

Many headlines this week are poised to affect the U.S. economy and national security. Which of these do you believe has the potential to MOST impact you and your family in the near future?

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The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
5 years ago

None of the above.
I don’t know what MORON(s) at AMAC makes up these stupid poll questions.
Very uneducated and low I.Q. to be sure.

Brian B
Brian B
5 years ago

Our national debt is out of control and currently averages $67,000 for every American. Deceitful politicians can’t resist promising “free stuff.” That’s what too often helps get them elected. House Democrats (along with their “bipartisan” RINOs) are adding hundreds of billions of dollars to our national debt every year. We can be distracted by gas prices or striking auto workers or the antics of the Federal Reserve Board, but the obscene and wasteful spending of Congress is the economic poison that hurts every American. The Constitution was formed to “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” We are not free if our future is mortgaged by our enemies. Washington needs to provide for the national defense. All else is little more than frosting that politicians use to buy votes. With a booming economy, it’s time to bring debt and spending under control.

Mike E
Mike E
5 years ago

Should have had a “D” selection “None of the Above”. That would have been mine.

Keith H
Keith H
5 years ago

Every selection is garbage !! “D” is my answer NONE OF THE ABOVE, # 1. Get rid of the Federal Reserve !! # 2. Screw GM, they owe the American People Billions of dollars, stop buying their products and fine them out of existence. To Hell with that union. And # 3. Get our troops out of the Middle East. Let them kill each other !! Put our troops on our borders and let them round up the commies in our country !! Screw the poppy fields of Afghanistan, Screw Saudi Arabia, let them go back to screwing their camels and living in the dirt !!!

5 years ago

War is and should be terrifying. President Trump has restored much our strength but America has enemies amongst us now. How can or federal government’s number one duty to protect us have gotten so far away in the congress.

Richard Metz
Richard Metz
5 years ago

I think the biggest problem is the fake climate change pushed buy the education community and news media.

Charles Martin Sever
Charles Martin Sever
5 years ago

I hate to have to say this, we have to take care of this radical country of Iran and put them into their place or this kind of crap will go on as long as they exist on this Earth, There is one thing that we have to do, we have to tie the socialist corrupt democrats hands to keep them from meddling in what we have to do. The news in what the liberal government tried to control the Vet Nam War. These know nothing chair huggers need to let our Generals run the war as they see fit. These people in our government don’t even know how to run are country, all you need to do is look at our southern border. When and if we go to war with this country of Iran the government needs to stay out of it and keep their mouths shut and let the Generals run the WAR.

Bob L.
Bob L.
5 years ago

The least of concern is the auto workers strike as such strikes are all a part of the game of wages vs corporate profits and the game has been played for as long s there have been big companies, even longer than there have been labor unions.

More of a concern is the continued unconstitutional economic manipulations by the “Creature From Jekyll Island” – the FED.

But to me, the big one is our continued involvement in the Middle East and it’s centuries long perpetual fighting among the different factions of Islam. The root of our intrusion there is and has been oil and the big oil companies “investments” there. Maybe not so much an issue of oil with being in Afghanistan, A big reason given is (Treasonous, New World Order, Council On Foreign Relations based recommendations) to fighting terrorism after 9/11/01, but we were there before then and if I remember correctly, not long after the Soviets got their “plow cleaned” and pulled out. If the CFR would have recommended action on the real source of 911, they would have recommended taking action against Saudi Arabia where most of the plane hijackers were from.

Fr. Demetrios
Fr. Demetrios
5 years ago

I am concerned by some of the comments. It has been my understanding that people with sincere conservative views do not attack a person’s character, as some of the people have done in response to this poll. True, I too do not always find the poll questions to be challenging ones. However, every news release that I have read from the AMAC President has been well written. Also, I am very pleased that AMAC is solidly pro-life — both in word and in action. And that alone makes me thankful to be a member.

5 years ago

The true threat to our country is the agenda of the left that has corrupted our educational system from kindergarten through grad school. Make no mistake. Those on the left know that if children are indoctrinated the future of the left is secure. Never has it been more important for parents to be aware of what their children are being taught.

