

Do you agree with the decision by Senate Republicans to delay the confirmation vote on Judge Kavanaugh for a week to conduct an FBI investigation?

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6 years ago

When will Republicans understand we are in a war for the very principles and future of our republic? Too many Republican Senators are worried about the process, while the only focus of the Democrats is to seize and maintain power by any means necessary. All the 10 day delay that Grassley granted Ford accomplished was to allow the Democrat paid lawyers, referred to Ford by Senator Feinstein, additional coaching time with Ford and for the Dems to manufacture additional false claims against Kavanaugh. That’s it.

Jeff Flake did exactly what I expected him to do: Run across the aisle as fast as he could, at the very last minute, to side with the Democrats. The pictures of him huddled with the Democrats right outside the hearing room spoje volumes. I guarantee you in 12 to 18 months after he leaves office, that Flake will announce he is becoming a Democrat. That is all I will say regarding the disgrace known as Flake.

The Democrats do NOT want an FBI investigation to discover the truth. Thst is not the purpose for their call for yet another FBI investigation of Kavanaugh (now number 7). They want an investigation as purely a delaying tactic. Keep dragging out the process until the mid-terms with the hope of Dems re-taking one or both houses of Congress. Even if they don’t win control, the Dems will demand more and more to delay and obstruct the confirmation process. The Democrats will demand very alligation, no matter how ludicrous and lacking in credible evidence, be investigated by the FBI. I will bet you that Democrats will manufacture several more equally vague and ludicrous claims against Judge Kavanaugh. Each new false claim requiring an FBI investigation of course. The idea is to prevent Trump from getting ANYONE of a constitutionally conservative background seated on the Supreme Court until the Democrats can re-take the White House.

With this latest capitulation by Senate Republicans on the Judicial Committee, we no longer live in a country where you are presumed innocent until proven guilty by the preponderance of the evidence. We now live a country where, if you are merely accused of something with no supporting evidence to substantiate the accusation, you are now presumed guilty and it is up to YOU to prove your innocense. That is the justice system that is found in totalitarian countries. The old Soviet show trials, where people were routinely arrested by the State and railroaded into prison under the assumption that if you are accused, you must be guilty unless you can somehow prove otherwise being the example best known to most people our age. To younger folks, they no doubt have no knowledge of this, as they were never taught any history. So think about the precedent now being set in our nation people and I mean really think about what that means for all Americans.

Sorry for the long post, but this was a terrible week for our republic and the constitutional principles this nation was founded on. All your constitutionally protected rights have taken a big hit as a result of the Democrats being able to flip, with the capitulation of certain Republican Senators, the most basic tenet of our judicial system this week. Understand the ramifications and understand what this means if the Democrats ever re-take control of Congress or the White House. Vote Republican in November or you may find yourselves living in a country you no longer recognize.

The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
6 years ago

Ms. Ford, an avowed anti – trump DEMOCRAT, is a deeply disturbed woman of the Left who is being pimped by DiFi
and the DEMOCRAT cabal. They intend to assonate Judge Kavanaugh’s character by any means necessary in furtherance
of their goal of destroying POTUS and his administration. She is nothing more than the means to an end, and when DiFi is done
with her she will be discarded like a piece of fecal stained toilet paper.
This is Trump Derangement Syndrome run amuck .

We must remember this travesty and show up to the polls en mass come this November to CRUSH these America hating bastards once and for all – GBA/MAGA !

Dan W.
Dan W.
6 years ago

More evidence that the weak-kneed Republicans are going to get thumped in the midterm elections.

Brian B
Brian B
6 years ago

This orchestrated smear of Judge Kavanaugh is backfiring on scheming House Democrats. Thousands of life-time democrat voters watched the televised 45 minute impassioned rebuttal of Judge Kavanaugh as he defended his character from the unsubstantiated charges made against him. As a result, the #WalkAway movement is gaining momentum. Many democrats no longer identify with the Party that they have been loyal to all their lives. The smear tactics have hurt Kavanaugh. But the televised proceedings have also reawakened many democrat voters to a sense of fair-play as an innocent man is unjustly vilified. The Democrat Party is becoming disempowered. As for Flake, he will be relegated to the dung-heap of history. And that’s where he belongs.

