
Director Rochelle Wallensky of the Centers for Disease Control predicts “impending doom” as some Covid-19 numbers rise, specifically among young, unvaccinated people. What do you think of this comment?

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Dan W.
Dan W.
3 years ago

Covid won’t go away by Easter but within 30 days, anyone who wants a vaccine can get a vaccine.

No “impending doom” but perhaps a slight risk of serious illness to those who choose to forgo the vaccine.

3 years ago

Why did we need the recent $1.9 Trillion ‘relief package’? We didn’t; COVID is waning and vaccinations are being administered so quickly as to greatly reduce the risk of illness or death by the end of 2021. The current administration knows their time to spend OUR money to pay off their supporters is another thing waning quickly. And, so does the time for them to issue executive orders to avoid the ‘liberty safe-guard’ filibuster rule they plan to dismantle soon.

3 years ago

Political political everything is political with the left. Fauchi is among the worst of them all. Governor DeSantis in Florida had it right in the beginning by isolating nursing homes and protecting the seniors in the state of Florida and believe me there are many.
At the moment I personally don’t believe anything that comes out of this administration and especially the CDC
Just saying

3 years ago

Just another ‘Tool’ of the Communist administration that is racing to tighten control before the uninformed masses catch on to the Scam.

3 years ago

The impending doom is this administration as they quickly move our wonderful country down a road to moral and financial ruin. God help us.

3 years ago

Surge in covid would come with this administration’s border crisis and its policy of allowing thousands of illegals in this country with no testing and no vaccinations! Seems legitimate citizens of this country have to take a back seat to illegal immigrants.

3 years ago

The democrat agenda is always the same: manipulate the people to make us slaves of the all knowing elite.

3 years ago

If people do not stop believing this garbage they’re feeding us we are doomed. God gave us a brain AND AN IMMUNE SYSTEM!

3 years ago

The Bible said the devil came to kill,steal and destroy and he is running this country. We better start getting on our knees and praying. The democrats are just like Hitler.

3 years ago

I have followed this thru the Media and have not seen/read of any verifiable facts to support this claim. In some respects I view the comment as one of the “The sky is falling” variety.

Nelson Davis
Nelson Davis
3 years ago

They are LYING!

Texas Resister 64
Texas Resister 64
3 years ago

And now we see that hydroxychloroquin, along with certain other meds, actually treat the disease, if not cure it. The inmates are now running the asylum.

3 years ago

This is just one more attempt by the government to gain total; control of our daily lives and we the sheeple keep going along with it

3 years ago

Are all the “Fear not”s in the Bible for such a time as this? Fear is what is dooming us.

Nicholas Kachur
Nicholas Kachur
3 years ago

The only impending doom is at the border, thank the Democrats for that.

Linda K
Linda K
3 years ago

The impending doom is this administration.

Peter Barillaro
Peter Barillaro
3 years ago

It’s all a scam! Not only are the leftists in this country using it to force us into socialism. They are working with their power hungry cohorts around the globe to put an end to sovereign nations destroy borders and put the entire population under the rule of the UN. There will be two classes the rulers and the rest of us. No God, no speech, no self defense, no freedom of any kind. Just us serving them. Look around whats happening here is happening In democracies everywhere Europe, UK, Australia, New Zealand.
Will it take poverty or slavery to wake up the masses? Maybe, but it will be too late.

3 years ago

Doom and gloom double masked Biden seeking more control of the little people

Theologically Speaking
Theologically Speaking
3 years ago

Prayer is a reality, but people say that all the time and do it. There only problem is they don’t have Faith in God ! To most people they think of God as a normal everyday person not understanding His power ! We must worship and Love Him with faith to understand Him ! Otherwise prayer is useless !

3 years ago

All of this only reinforces why we need term limits, stricter voter laws and people unafraid to stand up against this blitz. The left is using every tool they can come up with to gain control and destroy our great country.

3 years ago

Don’t really care what her gut is telling her, just more nonsense. Truth -they don’t have a clue.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
3 years ago

Any infectious viral pathogen should be taken seriously. That doesn’t mean the reaction should be fear & panic, like the govt. is deliberately fostering in an effort to condition people into accepting totalitarian control without a whimper.
Outrageous Congressional bills and presidential executive orders by the Progressive-Socialists have been laying the groundwork for the “fundamental transformation”(as Obama put it) of the country into a full-blown Marxist “paradise.” You’ve heard of the Stealth Jihad, no doubt. This is the Stealth Coup– a bloodless take-over by the Progressive-Socialists. As their nefarious plans unfold, they anticipate an armed insurrection; this time, a real one. That’s why they ARE coming for your guns!

