
What are your thoughts about wearing masks to reduce the spread of COVID-19 Delta variant? Please choose one answer that most closely matches your opinion.

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Doug Whitaker
Doug Whitaker
7 months ago

Masks are proven not to work to prevent disease spread, especially SARS Covid-19. They are ineffective and a world worldwide fear/control device!

Jim VH
Jim VH
3 years ago

The last three. This entire COVID fiasco has been a sham from the beginning. I don’t mean to undermine that people have died from this virus but if you believe the CDC, Dr Fauci and the mainstream media nobody has died from anything else in the past year and a half. To this day there has never been an established threshold for a positive test, you were just told “you’re positive”. Second, Fauci has changed his position on what to do numerous times. When the head of infectious diseases best advice a year ago was to wash your hands, stay six feet apart and wear a mask then don’t wear a mask you have to wonder why. Next when anyone including doctors from all over the world try to offer different medical science they are completely shut dow or censored. Finally we were told the vaccine was the cure all and masks would not be required. That has now been proven to be a line of bulls••t as well. People are still being infected whether you’re vaccinated or not, and the unvaccinated are being labeled as domestic terrorists. Wake up America, we are being played again. Follow the money!

Dan W.
Dan W.
3 years ago

Masks mandates are no longer viable. So what are we the people supposed to do ?

Unfortunately, the answer varies based on a person’s age; their underlying medical conditions; whether their household includes young children or anyone else who can’t or won’t be vaccinated and now, whether a person lives in a city or town where the hospitals are currently overwhelmed with Covid patients.

So which is more onerous (or dangerous) to you and your family ? The disease itself or the available preventive measures ?

Wearing a mask after already being fully vaccinated may seem like wearing a belt with suspenders but if your situation includes all of the risk factors that I listed above, maybe the belt/suspenders’ option is the safest one for you.

In any case, it’s your choice.

Mike A.
Mike A.
3 years ago

An N95 is the only mask effective against a virus, Rand Paul seems to be the only person able to get the information out to no avail

Robin Schmitt
Robin Schmitt
3 years ago


3 years ago

Confused by all of the mixed messages. Masks are common in public in Japan – if you are mildly ill. It is a courtesy. A personal choice.

Jim B
Jim B
3 years ago

I like to ask people if they’ve ever been to a zoo, most answer yes. Then I explain to them that all of the animals are fed every day, receive free healthcare and live longer than their counterparts in the wild. Then I ask, which side of those bars would you rather be on?

The American dream is “Freedom” it’s not a thing and I want my children and grandchildren to enjoy it as I have until recently!

Margaret Wolfe
Margaret Wolfe
3 years ago

Masks have been proven not to work. It’s a plan by this liberal government to keep the sheep in line. There are experts in this field of wearing masks that say the only mask that would work is too costly for the average person. The only way out of this plandemic is to get out freely without masks and build immunity to it. The fear the liberals and Fauci have created is ridiculous and Fauci needs to be fired from his position. He’s one of the ones who caused this in the first place and he’s no expert on the matter.

Robin Schmitt
Robin Schmitt
3 years ago

They dont even have a test for delta… they are testing covid 19 and in most situations assuming delta.. no credibility in statistics given.

Creole Gumbo
Creole Gumbo
3 years ago

This is the first sentence from one of them but they all give the same message:

“Masks are not designed or intended to prevent, mitigate, treat, diagnose or cure any disease or health condition, including COVID-19/Coronavirus.” 

You can read a copy of the Mask Warnings and Disclaimer here:

3 years ago

I have had the shots leave me alone. No mask for me.

Linda K
Linda K
3 years ago

Covid is not a death sentence, far from it. Stop listening to the media. They’re just using it to control people through fear and ignorance. There are treatments available. Educate yourselves. Ivermectin works.

Lisa J
Lisa J
3 years ago

Cotton-poly blend open weave “masks” or coverings have never worked, except as a snot rag for the person wearing it. Masks do not and have never kept the wearer FROM the virus, but keep the wearer from spreading the virus if the wearer can’t follow good hygiene practices. This current round of mask mandates is because: those making the mandates are ignorant fools; those making the mandates are in it for the political power play; those making the mandates don’t have a clue of what to do so they are in CYA mode. There are NO other options since the “follow the science” mantra disproves the entire mask-protection theory.