5 years ago

The true threat to our country is the agenda of the left that has corrupted our educational system from kindergarten through grad school. Make no mistake. Those on the left know that if children are indoctrinated the future of the left is secure. Never has it been more important for parents to be aware of what their children are being taught.

5 years ago

Gas and heating prices have always affected the economy in one way or another. This is especially true of those in the elderly community and young families. We bite the bullet and move forward.

5 years ago

All of these things have an impact but once again the poll is misleading … the question asks “…in tbe near future?” To me, the interest rate has the most impact on me at this given moment.

Michael Dargon
Michael Dargon
5 years ago

I don’t understand why we are even considering defending Saudi Arabia as they are the scum that attacked our country on 911!!! Let Saudi Arabia and Iran deal with one another. We have problems of our own internally i.e. the Dems!

Ken H
Ken H
5 years ago

The real problem in our country is the low life dem politicians and liberals pushing news of recession so they can hurt everyday working people. They think this is the only way they can grab back political power. Most of the low life media support the dems because they are scared to death about losing their influence and high paying jobs. It’s sad to see so many people hate our country who contribute nothing to it.

Dennis R
Dennis R
5 years ago

Dumb Poll!! but as long as you ask: The slave owners (Union Bosses/Democrats) want Pres.Trump out of office and by calling strikes of major industries will create a false narrative in the economy. Unemployment will go up, especially minorities, Consumer confidence will go down, causing stock market to plunge. All you will see on the false news channels/papers will be about all the strikes in the nation, and of course they will blame Pres. Trump! Democrats want war and they really have no idea who they will be at war with? Bibles & guns will win!!! You saw Fri, the Socialist around the world (including America’s Democrat Party) protesting climate change, these are GODLESS people who have managed to control our children. We should all be Praying for our Nation and our World!!

Rob Gianazza
Rob Gianazza
5 years ago

This is a Saudi problem. We need to exercise caution. We need to understand who is manipulating the events and what their goals are. This is not as obvious as it may appear.

5 years ago

Cutting interest rates may hurt the stock market which will effect all of us

Gayla S M
Gayla S M
5 years ago

None of the options really are not effecting my day. What does is the Democrats still spending taxpayers $$$ to undo an election in 2016 and the public schools brainwashing our youth to give them a future base. So much of the reason we have generations of entiled and whining lazy ppl in our Nation is from the last couple of decades of indoctrinated school children. So, to all you hate filled and lunatic evil educators (you know who you are) you will be judged for all your harm to children, you sold your soul!

5 years ago

Our biggest threat is the left wing America-hating dems/progressives/socialists. They do everything possible to undermine what’s good about America embracing all kinds of immoral and moronic positions and policies.

If you ask a Dim what they stand for you get answers like: abortion, climate change, free stuff, unlimited federal spending, hate Trump, open borders, educational brainwashing of our youth and college students, hate the military, eliminate fossil fuels, etc. They do not have one policy that will actually benefit America; everything they support is bad for our country.

5 years ago

The actual national debt per “TAX PAYER” is $183,251. Per citizen $68,471

Art Anson
Art Anson
5 years ago

As other folks have rightly stated: U.A.W. & GM is not important to all. Good for the U.A.W.! Corporations are fungus. // Interest rates up or down ? It has happened many times. // [ How old is the person that wrote this poll ☹ ? ]. //
What is disturbing is that the Sec. State has a surname ending in a vowel, and is allowed near a microphone. ?. Bolton ( man with brain ) was fired by the casino builder. Many peaceniks on here and the news media were glad because the Buchananites and the Paulites are isolationists & spineless, left over Draft Dodgers.

The rockets or missiles that hit the Saudi Arabia oil fields ( wished they would have hit the Saudi government building & palace instead ? ) were fired from YEMEN, not Iran ! Vowel-ending surname Sec. State needs a map and compass. Yemen is south of Saudi, Iran is northeast and over water from Saudi. Bolton would have known that. Spaghetti bender is a “yes” boy for Casino builder.

The best “Headline” this week was that the Arizona Supreme Court agreed with 2 Christian ladies who are in private business. That should have been “D” on your list.

