That the American taxpayer cannot and should not shoulder the sole burden of being the worlds
policeman with the crushing and unsustainable debt we now have.
BTW, Where’s Hunter ?
Probably hitting the crack pipe one more time before he and his father
hopefully become residents of the Gray Bar Hotel.
America First !
GBA/KAG #TRUMP2020 – Deus Vult !
4 years ago
The correct answer is both numbers 1 and 2 combined. We engaged in Syria to destroy the ISIS caliphate. That was the military objective, which has been accomplished. The purpose of the military is to fight and defend American interests. That military objective has been accomplished in Syria. Keeping the so-called “peace” in the region (which is the neo-con or globalist way of saying establish yet another permanent military presence in yet another foreign country forever for no good reason), over-throwing Assad or “keeping the Russians out of Syria (Assad, as ruler of Syria, is free to invite anyone in to his country and we would be as powerless to prevent it as when he last invited the Russians in short of going to all out war with Syria for no real national interest for the United States) are all, at best, police actions and at worst simply lame justifications to continue to line the pockets of the military-industrial complex that profits off of prolonging military deployments well past their logical ends.
The Europeans are of course all howling that America needs to stay to police the area indefinitely, yet NONE OF THEM ae willing to send any of their own troops to fill that role. This is, yet again, another example of the one-way alliance we have with Europe. Our so-called NATO partners are good at sitting back and demanding we fighting their battles for them, but they are lousy at doing any of that fighting or policing themselves.
As for the Kurds, we paid them in both weapons and lots of cash to fight with us against ISIS. They were already fighting ISIS before we even engaged, so this fight within the Islamic world has been spanning centuries and will continue whether we are there or not. Today, the Kurds are far better armed and funded to be able to stand up for themselves than ever before. They knew this day was coming since we began drawing down troops in Syria well over a year ago. The entire Middle East has been unstable for centuries, with various factions of Islam fighting amongst themselves for dominance, forever.
Turkey, under Erdogan, has gone from a pro-western NATO ally to an Islamic threat threatening to “dump 3.6 million Islamic migrants onto Europe, if Europe interferes with Turkey’s plans in Syria”. Europe’s response: More demands that the United States “do something”, while the European leaders, once again, cower under their respective desks. So the real threat the Kurds are facing is from a Turkey, under an Islamic dictator (very much in the mold of an Iran wanna be), who has his own Islamic agenda. President Trump has repeatedly called on European leaders, for several months now (President Trump announced in early 2019 that the U.S. would be pulling its remaining troops out of Syria shortly), to step into Syria and take on the policing role the United States has been performing along with the Kurds since the end of the Syrian conflict, if they are truly so concerned about the situation. After all, the Europeans are always bragging that they are equal allies and partners from a military perspective. However, the Europeans have consistently refused to do anything. Well now the President is keeping his word to the American people. We cannot and should not be stationing American troops everywhere in the world and having the American taxpayer continue to pick-p this growing tab in both dollars and lost and maimed American lives. That’s my view anyway. You are of course free to your own perspective on the matter.
Enjoy the weekend.
4 years ago
It is their country; let them fight for it.
Brian B
4 years ago
The tribal warfare among Islamic factions has continued for centuries, and will continue for so long as Islam exists. The United States and other nations that identify as Christian are naturally sympathetic with suffering people of any race or religion. But we cannot continue to police people who are intent on destroying each other. President Trump has made the most intelligent decision possible.
4 years ago
How about having a choice like this one?:
Yes, this is a complicated situation, both militarily and diplomatically, and President Trump is fully capable of evaluating his advisors, their advice and known intelligence to take the best action in the interest of the U. S. of A. Let’s pray for his continued success, and for God’s salvation for the Kurds, too.
Marie M
4 years ago
President Trump made the right decision, we can’t be involved in these endless wars and police the world. He’s keeping his promise to bring the troops home! Can’t ask for better than that. God bless our military and God bless America.
4 years ago
it’s another betrayal of loyal allies. in a long list of betrayals encouraged by efen libtards using the term ‘neocon’ to justify withdrawal. the Kurds need their own country in that region as a buffer against the persians and the turks and arabs. even tho they are socialistic they have the oil resources to pay their own way if given the chance and be a force in the region to be reckoned with
Kevin Budds
4 years ago
Let the UN decide what’s best for Syria. The 8 trillion of debt caused by Middle East adventure s will burden our children and grandchildren for the rest of their lives.
