filed suit against the government of China alleging the country did not do enough to stop the outbreak of the coronavirus. How do you think China should be held accountable for the pandemic?
Please choose your top three.
Communist China should not be permitted to manufacture any product that is of strategic importance to the United States. That would include pharmaceuticals, metals, foodstuffs, technology, or any product that could disadvantage America in times of war. Thousands of companies have already left Communist China since President Trump began imposing tariffs. For years American businesses have helped make China prosperous. It’s time to repair the damage by showing China the true cost of communism.
We have no control over what China does & it is not our friend. So “China should” has no rationale to it at all. We control only what WE do. We should not be trading with Communist countries in the first place. Not only are they willing to destroy us, they are also willing to destroy their own people if they do not obey like robots. How can we do business with a country like that in the first place? I think our country is on a suicide mission, especially Democrats, but even Republicans. This wild spending they are doing is hanging our & our children’s necks. Once our country self-destructs, the best & freest country & a light to the world…is gone. Sadly.
The CCP can only be taken down by the whole world! Can this be done? No it can’t because China has control over many countries. We are surrounded by globalists especially here in the US, their mission is to destroy our nation. Take a look around at some of these people and companies, big investment bankers, Soros, Gates, Bezos, Facebook, Alphabet and the MSM to name a few. Whose plan was it to build up China? Kissinger’s idea sold to Nixon. We are in a bad situation, the supposed western nations would have to act in concert to freeze China out, and we know that is not going to happen.
That would be a exercise in futility .
To believe that China would take this seriously or ever even agree to be held responsible is laughable.
The time to play hardball with the CCP is now.
Round up every Chinese national and deport immediately, then seize all of their assets and terminate all trade/trade deals.
This will get us a lot further than some pipe dream law suit.
GBA/KAG #TRUMP2020 – Deus Vult.
Unfortunately the US, over many years, has dug a deep hole by its globalist relations with communist China, which will be difficult and lengthy to climb out of. What’s going on now is the tip of the iceberg of consequences. Seizing China’s US assets would be a good start. Sending Kissinger (including those who still support his policies) to a retirement home in Wuhan should be next. All travel to and from China should remain closed. Tax policy disincentives on investment in Chinese manufacturing won’t likely offset the advantages of their slave labor market, so that’s as futile as filing lawsuits or asking China to police itself.
We know the Red Chinese listen to tariff sanctions. Let’s stop sending raw material over there.
Doing nothing is not an option, but whatever is done, we should realize if they willingly inflicted a plague on the rest of the world once, they would likely do it again as a threat ploy, and be prepared for it.
What about loss of MFN trade status?
I’m shocked AMAC would run such a poll, with such ignorance of the Great Covid Deception. China was set up (by the U.S.).
I’m immediately canceling my membership.
I believe George Soros and the Illuminati should be held responsible as well as the World Health Organization for false reports.
We should 1st determine how the virus was started. There are theories that it was developed in a lab and somehow was released. I’m not an alarmist nor do I support conspiracy theories but this is an unprecedented world stopping event and must be fully explained with the consequences equal to the results, especially if the release was planned.
Good luck collecting. We don’t really know all the facts yet. I have run across articles that say the virus or whatever it is, originated in the US and was taken to China where it got out of control. We will never know exactly what has happened because no government or politician is ever truthful. I blame the Martians. No one will own up to their actions or accept responsibility. That is a foreign concept on earth.
Accuse them of WAR CRIMES at the HAGUE and at the UN.
What will lawsuits accomplish? US can only do what it can do. We cant depend on a world concensus. It would be too little too late.
Unfortunately, putting your trust in an country that has proven to be totally untrustworthy would be a complete waist of time. They would never abide by any judgement handed down by any court. They would never agree to forgive our debt, that we should have never gotten into in the first place. So, I would simply deduct our incurred cost of fighting this mess from what we owe and call it even. I would insist that if companies in the US want to crawl into bed with the enemy, they, in now way receive any kind of tax credits or deductions, and maybe would charge them a penalty for consorting. Any kind of trade with china should be strictly monitored. However, in doing that you would have to strictly monitor the monitors since we seem to have an issue with integrity now a days. And any and all assets of China in this country should absolutely be confiscated and forfeiture beginning immediately.
I have no desire to legitimize the Hague. We should have as little to do with China as possible. I don’t want to seize assets nor renege on our debts. However we need to divest ourselves from China through incentives and penalties. Oh yeah, and LEARN from this experience.
First, determine the extent of culpability, then nationally televised the true findings from the Oval Office. EVERYTHING should be revealed…..then announce the biggest resurgence of American exceptionalism…..manufacturing at all levels should be promoted. We can do anything they can do and better….Finally a national program of “Buy American”
should be instituted and supported with tax/investment incentives to level the playing field until we gear up and get going.
Suing China, freezing /taking their assets could be construed as acts of war by that repressive regime.