5 years ago

It was a hard choice for me between the federal reserve and the attack on Saudi Arabia. Actually the decrease in int’rest could help me, but the rising oil prices will hurt. I hate to say it, but working for the Department of Defense, it could help many that work with me.

5 years ago

War, again? Saudi Arabia is not our friend.

5 years ago

I also believe there should have been a D .I had a hard time choosing but I chose to take the poll. So in that spirit I do believe the left’s agenda to push us towards socialism is the greatest threat to this country.
They are trying to place government above God. They’re trying to change our history and teach our children to be slaves 2 the people who make our laws and depend on them for survival. You’re trying to shame people into acting their way or suffer consequences from the actions that they took even in their childhood. We all make mistakes if you realize that try to correct your behavior and move forward doing your best that’s the best you can do.

John B
John B
5 years ago

I could not say it better than Brian B

5 years ago

Our biggest problems are not in the headlines, which in itself is a major problem. The Saudis can cover their own ass in the Muslim world they embrace. UAW can take a hike, unions have outlived their purpose. The Feds are a somewhat necessary evil? The real issue in our country is WE THE PEOPLE. STOP putting these idiots in Congress to start with. WE ELECT these politicians. STOP putting them in office if you want change. And you sure as hell not don’t elect people who stand against American Values. WAKE THE HELL UP! The Walk Away Movement shows that those with common sense and values are leaving the Democratic Party. We need to support that effort and bring back the American Values we were FOUNDED ON!

Doni Juarez
Doni Juarez
5 years ago

The Federal Reserve should not even exist and certainly should not be affecting our economy. The slight change made does not, in my opinion, merit much concern. Unions were necessary decades ago, however, now they are a bane to society and should be abolished. I don’t believe the strike will last long and I don’t believe it will have far reaching effects. The Middle East concerns me greatly, because we keep treating countries, who hate us, as friends. This war is going to escalate and it will have far reaching consequences.

Alan V. Cecil
Alan V. Cecil
5 years ago

The involvement in a war with Iran with its ties to Russia and China would suit these “Axis of Evil Powers” just fine! The Saudis have had billions of dollars given them by the USA and are no true allies; their armed forces are a sham. What good are our “monetary and armament tributes” to them since WW2 if they won’t react to this latest attack on their oil facility.,
The USA has all of the oil resources it needs! We do NOT need to unilaterally fight the Saudi’s wars. Oh yes, all of our aid to the Saudis, who are the leader of OPEC, has been bribery….really additional “tribute for blackmail upon the American people for protection of of our friend Israel and for agreeing to use the American dollar within the OPEC brothers as the standard unit of international trade.

I think of that old maximum that is no longer taught in most public schools: (The Barbary Pirates of the early 19th century still exist!) Oh yes, my cited applicable quote: “Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute!”

Alan V. Cecil

Caroline Woodis
Caroline Woodis
5 years ago

Amen to that, Brian!!! We need to put that at the top of any petition and call our representatives in local and federal government.

5 years ago

Many people on here get too upset about some of these polls. The question does ask which of “THESE” headlines, which means the headlines listed, not all headlines. Of course the fake news headlines are nearly all designed to help usher in an economic downturn or trash our President. They are after all, the propaganda arm of the socialist Democrats.

James Sheetz
James Sheetz
5 years ago

When I saw the crowds of indoctrinated children protesting “climate change” I thought of Palestinian children taught hatred of Jews and the west in their schools and realized how thoroughly the left has taken over the schools.

Doug R
Doug R
5 years ago

Not mentioned is the horrifying fact that in 7 days over 14,000 babies have been slaughtered in mother’s wombs across this nation. This national American holocaust continues day in and day out with no action on the horizon to stop this wicked butchering of babies in the name of “women’s rights.” Probably half those babies killed are girls and they only have the right to remain silent forever. It is time for Americans to wake up to the fact that America is not only not great again, but one of the most wicked nations in regards to slaughtering the innocent (63 millions since ’73).

John D
John D
5 years ago

Climate change is a fact ,however not in its present day context.
The climate of this marvelous world we live in has been on going since its beginning.
We humans are but a mere pimple on the earth’s crust.
For us to think ourselves so important as to have a major impact on climate change is ludicrous .
When Mother Nature gets tired of us she will just pop the pimple and start all over

Carol D.
Carol D.
5 years ago

Frankly, I think that the average American over fifty can balance a budget better than our not-so-esteemed members of Congress. They don’t care. It isn’t THEIR money that they are spending like a kid in a toy store.