4 years ago
The Middle East is always in turmoil. I do not support sending our young people to fight for people that don’t want peace. They are very precious to their mothers and the price is too great.
4 years ago
I am a veteran. It is my opinion no United States Soldier should be used as a policeman. To do so has always had an unsatisfactory result; a policeman can never leave. The Second World War had a more satisfactory solution because the goal was the unconditional surrender of the enemy states. That must be our goal. An unconditional surrender of the enemy brings conclusion. If our troops are to be committed to any military operation then the goal must be unconditional surrender of those enemies.
Patricia L DeFeo
4 years ago
I agree with our President. Europe need to step up to the plate and protect their own! If ISIS is freed they will flow back into Europe. Evil is mounting everywhere, even in our own country! Look how people are behaving! Burning our flag, disrespecting police, beating innocent people up and, yes, even murdering for no reason other than they did not agree with the person they hurt or kill. Property is being destroyed and si much more. Aborting babies after cutting their limbs off and crushing their skulls. And we think ISIS is bad!! Dictatorship is desired by the Democrats right here. We need to remove the log from our own eyes before trying to remove the splinter from someone else. Thank Gid our Oresident is a Christian. He is the Peter of our time! Rough around the edges but trying to do what is right for us all!
Greg Russell
4 years ago
This is a terribly bad decision. We allowed them to believe we would support them, and now we`re leaving them on their own. Our other allies will take note of this deception, as they should.
Ron Graham
4 years ago
Trump just pulled an Obama on the Kurds. Although we cannot and should not be the world’s police force, this is not the typical ‘tribal warfare’.
Erdogan is a hardcore Islamist who has it out for the Christian Kurds, and wants them dead and eradicated from the region. Our presence there has been the only deterrant stopping him from commiting genocide against our only ally there, and the 15,000 captured Isis fighters there will now be released to terrorize them again.
This will prove to be Trump’s biggest foreign policy blunder, and cause many in his base to reconsider supporting him. The only bright side to this, is that he
will remain as the lessor of the two evils in 2020.
Bob L.
4 years ago
Tough choice to pick only one since I would like to mark both number one and two equally. Yes, the Kurds are our ally and have survived centuries without outside help, but without modern arms like we sell to Turkey they are at severe risk since Turkey is their enemy. Being involved with Muslim countries is a lose/lose situation where which ones you ally with are always going to be the enemy of another “ally”. Of equal concern is the fact that Islam is not trustworthy as an ally since Islam is committed to conquering and converting the world to Islam by any and all means with those who will not convert to be enslaved or eliminated as demanded in their “holy” book.
David Millikan
4 years ago
It is not our problem. I have watched for over 50 years the United States getting into Wars in other countries that have Civil Wars going on before we are even there. Even after we are there and accomplish our goals and then leave those countries go right back to their Civil Wars whether we are there or not. I have lost too many friends in those Wars we should NOT have ever been in.
The only time the United States should go to War is when WE are attacked in any way, shape or form that threatens the people of the United States of America. Yes, we can help our allies if neccessary but it better be for a good reason and to the United States benefit. Other countries will ALWAYS have WAR with each other but it doesn’t mean WE always have to get involved.
I support President Trump in his decision in bringing our soldiers home from Syria. He has kept many promises he made before becoming President of the United States of America and has gone beyond those promises making our country NUMBER ONE AGAIN IN THE WORLD. We could have not asked for more.
4 years ago
I don’t agree with the President’s action. The Kurds bore the brunt of the fight against the Caliphate with our support. Yes there has been many years of conflict in the area based upon religious beliefs but that is just an excuse to abandon these people. The United States took on the fight against ISIS. Where the hell were our EU/UN allies? In my opinion,they were missing from action because of the major shift in the ethnic profiles of there countries. They did not want disturbances in their home territories.
Charlotte Liked
4 years ago
We are certain that President Trump has advisers who know more than we about the worlds armies & our position in it
4 years ago
We are not the worlds policeman. How would we feel if the Saudi’s didn’t like all the murders in Chicago and sent in an army of Saudi’s to police Chicago?