I am becoming more convinced of the possibility that the evil ones deliberately schemed to develop and then release the Wuhan virus to use as a phony political bludgeon against Pres.Trump before the election, knowing that the framework for the steal was in place. Once Obiden was “elected,” the virus could go on to be used to cower the populace into subjugation, as we’ve seen happen. Just a theory, but it does fit what’s been observed so far.

Linda K
Linda K
3 years ago

I couldn’t edit my post so I will just add that real impending doom is also this so called vaccine that is really an experiment in gene altering. I’m amazed at the number of people willing to be used to test it. It’s crazy.

3 years ago

i know a dozen people that work at the Hospital here where I live and another dozen in Savanna and
Jax Fa. !! they all say the same Cov-19 is the Blame for almost every death and for almost all sicknesses !! Just think a minuet what happen to death from the Flu ?? . Has the Flu been cured ??

Betty Breschel
Betty Breschel
3 years ago

The CDC/WHO have both been wishy/washy about covid as have dem leaders. To me it’s all about control AND THEY’RE WINNING. I’m surprised to hear some of my friends/family are so “covid crazy”. Yes be cautious. Isn’t this just common practice?

Tom M
Tom M
3 years ago

More CDC cowflop and insanity. The younger you are the less risk you have of dying from fake CoV-2. Wake up…even the gene therapy makers say there poisons will not save your life nor keep you from getting any disease. This woman is insane and doesn’t have one iota of a brain cell…she could be another AOC, joey and pelosi.

We cannot really tell who has what virus or who is dying from what. With no standard testing methods that are reliable and deaths that can be blamed on CoV-2 as long as there is suspicion of such…not rock solid proof, cases and deaths are meaningless and have been since fake pandemic day one. These numbers have been jacked up to cause fear of death and than to cause people to believe in gene altering potions as their saviours.

The only impending doom is going to come from the gene altering therapies that will wreck immune systems and cause other bodily harm. Pharma doesn’t have a clue as to how their “gates and fauci” backed experiment is going to end up and that is why they need billions of lab rats to use as test fodder over the next 2-3 years. And as these idiots inject the control groups with these poisons, they will have lost any rational method to determine if any of these potions are really game changers. Big Pharma is only out for the big bucks and not to stop any pandemic or save lives…they never have been.

Lew Rigaud
Lew Rigaud
3 years ago

Her gut feeling my ass!! It’s all about the $$$$!! Show me some real facts but then again how skewed are there numbers.

3 years ago

TRUST GOD not man! No vaccine for my wife and myself. I’ll rely on His mercy’s everyday.

Steve Ridgway
Steve Ridgway
3 years ago

And just exactly who could possibly trust the CDC???…

Steven Etheredge
Steven Etheredge
3 years ago


Galynn Ferris
Galynn Ferris
3 years ago

Panic porn. Sick of it. I just ignore the nattering nabobs of negativity.

Steve Ridgway
Steve Ridgway
3 years ago

Doesn’t matter. According to genius AOC, we all only have 8 more years to live…AOC..OPEN MOUTH…INSERT FOOT…

G. Allen Sonntag
G. Allen Sonntag
3 years ago

They’re just trying this to see how far the American people will allow themselves to be restricted in their freedom. We must push back very hard or we will lose control to the socialists/communists and all that entails.

John Piersa
John Piersa
3 years ago

Either she’s a snowflake or a liar/propagandist. Either way, she’s the perfect Democrat.

No vaccine for me as well, thank you very much. Fortunately, I have no preexisting conditions, so I’ll take my chances, which are very good for most seniors and even better for those younger.

3 years ago

It’s B as in B, S as in S. I want this to end but the dems are so full of avarice and greed.

Jim VH
Jim VH
3 years ago

From the beginning this has been nothing but fear mongering. The CDC, Fauci, Brix, WHO and the rest have tried to use this pandemic to control the population. Question, a little over a year ago did anyone even know who Fauci was? I doubt it. Now he is a rock star to the Democraps and the mainstream media. This is the man that the only things he has come up with is to stand six feet apart, wash your hands and wear a mask or don’t wear a mask he can’t make up his mind. Rand Paul schooled him last week and called him out for political theater. There is no doubt this is a bad virus but it sure does resemble a flu, a bad one but a flu. If you watch or listen to the mainstream media you would think no one in this country has died from anything else over the past year, when in fact COVID deaths were number three behind heart disease and cancer but that doesn’t fit the narrative. Remember never let a crisis go to waste. I for one have had enough of this fear mongering crap. Wake up America.