Better to beat them once and for all at the game WE created…..CAPITALISM !!!!
Trump 2020 !!!!!
I think China should pay for 100% of the stimulus and all expenses caused be this pandemic if they find out it is man made there should no some executions
What bothers me the most is 90% of the antibiotics used in our country come from China. That is a ticking time-bomb because all they would have to do is reduce the supply based upon some story they create or cut us off completely and the suffering in this country would be immense. Medicines that we need must be made here.
I canceled over a million dollars of purchases and now looking in the USA.
You should see the nasty emails I received from the China companies staff. Lesson learned.
All manufacturing shall be brought back to America. Any company not willing to do so all their products will be illegal and cannot be sold in America. That is what I want! No trade with China! Zero!
Keep travel with China closed. Give American companies two years to get out of China and then close shipping between the countries. The spread of this virus was intentional on Chinas part. We need to protect ourselves against possible future biological attacks from China. China is a Socialist Authoritarian government that does not care about people. Their only priority is power.
We as the USA, need to use caution. We don’t know if our own have anything to do with this. GOD, I hope not. I do believe China needs to be held accountable. But I don’t know how or if it will matter.
China’s deeds have demonstrated that their policies and world view can NOT be trusted to make beneficial decisions for other world citizenry. They should be punished by isolating and removing them and their twisted influences from the world’s prestigious organizations like the WTO, WHO, etc., etc., etc. Sorry CCP, but you failed the test.
I personally believe this is an act of war and should be handled as such
We should punish their economy so badly that they line Xi Jinping & CCP leadership up against a wall for public executions.
How about a simple 25% tariff on ALL Chinese goods, period, until the US had been reimbursed for all damages. The money would go into a Trust Fund that could not be touched by politicians. When the total damage figure determined was arrived at, the tariffs could be rescinded, and the money in the Trust used to pay down National Debt.
Has anyone looked at the numbers and percentages compared to influenza and car accident deaths? Did China have any reason to report it. Have we reported influenza deaths these past years and shut down the world? I think media needs to be held accountable for blowing this one up!!
All academic cooperation w/ Chinese institutions & companies should cease until full reparations are made. All Chinese grad students, professors & scientific employees of any company doing business w/ frd govt should be expelled.
I was one of many that chose that China should forgive the 1.1 trillion owed by the UNITED STATES however this is going lite on them as the economic impact will far exceed the debt owed.
You left the most important option out, one I can actually impact. Check labels and stop buying products made in China. Buy Made in The USA.
The World Health Organization (WHO) knew all too well what was going on in China and covered it up hurting the whole world, but most of all the Western Nations. The WHO is a branch of the United Nations and once again in my opinion that we must divest our country of the U.N.. Send the ambassadors home, close and sell the building. It has pretty much been an anti-USA organization for decades.
Good luck collecting any thing from China, they will just blow every one off and keep on doing things the same way they have always done them. People shouldn’t make threats about things that they have no power to enforce it exposes them for the paper tigers that they are .As soon as this virus problem is over they will be right back swilling slop from the Chinese economic feed dish like nothing ever happened. If they were serious the first thing they (the government)would do is help our own companies build factories in the USA instead of taxing them out of existence trying to pay for government programs
that shouldn’t exist
Short of full blown thermonuclear war with the Chinese, there isn’t much recourse with the Communists. All American companies doing business or investing in China should bring those funds, people, infrastructure back to the US willingly without having to be forced by the govt to do so. Fat chance. Never buy anything from China again. That will destroy their economy and knock Walmart down to semi respectability again. Expel all Chinese citizens here on visas or whatever. American citizens of Chinese descent are safe because they are American citizens. Time to play hard ball with the Commies. Think USSR.
We have got to hold China accountable, our debt should be forgiven, our dependence, for health needs in particular, on them has got to end, and we need to negotiate an equitable deal in our trade with them. This trade deal should certainly squeeze those that are established over there to return to the US. Yes, we are in a battle with all the globalists of both parties, but particularly the DEMS, however if we can prevail in November, we have a chance to regain our country. Let’s all commit to hold the media, Dems and Rinos, accountable for their lies, expose their corruption, and triumph in 2020.
China has around 1.4 billion people and the majority are not communist but simple and hard working people. They should not suffer for the atrocities that their communist government has caused. Something needs to be done to hold the government accountable but not at the expense of those just trying to survive under communist suppression.
Those countries who have filed suit in the so-called International Court against China are foolish. They have to know that is an exercise in futility. China will simply thumb its nose over that. Methinks the International court is nothing more than a paper tiger.
I see multiple things in the poll questions that need to be done not just one. We should get our manufacturing out of China especially critical things like drugs and medical supplies. Any company that still manufactures products in China should have their tax breaks removed and be penalized until they move back here. We need our people working to make products for America. None of the MSM, the elites and the DemonRats care how China abuses their labor force and commits genocide on groups they don’t like. They have also paid off the WHO to lie and cover for them and they continue to push policies and ideas the Chinese want. President Trump is right to pull our funding as they are a useless organization and we need to use the money for our country. Unbelievable that people like Michelle Obama and the elitist music industry are raising money for WHO but it’s no surprise.
