
Covid mask on statue of liberty

The Covid-19 pandemic has passed two years and reflection is in order. Select up to two that have been among the biggest mistakes made by so-called experts.

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2 years ago

Women are often stereotyped as unable to make decisions, but your name is Dave, so what’s your excuse?

2 years ago

THANK YOU !!! I thought it was just me…

Sal Ruggiero
Sal Ruggiero
2 years ago

It deserves more than 2 choices !!!

2 years ago

I disagree about the number and quality of choices.
There is only one true choice in my humble opinion. The total disregard and replacement of science with political science together with the deep disrespect of the US Citizen.
Can you name one virus movie where they used cloth masks? Or was that a Hollywood fallacy that you need a full body suit when dealing with deadly viruses like the Andromeda Strain? Do they actually use cloth masks in the bio labs that develop such viruses?

2 years ago

We need to put our trust in God not government

Dan W.
Dan W.
2 years ago

Biggest mistakes by the government and scientific experts:

1) Vaccine mandates (people should be allowed to choose);

2) Mixed communications (how could people make fully informed choices, when nobody could provide consistent messaging);

3) Total lack of preparation for a pandemic (hope that we are better prepared the next one but I doubt that we will be).

James Gibbons
James Gibbons
2 years ago

Robert Kennedy said it Best in his book about why Fauci was a disgrace… There should be a weekly discussion about treatments of therapeutics and how doctors must treat the disease in order to prevent so many victims ending up going home and ending up in i.c.u.s later on or on ventilators or dying. These moronic vaccine pushing pharma bucks receiving corrupticons censoring vitamin C, D, calling any cheap medication that may help a little bit horsepaste need to be brought up on charges and there needs to be tribunals. I have documents. I have been saving proof for two years and there are so many clips and other freedom fighters out there that we know the day will come for them to face justice. How do they sleep at night? With one eye open hopefully…

James Brennan
James Brennan
2 years ago

The Idea that one answer for Everyone regarding of the individual situations I think
a persons Doctor is best to make life and death decisions

2 years ago

Biggest cause of death was no early treatment of any kind. So many options out there. Sending people home to wait for things to get much worse can’t be an option.

2 years ago

With all that’s going on in the world and our country, I was very disappointed with this poll.

Marci in MD
Marci in MD
2 years ago

It was hard to pick because they are all the biggest mistakes. Now we have an entire group of people that will wear masks till they die of old age. CRAZY BEYOND CRAZY

2 years ago

This poll left out the biggest mistake of all. SHUTTING DOWN THE ECONOMY!

2 years ago

Mistakes??? They didn’t make mistakes. Everything they did was planned, “plandemic”, to erode our freedoms and get Trump out of office so the new world order can be installed. They are still working on it by causing inflation and protecting the corrupt beaurocratic state. The ultimate goal is to bring down the USA from within.

2 years ago

ALL OF THE ABOVE! it was all a scam to get rid of Trump by getting mail in voting used in the states that had the big mail in vote drops in the middle of the night.

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
2 years ago

I must disagree with the entire premise of this question. The actions taken were not mistakes or errors – they were intentionally chosen to cause maximum damage and disruption. And they were enormously successful.

2 years ago

Assuming everyone is a sock puppet.

2 years ago

Banning early treatments! Early treatment would have ended it before it began! then there would have been no need for mail in voting to steal the election.

Jerry L
Jerry L
2 years ago

I think the biggest mistake by far was allowing all those mail-in ballots. Look where that got us…

2 years ago

The problem is, this kind of action will continue until WE The PEOPLE wake up!
Our federal government is out of control and disregards individuals rights. This government tramples the Constitution daily and people willfully ignor it and play into the plan of a tyrannical government.
Until We choose a solution, provided to us, by the Constitution, America will continue to die off.
The only solution that will work is to call for a Convention of States and put the power back to the states, where it rightfully belongs!
We need to live by the Constitution as it was originally intended!

2 years ago

A virus, that I know, can never be killed. The word vaccine implies total safety. Once a virus is out it remains so because it is great at adapting to change that is its job. COVID-19 is here to stay in whatever form it takes. Think of the flu, chicken pox-shingles, etc. People die each year from the flu, it is a fact. I know that sounds heartless but, the truth about all of this needs to come out into the open. I personally would like to see some accountability but, I am just a deplorable.

Linda Hosler
Linda Hosler
2 years ago

These were all big mistakes but let’s not forget how 5 democrat governors placed covid patients in nursing homes and was a huge cause of death.

George T
George T
2 years ago

I didn’t take the poll as it is another one poorly done by AMAC. All of the choices share a level of equal importance and the one option not given that ties them all together is that of loss of freedom!

Douglas Lichtenwalter
Douglas Lichtenwalter
2 years ago

Really tough choice. I thought that they were ALL equally important..and I agree with others that shutting down the economy should have been added.

Charlie Lunsford
Charlie Lunsford
2 years ago

The biggest mistake was that it caused the election of Joe Biden!

2 years ago

Biggest mistake: OUR following the “experts”. It didn’t take long at all to realize this was all a pile of bunk but hey, if it’s on CNN… I still have friends who believe ALL of the above were necessary and true. Maybe the biggest mistake is letting liberals take over schools and quit teaching critical thinking skills.

2 years ago

Needed another category: “All of Above”.

2 years ago

How about closing down “non-essential” businesses in many places? How many of those businesses are gone for good now, and how many former owner’s lives have been ruined?

2 years ago

I don’t believe any of these were “mistakes.” I think they were all deliberately done to create a fearful, controlled population.

2 years ago

I would have liked to have checked “all of the above.”