4 years ago
The problem is that we leave the Christians helpless. They are being slaughtered and there are only half the number. The Yazidis are especially persecuted. Why can’t we give the Kurds all the military equipment they need to combat the Turks? This reminds me of the videos of US leaving Vietnam and leaving those that helped us behind. they were murdered by the Khmer rouge. Leaving allies and Christians behind is truly troublesome to me. They will be slaughtered and we know it. I cannot imagine the terror they must feel being unarmed and at the mercy of the islamist turks.
4 years ago
Winston Churchill said (paraphrased) If Hitler attacked Hell I would consider with favor an alliance with Satan. The Kurds have some real problems, both in history and at present, with their killing and otherwise violating the rights of non-muslims. Should the US have continued an alliance with Stalin’s Soviet Union, which was every bit as cruel, brutal and evil, as Nazi Germany after WWII? In fact far more people were murdered under Stalin than Hitler. If the Kurds had a “cleaner” past, or showed clear changes in present and future plans, there might be a difference. But Islamic law (sharia) is part of their goal.
4 years ago
Your question should gave read,”Do you agree with Pres. Trump in withdrawing troops from Syria” , not with his decision; you can’t agree or disagree with a decision or opinion, only a person/s.
Save English from highjacking.
4 years ago
Obviously it is way too early to determine the results of this decision but President Trump always seems to have great insight and his decisions usually work out well. I back him 100%.
Lauren R MacArthur
4 years ago
Let the UN step up and do its job. Let the UN get the European nations to step up to the plate…….It is horrible what is happening to the people there, however, the U.S. has been there for FIVE years, spending not only our dollars….but more importantly….spending members’ of our military forces lives. The UN, the European nations and the Kurds have all had plenty of warning that the U.S. was not going to stay there forever. How about getting other nations to assist the Kurds, not just simply scream for the U.S. to do it.
4 years ago
As a Viet Nam era veteran that served in Thailand, the USA should never enter a conflict without a clear specific goal to WIN the conflict. You don’t go to war to loose! If our enemies know this, they will think more about starting something with the US if they know they will be annihilated.
Michael Vercande
4 years ago
Like the first question says, America can’t be the world’s police force. Other countries need to step up and lend a hand also.
4 years ago
I don’t think it was Our President’s plan to ‘abruptly’ Move Out of Syria!
I think it was Turkey That made that decision.
And After The Genocide that Turkey has inflicted on the Kurds, Potus Trump Should Bomb the Isis Criminals in those jail cells.
And say oops to Turkey.
Turkey is Playing Potus Trump and they’re playing us.
CM Duffie
4 years ago
.I submit that this President’s decision to be unsupportive of the Kurds, the thousands of Christians and Ysidis reflects a complete turn around in being an advocate for religious freedom and has significantly undermined our, as well as the President’s credibility. Erdoghan, Turkey’s despotic leader” has already issued a call to the Muslims for them to suppress/destroy them and reports on the ground are bearing out that is exactly what is happening. The President’s decision which was based on a campaign promise erroneously made and I submit poorly advised which unfortunately too many Americans have bought into saying we’re not the police of the world.” I strongly submit we DO have responsibilities because “to whom much has been given much is required.” While we are all war weary and must be selective in what battles to fight, this I submit is one we should not have given up because there are credible reports of significant strides having been made by the Kurds in establishing a government. Unfortunately this decision undercuts these efforts and this administration and America now has mud on our face, richly deserved.
4 years ago
If he left them there and one of our soldiers got killed they would be screaming he left our troops in harm’s way. There is no right answer Trump’s gonna be hated no matter what.
Helen Corey
4 years ago
Turkey is taking land that was not theirs to begin with from Syria where majority of population was Kurdish. Kurds live in Southern Turkey, Western Iran, Northern Iraq and Northeastern Syria. This area also has Christians and Yazidi’s who at risk of death from Turkish attacks. Kurds want independent country for about 20million of their people who are living there. United Nations should carve out land from Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria and set up independent country for Kurds like they did for Israel. Massive slaughter of a Indigent population like Kurds is just plain wrong. I prefer President Trump over his Democrat counterparts, but decision to abandon Kurds is not right.