Glenn Rsmyr
Glenn Rsmyr
6 years ago

The smear campaign will go on but at least they can say they looked into it and it won’t be hanging over the judges head for eternity. You wouldn’t hear the end of it otherwise. This could be a good move all in all. Some moderate dems may vote yes if the FBI finds nothing new. They must vote at the end of the week though regardless. Dems are showing their true colors more and more each day. Activist accusers will come out of the woodwork with more allegations and hearsay. Dr. Ford may be able to file charges in this week but 36 years later? For the dems, I think this is going to bite them right in their mascot.

6 years ago

When will the Republicans realize that negotiating with the Democrats is like wrestling a pig. In the end you are all muddied then realize that the pig enjoys it.

Neta C Connell
Neta C Connell
6 years ago

The man has already had three in the past if they didn’t find anything then what makes then think that they will find anything now on Kavanaugh? Perhaps the investigation should be focusing on Ford’s history instead.

Connie Fuller
Connie Fuller
6 years ago

As much as I do not like this happening and believe in his innocence, I think this is the only way to shut the Democrats up and to prove he did not do any of this !!!

6 years ago

The delay is not to seek truth, it is to contrive evidence.

6 years ago

Prof Ford should have filed a police complaint
Why did she seek out Mark Judge 8 weeks afterwards at his work

Rom Maher Jr.
Rom Maher Jr.
6 years ago

Its a Witch hunt. The Republicans caved. The guy has had several FBI investagations in the past. And who said the FBI can be fair?

6 years ago

It’s an absolute shame and disgrace!

6 years ago

Who is going to guarantee there are no deep state operatives left in the FBI who will take over the investigation. The DEMONS have more reason than just delay behind their continued requests for an FBI investigation.

6 years ago

He’s a witch! A witch, I say! Burn him, burn him with fire! With fiiiirrrrreeee! <– said every democrat and a flake…

How can people… intelligent people not see this obvious attempt by the America haters to slander a decent and honorable man? Just amazing… it makes me sick. I can't even bear to watch it anymore.

Mitchell Smith
Mitchell Smith
6 years ago

I don’t agree with an FBI investigation to find out if there’s actually any truth to the allegations. What I do agree with in the investigation is that it is protocol and that was standard Protocol no one can come back and say see you didn’t do this.

6 years ago

This week long sham is only meant to delay even longer. Even one of the Democratic Senator stated that this would allow to show any other woman that may have accusations. She admitted that chances are during that week that will most likely bring more accusations. Then they would want more delays. Let’s just admit that they already have a list in their pockets in order to keep delaying. This is their way of blocking any of Trump’s nominees no matter who they are.

6 years ago

This shows the attack on the Supreme Court.He would be the 9th to break ties.This is now their coming out of the closet moment saying we are now taking over.America needs to wake up to the Traitors in this country and the money behind them.The only people needing investigation are the the Money givers trying to bring down America from within.

6 years ago

I would say the only benefit of doing the investigation is to confirm, once again, that there is no evidence and the confirmation should proceed. It is one less talking point for the democrat/socialist party. This whole process has allowed the country to see how corrupt and immoral the democratic socialist party is. This corrupt process won’t stop anyway but at least the American people who believe in the constitution can see what needs to be done to remove the democratic/socialist members of the Senate from office.

George S
George S
6 years ago

Look, this man has already been investigated 6 times and the FBI has found nothing on him. Why put him through something like this again. This is nothing but a sham, basically because the Democrats can’t accept that the crooked Hillary Clinton lost the election. I pray for Judge Kavanaugh everyday that when he is confirmed that he never forgets what the Democrats have put him and his family through.

6 years ago

If the left can’t resist then they want to delay. This process has been a discussing stain on the AMERICAN SYSTEM as written by the forefathers of this country.

James Dezelan
James Dezelan
6 years ago

Your results total comes up to 104.33%

Thomas J Hartsell
Thomas J Hartsell
6 years ago

Time for Mr. Newt to start a Conservative National Party to combat the Liberal Commmunist Democrat Party and the Spineless Republican Party.

David Pyle
David Pyle
6 years ago

It’s nothing but a coordinated attack.
The liberals are making a mockery of our government. It’s all about power, not truth.

Jerry Johnson
Jerry Johnson
6 years ago

As corrupt as FBI has been proven to be, the Democrats are hoping or are planning for a”Comey” type investigation which will provide the desired outcome,

6 years ago

No I don’t agree! But, the spineless republicans are always held hostage by the RINOS in their party. In this event, it’s the Flake of the party. The swamp still persists! And, the Republicans never learn that you cannot negotiate with the democrats. On a positive note however, in my small circle of co-workers, 100% changed their party to R so they could vote in the primaries and will vote R in the general. If you can extrapolate from that and apply to the nation, it’ll be a sweep in November! Everyone likes their money and President Trump has given much back to the citizens that previous admins took away!

