

Do you approve of President Trump’s decision to withdraw all U.S. military forces from Syria?

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The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
5 years ago

It is a fools errand to try to civilize the low I.Q. uncivilized barbarians of the Middle East, so let them kill each other
and let’s get that wall built before more innocent Americans are murdered by ILLEGAL ALIENS.
May you all have a healthy and prosperous New Year – MAGA !

Dan W.
Dan W.
5 years ago

If we withdraw our 2,000 tactical advisers from Syria, then what ?

What do we tell Israel ? Do we let Russia handle Syria ? Do we let the Turks attack the Kurds after the Kurds were mostly responsible for driving ISIS out of Syria with our tactical support ? Do we give Iran a free hand in Syria ?

Also, is it time to declare victory and withdraw from Afghanistan ?

Brian B
Brian B
5 years ago

Unless America has an economic reason to remain in the Middle East, we should withdraw. We need to protect our oil interests in the region, but otherwise our military presence has accomplished little. If the competing factions of Islam want to kill each other……..that’s their business. We need to continue to assist Israel as we have done for many years. We have spent too much money and lost too many of our finest soldiers in Islamic nations ever since “Desert Storm.” America should have learned by now that Muslim nations merely turn their anger again toward the United States once they have achieved their respective tribal ambitions. Trying to civilize and unite the several factions of Islam just isn’t possible. Their religion is rooted in intolerance and thirst for power. We can’t change that.

John Davis
John Davis
5 years ago

Remember Viet Nam!

5 years ago

There will never be peace in Middle East. The one peace they have rejected. America has done its job now it’s time to move out but continue to monitor the area.

William OKeefe
William OKeefe
5 years ago

We have wasted BILLIONS on wars in other regions while needs go in fulfilled here. Time to take care of the homeland and force all other countries to commit to the same percentage of commitment in EVERY situation!

Richard C.
Richard C.
5 years ago

What is wrong with this graph? Lol! The graph does not represent the votes. Seriously though we need to concentrate on the Homefront. Protecting our own borders. Apart from Israel Europe has gone insane, embracing open borders and destroying their own countries. Let them collapse on their own stupidity. We have spent trillions and millions of lives securing their liberty. Yet they are turning it into an Islamic hell hole.

5 years ago

For hundreds of years there has been conflict in every country in this region. It will never end and our presents will only prolong the outcome which will never satisfy everyone.
Does anyone really know who is right or wrong in this area, its a religious War and who says one religion is better than another religion. Just stay out of it and this area will go on fighting for eternity.
Trump is doing the right thing in this case.

5 years ago

I support what he’s doing for the United States of America. ! MAGA!

5 years ago

They have bee fighting each other longer than the US has been in existence, besides if you check there are other assets in the region we can draw from without a problem if needed. The UN should step up its game and remember take care of yourself and the rest will follow!! America first!!

Diane Maleski
Diane Maleski
5 years ago

To abandon the Kurds who have helped us is like abandoning those in Saigon. I never want to see anything like that again with people screaming and begging not to be left behind. The North Vietnamese came in and slaughtered those who worked for/with the U.S. The Syrian population is young and vulnerable and we need to keep ISIS from influencing them. Leaving Syria will set off a host of terrorist attacks on the free world and the Kurdish population – they have wiped out most of the Christian’s in Syria and few remain. Scrap the Rules of Engagement and let our military take what steps are necessary to protect themselves. The exit of our military would be construed that we surrendered – and Israel will be vulnerable.

N. Smith
N. Smith
5 years ago

If indeed we have Isis on the run, leaving the region gives them free reign to rebuild. Our being in the region not only benefits our allies but benefits our safety. Syria is still very unstable and Iran has a foothold. Our leaving this region benefits Iran and makes them more dangerous than ever. President Trump must listen to our military leaders on these very serious military matters. I respect his business sense and his economic policies but I defer to our great military leaders on these critical military decisions.

Jerry Gardner
Jerry Gardner
5 years ago

We don’t need to be there unless tht goal is absolute victory in the shortest time possible. If that includes carpet bombing or other means,then so be it. I will not support another war unless that is the goal, otherwise we have no business there!