5 years ago

Actually, methinks there should have been one more option to this poll, and that would have been “All or the above.”

Tom M
Tom M
5 years ago

We don’t need another useless war that will solve nothing. Lower interest rates will not stop the coming recession. GM…who cares? The mainstream media news…who cares? Government is out of control and totally corrupt and the politicians are only concerned for themselves. This is how nations die.

5 years ago

Praise to AMAC for encouraging honest, respectful dialogue – vital to citizens genuinely devoted to national, economic and spiritual security – in this peculiar and deficient age of conflict. Thoughtful Brian B; Diane; Will.

5 years ago

Those were the only choices?

5 years ago

The unions were responsible for the ruination of Our HC system in league with the corrupt politicians who made a deal with the socialists to hand over the system that was as close to free as it could ever be to industrial corporations like bc/bs with the aid of the charges in the tax code to stop the rich from donating to the clinics and hospitals for the funds to help them give hc to the public and they also removed the subsidies that were given to the hospitals and clinics to keep them from going under, then handing them over to as many providers as they could create that limited the care, charged exorbitant prices creating another means to drive inflation and limiting Our HC.
Right about that time the Democrats party declared that they were the New Democrat Party which was the signal that they were now the socialist party.
You used to be able to go to any FREE clinic or hospital to get care, they even cured Polio, without destroying our credit or stripping us of our wealth to pay their exorbitant prices or being told that they won’t cover that procedure and refusing us the care that we needed.
They had Free vaccinations, set broken bones and surgery that was free before they gave it all away to the Socialists…

Tom Bozikis
Tom Bozikis
5 years ago

The FED reducing interest rates is the tip of the economic sword. There’s little mention of the FED’s overnight loans to the major banks of $75 Billion since Tuesday because the banks are short of funds. Isn’t this what happened with TARP?

President Trump is requesting the FED to lower interest rates to zero percent or to go negative. Something’s not right with our economy, and very little is being said about why these things are taking place.

5 years ago

I put Iran as the most pressing concern because I think it’s something that is misunderstood but could be addressed better. Iran has major cultural issues forcing an imposing threat to their personal security and conscience of the individual citizen like a doomsday shroud. They must feel they’re living in a fish bowl because of American interests in National security branded on both our souls by the Islamic Revolution which unfortunately permanently stained its credibility by taking hostages of American Embassy staffers. Since they have proposed a theocratic existence this inevitable places them in a precarious existence with other Islamic Nations forcing their internal disputes to become foremost in their minds although obviously they are not speaking aloud of them.. The controversy remains one internally and that is Shia vs Sunni and which is the “true” Islam.. Remotely similar to Reformation and Roman Catholicism.. Even the language barrier is there since ALL mosques world wide use one Arabic Koran for all their prayers kind of like Catholicism using Latin in the 15th Century forcing translations to overpower Rome’s hegemony as World leader.. Iran most likely feels her ideas of the sacred itself are being challenged so would a person’s integrity particularly since in Islamic countries The Al Fatiha (The “Opening” or 1st Surah) is the imprimatur or guarantor of all commercial contracts. I guess we should assume there has been a Cold War between Saudi Arabia and in particular Iran since the beginning of the end of the 1st Millenium. I don’t see how we in the West should or could intervene but I’m of the belief that this is Iran’s major concern both domestically and foreign and America is merely a side-show compared to what really moves Iranian and actually I include Israel. I think their “problem” with the West is unconditionally favoring Saudi’s NOT Israel.. Israel merely being another misguided interloper but hey if SA is so unreachable and these countries are third parties interfering with their idea of Salvation of souls then these must also be eliminated.

5 years ago

When threatening the security of the nation you also threaten the economy. People will either save all the can or buy what they think they need. It like my, happy to say “X” bought 4 gas mask years ago. Yeah, I know, somebody’s laughing.
It’s hard to understand why some people go towards the left. It gives people a false sense of security and lets them believe their needs are taken care of. That is far from the truth. Yet they follow blindly.