I find it presumptuous that you believe everyone would believe China should be punished by someone. We will never know for certain if this was intentional or just natural. Instead of punishing someone else we should look close at our response here at home. Way too much finger pointing, name calling, and spreading fear with false information and accusations.
These are the things that we can address and very much should address. Our Republic is under attack from within and looking elsewhere to find blame in a failure of our own making, is the way those perpetrating these actions keep us from looking at them.
What if this had been a truly deadly virus? How many people would we have lost because of the dysfunction of our Congress in Washington DC today? Should it not be them that we should be looking to punish? Wasting precious time fighting with the President instead of acting for the People? Moving to put their political agendas before the health of the very people that put them in the positions that they hold, while looking at those very same people with contempt and disregard? The struggle between the executive and legislative branches for posturing rights is an open shame in a time of crisis whether real or assumed.
The willingness for the average people that go to work every day to be nothing but fodder for the cannons of political war is too prevalent in both parties. There is no scholarship in any of their arguments anymore. There is no civility in any of their actions anymore. There is nothing but greed and pride that leads every word being spoken by them in their measured and formulated snippets of words that they meed out to their willing accomplices, that are supposed to be on our side but sadly are not, to be delivered as “news” to our homes every evening.
These are the actions of the people who we chose to represent us in the greatest body, of the greatest country, and the greatest hope of all the people in the entire world. We have plenty to look at here before we try to punish someone else for anything.
China is DIRECTLY responsible for killing over 100,000 citizens of NATO countries. China has cost NATO countries trillions. If China does not quickly pay retribution’s, NATO should move against China cutting them off from the rest of the world. China needs to be severely punished. If it means war, then let’s get it over
now, before they get more powerful and dangerous!
I truly HOPE and PRAY the U.S. along with the other countries affected will make China Pay for their continued blatant disregard for humanity.
The most important thing to the Communist Chinese Government was its reputation. The damage they did to themselves is their greatest punishment. Yet, I do believe we should bring all important manufacturing back to the United States. This would be a practical, and possible consequence.
Sever diplomatic relationship, restart relationship with tawain
Another Avenue is for us is to hit China where it hurts most. As hard as it may be, we need to stop buying Chinese products. That will be the only thing that will send a real message, as their economy is built on selling to the world.
One thing that irks me , especially under current conditions when more shopping is being done online, is getting info on country of origin on websites and in catalogs. I have noticed that most websites only say “Imported” . I want to know from what country the product was produced. I have written to several sellers and I get lame answers, most often to call them. Why should I waste my time doing this? Absurd.
Perhaps if enough of you contact them about this they will provide the information on their websites, etc. This will allow us to make informed decisions on what to buy. And if the enough of us choose to do this, retailers will have to choose products made in the USA. This will have a snowball effect.
All of the above, except “not sure”!
The only effective solution is to wean ourselves off of Chinese dependency for anything, starting with anything we import that is crucial such as pharmaceuticals. China is a dedicated adversary of America and the western democracies. As such, we should never become dependent on them for anything at all. It took decades to export so many jobs to China and it will take Just as long to bring them back. Incentives will be required or new businesses formed, but bring them back we must. We have been feeding a monster for decades that has clearly expressed a determination to devour us, so we must stop feeding it or we will ultimately lose everything.
I never realized that so many of our drugs were coming from China. When did the bill s happen?!! If anything good comes out of this it is our knowledge of how much we rely on China. They iij s has got to be curtailed!
Punish China? Are you crazy? China did t do this to us. Our own politicians did this on purpose to destroy us with the purpose of pushing Bush, Gates, UN agenda of one world communist government. China was simply a convenient excuse. Destroy the economy of the sheep, and they will hide behind masks and hunker down waiting for the government to save them. And it worked!
We’re a nation of cowards supported by a nation of Brown Coats just waiting to turn their neighbor in.
Is this poll for real?
We should have payed low until we had key areas manufactured back here on the sly and then layed into them, but now they are going to respond in ways we won’t like so be prepared to stick to your guns about whatever President Trump’s advisors come up with because it’s going to be a rough ride.
All land holdings, all us companies ( in name only) now owned by China (ie) Smithfield’s foods, etc) all buildings should not be owned by China. All manufacturing’s /products made in China should be returned to the USA.
All drugs made in China should be stopped and made here in the USA.
I believe that China should be held accountable for it’s role in this pandemic. I also believe that the CDC and Fauci should be thoroughly investigated in connection with all of this. The fact that Fauci “predicted” this pandemic a few yrs ago is very suspect. President Trump said he is going to drain the swamp and I believe this would be a good place to start. I feel sure that if it is a thorough investigation, he will also find others with their hands in the same cookie jar.