R H Appleby
R H Appleby
3 years ago

I am fully vaccinated. However, I still carry my mask with me when I leave the house. If it makes people comfortable for me to wear my mask, I do, and in some places – like the post office – masks are required. No problem for me.

Fred Jones
Fred Jones
3 years ago

Masks don’t protect against a virus and its frustrating that the medical community goes along with this.

If Masks did work, and your mask stopped the virus, you would be infecting yourself by touching the mask, your face, your eyes etc. And almost everyone puts the same mask on every day.

There would be biohazard containers everywhere.

3 years ago

The left has their heads so far up their asses. They tell get vaccinated and no mask. Now they tell us everyone should wear a mask because the vaccine does not work. If they are trying to scare people into getting vaccinated, tell one lie and run with it. But when you tell opposing lies, why would you think that’s helping your cause at all? The left are simply brain dead!

Gil Magee
Gil Magee
3 years ago

This “pandemic” is nothing more than another strain of the flu. Some people are more at risk than others, that’s normal. To lock down the country and destroy the economy to usher in a new world order/reset is criminal. Most people want to do the “right thing”. however, the “right thing” in this case is part of an unconstitutional power grab with no basis in legitimate science.

3 years ago

According to CDC, over 30,000,000 Americans have already had Covid and now have lifelong immunity. Probably, the number is much higher. Yet the CDC posts no information about survivors, and maintains the fear by insisting that everyone get vaccinated. Masks don’t work anyway, and we survivors are insulted by attempts to make us wear them.

Elise Smith
Elise Smith
3 years ago

Masks have never worked and they ALL knew it. It’s a scare tactic and a way to control us. I’m sick of being told to wear a mask when you can take C, D3 zinc, NAC and either hydroxychloroquine, ivermectine or Quercitin as prophylacxis and STAY well!!!

3 years ago

A mask that has not been fit tested for an air tight seal around the mouth and nose is useless.

Tessa Batchelder
Tessa Batchelder
3 years ago

The CDC came out recently and said that the PCR test can not tell the difference between covid and the flu and says that test will not be used after Dec. 31. So, that being the case, why use it until Dec? It doesn’t work. And if it can’t tell the difference between covid and the flu, how can it tell what variant people have? But don’t worry (wink wink) Gates and Soros have bought a company to make new tests for us.

3 years ago

This is America, we are responsible for ourselves. Do the research and make your choice.
If you have had the vaccine you should not have a question. If you haven’t had a vaccine, good luck.

For you that wait on the government to proclaim that the vaccines are safe through the FDA before you would consider it, but yet do not agree with mask mandates then you are a hypocrite!

3 years ago

Masks are nasty and contribute to the spread by cross contamination. I consider mask wear a political move meant to draw attention away from more urgent issues.

3 years ago

I want to know ‘which’ does the vaccine cover; covid disease, covid pneumonia or covid infection? Covid Disease is supposedly what is being referred to as Long Covid. Covid Pneumonia is only the Respiratory system. Covid Infection attacks the Entire body shutting down the liver, kidneys and pancreas by Sepsis through out the body.

Claude R.
Claude R.
3 years ago

Wearing masks are a sign of subservience and a willingness to be lorded over.
Unless a person is wearing a PROPERLY FITTED, true N95 mask, then “protection” is miniscule,
There are multiple issues with general population and masks.
e.g. People are NOT wearing them properly.
People do not change them at a minimum, DAILY.
People do not use hand sanitizer before AND after touching their mask.
Masks create a petri dish environment inviting additional respiratory irritants and possible infectious diseases.
Masks are NOT designed or meant to be worn CONTINUOUSLY. once they become moist, they are useless, and perhaps even more dangerous to the wearer.

Tom Cassity
Tom Cassity
3 years ago

This is the most politicized “medical” issue that I can remember…other than the AIDS epidemic. The official responses were polar opposites interestingly.

Darrell Lewis
Darrell Lewis
3 years ago

Masks are proven to be ineffective and are used once again to try to take away our freedom, slowly so we won’t object.