Loretta Seanolt
Loretta Seanolt
5 years ago

With modern technology we can fight long distance and save our strongest comodety men and woman. We need to build up our family and American traditions. Defend our boarders to protect America and allow a better faster flow of emigrants who come here legally.

5 years ago

I trust MY President 100%. Let him do his JOB!

Rich Gaynor
Rich Gaynor
5 years ago

Our taxpayers subsidize these wars, their children are killed or disabled in them but we get little in return other than refugees whose loyalty is often to Allah rather than our country. We deplete our military while our enemies become richer and more powerful and our elites give them our manufacturing and intellectual property.

5 years ago

I support President Trump 100%! America first, protect our borders not the borders of other nations!

Richie Nuesse
Richie Nuesse
5 years ago

Extremely difficult decision. No matter what Trump does will be wrong. 8.5 yrs of Army tired of American troops dung for ingrates.

5 years ago

Bring all our troops home and close our border.

5 years ago

I support the President in withdrawing our troops. When chaos reigns in the Middle East-and of course it will-then the USA loads up atomic bombs-heads to the Middle East-and obliterates them. That gives the world a time of peace, because since almost the beginning of time-Islam has been a thorn in the side of all civilizations.

Denise Israel
Denise Israel
5 years ago

We are still in Iraq and can rejoin the fight against Islamic militants quickly if needed. We do not need to be in every Middle East country to deal with ISIS or any other group. I trust President Trump and his advisors to monitor the world situation.

Paul Yochum
Paul Yochum
5 years ago

I do not have the knowledge at this time to determine our course of action in Syria, but this is why we elected Donald Trump to make these tough decisions. I trust his judgement and will support our President.

5 years ago

It was a mistake to take out Saddam Hussein because the Iraqis and the Iranians were decimating each other at a fine pace, and it is a fools mistake to think there will ever be peace in the Middle East. We need to get out of Afghanistan as well. The Islamic Sharia terrorists will continue to be savages. The best we can do is protect ourselves from them, and let them kill each other.

Karen Jordan
Karen Jordan
5 years ago

The Democrats should also get on board with our southern wall

Bob Steinberg
Bob Steinberg
5 years ago

President Trump is working with much more information than any of us have. Some of our allies have spoken that they are ready to fill the gap left when we exit.
With these two considerations, I think President Trump is doing the right thing.
It is fine for us to help but helping includes bringing our allies to strength, training, and assuming the responsibilities of protecting their individual countries.

Thomas W
Thomas W
5 years ago

I am appalled that so many AMAC members fail to see that President Trump is repeating the mistake that Obama made in Iraq. ISIS is a cancer, and like a cancer, when there are traces remaining, it will metastacie. Secondly, by withdrawing our special operators from Syria, he is leaving our loyal allies, the Kurds, at the mercy of not only ISIS remnants, but of Erdogan! Put yourself in the place of our allies around the world when they see this. When the going gets rough, will they be more willing or less willing to stand with a country who could pull the rug out from under them at any moment? I have been a very vocal supporter of this president when family and friends have attacked him. But I didn’t vote for Rand Paul in 2016. I voted for the guy who lambasted Obama for quitting Iraq prematurely! This equally foolish, and impetuous, decision has me wondering if Mike Pompeo or Nicki Haley might be a better choice to head the ticket in 2020

5 years ago

I agree with the withdrawal; however, I don’t think he handled the military discord very well.

5 years ago

The “swamp/establishment” policies of: Invade the world (endless wars)/Invite the world (mass immigration)/In Hoc with the world (endless national debt) are horrifically destructive. President Trump is stopping the madness of Invade The World-Invite The World, and we need to support him as he fights all of corrupt D.C. Next up is to deal with In Hoc With the World, and reduce federal debt burdens. The swamp creatures will squeal and bite back like crazy.

5 years ago

Because we will still have troops in the region, we should be able to aid the Kurds as necessary.

5 years ago

A gradual withdrawal will bring our military back and out of harms way. If soldiers come back with service time remaining, offer them time and service supporting our southern borders. Theyvarevsmart, well trained, and can help meet the border protection requirements of states bordering Mexico.

Janice Widney
Janice Widney
5 years ago

Why do people assume we have defeated all of ISIS just because they are not rearing their ugly at the moment???? Pulling out of Syria completely will be detrimental to the safety of its citizens.

