

Should President Trump close the U.S.-Mexico Border if Mexico does not stop the caravans of South American migrants attempting to enter our country through Mexico?

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Sue Schierer
Sue Schierer
6 years ago

I chose “other,” because these people will be treated humanely by the US. The risk of harsh, or even deadly, treatment is very real. While this is not our responsibility, our president will, of course, be blamed!

Bonnie Osborne
Bonnie Osborne
6 years ago

And go after Soros too!

Jesse Church
Jesse Church
6 years ago

We are not world citizens, We are Citizens of the The U.S.A. Being a American citizen is a lot better than being a world subject.

6 years ago

Flame throwers would be helpful in stopping the illegals!

6 years ago

Once we make it clear that our border is closed, then this will not happen. I am truly sorowed for peoples of countries that live in fear inland poverty but my goodness we cannot change countries or take in all these peoples. The change has to come to their countries by their people.

6 years ago

As much as hate to see walls at our borders. We do need some way of keeping the ones that come in unlawfully out.

bob k
bob k
6 years ago

This border has been a problem since Pancho Villa. Of course it should be closed and only highest priority passages should occur. Fly over the border by jet and see how little gets in and who gets in. The ground border is too pourus and the poorest with the least ability try to enter here.

karen hornberger
karen hornberger
6 years ago

I’m certain if our legal system for immigration would be updated, the people wanting to immigrate would find a better process. So many people are now giving their life savings to coyotes and illegal transporters. Just think if they used this money for legal entry. They could have enough to support themselves while they settle in and get a job.

6 years ago

Go after the people who are organizing, supplying, supporting and funding the caravan. Cut off logistics lines.

Anthony Creager
Anthony Creager
6 years ago

Drug traffickers are reaping huge rewards from charging illegals for help in crossing the border. George Soros is financing these caravans and undermining our immigration policies and our elections far more than the Russians or the Chinese have yet we do nothing. The man is an international criminal and he and his organization must be stopped. Our forefathers set up our immigration for the purposes of bringing people to this country who could contribute, assimilate and help America become strongest and better. The illegals coming to this country and crossing illegally contribute nothing. Many go on welfare and public assistance programs. We must seal our borders and go to the merit based system Trump is advocating. We have enough dishwashers, landscapers and welfare recipients. Enter the country legally or be forbidden t o enter by any and all means necessary. No catch and release, no detention, immediate return south of the border should they make it across.

6 years ago

Yes he should send the military, Mexico will do nothing to stop the caravan from coming to our border. Thousands of illegals with who knows how many Middle East terrorist and Latin America Gang members among them. Close the border now, put the troops in place and stop this before it gets out of control. MAGA, VOTE REPUBLICAN SEND THE DEMORATS PACKING.

Jennifer Dees
Jennifer Dees
6 years ago

It’s really both a USA & Mexico problem. But we must be prepared to make the call for our safety no matter what Mexico does.

6 years ago

The Answers were too limited for my complete answer. Yes on closing the legal borders which sends a message to Mexico. Cut off all aid to the countries involved. These illegals as noted even last night in newsfeeds are crossing not at these legal border crossings. Investigate the source of their funding and if a US citizen; charge and arrest them and any accomplices. This though is only a band-aide to the systematic problem that exists.

ruth a paulson
ruth a paulson
6 years ago

if this caravan were truly a movement for honestly troubled peoples, one could vote differently on this subject. But photos show caravaners are
paid. The very fact of this happening right before midterm elections points to underhanded and maybe criminal intent. Just as it has been proven
protestors at recent hearings were paid to disrupt by screaming, marching, scratching s. c. doors, so also this move is patterned the same. One
does not want to see people injured, but the military would be justified in forcing a retreat—AND — an investigation into promoters and money
sources . I am so shocked that this can happen, promoted by unpatriotic peoples who are SWORN to uphold our values of freedom and choice
just so they can be in power. wake up America—— and vote—– like never before. AND pray!!!!!!!!!!!

Moving Forward Maine
Moving Forward Maine
6 years ago

Enough is enough! It’s time to play hardball with all of the people and organizations involved in bringing illegal immigrants into our USA, and I believe a large group of the National Guard soldiers at the border will be a great start until a wall is built.