Richard Marsh
4 years ago
These endless wars America gets dragged into by the MIC, and hawks like Bolton. The defense contractors make a lot of money off of these wars, money that could be better spent improving America. Money spent is not the worst part about these wars, it is the lives lost and lives forever changed by these wars, the Veteran who don’t come back the same way they went over. I was in the first Gulf war, it was a big mistake, most of the people over there did not want us there, they hate pretty much everything we are and everything we stand for. America has got to get out of the notion that we can regulate the morals, values, ideas, and way other countries live. Give them the free will and Freedom that most America treasure so much and just leave them to hell alone, let them sort it out on their own with the lives of their own sons and daughters not ours.
Coastal waters
4 years ago
The United States has a shopping bag full of issues, most of them from within and the political crap that is flung about like hippo defecation. Your back yard, stand tall and fix it. America, get a grip on your selfish and myopic views, we are headed for the cliff and perhaps that is the best march yet! Grow up, dump politicians, get the people back in control and that includes term limits, same benefits at the general public, no months off, work, public oversight, mediate the biased media, and in a set time, goodbye to the BS, go home and get a life.
Ellen J
4 years ago
I believe that President Trump is doing what he feels is the best option of all bad choices. But he campaigned to get us out of some of the ‘area disagreements’ through the world, so he has chosen to make this a promise kept to the American people that voted for him(then of course most of the Dems/liberals have for years screamed about our military spending in other countries–but now that Trump is pulling out of one of those countries, they are again doing their double-speak of what a bad decision this is!!).
There is also always the possibility that should the fighting intensify to the point that we are needed again, he can always send troops back in, or at least offer air support with no more loss of American lives.
james Moe morency
4 years ago
Look at the history. These people have been fighting for 2000 years, they will STILL be fighting in 2000 years
4 years ago
If Congress wants troops in Syria, or any place else they can declare war as the Constitution requires.
4 years ago
I agree to pull OUT. Why were we IN?
4 years ago
You’re not going to get the U.N. to convince the EU to take care of their own back yard since it was the U.K. and France that initiated all of the mideast turmoil by dividing the area between themselves following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire during World War I. Muslims and Christians will continue to battle in the area until one group is annihilated.
4 years ago
Yes, Mr. President, bring the love of my life home back to me safe..11 months is long enough..
Support our Troops!
RED Remember everyone deployed!
Bill Lebensorger
4 years ago
I agree with Trump’s decision. What are Syria’s neighboring countries doing? Where is the useless UN? If the UN can’t get involved and fix problems like this, then it’s time to get rid of that corrupt organization.
Janet Wilson
4 years ago
I still believe that President Trump will go down in history as the greatest president of all time. God bless President Trump and God bless America.
Mary Teel
4 years ago
My take it was a no win situation. If he left the “50” troops there, not many, and any were killed everyone would be all over him for leaving any troops in harm’s way. That is a tough choice.
Scott Tappan
4 years ago
It’s about time now let’s get out of that Afghanistan
4 years ago
Thank You for not asking for money!
Brian C. Lundin
4 years ago
We’ve all been wanting our troops out of many of the worlds’s hot spots. It would not have been an easy decision to make but the line must be drawn somewhere. Our president, based on what information he has, has drawn it here. It will not be a popular decision, but that’s why I voted for him, to make those decisions. I will back him up and stand by it. MAGA USA USA USA
Pete Johnson
4 years ago
If the need arises bomb the “Satan” out of them. The mother of all bombs should be used often.
David Hubbell
4 years ago
Why can’t you publish more details about the Presidents decision ? Your “Yes” question is just old talking points.
4 years ago
We never should have gotten involved in the middle east conflicts – they are always at war with each other and there is nothing, absolutely nothing America can do to change that. It’s up to them to get themselves squared away. If we can help places like Israel, a sacred place we have stood with always, with equipment or money, I say go for it. But our troops, our national guard, etc. are meant to guard and protect America. If not a direct, proven threat to us, we need to keep our distance. And it’s about time, refreshing, to have a president who understands that and has the guts to go with what’s right.
4 years ago
The President’s decision has condemned innocent lives to death – we have already seen that. The “terrorists” Turkey is going after are largely Christians, innocent civilians and Kurds who fought sacrificially on our behalf. Our minimal presence in the region held back this kind of slaughter by Turkey, whose president is no friend of the US. It’s tragic.
4 years ago
Turkey is our ally on the world stage and has been for decades so let’s treat them as such until they’re not.
The same with Saudia Arabia. Their internal business is their business. America can lead the way and walk the walk but we should not interfere in their internal politics.
