

From the choices below, please select what you believe to be the top two priorities of the Left.

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7 months ago

This IS a strong human cycle of Death Culture. We now call it Marxism/ Communism,Globalism. IT IS ideology: The written dander of self’s worship or idollitry.
Be strong, do not comply, be the light to life.
In English LIVE.
backwards IS

Mark L
Mark L
2 years ago

The list above is absolutely ridiculous! If you don’t like the US the way it is move out! Democrats had 8 years to screw OUR Country up!

2 years ago

All of the above!!

2 years ago

We did this to ourselves..in the pastApathetic voting led to controlOf voting precincts and scum slitheredIn..we need to secure and watchdog allVoting in america..especially blueStates…ID only and back to old fashioned Ballots…maybe receipts…get local sheriffDept..to guard ballots…etc..Just maybe we can get our country backand prosecute theses traitors that startedThis criminal intruder invasion.FREE AND SAVE AMERICA AGAIN

Patricia Patterson
Patricia Patterson
2 years ago

To make the new world order.we’re we will own nothing and they think we will be happy

Robert Kinsey
Robert Kinsey
2 years ago

New world order. All the above!

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

It’s ALL the ABOVE and then some. AMERICANS must understand that beneath all that’s going on the FASCIST liberals under DICTATOR Beijing biden are DELIBERATELY trying to DESTROY ALL Mom and Pop businesses while BACKING UP Corporations and LEAVING OUT FAIR COMPETITION. Especially, since it was and IS what BUILT the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.
ONLY a COMMUNIST would do such a thing. And his name is j. biden. Also known as DICTATOR Beijing biden.
This isn’t even the beginning of what they’re doing. Take ATF already has been SPYING on AMERICANS and gathering all their personal information on…you guessed it, GUNS. National Gun Registration.
The United States I grew up in would NEVER TOLERATE what is currently happening. WHY ARE the AMERICAN PEOPLE TOLERATING IT NOW?
Or, Am I The LAST MAN STANDING? I hope not.

2 years ago

All of the above—no question about it!!

2 years ago

Wealth and power.

Anna Bradshaw
Anna Bradshaw
2 years ago

Bifin is worse than any presideny

Tom Reeves
Tom Reeves
2 years ago

To separate all of creation from the Creator, the Great I AM!

Marilyn Huff
Marilyn Huff
2 years ago

Obama told the truth one time; get rid of God/Bible thumpers and their guns.
Two things that are sure to corrupt society to perversion (abortion, pedophelia, etc), wipe out virtue, integrity, responsibility, individuality personality, and souls. Thought police instead of crime policing with no protection left for the individual.

God Help US

2 years ago

We know that the government is the problem. It’s time to focus on The Solution.

We need to have a Convention of States to restore the power back to the states, where it rightfully belongs, as our Constitution was written!

2 years ago

Nazi world order and depopulation

2 years ago

Non of those are good Ideas for any of us. They take away our freedom.

Danny Malcolm
Danny Malcolm
2 years ago

ALL of the above!!!

Darlene M Balli
Darlene M Balli
2 years ago

Everything they can to destroy this country

2 years ago

Too much apathy in the so called “Silent Majority”. Certainly was obvious in the last presidential election. People didn’t vote for a president because they didn’t like his tweets, hair, past, family, never registered, didn’t think their one vote would matter or whatever excuse they could come up with. Look what it got us. VOTE!!!!

Margaret Wolfe
Margaret Wolfe
2 years ago

I would have chosen all the options if given the opportunity. I believe that Biden is only the puppet here and that there’s evil people trying to bring the republic down and take away all of the freedoms that our forefathers designed in the constitution and bill of rights changing us into a communist country. But ultimately God is in control and He will win. We need to have a great turning back to God not only in this country but the whole world.

2 years ago

Redistribution of wealth to create two classes of citizens – those who have (the multinational global elite “saviors”) and those who are enslaved by the global elite (the “oppressed” victims – who will forever be victims because there will always be another class to elevate over another victim class). Instead of feudal Europe, we are seeing feudal World. The elites intermarry and have no loyalty to nation – they are citizens of the world – and all others are their serfs. Money – not land – determines their power and reach.

