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Democrats are racing to pass H.R. 1 / S. 1, the For the People Act of 2021. This bill equates to a partisan, federal takeover of elections and contains many egregious components including undermining states efforts to clean up their voter rolls, prohibiting states voter ID requirements, virtually eliminating any restrictions on vote-by-mail and severely limiting First Amendment rights of free political speech. How familiar are you with this legislation?

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4 years ago

The drafts of the two bills make for a very interesting read. Something more along the lines of the kind of legislation that an authoritarian government would put forth than a representative republic. Then again, that is clearly what the Democrats have modeled the two pieces of legislation on. Obviously, it is a blueprint for how to rig an election to ensure the Democrats win all future national elections. It effectively eliminates most voter validation processes and allows for the exact same mass mail-in voting we just went through. Of course it won’t be marketed that way when the Democrats and the MSM discuss it. They’ll put together some talking points to make it all sound harmless and actually a good change.

Much of what the two bills contain would be considered unconstitutional, as they usurp a number of states’ rights. However, with the Supreme Court currently neutered by fear of personal attacks from the left and Biden’s commission on “studying the size of the Supreme Court” (window dressing to put a thin coating of legitimacy to the whole court packing process that will eventually be carried out), that is already being addressed by the Democrats.

By the way, the two bills contain a lot more than just federalizing of the voting process and tossing most of the voter validation requirements in place at the states level. That alone would essentially institutionalize a repeat of the 2020 voting process going forward for all future elections.

If you understood the Democrat leadership at all, you just had to know they would seek to preserve, by any means at their disposal, their advantage to win all future national elections if at all possible. Anyone foolish enough to think they would just allow things to go back to how voting was done before 2020 clearly doesn’t understand the saying “Never let a good crisis go to waste”.

4 years ago

If passed, these two unconstitutional bills will prevent any future free elections. Entrenching the tyranny of a one party system by taking a giant leap to socialism and kill our republic. These bills are the laws dictators implement to ensure they never lose an election and guarantee any other issues that are put to the proletariat for approval(i.e. bond issues, land usage etc.) are also carried. Very, very powerful poison.

4 years ago

Pelosi and Schumer will probably say, “We have to pass it to find out what’s in it.” And CNN will say, “Amen.”

Bruce David
Bruce David
4 years ago

As seems to be a daily occurrence, Dems are attempting to gut America one bill [& Exec Order] at a time.It will take a lot of Patriots to stand up against these Socialist/Marxist/Globalists…our network boycotts as many left wingers as possible including Amazon, Silicon Valley, and retailers such as Levis, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Kohl’s, Papa Johns & others who are anti-1st or 2nd Amendment. We need to STOP censorship in America.

Uncle Pat
Uncle Pat
4 years ago

It is about time that the Congress did something. Did you really think they were going to allow Biden to destroy our country all on his own by EO’s, And so it begins..

Tom M
Tom M
4 years ago

The 2020 election, the most corrupt in history, will be the last election where Republicans had a half of a chance of winning. Get ready for a solid dictatorship where there is no more Congress of 2 parties and every state governor will be replaced with a Commie dictator. The Repubs will gladly surrender to the Commies to save their putrid, useless lives. Your vote is no longer required as it shall be ordainded, as it is in our sister countries Cuba and China, that Dems will always garner 100% of the vote.

Why do you think they have a North Korean type wall built in record time around the DC Swamp? This was planned well ahead of time as the materials just magically appeared out of nowhere. It is now a permanent fixture. The Dems might be planning a full force purge of Congress where the “other” side is told to join or die.

4 years ago

So if this bill passes, we will become United States of California? I would hope the courts will be utilized at that point.

Bob Kemp
Bob Kemp
4 years ago

Provisions relating to Federal takeover of elections are unconstitutional. The U.S. Constitution must b amended in order to enact those changes. The various States must take thir case to the SCOTUS to overturn theis unconstitutional law.

Rex Croson
Rex Croson
4 years ago

Its part of the plan to change the American way of life, by controlling the out come of all elections and has to be stopped.

4 years ago

The democrat party has lost their ever lovin’ minds. Do they really think the people of this country will let them take away ALL the rights given to the individual states?

Thomas Alan Gernaat
Thomas Alan Gernaat
4 years ago

I believe once you take a look at the documentary that Mike Lindell just made and released to the public you will truly understand the threat of the Democratic Party but also at the same time realize that they’re house of cards is about to crumble! mikelindell.com look for something called ABSOLUTE PROOF

4 years ago

I am very surprised how many members had not known about this bill. If pasted, along with all the fraud the Democrats are involved in, Conservatives are done.