Stephen Q Shannon
4 years ago
Poll is dated. Trump has ensured the US will stand with the Kurds.
Rick A
4 years ago
I love the Kurds. They have always been with us the THE FIGHT!! They are a brave and honorable people. I think Trump feels the same way. I doubt he is totally abandoning them. But he does have a very difficult decision to make. I am so glad it is not me in this case. Do we want to continue sending our men and women to die on foreign soils in wars that just drag on and on only to enrich the globalists. Do we want to continue to run up our indebtedness supporting other countries? I think the answer is NO to both of these questions. I simply have to have faith in Trump; a man who seems to get it right most of the time.
That the American taxpayer cannot and should not shoulder the sole burden of being the worlds
policeman with the crushing and unsustainable debt we now have.
BTW, Where’s Hunter ?
Probably hitting the crack pipe one more time before he and his father
hopefully become residents of the Gray Bar Hotel.
America First !
GBA/KAG #TRUMP2020 – Deus Vult !
The correct answer is both numbers 1 and 2 combined. We engaged in Syria to destroy the ISIS caliphate. That was the military objective, which has been accomplished. The purpose of the military is to fight and defend American interests. That military objective has been accomplished in Syria. Keeping the so-called “peace” in the region (which is the neo-con or globalist way of saying establish yet another permanent military presence in yet another foreign country forever for no good reason), over-throwing Assad or “keeping the Russians out of Syria (Assad, as ruler of Syria, is free to invite anyone in to his country and we would be as powerless to prevent it as when he last invited the Russians in short of going to all out war with Syria for no real national interest for the United States) are all, at best, police actions and at worst simply lame justifications to continue to line the pockets of the military-industrial complex that profits off of prolonging military deployments well past their logical ends.
The Europeans are of course all howling that America needs to stay to police the area indefinitely, yet NONE OF THEM ae willing to send any of their own troops to fill that role. This is, yet again, another example of the one-way alliance we have with Europe. Our so-called NATO partners are good at sitting back and demanding we fighting their battles for them, but they are lousy at doing any of that fighting or policing themselves.
As for the Kurds, we paid them in both weapons and lots of cash to fight with us against ISIS. They were already fighting ISIS before we even engaged, so this fight within the Islamic world has been spanning centuries and will continue whether we are there or not. Today, the Kurds are far better armed and funded to be able to stand up for themselves than ever before. They knew this day was coming since we began drawing down troops in Syria well over a year ago. The entire Middle East has been unstable for centuries, with various factions of Islam fighting amongst themselves for dominance, forever.
Turkey, under Erdogan, has gone from a pro-western NATO ally to an Islamic threat threatening to “dump 3.6 million Islamic migrants onto Europe, if Europe interferes with Turkey’s plans in Syria”. Europe’s response: More demands that the United States “do something”, while the European leaders, once again, cower under their respective desks. So the real threat the Kurds are facing is from a Turkey, under an Islamic dictator (very much in the mold of an Iran wanna be), who has his own Islamic agenda. President Trump has repeatedly called on European leaders, for several months now (President Trump announced in early 2019 that the U.S. would be pulling its remaining troops out of Syria shortly), to step into Syria and take on the policing role the United States has been performing along with the Kurds since the end of the Syrian conflict, if they are truly so concerned about the situation. After all, the Europeans are always bragging that they are equal allies and partners from a military perspective. However, the Europeans have consistently refused to do anything. Well now the President is keeping his word to the American people. We cannot and should not be stationing American troops everywhere in the world and having the American taxpayer continue to pick-p this growing tab in both dollars and lost and maimed American lives. That’s my view anyway. You are of course free to your own perspective on the matter.
Enjoy the weekend.
It is their country; let them fight for it.
The tribal warfare among Islamic factions has continued for centuries, and will continue for so long as Islam exists. The United States and other nations that identify as Christian are naturally sympathetic with suffering people of any race or religion. But we cannot continue to police people who are intent on destroying each other. President Trump has made the most intelligent decision possible.
How about having a choice like this one?:
Yes, this is a complicated situation, both militarily and diplomatically, and President Trump is fully capable of evaluating his advisors, their advice and known intelligence to take the best action in the interest of the U. S. of A. Let’s pray for his continued success, and for God’s salvation for the Kurds, too.