3 years ago

Fake news, thousands of Latinos flooding the border infected with COVID of course the numbers are on the rise.

Get ready for a federal mandated lockdown.
Now is the time to clean your pieces and check your ammo.

Tony Ruppert
Tony Ruppert
3 years ago

Just lock down the white house administration before they do any more damage to the country!

Bill Williams
Bill Williams
3 years ago

These socialist/liberal Biden people are full of it up their miserable eyeballs. All they can think of is Bring down a once great America. As a Korean War veteran I say they all “suck”.

Rosco Cain
Rosco Cain
3 years ago

The CDC also said, This vaccine will only be effective for 6 months. Now. with all the COVID POSITIVE invaders from the south being transported all over OUR country. We will HAVE to be vaccinated EVERY 6 MONTHS FOR LIFE. Add to that, Look up MRNA, which is IN this vaccine, and was it does to the Human Body and Unborn children. NOT GOOD.

3 years ago

My husband took the first vaccine shot three weeks ago. He felt sick for two days. Thought it was just a side effect. Started feeling better but then started coughing. Had congestion and headache. Thought bronchitis and sinus infection. Got worse so went to doctor. Tested positive for covid. He’s asthmatic with a heart murmur. Hasn’t been sick at all since the start of this “fake pandemic”. Now three weeks after a vaccine shot he gets covid? Coincidence? I think not! I refuse to get the shot and he isn’t going for the second one.

Bishop Samuel A. L. Pope, Sr.
Bishop Samuel A. L. Pope, Sr.
3 years ago

Wuhan-Cov19 has been a democrat/socialist construct since Obama/fouci financed it in China in 1995. Years ago I stopped using the language required to accurately describe those pushing this America killing lie.

Victor Fred
Victor Fred
3 years ago

I am not taking anything away from the seriousness of this virus however, I do believe the deaths were over-stated, (many attributed to COVID 19 had underlying issues, to begin with). I also believe that all the fuss and commotion over the use of a mask, two masks, or no mask is patently ridiculous. If the vaccine works, why a mask; if masks work, why the vaccine? I sincerely believe much of this is fear-mongering in order for this administration to continue to control the population and to make the citizens of this nation more and more dependant upon the government! I also think it is past time for the Biden administration to call China out and hold them responsible for the creation of and the distribution of this virus to the rest of the world!

Patti Samuels
Patti Samuels
3 years ago

I work in a grocery store. We were essential at the beginning. I worked every day of the Pandemic. At first, because of the lack of info about the virus we were all scared, of course. But, as it progressed I realized that it wasn’t as contagious on surfaces as they told us it was. I watched a video of a guy demonstrating and instructing how to safely bring your groceries into the house from the store.
Remember the cruise ships that were quarantined in port? They said the virus was on the surfaces there for two weeks after it was empty. Well, if that was the case I would have been one of the first. We serve thousands of customers daily. So I figured it out it is airborne. Also because I work around so many people and was so exposed I believe that some in the government and outside of the government were using this for their own personal agenda. I read an article early on that said the virus was created in a lab, but they told his it came from a wet market.
Any way I feel fortunate that I was able to work the entire year…

R Jeffrey Savlov
R Jeffrey Savlov
3 years ago

Anyone who pays attention to anything coming from the left leaning biased CDC is a fool. They have made so many incorrect and misleeding statements over the past year that their credibility is in question. What we can trust is the vaccine protocal but keep in mind there is a 3 week gap between the first and second injection and 14 days after the second for full effect. I speak from experience.

3 years ago

Young girls and women of childbearing years should NOT take this shot. Studies show that it can effect the placenta in adverse ways causing spontaneous abortion and can effect the chances of getting pregnant.

Judy M Moore
Judy M Moore
3 years ago

They are a confused political branch of government prone to flip flopping at their handlers behest.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

sowing more fear for more lockdowns & masking & done mixed messages day 1 with WHO
amatuers who know Nothing.

Disruptive Element
Disruptive Element
3 years ago

We have been given yes from one side and no from another. We do not know who to believe because our government is political and no longer can be trusted. We have a media that is no longer reporting or investigating and is also corrupted. I guess it will get so bad that even the most progressive wing will have to rebel. Hope America can survive. All is can say is support the fighter against this, buy more pillows.

3 years ago

Divide and control should be the motto of the CDC.

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