5 years ago

I pray no war, and I certainly don’t want higher prices. But we do need to stand our ground and put these attackers in their place.

James Howard
James Howard
5 years ago

There is no more important issue than our monetary system. As long as the Fed controls our money supply it controls all else in this country & all our efforts at smaller government, union overreach, military-medical-industrial complex reform, restoration of representative republic or any other conservative efforts are worse than wasted.

Biblical 2nd Ammendment, If you don’t own a sword, sell your cloak & buy one. Luke22;38. Ecclesiastes10:1-3, “As dead flies give perfume a bad smell, so a little folly outweighs wisdom &honor. The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. Even as he walks along the road, the fool lacks sense & shows everyone how stupid he is.” Leftists are traitors & losers from start to finish even when they act nice or appear to win, they lose. …AND Frank Zappa for President 2024:: “Socialism produces bad art, bad music, social stagnation & really unhappy people.” …and satanists. Leftists seem to have full spectrum narcissistic psychosis & inflict PTSD on opponents by using verbal abuse & lies of every kind as well as other terroristic underhanded tactics of the dedicated psychotic-natcissist. See for yourself on YouTube: NarcAWAY. Narc ology unscripted. Surviving Narcissism. Michele Lee Nieves. For real news go to OANN (One America News Network). Also: THE EPOCH TIMES, Truth & Tradition. Dedicated legitimate legal Xtian immigrant patriots who escaped commie China & know they are finished unless they continue to fight the commie HORROR regardless of consequences. To remove the blinders & psycho propaganda MASK Read: TIPING POINTS: How to Topple the Left’s House of Cards. LIZ WHEELER (OAN Commentator). MAKING LOVE GREAT AGAIN: The New Road to Reviving Romance & Winning at Relationships. DEANNA LORRAINE. TAKE NO PRISONERS: Battle Plan for Defeating the Left, DAVID HOROWITZ. BIG AGENDAç President Trump’s Plan to Save America. DAVID HOROWITZ. JIHADIST PSYCHOPATH: How Hw Is Charming, Seducing & Devouring Us. JAMIE GLAZOV. THE HISTORY OF JIHAD, From Mohammed to ISIS. ROBERT SPENCER. Web sites & channels for truth: Stefan Molyneux, freedomain.com . YouTube: Bill Whittle. Acts17apologetics. Apostate Prophet. Julie Mora. American Intelligence Media.

Gloria P. Sterling
Gloria P. Sterling
5 years ago

We so absolutely need “term limits”. Weed out those who are so anti-American and anti-Israel. Bring all who have against us to justice.

5 years ago

This poll is of minimal use. The Fed will be criticized no matter whether rates go up, go down,or stay the same. Auto workers have been on strike before. Doesn’t matter because car prices will rise no matter what happens. There always seems to be something happening in the Middle East and every time an incident occurs the pipeline has a fit. There are bigger fish to fry. This poll is just screaming points for the masses.

Gee Kay
Gee Kay
5 years ago

Maybe Iran attacked because the Sunnis and Shiites hate each other. Maybe the Houthis did it because they are tired of having the Saudis bomb their cities killing and starving them. Maybe an oil company did it to drive up prices. The Saudis have many billion$ of military equipment and they can take care of themselves. They are quite efficient when it comes to capital punishment (which include crucifixions) and they did a great job of cutting up that journalist who criticized them and disposing of his body. Bottom line….WHY IS THIS NOT SAUDI ARABIA’S PROBLEM??
I didn’t vote for C because I don’t want anyone to get the impression that I consider the oil facility attack an important concern.

5 years ago

Hmmmm, it seems I remember something that happened during the big government bailout back in the early years of BO’s administration. As I recall, General Motors was on the edged of bankruptcy. One of the conditions to GMC as part of the bailout, was that they would sign a sizable portion of GNC stock over the United Auto Workers union. If the auto workers union has called a strike against GMC, would this mean the union would be involved in management, and would be negotiating a new contract with themselves? Seems to me that the United Auto Workers Union is in somewhat of a precarious situation during a strike..

Linda K
Linda K
5 years ago

None of the above.

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