President Trump made the right decision, we can’t be involved in these endless wars and police the world. He’s keeping his promise to bring the troops home! Can’t ask for better than that. God bless our military and God bless America.
it’s another betrayal of loyal allies. in a long list of betrayals encouraged by efen libtards using the term ‘neocon’ to justify withdrawal. the Kurds need their own country in that region as a buffer against the persians and the turks and arabs. even tho they are socialistic they have the oil resources to pay their own way if given the chance and be a force in the region to be reckoned with
Let the UN decide what’s best for Syria. The 8 trillion of debt caused by Middle East adventure s will burden our children and grandchildren for the rest of their lives.
The Middle East is always in turmoil. I do not support sending our young people to fight for people that don’t want peace. They are very precious to their mothers and the price is too great.
I am a veteran. It is my opinion no United States Soldier should be used as a policeman. To do so has always had an unsatisfactory result; a policeman can never leave. The Second World War had a more satisfactory solution because the goal was the unconditional surrender of the enemy states. That must be our goal. An unconditional surrender of the enemy brings conclusion. If our troops are to be committed to any military operation then the goal must be unconditional surrender of those enemies.
I agree with our President. Europe need to step up to the plate and protect their own! If ISIS is freed they will flow back into Europe. Evil is mounting everywhere, even in our own country! Look how people are behaving! Burning our flag, disrespecting police, beating innocent people up and, yes, even murdering for no reason other than they did not agree with the person they hurt or kill. Property is being destroyed and si much more. Aborting babies after cutting their limbs off and crushing their skulls. And we think ISIS is bad!! Dictatorship is desired by the Democrats right here. We need to remove the log from our own eyes before trying to remove the splinter from someone else. Thank Gid our Oresident is a Christian. He is the Peter of our time! Rough around the edges but trying to do what is right for us all!
This is a terribly bad decision. We allowed them to believe we would support them, and now we`re leaving them on their own. Our other allies will take note of this deception, as they should.
Trump just pulled an Obama on the Kurds. Although we cannot and should not be the world’s police force, this is not the typical ‘tribal warfare’.
Erdogan is a hardcore Islamist who has it out for the Christian Kurds, and wants them dead and eradicated from the region. Our presence there has been the only deterrant stopping him from commiting genocide against our only ally there, and the 15,000 captured Isis fighters there will now be released to terrorize them again.
This will prove to be Trump’s biggest foreign policy blunder, and cause many in his base to reconsider supporting him. The only bright side to this, is that he
will remain as the lessor of the two evils in 2020.
Tough choice to pick only one since I would like to mark both number one and two equally. Yes, the Kurds are our ally and have survived centuries without outside help, but without modern arms like we sell to Turkey they are at severe risk since Turkey is their enemy. Being involved with Muslim countries is a lose/lose situation where which ones you ally with are always going to be the enemy of another “ally”. Of equal concern is the fact that Islam is not trustworthy as an ally since Islam is committed to conquering and converting the world to Islam by any and all means with those who will not convert to be enslaved or eliminated as demanded in their “holy” book.
It is not our problem. I have watched for over 50 years the United States getting into Wars in other countries that have Civil Wars going on before we are even there. Even after we are there and accomplish our goals and then leave those countries go right back to their Civil Wars whether we are there or not. I have lost too many friends in those Wars we should NOT have ever been in.
The only time the United States should go to War is when WE are attacked in any way, shape or form that threatens the people of the United States of America. Yes, we can help our allies if neccessary but it better be for a good reason and to the United States benefit. Other countries will ALWAYS have WAR with each other but it doesn’t mean WE always have to get involved.
I support President Trump in his decision in bringing our soldiers home from Syria. He has kept many promises he made before becoming President of the United States of America and has gone beyond those promises making our country NUMBER ONE AGAIN IN THE WORLD. We could have not asked for more.
I don’t agree with the President’s action. The Kurds bore the brunt of the fight against the Caliphate with our support. Yes there has been many years of conflict in the area based upon religious beliefs but that is just an excuse to abandon these people. The United States took on the fight against ISIS. Where the hell were our EU/UN allies? In my opinion,they were missing from action because of the major shift in the ethnic profiles of there countries. They did not want disturbances in their home territories.
We are certain that President Trump has advisers who know more than we about the worlds armies & our position in it
We are not the worlds policeman. How would we feel if the Saudi’s didn’t like all the murders in Chicago and sent in an army of Saudi’s to police Chicago?
