What he should do is to jump on Antifa with both feet.
What he will do is…..likely an insufficient condemnation (but let’s see what happens).
Dan W.
4 years ago
Civility maybe but unity doesn’t make sense.
Sure, work together on issues where negotiation is possible but Biden can’t get unity out of the Dems on many issues so the unity banner simply won’t fly.
As far as unity with the GOP, I don’t expect the Republicans to cave on most issues except spending issues where they will pretend to put up a fight and then say that they were forced.
4 years ago
Violence? What violence? As far as Joe is concerned, it didn’t happen. His diminished mental capacity may not remember that those places even exist.
Uncle Pat
4 years ago
He will not acknowledge antifa. instead he will say that they are “Kamala’s”friends.and let her bail them out.
4 years ago
His damage has just begun. How many jobs did he kill on his 1st day? Boys in girls sports, open the borders, require masks on federal property, (except for him & his family), Paris climate accord, 1776 commission, stops the border wall construction, to name a few. He doesn’t care about the content of the order, if it was signed by Trump, kill it.
4 years ago
Well I guess Biden will crack down but the crack down will be on Trump voters. Watch out America these people are hell bent on shutting down any speech that does not fail in line with their Socialist agenda.
Biden is just a empty suit taking orders from the most radical administration in US history.
Steve R
4 years ago
Doesn’t matter. He’ll soon be gone.
Jim VH
4 years ago
As long as the msm keeps telling him there’s no problem with antifa and continues to put the blame on Trump supporters they will remain just an idea.
Rick Marlowe
4 years ago
Remember, uconstitutional changesto election laws. This is the most important destruction to the Republic.
Edmund B Doyle
4 years ago
Does anyone think that Biden is really making these decisions? Have you watched him and the way he reacts to questions ? I don’t believe he is capable of doing his job and has a small cadre of “advisors” telling him what to do and say and all of them are hard left radicals . We are in for big trouble and there are many questions that need answers for example: What are 24,000 National Guard doing in DC when he took over 4 days ago and they should be back in their States?
Bev K
4 years ago
I view Joe Biden as the Clown Prince of the U.S.
He and his family have sold out to the worst human rights abusers on the planet, China, Iran , etc.
As of January 20th, 2021 we started flying our American flag upside down. We are now officially in distress.
Forest Gump
4 years ago
He will soon be inviting Antifa activists to the White House, where he will be awarding them all Order of Lenin medals!
Mr Larry
4 years ago
Zero respect for Mr Biden. Unlawful election, unlawful president.
4 years ago
November 2022 the Red Wave Will Return!! It has too!!!!
Ted Wilson
4 years ago
Biden says fences and walls are not essential and have no effect in stopping immigration, so why were all the fences and barricades used in his inauguration if they do not stop or deter?
4 years ago
Cannot wait for 2022 election to throw out the corrupt anti american democrats from congress.
2024 throw out biden and harris.
The fleecing and destruction on America can’t end soon enough.
Absolutely disgraceful what these politicians are doing to Our Country!
Tom K.
4 years ago
Biden? You mean commander in thief!
Certified by over a thousand witnesses.
Certified by himself even before the election.
As for the call for unity, we already have it.
300 million U.S. citizens for Trump vs a few million Nazi Biden followers.
Mark T Carter
4 years ago
He’s a political chameleon, it depends on who he’s listening to.
4 years ago
It will never be addressed by creepy Joe unless the media becomes adamant… and you know that won’t happen because their all on the edge of their seats waiting to find out if he’s going to paint airforce 1… smh
4 years ago
Antifa and BLM are his “Brown shirt” foot soldiers. They will be used to terrorize honest citizens.
4 years ago
4 years ago
Wrong question. how will they act towards Biden?
4 years ago
None of the above. He will continue to ignore them. To take a stance one way or the other will show the lefts complicity in Antifa. He will depend on the blue governors to as quietly as possible disperse Antifa. While you are not watching they will simply disappear just as the Weather Underground.
4 years ago
My sister told me to google, antifa.com and I did as she requested. It takes you STRAIGHT to Biden’s White House! The Democratic Party is behind most of the violence in this Country. They bailed out their peaceful protesters……you know, the ones that destroyed entire cities. They planned the storming of the Capitol on January 6th. Sadly, some very misguided Trump supporters got caught up in the “mob mentality” and went in as well. These will be the folks they crucify! Very evil people are running the sham show!! I pray the TRUTH will be revealed.
