
On the Freedom Convoy of Canadian truckers in Ottawa and other Canadian cities who have been demanding an end to nationwide Covid mandates, with which do you MOST agree? Please select two.

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Juana Contreras-Mendoza
Juana Contreras-Mendoza
2 years ago

Socialist and communist actions

2 years ago

Go Brandon….I mean Truckers…..you guys and gals are HEROES!!!

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Trudeau is a COWARD TRAITOR DICTATOR just like his Buddy, DICTATOR Beijing biden.

Patti Stump
Patti Stump
2 years ago

If we don’t stand up against this tyranny we will lose all of our freedom.

2 years ago

Evil people like Trudeau, Biden, etc. will go as far as they can to control others. Unless good people stop them.

Gary Hallas
Gary Hallas
2 years ago

We have a dictator to the north of us and a drug cartel to the south of us and here we are “Stuck in the middle with you”. The more we let these distraction control our thinking, we lose fact of what happened in our own country just this past election.

Leslie Jones
Leslie Jones
2 years ago

There used to be a sad message in Mexico that went : “Poor Mexico, so far from God, so close to the USA”! Now we seem to be the chicken, sandwiched between chaos and fascism. It’s time we rekindled belief in ourselves and our wonderful country.

2 years ago

This may have a further reach than expected. Hopefully, it will wake up most Canadians who think their Socialist government is great, to the fact that Socialism is one step away from Communism lead by a dictator.

2 years ago

Why have so many nation’s which were beacons of freedom [USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, USA] have taken a turn toward the dark side?

2 years ago

The truckers have exposed, not a socialist, but a fascist. Socialism believes in class conflict as a way to solve societal problems, but fascists oppose all class conflict, and Trudeau is showing he does not respect class conflict and wants to eliminate it and hide it. His actions toward bank accounts and insurance are something we all need to take note of, as this might happen to us if we are not aware.

2 years ago

Sixty eight people responded that the truckers were criminals. These sixty eight people are not my fellow Americans, they are the reason freedom is in extreme danger in this country. And the way these sixty eight people are also BIG POS!!

Charles WV USA
Charles WV USA
2 years ago

Perhaps if all the truckers just stayed home two or three more weeks the message would get through? Other benefits would be that they could be home with their folks, save all that fuel money, be war in the process and NO goods would flow along the supply chain. They can’t put you in jail for taking a “vacation”. The protests did draw attention to the issue of government overreach but don’t give Truduh! any way to have more of a hold on you than he already does.

Joseph Johns
Joseph Johns
2 years ago

This should awaken all patriots in every democratic nation to what they’ve allowed to happen to them because of their lack of vigilance. We must ever be prepared to live up to the ideals that our fathers and their fathers before them fought and died for. Our founders warned us that to keep our freedoms we must be involved or we could lose it.

2 years ago

I believe that every truck and truck driver in Canada should just park their trucks and just stay home and just watch Trudeau’s actions then.
Also in this country our front line workers went from heroes to outcasts because of pure politics. Just like the truckers in Canada

2 years ago

How do we stop this tyranny ??? The truckers are trying so hard. What can the rest of us do?? At least someone is doing something and the rest of us just do nothing but watch our countries die. I feel so helpless.

2 years ago

Blessed all trucking in Canada,,85 million patriot with Canada TRUCKS,,honk:: honk;; honk::????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Vincent in CO
Vincent in CO
2 years ago

People should not fear their government. Government should fear its people. So much for the “Labour” Party in Canada. This is the result of a government not listening to its people. All Trudeau had to do was sit down with the truckers and discuss their grievances, but instead he chose to invoke the Emergencies Act for the first time in history. For the petty tyrant Trudeau, whose best quality is his hair, it is all about ego, power and control.

Just as disturbing is the negative reaction of the media. Unlike the “peaceful protestors” who burned, looted and murdered in the Summer of 2020, the truckers were actually peaceful – causing inconvenience, but no violence. Now, the truckers should go home and not work until the mandates are lifted. Disruption is their leverage.

Dennis Irion
Dennis Irion
2 years ago

Tell Washington to get rid of all mandates, and go back to life as usual. I’m sick of them, and disgusted with all who think that vaccines, mandates and masks have done this country any good. I’m convinced we’d be better off, as a country, if we had lived life as normal.

Maurice D
Maurice D
2 years ago

Honestly, the tyranny of totalitarianism has been gradually manifesting since Mr. Trudeau’s CCP-father was dictating? Termites bring down the castle, and ensnared Canadians – sadly and painfully – are just beginning to wake up? That said, great evil portends the arrival of great good for the Queen’s subjects?

2 years ago

It has been said “When the people fear the Government there is tyranny , but when the Government fears the people there is freedom”.