The problem is that we leave the Christians helpless. They are being slaughtered and there are only half the number. The Yazidis are especially persecuted. Why can’t we give the Kurds all the military equipment they need to combat the Turks? This reminds me of the videos of US leaving Vietnam and leaving those that helped us behind. they were murdered by the Khmer rouge. Leaving allies and Christians behind is truly troublesome to me. They will be slaughtered and we know it. I cannot imagine the terror they must feel being unarmed and at the mercy of the islamist turks.
Winston Churchill said (paraphrased) If Hitler attacked Hell I would consider with favor an alliance with Satan. The Kurds have some real problems, both in history and at present, with their killing and otherwise violating the rights of non-muslims. Should the US have continued an alliance with Stalin’s Soviet Union, which was every bit as cruel, brutal and evil, as Nazi Germany after WWII? In fact far more people were murdered under Stalin than Hitler. If the Kurds had a “cleaner” past, or showed clear changes in present and future plans, there might be a difference. But Islamic law (sharia) is part of their goal.
Your question should gave read,”Do you agree with Pres. Trump in withdrawing troops from Syria” , not with his decision; you can’t agree or disagree with a decision or opinion, only a person/s.
Save English from highjacking.
Obviously it is way too early to determine the results of this decision but President Trump always seems to have great insight and his decisions usually work out well. I back him 100%.
Let the UN step up and do its job. Let the UN get the European nations to step up to the plate…….It is horrible what is happening to the people there, however, the U.S. has been there for FIVE years, spending not only our dollars….but more importantly….spending members’ of our military forces lives. The UN, the European nations and the Kurds have all had plenty of warning that the U.S. was not going to stay there forever. How about getting other nations to assist the Kurds, not just simply scream for the U.S. to do it.
As a Viet Nam era veteran that served in Thailand, the USA should never enter a conflict without a clear specific goal to WIN the conflict. You don’t go to war to loose! If our enemies know this, they will think more about starting something with the US if they know they will be annihilated.
Like the first question says, America can’t be the world’s police force. Other countries need to step up and lend a hand also.
I don’t think it was Our President’s plan to ‘abruptly’ Move Out of Syria!
I think it was Turkey That made that decision.
And After The Genocide that Turkey has inflicted on the Kurds, Potus Trump Should Bomb the Isis Criminals in those jail cells.
And say oops to Turkey.
Turkey is Playing Potus Trump and they’re playing us.
.I submit that this President’s decision to be unsupportive of the Kurds, the thousands of Christians and Ysidis reflects a complete turn around in being an advocate for religious freedom and has significantly undermined our, as well as the President’s credibility. Erdoghan, Turkey’s despotic leader” has already issued a call to the Muslims for them to suppress/destroy them and reports on the ground are bearing out that is exactly what is happening. The President’s decision which was based on a campaign promise erroneously made and I submit poorly advised which unfortunately too many Americans have bought into saying we’re not the police of the world.” I strongly submit we DO have responsibilities because “to whom much has been given much is required.” While we are all war weary and must be selective in what battles to fight, this I submit is one we should not have given up because there are credible reports of significant strides having been made by the Kurds in establishing a government. Unfortunately this decision undercuts these efforts and this administration and America now has mud on our face, richly deserved.
If he left them there and one of our soldiers got killed they would be screaming he left our troops in harm’s way. There is no right answer Trump’s gonna be hated no matter what.
Turkey is taking land that was not theirs to begin with from Syria where majority of population was Kurdish. Kurds live in Southern Turkey, Western Iran, Northern Iraq and Northeastern Syria. This area also has Christians and Yazidi’s who at risk of death from Turkish attacks. Kurds want independent country for about 20million of their people who are living there. United Nations should carve out land from Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria and set up independent country for Kurds like they did for Israel. Massive slaughter of a Indigent population like Kurds is just plain wrong. I prefer President Trump over his Democrat counterparts, but decision to abandon Kurds is not right.
These endless wars America gets dragged into by the MIC, and hawks like Bolton. The defense contractors make a lot of money off of these wars, money that could be better spent improving America. Money spent is not the worst part about these wars, it is the lives lost and lives forever changed by these wars, the Veteran who don’t come back the same way they went over. I was in the first Gulf war, it was a big mistake, most of the people over there did not want us there, they hate pretty much everything we are and everything we stand for. America has got to get out of the notion that we can regulate the morals, values, ideas, and way other countries live. Give them the free will and Freedom that most America treasure so much and just leave them to hell alone, let them sort it out on their own with the lives of their own sons and daughters not ours.