4 years ago
joebama will repeat whatever is in his ear buds; Caught on hot mic saying “Salute the Marines” instead of saluting the Marines Trying to find the teleprompters at all his speeches. He removed all Military Flags from the Oval Office. He cannot do a straight up interview, or his handlers won’t allow that.
4 years ago
Considering the enemy’s determination to destruct America, antifa riots are essential & will continue to be funded by the enemy (Soros, China, so forth). Given the limited mental capacity biden displays, he possibly doesn’t realize antifa’s destroying USA cities. In that case, until such time biden’s handlers provide him a comment re antifa, biden has no comment.
David Pittman
4 years ago
Part of the socialist agenda
4 years ago
Joe is in La La Land. He has no clue as to what is going on in our country. All he wants to do is pander to the immigrants, keep Hunter out of trouble an remain a puppet for the left. Let’s see how his voters will feel about basement Joe in a few months when gas is $3.00 a gallon and unemployment is at double digits. Be careful what you wish for, Biden supporters. It may just come true.
Tom M
4 years ago
All riots or violence will automatically be blamed on Trump, Conservatives, Republicans (not RINOs), and anyone resisting the Democrat Communist agenda. The media will see to that. The innocents and deplorables will continue to be condemned until they are extinguished as many political Communists are suggesting. Who gives a crap about blm and antifa? These groups are thug-ocracies created to divide and destroy the country and therefore elicit blame on the non-believers. Since blm has been around, an additional 10,000 blacks have been murdered over more than 5-6 years. And most of them by other blacks…so much for the fake blm mantra…as with everything progressive, they are failures except they do excel at peaceful rioting. Joey’s come together theme is so silly as to not even be considered by peaceful folks.
4 years ago
You can’t fix stupid.
Patrick DeLuca
4 years ago
Honestly, I am not sure what Biden is going to do. I think that he is so confused and being controlled by a hand puppet.
4 years ago
Come on man, there are no riots, it’s a myth fabricated by right wing extremists.
Dave E
4 years ago
Usurper Joe is too busy dragging us back to BO Plenty policies (call it “Make America Stink Again”) to worry that the Democrat Party’s stormtrooper are getting out control.
4 years ago
He should be impeached for inciting the violence as he and Harris are supporting it.
4 years ago
Joe Biden is a know nothing, give me everything, moron. If America survives the next 4 years, we may be able to turn it around, again. Nah!
Robert Henrich
4 years ago
The country is doomed! I truly believe we our owned by China
Bill G
4 years ago
It’s Trumps fault it’s snowing in Alaska it’s Trumps fault bus accident in New York it’s Trumps fault
4 years ago
All we need to know is that Biden and Lindsey Graham both referred to Trump voters as “domestic terrorists”…
Dr. Madison
4 years ago
Biden the counterfeit president is a depraved man who will be told what to think by his masters who conspired to place him in the White House.
4 years ago
I am at the point of, this is what you wanted, this is what you got. Every State run by a Dem has more violence, more Covid, more unemployment, more shutdowns. All the Biden lovers are going to feel the devastation, it is a bummer that they are taking 75 million Americans and their families with them.
4 years ago
I’m an optimist by nature, but it’s difficult these days. Our country has been through so much since it’s founding. My immigrant parents were so proud to be living here, but I know would be appalled at the radical left takeover if they were still alive. There seems to be a resurgence of spirituality and conservatism, which is hopeful. Change is a slow process, I may not be alive to see the result.
4 years ago
The only mistake PRESIDENT Trump made was inviting supporters to be there on the 6th in the first place. It gave Piglosi the excuse to militarize the Capital and the cover to have Antifa and/or BLM infiltrate the crowd and create the rioting to make Trump supporters look like the domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM actually are.
Christopher L Vaughn
4 years ago
joe biden is Idiot Joe. He only does what the vouce in his ear tells him to do.
4 years ago
I voted unsure as the puppet stands for nothing and in particular the American Patriot core if this country. It’s Biden and the party for power to cover their deceit above all else, at the expense of our nation, while lining their own pockets. They must be stopped. We have to dig deep within our soles and rise up to counter the lies and brain washing of our most variable population. Start with tamper free voter ID. Across our southern border they have voter IDENTITY cards with photo and fingerprint. We as citizens need to standup and pressure our state governments. Also get involved in our schools to be sure our children are getting properly educated. They need to know and understand history, so communist / socialist disasters are not repeated. Nothing is free in this world in particular our freedom and liberty.
pete kennedy
4 years ago
Antifa’s origins go as far back as the Communist revolution. Hitler had to erase the Antifa mobs as he rose to power in Germany.