Lew Rigaud
Lew Rigaud
2 years ago

What do you expect from a POS like Trudeau another Fascist liberal bastard!!

Judy A Wollen
Judy A Wollen
2 years ago

It’s time Americans took a stand such as this. “We The People” should never give in to this tyranny. The government “works” for the people. Pelosi and her evil minded groupies have forgotten this. God BLESS America, and the world

2 years ago

People keep saying they are sick of the mandates. While that’s important what matters more is they are unnecessary. There will always be viruses, man or natural made. The sinister aspect has been governments’ uses of the mandates to manipulate the people, clearly seen in govt’s reaction of taking our money, fining and unjustly arresting peaceful protesters. Why did they allow antifa & blm terrorists to destroy whole cities then??

2 years ago

Time 4 truckers to do a tactical retreat and go home for a month or more a d just sit by watching the economy shut down. If this won’t get the governments attention then only war will.

Mark De Cesare
Mark De Cesare
2 years ago

It is time to Vote them out!

2 years ago

Depending on the news source, America’s Freedom Convoy either starts February 23 from Barstow CA or February 25 from Los Angeles. I pray that God will bless our truckers with courage and safety. I pray our government doesn’t turn on Americans the way Trudeau turned on Canadians.

2 years ago

As bad as it has been here with Biden/Fauci, watching the little tyrant in Canada shows us it could be worse.

Glennis Hogan
Glennis Hogan
2 years ago
  • People agreed to the lockdown in the beginning and the powers that be saw that it works to scare the people into compliance. For 2 years been forced to wear masks, stay in, close businesses. Then came the shots and now more shots. Once you give in then it never stops. Now you protest and what happened to the truckers can happen here. Scientists that allowed this virus to be cultured in a lab and somehow released are the real culprits. Two years of our lives have been taken away and so many deaths that did not have to happened. I am angry but most of all sad that this has touched so many in so many different ways. Lives changed forever over a virus and government out of control. The good news is God is still in control.
2 years ago

It took Hitler 10 years to seize the kind of power he needed to pursue his ultimate goals. Hemingway, as a reporter for the Toronto Star, warned about it early and said Hitler was using the Spanish Civil War as a “proving ground.” Biden has done his grab for power far quicker, and it is Canada that is his proving ground. Fighting those loyal to Canadian ideas, Trudeau echoes fascist regimes, but we can hope that treating these patriotic truckers as criminals will backfire on him, especially after yesterday’s events and the arrests. One member of his government said about seizing bank accounts, etc. that those who gave Trump support should be worried. Biden’s handlers have said nothing, and they are waiting to see what happens at their “testing site.” Remember that Biden nominated a woman who would do away with private banking and have one huge government bank. At any rate. Hooray for the truckers and their supporters. Let’s see what happens with the convoy planned for this country.

Scott TX
Scott TX
2 years ago

I applaud the Canadian truckers. We’re now seeing the reality of the Communist government to our north.
With the threat of imprisonment and financial destruction for peacefully parking their trucks around Ottawa, I do question if the wisest option would just be to have the Canadian Truckers simply go home and promise to park their trucks for seven days or more. Effectively eliminating trucks from Canada’s roads should dry up any and all retail supplies in a matter of hours–never mind days or weeks.
Might even be a viable idea here in the states.

John Schoenwetter
John Schoenwetter
2 years ago


2 years ago

Don’t follow that French Fry Trudeau. Whatever you call them Hero’s or the Devils they are showing the world the play book in how to counter nut jobs 101 . They cry like a baby without a bottle . Think that would have worked on the peaceful protests in American cities if nothing was delivered to those poor Americans and I mean nothing !!! Have a good day .

Craig Smith
Craig Smith
2 years ago

The government has NO IDEA, and frankly DOESN’T CARE, about the hardships these mandates are putting on the trucking industry. These truckers came to Ottawa to talk. The government refused. This is clearly a peaceful protest. No property was damaged or burned. No people were assaulted. What the government is doing is unconscionable. They could have ended the protest in one day by lifting the mandates AS MANY OTHER COUNTRIES HAVE DONE WITH LITTLE ILL EFFECT!!

They say “follow the science”. The science is against the government. They are wrong. 100%

End the mandates, release the truckers.

2 years ago

Yet China is still going on with no consequences.

Dirk Lebowski
Dirk Lebowski
2 years ago

The United States government should put an end to the Canadian tyranny by imposing swift economic sanctions.