2 years ago

This was always about the politics to bring down Trump. I can’t believe most people were so stupid and believed all the lies. Everything about this so called pandemic was a lie.

Kelly J
Kelly J
2 years ago

The govt wants complete control of our lives. Let’s see how much they’re willing to relinquish.

2 years ago

Agree, all of the above. It was totally about power, control, and eroding American freedom. Still is. See New York and Commifornia.

2 years ago

joebama and Marxist democrats did EVERYTHING wrong because their focus was NEVER on what was best for Citizens health, their focus was power,control and money!
The same as its always been with anti american,greedy, lying democrats practicing their deception and destruction of Our Country!

2 years ago

The action in redefining “vaccine” for the pharmaceuticals to allow the use of this I’ll-researched “medicine”, and freeing the companies from legal recourse and responsibilities for the side-effects of this dangerous “vaccine”. Will see many years of repercussions from its employment as a medicine. I also feel that President Trump is partly to blame for this”vaccine” because he allowed fear to rule over common sense and caution. The people have lost control of their government.

Richard Fish
Richard Fish
2 years ago

All of the above

Jamie Martin
Jamie Martin
2 years ago

This was done by the deep state to reduce the population. The facts that there was HCQ and Ivermectin that would of cured as was DENIED to all except the politicians and the elite. This was released in CHINA a part of Ukraine on purpose to depopulate. We have a criminal cabal running the world right now and it is about to end. Every thing in our world is corrupt and they have lied about every thing we have been taught. Everything. Wake up sheep. This was done deliberately. Then they got you in the hospital and you did not come out. Wake up. Ukraine is the deep state throne room and that it shy Putin is taking it down. Human trafficking, biolabs, and human slave trade and you sheep stick up for Ukraine. Trump is on his way back and Almighty God loves his people and big changes are coming to save humanity. Do your research on that entire area and learn the true history of that entire area. The world has suffered greatly and it will soon be over, but not without a fight. Freedom has to be fought for.

Will Goss
Will Goss
2 years ago

Crazy knee jerk reactions are common when the left is involved. They generate turmoil like a popcorn machine.

2 years ago

Too hard to just choose two. Everything was forced on us. The left totally used this for their favorite mantra, “Don’t let a good crisis go to waste”.

2 years ago

Early-on authorities were dealing with an unknown, so advice and protocols were understandably sketchy and more or less on a trial basis. But by the six-month timeline, the vigorous discounting and criticism of therapeutics (e.g., Hydroxychloroquine, etc.), it became obvious that our political class, with help from Big ED unions, would “milk” this crisis. They were going to find out just how well the American population reacted to a Marxist-style authoritarian government. So, we finally witnessed our Democrat Party, and just how far they would go to project authority. They abused segments of our population with mandate-protocols, job ending threats, and complete disrespect for our liberties. State Legislatures better get a handle on these abuses … this was a dry run.

2 years ago

For me the totalitarian mandates were the worst. My employer of over 40 years used it as cover to terminate me. They also completely disregarded THE SCIENCE that is clearly showing the superiority of my antibodies from prior covid infection.
The question could also have easily been “all of the above”

2 years ago

The assumption for the basis of this poll is that the so called experts were making mistakes. Most actions were deliberate

Craig Smith
Craig Smith
2 years ago

The lockdowns, by far. Two weeks to flatten the curve turned into months and then only reluctantly lifted as the economy tanked. Family businesses failed, savings were tapped. Only the elites did not struggle. And the lockdowns did nothing.

2 years ago

This whole thing has been a disaster. All common sense went out the window. Fear porn ruled the day and dollars to bribe all the public agencies left all reason and logic by the wayside. How much people and children have suffered and will suffer as a result in the years to come is unknown and how much money the drug companies will now make because they want to promote drugs for all the other issues just makes one want to cry and pray for other solutions. Death numbers will be much higher still to come. Devasting

Mark S.
Mark S.
2 years ago

The Democrat caucus made it a point to have all of there members masked. Yet two US Senators got the bug anyway. So if “masks work”, then why aren’t they working?

Also, alcohol and anti-bacterial soaps are of limited effectiveness on viruses. For years we used a 10% chlorine bleach solution to clean up biohazards/BBPs as first responders.

Dan Faulkner
Dan Faulkner
2 years ago

They were all incredibly harmful the American society. Most was done strictly to test how far we could be pushed. Any in the medical profession who disagreed had their voice taken away by the CDC and pretty much all the social media. The government response and our compliance is a travesty. We behaved like sheep being herded by wolves.

Vincent in CO
Vincent in CO
2 years ago

Don’t trust government bureaucrats when it comes to health – or anything important.

Jeannie Huppert
Jeannie Huppert
2 years ago

#1 “they” manufactured the corona virus on purpose. #2 The vaccine for that contains horrible things.

2 years ago

ALL OF THE ABOVE. And I might add, foolish Americans who worship and cling to the opinions expressed from the biased talking heads in the LIBERAL MSM, Liberal Hollywood Elitists, and the hateful hags on The View. Without the support from uninformed gullible Americans, AKA Liberal Progressive Trump hating Democrats, common sense and leadership would have, could have, and should have prevailed.

2 years ago

Instead of “wear a mask, wash your hands, social distance” there should have been an emphasis on how people could improve their immune system whether it be diet, vitamins, minerals, activity, or something else. And with what other disease has a doctor sent you home without a prescription after a diagnosis?

2 years ago

All of the choices weren’t available. Only pick 2? The entire process was an exercise in government control and money grabbing. Power of the press and idiot hucksters like Fauci became the talking heads for the attempted destruction of this country. They did a pretty good job of almost succeeding.

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