
Do you believe that man-made pollution is the cause for global warming?

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Kay Cude
Kay Cude
7 years ago

Romans 8:19-22 gives the reason for the decay of this earth. It began in Eden with the fall of mankind. There will be a new earth after the 1,000 year reign of Christ Jesus, Lord and Saviour–
19 For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now. See https://bible.org/seriespage/lesson-10-curse-and-covering-genesis-316-24 for further information.

Les K
Les K
7 years ago

While we, as humans, may well be at least partially to blame, there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY for us to discern whether or not this change is a normal part of the earth’s constant evolution.

Richard Popovich
Richard Popovich
7 years ago

There is no doubt the climate is getting warmer, however man has very little impact on it. It is a naturally occurring process which has happened thousands of times in Earth’s history. About every 300 million years the magnetic poles of the Earth changes polarity. During this “flip” of magnetic change there is a very messy mixup in Eath’s magnetic fields. Earth is overdue for this happening, and this change from north becoming south and south becoming north, has begun.

The magnetic fields of Earth are more powerful than anything man can do in changing our climate and there is nothing we mortal humans can do to reverse it. It has to run its course, an man will have to adapt to the changes.

We will see an increase in weather related disasters, earthquakes and failures in our power grid. And future generations will experience changes on earth we don’t even know about yer.

All man can do is deal with these changes by adapting to these occurring changes.

(See magnetic changes captured in sea-floor spreading.)

Mike Kiernan
Mike Kiernan
7 years ago

Humans are having an impact, however it is insignificant compared to the effect of volcanos. I am in favor of limiting our impact where it does not negatively affect us in other ways. It makes NO sense to spend more and live poorer to fight a condition that is going to occur with or without us. The climate changes. This is a fact of history as old as our globe. Better to learn to live with it, instead of fighting it.

6 years ago

Science says nothing, Scientists do, and when they get suspicious funding we cannot believe them. I lived thru the hysteria of the coming ice age, the coming heat wave, and finally Global Climate Change … it always was cyclical.
The only fact about this is that it is a Socialist World Redistribution of money!

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