6 years ago

This is a planned attack against us by a group of payed people to cause a disturbance in our midterm elections. It needs to be stopped at all costs. We have let it go for too long. Stop it now.

6 years ago

At some point we need to enforce our laws, if congress doesn’t like the law they can change it. For now there is a process for entry to the U.S. that process is what needs to be followed.

6 years ago

I want to know who the 11 liberal/socialists are that voted “No, this is an overreaction to the problem”!

Steve Romero
Steve Romero
6 years ago

Just read the last poll results. Seems you have added up about 120% vote

6 years ago

This problem is out of control. They are coming over hundreds at a time. No jobs no food no health care. Our tax dollars will go to help all these people instead if our own. We have to help our hungry children and elderly before anyone else. This has started again as soon as they lifted the no separation. Americans need to wake up and realize there is a process for becoming a legal citizen and jumping the border is not the right way to begin.

6 years ago

These intruders are breaking and entering into Guatemala, Mexico and then USA.
If they were truly seeking refuge from oppression or attacks why break into and through several countries when asylum should be requested In the closest country and not passing through several countries.
This is obviously not asylum seekers but those that intentionally and deliberately have a plan to enter only USA.
This is an abuse of our system that allows accommodation for the truly oppressed.
My family has been waiting in line to be approved for a visa to enter this country legally for 18 years so this abuse only causes undue delays for legal entries.
Lawmakers should acknowledge this and put a stop to this abuse immediately before more enter illegally that pose a serious threat to our citizens though very bad intentions such as terror attacks.

Joseph Langone
Joseph Langone
6 years ago

Would Love to see it closed how ever long it takes to fix problem. I want the Wall built as soon as possible and manned as necessary. Want New regulations put into place to Vet all and to limit amount of Legals coming into this Country. We need the Immigrants but only those who wish to obey our Laws ,contribute to our Country and those that wish to truly become Citizens. We have to start Placing HUGE fines and or Jail time on all those hiring Illegals

Disruptive Element
Disruptive Element
6 years ago

This is a setup which is obvious by looking at the photos- new backpacks, cell phones, cameras. No one looks like that trekking thousands of miles (rather quickly I might add) which means when the cameras are off they are riding busses, have places to stay for food and hygiene. Question is why do we the people let the mainstream media lead this country around by the emotional news designed for political outcomes which are detrimental to this country. Even the politicians are afraid of the main media. They whip up America into a frenzy on a weekly basis. Really started when Obama was president with Ferguson etc. where they got away with twisting the facts and destroying anyone in their paths.
Sorry state of affairs.

Bob R
Bob R
6 years ago

These people are being funded and used as pawns for the Anti-American forces in this country. The real fix for such shenanigans are to defeat these types at the ballot box. That does NOT mean it will ever go away. The folks who are funding these people should be brought to justice. The rule of law needs to apply to all! WITH CONSEQUENCES (meaning JAIL TIME).
I am thrilled Sessions is going after the MS-13 gangs. However, everyday when he goes to work, he is entering the biggest “gang” headquarters in the world! The permanent “fix” is where this man hangs his hat everyday.

6 years ago

“Heaven Has Walls-HELL Has Open Borders!”

Benito Valadez
Benito Valadez
6 years ago

Corruption in those countries is in crusted in their culture it starts at the bottom all the way to the top, everybody uses bribes and corruption that’s why they are poor, and they bring that mentality here. No thanks

Patricia Perdue
Patricia Perdue
6 years ago

Absolutely, close the border, truly close the border until the 41 million illegals already here are listed and handled and the worst among them deported. America cannot solve the entire world’s inequities by allowing floods of people to enter our shores. If the Military has to shoot bullets into the southern Rio Grande shore to stop them, then authorize it. If all of us tried to illegally migrate into Canada, we’d be stopped too. America will lose its identity and its ability to help millions world wide if this invasion is allowed to continue! It is because of the illegals that our crime is so high and our people in constant danger even going to the grocery store because of these desperate illegals. REOPEN ELLIS ISLAND and issue them I.D.’s right there, funnel each and every one through there just like they did for decades and we’ll know who’s coming in and exactly how many. The DemonRats are the reason for this invasion because they have no platform to sell the voters and no chance to win unless they stack the voter polls with illegals who don’t know better and think they’re getting ‘free’ everything in exchange for their illicit vote. Crack down on the poll monitors, use the Military there, too, so MS13 and other gangs don’t control the polls with ballbats and threats.! And praise God for President Donald Trump for his common-sense governing of America.