4 years ago
Biden wimps out to appease left wing radical Marcist Democrat Party. Double standard Dems in Congress fear for their safety with 25 Natl Guard but cheer on defund police as citizens are terrorized with no security or law enforcement. Dems pushing for compliant citizenry.
Jerry Richmond
4 years ago
Sleepy Joe has no idea about the “idea” causing havoc in Portland and Seattle. He won’t say anything if the press pushes the issue. He just walks away. He doesn’t know how to answer questions without a teleprompter.
4 years ago
There is No Antifa! Antifa is a Boogieman created by BLM to detract attention from BLM. Notice Antifa didn’t appear until Charlottesville while BLM website started in 2010. In Fact, when asked, the guys in black said they were Anti-Facists fighting against White Supremacy. The Media (Fox News) labeled them “Antifa” as a Nickname and the “Antifa” fear porn grew!
Notice when one of the so-called “Antifa” are arrested, who’s at the Jail and Judge/Sentencing hearing? “Antifa” Lawyers? No the BLM Lawyers Kamel Harris was fundraising for. Who paid the bail/fine and got them released back to the streets? “Antifa” Lawyers? Nope… BLM Lawyers! The same Lawyers were/are processing all the rioters!
Notice that the BLM Rioters and Murderers and “Antifa” are transported by these same lawyers and ride in the same Drop-off vehicles!
So, Walmart, Citigroup, Bank of America, Target, Lowes… you name them are all paying $Billions to keep BLM funded, promising $500 million over 4 years, $250 million over 3 years… Millions promised for years to come. Will this stop since Biden is president? Apparently not! These companies decided to dance with the devil!
Mike Brandewie
4 years ago
Y’all forgot to include D.C. in the question.
4 years ago
Antifa and BLM will be used by the Demonic party until they are not needed any more.
What he should do is to jump on Antifa with both feet.
What he will do is…..likely an insufficient condemnation (but let’s see what happens).
Civility maybe but unity doesn’t make sense.
Sure, work together on issues where negotiation is possible but Biden can’t get unity out of the Dems on many issues so the unity banner simply won’t fly.
As far as unity with the GOP, I don’t expect the Republicans to cave on most issues except spending issues where they will pretend to put up a fight and then say that they were forced.
Violence? What violence? As far as Joe is concerned, it didn’t happen. His diminished mental capacity may not remember that those places even exist.
He will not acknowledge antifa. instead he will say that they are “Kamala’s”friends.and let her bail them out.
His damage has just begun. How many jobs did he kill on his 1st day? Boys in girls sports, open the borders, require masks on federal property, (except for him & his family), Paris climate accord, 1776 commission, stops the border wall construction, to name a few. He doesn’t care about the content of the order, if it was signed by Trump, kill it.
Well I guess Biden will crack down but the crack down will be on Trump voters. Watch out America these people are hell bent on shutting down any speech that does not fail in line with their Socialist agenda.
Biden is just a empty suit taking orders from the most radical administration in US history.
Doesn’t matter. He’ll soon be gone.
As long as the msm keeps telling him there’s no problem with antifa and continues to put the blame on Trump supporters they will remain just an idea.
Remember, uconstitutional changesto election laws. This is the most important destruction to the Republic.
Does anyone think that Biden is really making these decisions? Have you watched him and the way he reacts to questions ? I don’t believe he is capable of doing his job and has a small cadre of “advisors” telling him what to do and say and all of them are hard left radicals . We are in for big trouble and there are many questions that need answers for example: What are 24,000 National Guard doing in DC when he took over 4 days ago and they should be back in their States?
I view Joe Biden as the Clown Prince of the U.S.
He and his family have sold out to the worst human rights abusers on the planet, China, Iran , etc.
As of January 20th, 2021 we started flying our American flag upside down. We are now officially in distress.
He will soon be inviting Antifa activists to the White House, where he will be awarding them all Order of Lenin medals!
Zero respect for Mr Biden. Unlawful election, unlawful president.
November 2022 the Red Wave Will Return!! It has too!!!!
Biden says fences and walls are not essential and have no effect in stopping immigration, so why were all the fences and barricades used in his inauguration if they do not stop or deter?
Cannot wait for 2022 election to throw out the corrupt anti american democrats from congress.
2024 throw out biden and harris.
The fleecing and destruction on America can’t end soon enough.