3 years ago

If the shot works and protects you. Then why do I need it? If the shot doesn’t protect you then why do I need it? Same with the mask?

3 years ago

The CDC has admitted that the vaccinated are “super-spreaders” of the more deadly Covid Delta variant. As such:

Those who need to wear masks the most are those who are vaccinated, not the healthy unvaccinated!

Reference:quora.com/What-are-your-thoughts-on-Florida-reporting-a-record-21-683-new-COVID-19-cases-on-Saturday/answer/Avadar” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener nofollow ugc”quora.com/What-are-your-thoughts-on-Florida-reporting-a-record-21-683-new-COVID-19-cases-on-Saturday/answer/Avadar

Loisanne Nichols
Loisanne Nichols
3 years ago

Masks are a small price to pay to remain safe. A family member, fully vaccinated, still contracted Covid, and it has left her deaf. The ENT has confirmed that Covid damaged the ear nerve. So, I will be wearing a mask for a little while longer.

3 years ago

The last 4. Masks don’t work. There are medications that are highly effective against COVID and are never discussed (like Ivermectin). I have natural immunity and am so tired of businesses and the government acting as if natural immunity doesn’t count. They suggest people shouldn’t be allowed on a cruise ship, etc., without vaccination. Natural immunity is superior to the vaccine. The vaccine stimulates the immune system to make antibodies – exactly what having COVID does. As COVID mutates it has become less virulent. The number of infected individuals coming across the border makes trying to start a mask mandate a farce. Not wearing one.

3 years ago

The shots are not needed our immune system can handle it. The shots have changed peoples blood cells, caused enlarged hearts and many more things. Stop listening to CNN and all the other left puppet News stations. There are many articles that have proven this but unfortunately they usually don’t stay up long because Big Brother takes them down as false info.

Melba Benson
Melba Benson
3 years ago

Masks are useless and unhealthy for the wearer.

Ralph T Abbruzzese
Ralph T Abbruzzese
3 years ago

My wife and I chose not to wear masks and get the jab. Through the past year and a half we both wore masks ( partially down) only to dental and doctor appointments totaling 6 times

3 years ago

Masks have been shown to be worthless so many times. The masks are simply a means of control forced on us by those who want the great reset to happen. Wake up people to the tyranny that is happening right now! Refuse to wear a mask and refuse the vaccine which will alter your immune system forever!

3 years ago

masks don’t work. The cdc said not to wear a cloth mask to block out smoke in the wildfires because it doesn’t stop the harmful particles that endanger your health…virus particles are 4x smaller!

Kathleen Barnes
Kathleen Barnes
3 years ago

COVID will never be eradicated. We have to live with it like every other risk. Life is 100% fatal

3 years ago

Health officials can give guidance, but should not be empowered to promulgate mandates. Everyone has the right to chose what is best for him/herself. Whatever the choice, be ready to accept the consequences. If you refuse the vaccine, do not expect me to accommodate you by wearing a mask.

Matthew W McMurry
Matthew W McMurry
3 years ago

Masks do not filter out virus germs, you need cartridge filters for particles that small.

3 years ago

They have admitted mask won’t stop you from getting covid.

3 years ago

There exists today medicines and treatments that prevent or safely treat all types of toxins, viruses, infections, parasites, and fungus; so I am not on board with this plandemic. The government treatment has had results a blind person could see with the destruction of industry, of small business, the American work ethic, cultural division, education, morals, and the political system. The target of this entire plandemic has been the demolition of the Country and as America goes, so goes the world.

John Parket
John Parket
3 years ago

Masks are not capable of filtering out a virus. Masks do not seal around the face and when you exhale your breath exits around the Masks and enters the same way when you inhale.
Masks are useless against a virus

3 years ago

So masks don’t work. If you are going for surgery tell the surgeon and medical team that you don’t want them distracted by a mask and you don’t want them to wear one. I can’t wear a mask because I have allergies. A minor inconvenience that could save someone’s life and it’s a political ploy? Vaccine’s were developed too quickly and something could have gone wrong. This virus is real and using common sense is how we are going to beat it, none of the excuses make sense when people’s lives are at risk. If you are that much against wearing a mask or getting the vaccine that may save a life I hope you don’t get the virus. A friend used some of these excuses and got the virus. He then gave it to his 90 year old mother who died. Would wearing a mask have kept her safe, we’ll never know but wouldn’t it be nice if she were here now?