6 years ago

We also need E-Verify and no government assistance for illegals. Mandatory jail sentences and than deportation for illegals.

6 years ago

This is another ploy by the socialist instigator George Soros! If you notice the timing of this movement it tells me it’s all a plan. I wouldn’t be surprised if he paid out some money to get willing volunteers to march etc.

6 years ago

The Border is a symptom; not the problem. Work with Mexico and Central America governments to get control of their countries so people don’t have to flee. The drug lord’s have taken over

6 years ago

Closing the border would be a big mistake! There are many people who have very important and legitimate reasons to cross the border in either direction. I think we can be diligent enough to stop those people ourselves. But if Trump does close the border he should issue permits to people from both sides who’s business is crucial to allow for those exceptions. I say again, though, that in my opinion it would be a mistake to simply close the border.

James Folck
James Folck
6 years ago

But the Big Red One and a Couple Marine Divisions on the Border. This invasion is a act of War.

Rick Kind
Rick Kind
6 years ago

Just look at the pictures on the news. Almost all adult men. Hardly any women and children. Close the border!

Michael Edward Delaney
Michael Edward Delaney
6 years ago

Somebody needs to check the arithmetic on the results

6 years ago

Congress must act. The Branch of Government responsible for making laws has kicked the Immigration Reform can down the road for at least two administrations. Fix this problem! We need immigrants entering our country through a legal process. What is happing now, is a financed invasion! Nobody – Nobody should be allowed to enter our Country this way!

6 years ago

This is a blatant threat and attack to America and it’s Constitution and it’s citizens and the people who are naturalized Citizens!This a an attempt to embarrass the President just weeks away from the State by State election.If he treats them badly it will not go well,if he stays within the laws,he still is dirt,If he totally thinks outside the box and gets them together and puts them on a train back to where they came from ….well I am okay with that.Gather them up and say hello and goodbye in one sentence.You are about to leave.You got paid by your benefactor Soros,but he too is going to lose his Citizenship shortly,For treasonous acts against the United States of America ??

6 years ago

Trump is proving to be nothing more than a blowhard….I am a staunch conservative and yes, I voted for Trump…..he can build the damn wall by diverting federal funds from other agencies…..Europe is NOT funding their fair share of NATO….illegal immigration is highest ever….our debt and deficit is exploding…..for some twisted reason, he isn’t firing Sessions and Rosenstein, and swamp is growing and growing….AND FOR OVER A YEAR NOW, HE SAYS THE SAME DAMN THING AT EVERY RALLY……MAYBE IF PEOPLE WOULD STOP ATTENDING HIS RALLIES, HE’D GET A CLUE ABOUT ATTACKING SOME OF THE MORE PRESSING ISSUES ON THIS NATION INSTEAD OF CONSTANTLY TALKING ABOUT HIS FAMILY OR HOW WEALTHY HE IS……DONALD, YOUR SONG AND DANCE ROUTINE IS GETTING VERY, VERY OLD FOR THIS CONSERVATIVE.

6 years ago

How are the votes totaling 130%?

Donald H
Donald H
6 years ago

To paraphrase Milton Friedman, we can have open borders or welfare but not both. Something has to go, and I don’t see an easy way to eliminate our entrenched bureaucracies of entitlement.

Paul C
Paul C
6 years ago

Immigration used to be based on MERIT. In other countries such as Australia and New Zealand (both British Commonwealth members), immigration is restricted numerically and to people who can contribute with a job, profession of investments in or creating new businesses. Immigration has been out of control since 1965 when Ted Kennedy and Emanuel Cellar rammed the Immigration Reform Act of 1965 through both Houses and LBJ signed it, saying it would not transform the USA. Oh really?????????????? It has and the Left in this country still panders to minorities to this day. This must stop! We must enforce our laws, arrest invaders and prosecute businesses that utilize Illegal aliens for cheap labor.

I am still working in my early 60s and am now one of the few native born Americans in my company. The rest are Indian H1Bs, international expats and others. I have seen my country being transformed over my lifetime into a place I no longer recognize.