2 years ago

this is what a peaceful protest looks like. it’s a shame we in the USA didn’t think of it first, or haven’t followed suit. – but here the protest is far more than covid mandates. this administration’s goal is division, creating more suspicion, fear, hate between it’s citizens. taking away our freedoms, & destroying anyone of us who won’t fall in line with their agenda. those who stand up for the freedoms given to us in our constitution, are labeled ” confederate flag waving racists & Nazis” a similar protest here- large numbers of citizens united- would make a difference.

2 years ago

If anyone wonders why there is a supply chain problem, just look at how governments have enacted policies to destroy our oil industries and turn entire countries into prisons.

Pamela Brida
Pamela Brida
2 years ago

The truckers are a symbol of the deep yearning of people everywhere for freedom, especially from government tyranny. Their courageous actions have revealed Justin Trudeau’s true colors.
He is a privileged coward, riding the coattails of his family name, who went into hiding to avoid facing the wrath of the Canadian people. But he’s just another bought-and-paid-for puppet, like the buffoon Biden, whose timorous strings are clearly being manipulated by his New World Order masters at work behind the scenes.

Arthur Pavis
Arthur Pavis
2 years ago

Too many Americans are mindless lemmings, I am saddened to say, and want our federal government to have more power over We the People.

2 years ago

All of this is Mike Pence’s fault. All of this! Judas, that he is.

C. Maibusch
C. Maibusch
2 years ago

God bless them! And the US truckers are answering back! Look up ThePeoplesConvoy.org. Don’t stop now! The free world needs this kind of pushback & dissent to remain a free people. GO TRUCKERS!!!

2 years ago

Instead of spending time and financial resource on a similar event in the USA I humbly suggest that money and time be directed toward getting candidates who HONESTLY support our Constitution elected. That of course assumes there will be a November election if the release of convicted felons and lack of proper prosecutions do not cause a crime wave which results in the declaration of martial law.

2 years ago

I’ve been behind the Canadian Truckers from the beginning. I had kind of expected that America would lead the way towards freedom as we always have, but I guess the Canadians got mad before we did. The Truckers in Canada are only protesting the ‘mandate’ for COVID shots and not much more. There is an American Freedom Convoy getting ready to head to D.C. and is supposed to arrive there around the 6th of March, I believe. Trudeau has shown his true colors by enacting Canada’s ‘Emergency Powers Act’…which basically makes him a dictator. He has shuttered the bank accounts of people who support the Freedom Convoy under this Act. The major banks in Canada went ‘dark’ a day or so ago with electronic access to funds shut off and some major banks even locking up. What do we think will happen here under Biden and the Left? They are, from certain accounts, making plans to stop the Freedom Convoy from reaching D.C. I fully expect Biden to implement the ‘Patriot Act’, calling participants and supporters domestic terrorists. At that point DHS and other agencies can arrest people without charges and hold them indefinitely because they’ve been officially called terrorists.
The following is a pretty good article on this situation.


M Woolever
M Woolever
2 years ago

These like all the other essential workers endured during the lock downs. Every profession that was essential than is now a thorn in the side of the governments. The truckers just like the medical folks did what needed to be done for the people, not because the government told them to. Now we have an extreme shortage of nurses. And if the truckers decide to say f… it and stay home for two weeks. Just think of how empty the shelves will be than.

Walt O
Walt O
2 years ago

We’ll soon see how Brandon mishandals the American truckers’ upcoming protest.
Wanta bet he tries to put even more draconian rules and dictates on all of them…. That’s all he does.

2 years ago

I applaud them all for their courage and determination. But, how did our truckers not think of it first, eh?

2 years ago

After US and Canadian citizens cast aside through upcoming elections all the tyrant Communists & Marxists currently in charge in their countries, thorough investigations into the origin of the COVID-19 virus are needed. Other investigations are needed as regards government officials, including school board members, and teachers unions, who obstructed investigations and the release of scientific information that contradicts with their un-Constitutional edicts and mandates.

Robert Simone
Robert Simone
2 years ago

We need to do that here in America and join the effort in solidarity with the Canadians. It is unfortunate that Americans have embraced the Communist concept of victimization and have become soft and gullible to the greatest hoax perpetrated by the government’s contrived pandemic. We need to reestablish the concept of self reliance and rugged individualism and not depend on governments effort to relegate us into serfdom. Freedom is the key to liberty and one should remember Ben Franklin’s quote: Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

2 years ago

If things were right-people would Not be protesting. We all know this to be true. The large numbers of people protesting should be a testament.
Canada continue to fight for your freedom!!

2 years ago

Those in power have learned how to enrich themselves with tax money. Their greed knows no bounds and like comrade Trudeau, are willing to go to any lengths to preserve their illicitly cash flows. As bad as it would hurt some people, this nation needs a total walkout on production until the government caves on all the illegal orders and surrender those guilty of treasonous deeds. Hold another election and put our real president back in the White House!!!

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