Van Mancuso
Van Mancuso
6 years ago

Very disappointed in RINO’s (Flake, Murkowski and Collins). Nothing, absolutely nothing is going to change with an investigation. Democrats will bring forward more allegations and continue to pick away at him. At the end of the 1 week period the Democrats will be demanding more time to investigate. It is all about delaying past the midterm elections.

6 years ago

He has already been investigated by the FBI numerous times. What a waste of time and money. The republicans are spineless!!!

Jerry Johnson
Jerry Johnson
6 years ago

Judge Kavanaugh

Linda Pugh
Linda Pugh
6 years ago

The Republican Party is complicit to the investigation to be completed in a set period of time. I believe Judge Kavanaugh is also agreeable to this. In doing so, the American people will be able to see the transparency of the process and hopefully also see the attempts by the Liberals to stall. I am praying our nation return to the Founding Fathers’ intent of our written Constitution. It’s a travesty and a horror that people would want to willingly kill their unborn children. I do not understand this. I am saddened by how far our moral standards have fallen. Also true is the fact that when given certain “liberties” or “rights” as they are sometimes called, it is most difficult to repeal these laws because people feel they have rights being taken away. I do know there is an end to this and I do not believe it’s too far down the road. God help us all.

6 years ago

Randy S
Lets not forget our friendly RINO’s especially Jeff Flake (appropriately named)

Thomas B
Thomas B
6 years ago

I have a Small group (SINORS for REPUBLICANS) Last night we took a vote that if the republicans screw this up were All going to vote DEMOCRATIC In the Next Election. You Know that the Democrats want the extra week to find More Accusers to delay the vote till after the midterms!!!!!!!!!!!

6 years ago

Another perfect example of why we need term limits for congress. How pathetic that process was.

Lance Burnell
Lance Burnell
6 years ago

Any person that believes the useless Democrats will be silenced after this 1-week delay is dead wrong. Within the next week more women will come out with false claims and the Dem’s will be calling for more investigations and so-called Republican Flake will stand with the Dem’s. This will not end until the Judge withdraws his name or they get enough no votes.

Judy von Dobschutz
Judy von Dobschutz
6 years ago

This delay just adds to the smearing and character assignation of a decent, good, God-fearing man. It’s a result of the culture of removing God from of America. Judge Kavanaugh has had a total of 6 extensive background checks over the years and they have found absolutely nothing. The Republicans are caving again to the Democrats and if this honorable man does not get confirmed, I fear this will be the end of the Republicans. We cannot let that happen – everyone needs to get out and vote in Nov. or our country will be forever changed, andnot for the good.

6 years ago

I’m appalled by the lack of support of Republicans towards Kavanaugh as well as the President that we the people have elected. They are gutless wonders and traitors to America. They are selling out the party for their dislike of an ‘outsider’ who is willing to do the job that they should have been doing all along!!

William p
William p
6 years ago

Investigate fienstien!

6 years ago

The Judge stated that he had already been questioned by the FBI. What more is needed? I think the President is requiring this just to appease the Democrats. If we are doing “character “ checks shall we go back to Hillary and especially former President Clinton who himself was a “womanizer”? You don’t have to go back far in their history for that!

6 years ago

The politics of this nation are becoming more than ridiculous. The people need to stand up and stop this craziness. I wish I could trust any of the news stories, or that there were still “journalists” who investigated stuff. I wish I wasn’t at the point in life where I see Democrats and Republicans as the enemy of the people. I wish I thought there weren’t paid protests, people manipulated to come forward with accusations, etc. He’s been investigated, high school was a long time ago. Move on.

6 years ago

I thought Graham’s speech meant the Republicans were finally show some backbone. Obviously I was wrong.

Candace Warren
Candace Warren
6 years ago

I personally, am SICK to my stomach of this blatant attempt to derail one of the finest candidates ever, for the SCOTUS. There is NO LIMIT to what these Abortion advocates will do, in order to prevent anyone who is Pro-Life, from sitting on that bench, when it gives Conservatives the advantage. Judge Kavanaugh is Angry, of course, over what is being done to him. Worse yet, the Left has decided to nullify the age-old caveat of Innocent Until Proven Guilty. That is exactly WHY we must get this man, who has consistently supported the Rule of Law, by adherence to the Constitution and The Bill of Rights.. Everyone needs to recognize how easily this could be ANY ONE OF US. The Good Thing abut another investigation into his background and reputation will only collaberate what the previous 6 invetigat5ions have shown. Thst he is a man of Ethical and Honorable reputation. His accusers should be subjected to the same questioning regarding their reputations and history. Maybe this will shut up the screeching vultures of the Left.