4 years ago

AMAC members, “Low Information Voters?” WTF!

4 years ago
  1. This election was not like “all others”, it was the most obviously corrupt in history. Many think that in ’22 the conservatives will regain ground. I’ve to swamp land for you folks. Just watch this and then think – https://michaeljlindell.com/
  2. Historically most ideological nations of import last about 220-250 years, America is there. What next? Well that REALLY depends upon her citizenry. Will they fight to keep our freedoms.
  3. The country, even hypothetically, did not elect Joe Biden. It elected Mr Obama and George Soros and ,if any recall, Soros is a Nazi (oh he denies it but just go back and read) who has never been sorry for his actions.
  4. The platform that was voted (not really) into history spoke of nationalizing the police (and we see calls for defunding local law enforcement, wonder about that); about federalizing all business pensions (often done when socialists take over nations, see South America); about opening borders which defeats Nationalism because a nation without borders is not a nation. For those who think ‘huddled masses’ THOSE huddled masses came to work, not exist off entitlements!
  5. Every single nation that has fallen to socialism has had a turmultuous period before the fall. And no one can doubt that the four years before this fall was made violent in many areas by segments of the socialist agenda. Don’t fool yourselves, we are not at a tipping point any longer. We’ve “tipped” and I doubt in ten years that anyone will recognize the resulting United Socialists States of America!
Julie Anderson
Julie Anderson
4 years ago

This bill needs to be squashed, stopped!!!

Richard Swanson
Richard Swanson
4 years ago

Another power grab from the Demarcates. Having free and fair elections are vital for our country to continue.

4 years ago

Pelosi is trying o to demonize Pres. Trump. She’s only strengthening his accomplishments and significance for Americans. Between Dominion software, her husband on its Board, computer glitches, piles of hidden Biden ballots surreptitiously entered after poll closings, lack of the states’ election laws being changed w/o the legislatures, etc. produced a president who campaigned from his basement. Who would do that unless he knew the election results?? First day cancels thousands of jobs @ Keystone Pipeline that Pres. Trump was making a success of for the American people & reports affirm it did not threaten the environment. Biden will hurt the American people to satisfy his controllers & has done it before giving China American jobs. Meanwhile, Kerry arrogantly states our fired Americans can get other jobs…really? Really? You, sir, who hatched the Iran Deal! Folks, check out the American report.org. These people do not care about the American people, only their agenda!

4 years ago

I know a lot about this bill, but it takes some digging. I have already called my Congressmen about it. Heaven only knows how they will vote, but Arkansas is usually pretty conservative.

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
4 years ago

To stay on top of all the unconstitutional and actions that the Democrats are attempting to institute we must ignore the mainstream media and read everything we can from all sources. This is the only way to cut through the smoke and mirrors and get to the meat of the problem. What they will attempt to do is give their party a permanent advantage in each and every election to come. We must stay vigilant and do everything can to overturn as many of the doctored election results which if successful would eradicate the majority in the Senate and possibly in the house. Time to raise hell and do everything necessary to overturn these results. Our future is at stake.

4 years ago

Very bad for our country.

Howard Bibbins
Howard Bibbins
4 years ago

This is outrageous and can not be allowed to happen.

4 years ago

For the people? Which people?

Disruptive Element
Disruptive Element
4 years ago

All we will really see now are reports on Bidens dog and how wonderful Hunter is selling his helpful book for drug addiction. Watch Mike Lindells video -worth it-

4 years ago

That’s scary!

4 years ago

After this past election, definitely need STATES to clean up their acts. Need more safeguards in place; NO mass vote-by-mail, voter ID and US citizenship required. We want to have confidence that our elections are fair, this bill undermines all of that.

4 years ago

My Rep TN Dem Jim Cooper highly praises HR1. That’s enough for me to know it’s really bad. It gives 16 year olds right to vote. How long will it be before Dems draft 16year olds into government military indoctrinating them further in socialism?

Carol Jenkins
Carol Jenkins
4 years ago

???? Wow, so glad you brought this to our attention with the specifics you listed. This must be stopped!

Carl W Cooley
Carl W Cooley
4 years ago

It is a way the democrats can use to change the laws to benefit themselves from now on This is also a way to do away with voter ID in all 50 states and is unconstitutional.

Richard Coquillette
Richard Coquillette
4 years ago

It is the exact opposite of what should be required. Voting should be reserved for identifiable currently living U.S. citizens.