The United States has a shopping bag full of issues, most of them from within and the political crap that is flung about like hippo defecation. Your back yard, stand tall and fix it. America, get a grip on your selfish and myopic views, we are headed for the cliff and perhaps that is the best march yet! Grow up, dump politicians, get the people back in control and that includes term limits, same benefits at the general public, no months off, work, public oversight, mediate the biased media, and in a set time, goodbye to the BS, go home and get a life.
I believe that President Trump is doing what he feels is the best option of all bad choices. But he campaigned to get us out of some of the ‘area disagreements’ through the world, so he has chosen to make this a promise kept to the American people that voted for him(then of course most of the Dems/liberals have for years screamed about our military spending in other countries–but now that Trump is pulling out of one of those countries, they are again doing their double-speak of what a bad decision this is!!).
There is also always the possibility that should the fighting intensify to the point that we are needed again, he can always send troops back in, or at least offer air support with no more loss of American lives.
Look at the history. These people have been fighting for 2000 years, they will STILL be fighting in 2000 years
If Congress wants troops in Syria, or any place else they can declare war as the Constitution requires.
I agree to pull OUT. Why were we IN?
You’re not going to get the U.N. to convince the EU to take care of their own back yard since it was the U.K. and France that initiated all of the mideast turmoil by dividing the area between themselves following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire during World War I. Muslims and Christians will continue to battle in the area until one group is annihilated.
Yes, Mr. President, bring the love of my life home back to me safe..11 months is long enough..
Support our Troops!
RED Remember everyone deployed!
I agree with Trump’s decision. What are Syria’s neighboring countries doing? Where is the useless UN? If the UN can’t get involved and fix problems like this, then it’s time to get rid of that corrupt organization.
I still believe that President Trump will go down in history as the greatest president of all time. God bless President Trump and God bless America.
My take it was a no win situation. If he left the “50” troops there, not many, and any were killed everyone would be all over him for leaving any troops in harm’s way. That is a tough choice.
It’s about time now let’s get out of that Afghanistan
Thank You for not asking for money!
We’ve all been wanting our troops out of many of the worlds’s hot spots. It would not have been an easy decision to make but the line must be drawn somewhere. Our president, based on what information he has, has drawn it here. It will not be a popular decision, but that’s why I voted for him, to make those decisions. I will back him up and stand by it. MAGA USA USA USA
If the need arises bomb the “Satan” out of them. The mother of all bombs should be used often.
Why can’t you publish more details about the Presidents decision ? Your “Yes” question is just old talking points.
We never should have gotten involved in the middle east conflicts – they are always at war with each other and there is nothing, absolutely nothing America can do to change that. It’s up to them to get themselves squared away. If we can help places like Israel, a sacred place we have stood with always, with equipment or money, I say go for it. But our troops, our national guard, etc. are meant to guard and protect America. If not a direct, proven threat to us, we need to keep our distance. And it’s about time, refreshing, to have a president who understands that and has the guts to go with what’s right.
The President’s decision has condemned innocent lives to death – we have already seen that. The “terrorists” Turkey is going after are largely Christians, innocent civilians and Kurds who fought sacrificially on our behalf. Our minimal presence in the region held back this kind of slaughter by Turkey, whose president is no friend of the US. It’s tragic.
Turkey is our ally on the world stage and has been for decades so let’s treat them as such until they’re not.
The same with Saudia Arabia. Their internal business is their business. America can lead the way and walk the walk but we should not interfere in their internal politics.
Poll is dated. Trump has ensured the US will stand with the Kurds.
I love the Kurds. They have always been with us the THE FIGHT!! They are a brave and honorable people. I think Trump feels the same way. I doubt he is totally abandoning them. But he does have a very difficult decision to make. I am so glad it is not me in this case. Do we want to continue sending our men and women to die on foreign soils in wars that just drag on and on only to enrich the globalists. Do we want to continue to run up our indebtedness supporting other countries? I think the answer is NO to both of these questions. I simply have to have faith in Trump; a man who seems to get it right most of the time.