Ronald Angerer
Ronald Angerer
6 years ago

Guilty until you can prove yourself innocent is now the new norm?

Bill S.
Bill S.
6 years ago

It’s time to stop this sex scandal bullcrap every time someone is appointed to a position in government. It is another and a constant obstruction ploy by the Democrats used time and time again. It is so obviously false and the Republicans should no longer tolerate it in any way shape or form. Everyone knows there is no integrity left in the Democrat party and we should not give them the power to stop this nomination for even a minute, never mind a week.

6 years ago

The Dims and the 4or 5 Republicans are a disgrace who stopped Kavanaugh confirmation and Mr Mc Connell try as he may is not a good leader in the Senate. The American people should not have to put up with this none sense and OBama and his cronies need to b exposed. He is the leader of this outrageous situation and uses Soto’s money to pay off everyone. It was noted yesterday that an envelope was slipped into Flakes pocket while they were badgering him to stop the voting. How about the FBI including that in their investigation. We already r aware another Senator was offered a 2 million dollar bribe..
Just talking about this corruption throughout our government does nothing. Action is what is required.

Joe Cline
Joe Cline
6 years ago

I am disgusted with politicians in general, I think Jefferson was correct and they all need to be removed and done away with. They do not fear the people at all, they just do whatever they want and only listen to those that make the most noise. The Democrats are truly pathetic !!

6 years ago

I am an embarrassed disappointed disgusted American. I am an independent. I do not in any way shape or form think that Mr Kavanaugh acted out of line whatsoever. He is a man WRONGLY accused of a crime. His family has been threatened and trashed. SHAME IN EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRAT WHO HAVE THINK THEY ARE JUDGE AND JURY ?. You had him totally convicted before you knew a single iota of information.
I don’t doubt something happened to Ms Ford but I wholeheartedly believe it was NOT Mr Kavanaugh. I think she has been totally manipulated by her pro democrat lawyers AND those so-called people of Congress. They are disgusting. Greedy. And hypocrites. I e Booker Blumenthal one admittedly groped a girl and the other is complete liar. WHERE IS THE INVESTIGATION INTO ELLIS their #2 in the DNC!!!!! Any victim should be screaming from the rafters to get justice for his exgirlfriend.
I challenge any man wrongly accused of a crime has had his family threatened, to NOT react in an angry manner

6 years ago

Just to slam more truth to the liberal democrats face. They have been killing themselves and the FBI investigation will kill them more.

Pete Brown
Pete Brown
6 years ago

It is inexcusable and extremely dangerous to allow a precedent such as this to be allowed or even remotely entertained. This entire episode has been a violation of his rights to due process, and has destroyed the constitutional guarantee of the presumption of inocence. But that’s what the Socialist Left wants to accomplish.

Allan Fredrickson
Allan Fredrickson
6 years ago

Those evil Dem members of the judiciary panel are pathetic. Their goal is to destroy Kavanaugh, his wife, and his family. Why doesn’t the FBI check out the accuser. Something is not right in her life. Sad.

Wendy Smith
Wendy Smith
6 years ago

We are conflicted – believing that Judge Kavanaugh is 100% innocent, feeling confident that the FBI clearing will be done expediently since he’s been through 6 background checks. At the same time we hate that he has had to go through this disgusting attack, abhorrent attack. But the media has played up the Democrats side and the need for the FBI investigation, so we support the additional FBI review – NOT for Democrats, as they will need rest until they have control of the Supreme Court and the White House, but for the public at large to counter the media and the court house of public opinion they sway. Just get it done, vote, and move on. This will make it more difficulty for the Democrats to immediately move to impeach the Judge, which I believe they would do without the FBI background review.

Proud Vet 1971
Proud Vet 1971
6 years ago

I don’t agree with the delay. However, it seems both Flake and Collins would not have voted for Kavanaugh without this SEVENTH FBI investigation of him. Since we are moving forward with this, I would ask all reading this to do what I have done. I sent the White house an E mail urging that Trump INSIST the FBI give Ford a polygraph. If she refuses, she obviously has been lying. The burden of proof is on her per the US constitution.

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