4 years ago

If crap like this passes we are done as a republic. Say hello to the United Socialist States of America. This crap can’t be allowed to stand. The similarities to 1930s Germany is chilling!

4 years ago

This is from the Washington Time’s, May 2020: “Orders are not laws.
They should be challenged by the people. They should be held to constitutional muster. They should be challenged and debated and fought over because they threaten the very foundation of America’s free society.
America is not a kingdom but rather a system of limited government where rule of law, meaning, the Constitution, guides — not mob mentality, or worse, fear — and public servants are just that: beholden to the citizenry.”

Garry Card
Garry Card
4 years ago

I thought the process is in the constitution and it would take an amendment to change. If not it should not be up to 400 people to decide. It should be a national vote.

4 years ago

Simply criminal. Trying to keep highlights suppressed until after their Sunday 3am vote.
I’m beginning to think consequences will need to be suffered before ppl get off the couch or care. Course, too late then.

4 years ago

Shades of 1860 where the feds trample over States Rights.

4 years ago

This bill needs NOT to be passed but put in the trash bin! How dare they trample on OUR rights as American citizens! They should all be arrested for treason against the people of the United States of America! And to call it a for the people Bill??? Ridiculous! Y’all better do what’s right by our constitution…we the people…are watching. How dare you!

4 years ago

I have not trusted Biden for decades. How he has eluded prison is pitiful. He’s not smart enough to run this country. I’m sure he is now doing the bidding of people in the background. Unseen. We may never be a free nation again. This idiot only cares about himself. Also I am certain he is a PEDOPHILE. We need to remove him from office along with dozens of Demoncrat elected criminals. These Demoncrats want to DESTROY AMERICA! DESTROY!

Pam C
Pam C
4 years ago

This could lead to a complete take over of the country by the democratic party and lead to even more division and difficulty in this country. I do not believe there are any Republicans that would vote for such a law. This is nothing but a power grab;

Walter Schaefer
Walter Schaefer
4 years ago

I hope it will never pass or is declared unconstitutional since the constitution states that the state legislate is responsible for passing the state election laws.

Tom P
Tom P
4 years ago

Make no mistake that Democrats continue racing towards achieving Joseph Stalin’s goal of collapsing America from within, by destroying America’s patriotism, morality and spiritual life.

Cynthia Stipech
Cynthia Stipech
4 years ago

H.R. 1 is a horrible bill. I hope you will lobby against its passage.

Virginia S Mosholder
Virginia S Mosholder
4 years ago

I wasn’t aware of this bill until AMAC educated me. Thank you for that. I’m reading everything I can now. The Democrats are really working toward the extinction of rights that this country was based on.

Jim VH
Jim VH
4 years ago

Been referencing this bill in posts here for awhile now. If you don’t know about it then you probably have no idea what else this socialist/communist government is up to. If this passes, and since the Democraps control everything it will here is another bill that may not be far behind. HR 127. If you own a gun or just ammunition standby. It will become very expensive and time consuming for you to keep it if Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas gets her way. This is just one example of the Democraps power grab. I would highly suggest you start paying attention to the two websites (House.gov and Senate.gov) to keep an eye on what this tyrannical government is up to.

4 years ago

We can be informed, but to what legitimate end?? What can we actually do?????

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Also beware HR66666.
FYI added to these bills, Very scary

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Big Tech & Media keeping these bills off the radar from we the audience.
Rumors of BUT NOT solid info
(side note: Fox Business cancelled Dobbs, & Judge & Maria under lawsuits)

4 years ago

Gee, isn’t this what happened in the last election? Cementing the Steal FOREVER Bill. Great! Just what Amerika needs… Perfect!

4 years ago

This abomination must be destroyed! The people that wrote it should be arrested for treason.

4 years ago

Typical of the Democrats and liberals to use the law to cheat at elections. Then accuse the other side of doing exactly what they are guilty of doing themselves. All the while the Mainstream Media giving them cover and spreading their propaganda.

Larry Hopper
Larry Hopper
4 years ago

Keep information flowing to us on this. Maybe prepare a letter of resistance on this that we can send to our representatives

4 years ago

I am watching Mike Lindell on One America News Network expose their corrupted voting machines used in the election. Bill Barr knew about this but did nothing. We all know the election was rigged but no one seems to be able to do anything about it. It also affected down voting and this is how we lost the Senate. Now what? Foreign countries are infiltrating every aspect of our life.

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