5 years ago

I’m not sure we really know what is going on. I can only make a decision based on what I am told.

5 years ago

We have no friends in Syria B

Russell Calkins
Russell Calkins
5 years ago

President Trump is by far the very best president in American history.

Kenneth Mathes
Kenneth Mathes
5 years ago

Make America Great Again

Vern Brown
Vern Brown
5 years ago

I am a Viet Nam veteran who was sent to a war they wouldn’t allow us to win. If we are going to get in wars, we need to get in them with a “win mentality”…..or not get in them. The last time we actually tried to win a war was WWII, a long time ago. Even then, we pretty much won the war and gave away the peace. It is way past time to stop doing this. We lost a whole lot of lives and wounded many more…….and the more than thousands of years war in the region continues. In addition to that, we even fund the stupidity with foreign aid and other goodies! For goodness sake, why?

Dennis Jackson Sr
Dennis Jackson Sr
5 years ago

It’s hi time the Middle Eastern Countries take care of their own Security. We have been the enablers for years and that has to stop. The less we meddle in the affairs of other countries the less they can keep blaming us for their problems.

5 years ago

That region of the world has been fighting for thousands of years it will never end no matter what super power is there . We need to pull out all our resources and let them continue killing each other , not our young. The southern border needs the wall built and it needs to be electrified these cock roaches need to be stopped, and the US should cut off all and any aid to all Latin America countries STARTING with Mexico. Mexico is the most corrupt country you can imagine all these so called caravans should have stopped at Mexico’s border they should have never made it to our border. Cut all funds to Mexico

5 years ago

Now withdraw our troops from Afghanistan, Iraq and Nigeria. Yes, we have over 7,000 troops in Africa.

5 years ago

There is no need to keep sending in our troops to be killed. The threats can now be thwarted by our ever increasing technological expertise in warfare and a victory at the cost of our young men being killed and many thousands maimed and injured is no victory at all when that can be avoided and should be. America first! How long do you think thugs like Sadam Hussein could operate looking over their shoulder daily for the next drone or cruise missle strike? We don’t need to sacrifice our youth for the likes of terrorists around the world, there are other means to wreak havoc on them.

5 years ago

While a bit unsure, I tend to lean towards leaving. I’m concerned about America first and would not want my grandkids there. And, these are advisors I believe and at some point that should end? But, if we don’t fight the terrorists there, do we just end up fighting them here?

Arlene Pisarski
Arlene Pisarski
5 years ago

I approve every course of action he takes. He’s a businessman – not a politician playing for power. I’m so disgusted with Democrats. They will bring us to ruin.

5 years ago

The factional wars between the countries/tribes of the middle east have been going on for centuries, with no apparent winner or end in sight. All we’re doing is sending our innocent young men over there to be slaughtered in a never ending war. Not to mention the drain on our already over extended economy. Let these people continue their senseless, unending war between themselves and let’s get out. The war in Afghanistan has been going on for almost two decades and continues today with no end in sight. It’s time to get our people out of there too!!

5 years ago

I believe he has additional means by doing so.
He is a forward thinking man and I trust his intentions. A true American.

5 years ago

It’s time for Syria to take care of their country. They need to choose freedom like we did.

Patricia Willmon
Patricia Willmon
5 years ago

We’ve been there 15 years, if they haven’t learn to protect themselves by now that’s not our fault. Its time to bring our boys and girls home.

Emily Cook
Emily Cook
5 years ago

Your poll is biased. You have 4 possible choices which are negative and only one that is positive.
Get smart! Understand psychology (the hidden persuaders) like the deceitful but clever Left do!
They know how to manipulate polls, the media, photos, advertisements, everything to influence & control people.

William Burns
William Burns
5 years ago

I think the president is doing a excellent job. Isupport him in everything he does.

5 years ago

The money saved could be used for the border wall.

5 years ago

We as Americans, raised in a basically “Christian” country have absolutely no concept of Asiatic reasoning, morals, or “humanity”. ANY show of compassion in a Muslim country is first seen as a form of weakness to be exploited, and second to be disgusting and something to be destroyed. Make no mistake, the rest of the world wants the quality of life America is blessed with, but they are not willing to make the personal sacrifices it takes to achieve and retain them.

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