Patsi Wilbanks
Patsi Wilbanks
2 years ago

Demons in the political world taking away traditional values for control.

Jason Haines
Jason Haines
2 years ago

One world order

2 years ago

Their plan is to either kill you off or convert you into a robot. That is why they want to stop reproduction via their perverted sex agenda. They are poisoning our food, water, and air in addition to the propaganda and fear being pushed. These question are highly inadequate to address the level of evil being propagated on “We The People”. The bigger question is why aren’t we protesting in the streets and demanding justice?? We have a beautiful Constitution and Bill of Rights. Are they no longer worth protecting and stopping the corrupt and disgusting acts of tyranny we are suffering?

Brian Rose
Brian Rose
2 years ago

All of the above

2 years ago

The party of slavery continues to promote slavery in any and all forms. They support anything and everything that enslaves a person physically, mentally, and/or spiritually.

Thomas S
Thomas S
2 years ago

Not mentioned is to destroy the idea of the traditional family to shift primary loyalty to the state.

2 years ago

You should have an all of the above.the democrats want to do all they can to destroy America as it is.

2 years ago

Destroy America from within. Pretty simple and in progress now.

Seth Allen
Seth Allen
2 years ago

The priority of the left is genocide which is behind all of their political positions.

John Raimonde
John Raimonde
2 years ago

To totally destroy America by making it the weakest nation in the world in any ways possible.

2 years ago

Any country or people who turn away from God get exactly what we are witnessing in America.

2 years ago

So called progressivism is actually a philosophy taking us back to a time when men were motivated by greed and thirst for power. All of the above in the survey are merely tools to achieve those goals. Ultimately, progressives are useful idiots for Satan

2 years ago

The purpose is to return the monarchy where the King and his chosen own everything and the people are chattel. Serfs. They own nothing, they pay tribute (rent), and they are happy because of their benevolent monarch.

2 years ago

To defy and deny Jesus Christ and His Gospel.

Joseph Calabria
Joseph Calabria
2 years ago

All of the above each is a tool for indoctrination to bring us into a one world government. They have the same goals as the world economic forum

Jim miller
Jim miller
2 years ago

All the choices listed above are true; the liberals are out to change our fee country into a socialist/communist country and make mind numb robots out of masses!!

2 years ago

All of the above answers

Uncle Pat
Uncle Pat
2 years ago

They wish to replace “God” with “In God We Trust” too “In Government. We trust”. This my friends is never going to happen.

2 years ago

Total and complete subjugation of the entire population just as Venezuela went from rich to poor in 3 years, we are on that track.
The swamp is evil and long planning. They are working on their 3 rd generation of kids to brainwash and it’s working.
The voting- I personally believe that Reagan was our last free American vote. That the democrat party- global elitist swamp- has perfected their election stealing from dog catcher to president and unless voting is cleared up- we will never have an honest election again.
WE beat their system of cheating by voting Trump in 2016 but they ‘ fixed’ that problem. President Trump won. We all saw the steal

Charlotte Wood
Charlotte Wood
2 years ago

The left would love to destroy our country as it was founded. Destroy the Nuclear family as the foundation of society. totally control our lives and brain wash our children beginning in kindergarten.

2 years ago

Depopulation- by use of the”jab” and worship Satan. I never got the “jab” and God is the only way. Put on your Spiritual Armor, and fight the righteous fight!

2 years ago


E. Simmons
E. Simmons
2 years ago

All of the above!

Harvey Finders
Harvey Finders
2 years ago

They are evil led by the devil

Gene Clem
Gene Clem
2 years ago

The immediate goal is to remove America as a world power and destroy its culture.

Dave moorhead
Dave moorhead
2 years ago

Looks like a six way tie!!!!!!!!!!! Absolutely unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!

Grandad of 16
Grandad of 16
2 years ago

They want to destroy the nuclear family.

Larry Pione
Larry Pione
2 years ago

All of the Above!

Chris Espejo
Chris Espejo
2 years ago

Other: All of the above

Randy Joe Hoffmann
Randy Joe Hoffmann
2 years ago

My belief is they want to completely ruin this country through all of the above…
Put God back in the forefront, as this country was built upon God.
My question to them is: How do you know what’s best for me and my family?

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