Lee Maxfield
Lee Maxfield
6 years ago

The purpose of the wall is to control the illegal entry of (yes they are illegal, criminal aliens when they, like us who are legal citizens, violate the laws of our country). So close the border and control them. For those who whine about this, please send a letter to the white house volunteering to provide food, medical care, shelter, employment, schooling, and other needs of the aliens allowed to cross the borders (at your request) without legal documentation. Perhaps the mayors of all sanctuary cities would be a good place to start! They all are over-paid enough to support 3-4 families and are not doing anything to earn their pay when they violate the Nation’s laws and bring people in and dump (yes DUMP) them on the people of the city. Nothing extra need be added to these mayor’s pay. It’s the taxpayer (YOU!) that picks up the tab otherwise with nothing extra in your pay, so let the sanctuary MAYOR’s (and the LEFTIST sanctuary GOVERNOR’s, too) (and don’t forget the LEFT-ist congress people (State and National who are out there demonstrating with their big mouths (and Al Sharpton) as they’ve already made it known that they want to let them cross) show their true benevolence and stop making YOU, the citizen, responsible for they’re incompetence. And CNN, I’d like to see a report on what these LEFTIST GOV’T officials are doing TO HELP. Moreover, if the LEFT-ist GOV’T officials don’t pay their fair share (Obama’s words), I’d like to know that too and if they try to add extra pay to their expenses to cover the costs, prosecute them for theft. President Trump was elected to serve the Nation and he does it ( in spite of that goofy Obama thinking he would have to be a magician)! It’s high time we expect more from the LEFT-ist GOV’T officials and those who keep electing them, or let them shut up and go away. Actually, I prefer the SHUT-UP, alternative as we probably aren’t going to see LEFT-ists change the way they vote.

6 years ago

We cannot & should not allow America to be an open country for anyone! American citizens should not bare the responsibility of taking care of the world – the veterans who fought to make our country free are neglected as are many older Americans who need assistance. These people are our responsibility not all of the citizens of the world. We need the wall just as there were walls protecting Israel many, many years ago. God does not allow ALL into Heaven – there is only ONE way! He expects us to assist people in other countries through aid but not to live here. We only have so much room. God did not create America to house the world – He provide other land for that purpose.

Lorrie Peccatiello
Lorrie Peccatiello
6 years ago

This caravan is an invasion. I see them with cell phones, meaning they are not dirt poor, and physically braking down barriers. Many are overweight meaning they are not starving.

6 years ago

Just do it. And deport ALL ILLEGALS……..no exceptions.

6 years ago

Close it, you cannot rely on Mexico …. they don’t want them either !

6 years ago

Vote Republican !!!!(DUH)

Tommy Molnar
Tommy Molnar
6 years ago

Lots of Americans go to Mexico to hang out for the winter, but where THEY go, is a lot different from where most of these illegal aliens come from. If you look around, you see that Mexico is slowly taking over our country – without firing a shot. They out-sneak us, out-baby us, and slowly are out-numbering us. Everywhere you go there are dual language signs (that I don’t remember seeing when I was growing up) so they don’t even have to attempt to learn English. Our spineless politicians can’t even pass a simple law saying English is the language of the United States. WTF? Pretty soon, if you don’t take some Spanish lessons you won’t be able to buy stuff at a MiniMart – or anywhere else for that matter. I hope it’s not too late to TAKE THE COUNTRY BACK!

6 years ago

This has got to stop, we are a Sovereign nation, with laws that govern who and why illegals can come here. If we allow this to happen, then what’s to prevent the next wave, and the next one after that, of which there will be no end. The timing of all this is very suspect, and frankly, this was all planned out to interfere with the up coming elections. The lawlessness of the Democrats are on full display with this funded march.

6 years ago

The American people first.. please start arresting people that get violent like antifa.

Thomas B
Thomas B
6 years ago

I’ve Been A democrat for 50 years. This is not the Democratic Party I Knew, Ever since Kennedy was Shot The Dems Have Listen to us. They started answering to their leaders, not the people. Now they are acting like animals. If they don’t get their way baby attitude The want to start riots and destruction Of property, harassing people, Well I as a lot of my friends is the senior center are not voting Democratic tis time. They haven’t did anything For the people. All the Dems have done is CRY CRY CRY !!!

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