3 years ago

Intelligent ‘Medical People’ know from watching the patient population over their careers that folks that take the Flu Shot are much more likely to be very ill or die than the ones that abstain. Like the Flu shot the China Flu (CV) knocks out a great percentage of you immune system, so the ‘bug’ that comes along will have ‘easy pickings’.

Daniel B Oliveira
Daniel B Oliveira
3 years ago

Why would Biden keep letting people in if he wasn’t creating fear and controll.
Everytime a large group comes across the border a new or old DISEASE is brought in.
All the politicians are protected they get care. The people pay for their stupid ideas.

Thomas W.
Thomas W.
3 years ago

The fact is (as a British expert pointed out) there are gaps in these masks that are 5000 times larger than the Covid-19 virus. And (to paraphrase that expert), masks have about as much chance of protecting the wearer as does building scaffolding of protecting a house from bullets!

3 years ago

It is nothing more than a control mechanism in order to keep people in fear. It’s to display no emotions amongst the crowds so people become disconnected. Tairney leading into communism. I will not comply with these demands and I should hope the majority of the people will do the same. We need to push back on these demands because they serve no purpose other than giving them more control over the majority of the people. The people who are calling the shots demanding that we have these experimental Covid vaccine injections has a hidden agenda of depopulation.

Michael Szafranski
Michael Szafranski
3 years ago

The open southern border must be closed. The untested unvaccinated illegals with Covid are spreading the virus wherever they are shipped which then allows the “government” to impose restrictions on the citizens. Stop this madness now!

3 years ago

I finally saw a reasonable description of mask/face coverings effectiveness with respect to Covid by a highly respected virologist. Most positions are are that masks are either useless, or masks work with no logical data behind either argument. The reality is far more grey. It is true that most masks are not capable of completely stopping virus transmission due to the particle size of the virus being much smaller that what most masks worn can pass. The most sane description was based on the amount of virus people are exposed to being the difference in how sick they get. This approach also helps explain the wide difference between people testing positive with symptoms ranging from non-existent, to death. With the amount of exposure equating to the level of symptoms, when you look at the whole picture of face covering usage, the quality, handling, duration, and other factors involving the use of the face coverings makes more sense. So, while nothing short of a haz-mat suit and proper decon procedures it going to prevent exposure, any level of face covering may help reduce the level of exposure. How much it helps is dependent on many factors. I think rather than mask mandates, doing a better job educating people on the potential benefits of face coverings and allowing individuals to choose would be far more effective policy. I know I have been very anti-mask mandates knowing the limitations of the commonly used/mis-used face covering. I believe more people would be willing to wear one when appropriate if they they had a logical, reasonable, understanding of potential benefits

B. P.
B. P.
3 years ago

Masks have been proven not to work. The virus is 10,000 times smaller than the holes in the masks. That’s why over 95% of people that did wear masks did contract the coronavirus. COVID stands for “Certification of Vaccination Identification”. With a name like that, isn’t it obvious that the left wholly intended to use the fake media to weaponize this “scamdemic’. The masks also take away almost 20% of the oxygen that your body needs in order to be healthy. All of this is proven science. I’m not saying that the coronavirus isn’t real, it’s been around since the 1930’s, what I am saying is that it’s not even close to as deadly as the common flu which kills more Americans.
Has anyone wondered where the flu went last year? Why did the deaths in the US not go up over half a million if we had 500000 COVID deaths? The American people need to stop being lazy and do the research to find out what’s going on. This “Vaccination” that isn’t an actual vaccination, it’s an experiment on the people of the earth that changes your DNA. It has killed thousands and maimed hundreds of thousands. it’s made people “magnetic”, given people enlarged hearts, paralyzed thousands, and outright killed many people within 12 hours of the shots. What are the long term side effects going to be from this shot? We’ll know within 2 years. The NAZI empire’s famous words were, “let me see your papers”. What are they trying to do right now with “vaccine passports”? You make the decision.

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