Absolutely disgraceful what these politicians are doing to Our Country!
Biden? You mean commander in thief!
Certified by over a thousand witnesses.
Certified by himself even before the election.
As for the call for unity, we already have it.
300 million U.S. citizens for Trump vs a few million Nazi Biden followers.
He’s a political chameleon, it depends on who he’s listening to.
It will never be addressed by creepy Joe unless the media becomes adamant… and you know that won’t happen because their all on the edge of their seats waiting to find out if he’s going to paint airforce 1… smh
Antifa and BLM are his “Brown shirt” foot soldiers. They will be used to terrorize honest citizens.
Wrong question. how will they act towards Biden?
None of the above. He will continue to ignore them. To take a stance one way or the other will show the lefts complicity in Antifa. He will depend on the blue governors to as quietly as possible disperse Antifa. While you are not watching they will simply disappear just as the Weather Underground.
My sister told me to google, antifa.com and I did as she requested. It takes you STRAIGHT to Biden’s White House! The Democratic Party is behind most of the violence in this Country. They bailed out their peaceful protesters……you know, the ones that destroyed entire cities. They planned the storming of the Capitol on January 6th. Sadly, some very misguided Trump supporters got caught up in the “mob mentality” and went in as well. These will be the folks they crucify! Very evil people are running the sham show!! I pray the TRUTH will be revealed.
joebama will repeat whatever is in his ear buds; Caught on hot mic saying “Salute the Marines” instead of saluting the Marines Trying to find the teleprompters at all his speeches. He removed all Military Flags from the Oval Office. He cannot do a straight up interview, or his handlers won’t allow that.
Considering the enemy’s determination to destruct America, antifa riots are essential & will continue to be funded by the enemy (Soros, China, so forth). Given the limited mental capacity biden displays, he possibly doesn’t realize antifa’s destroying USA cities. In that case, until such time biden’s handlers provide him a comment re antifa, biden has no comment.
Part of the socialist agenda
Joe is in La La Land. He has no clue as to what is going on in our country. All he wants to do is pander to the immigrants, keep Hunter out of trouble an remain a puppet for the left. Let’s see how his voters will feel about basement Joe in a few months when gas is $3.00 a gallon and unemployment is at double digits. Be careful what you wish for, Biden supporters. It may just come true.
All riots or violence will automatically be blamed on Trump, Conservatives, Republicans (not RINOs), and anyone resisting the Democrat Communist agenda. The media will see to that. The innocents and deplorables will continue to be condemned until they are extinguished as many political Communists are suggesting. Who gives a crap about blm and antifa? These groups are thug-ocracies created to divide and destroy the country and therefore elicit blame on the non-believers. Since blm has been around, an additional 10,000 blacks have been murdered over more than 5-6 years. And most of them by other blacks…so much for the fake blm mantra…as with everything progressive, they are failures except they do excel at peaceful rioting. Joey’s come together theme is so silly as to not even be considered by peaceful folks.
You can’t fix stupid.
Honestly, I am not sure what Biden is going to do. I think that he is so confused and being controlled by a hand puppet.
Come on man, there are no riots, it’s a myth fabricated by right wing extremists.
Usurper Joe is too busy dragging us back to BO Plenty policies (call it “Make America Stink Again”) to worry that the Democrat Party’s stormtrooper are getting out control.
He should be impeached for inciting the violence as he and Harris are supporting it.
Joe Biden is a know nothing, give me everything, moron. If America survives the next 4 years, we may be able to turn it around, again. Nah!
The country is doomed! I truly believe we our owned by China
It’s Trumps fault it’s snowing in Alaska it’s Trumps fault bus accident in New York it’s Trumps fault
All we need to know is that Biden and Lindsey Graham both referred to Trump voters as “domestic terrorists”…
Biden the counterfeit president is a depraved man who will be told what to think by his masters who conspired to place him in the White House.
I am at the point of, this is what you wanted, this is what you got. Every State run by a Dem has more violence, more Covid, more unemployment, more shutdowns. All the Biden lovers are going to feel the devastation, it is a bummer that they are taking 75 million Americans and their families with them.
I’m an optimist by nature, but it’s difficult these days. Our country has been through so much since it’s founding. My immigrant parents were so proud to be living here, but I know would be appalled at the radical left takeover if they were still alive. There seems to be a resurgence of spirituality and conservatism, which is hopeful. Change is a slow process, I may not be alive to see the result.
The only mistake PRESIDENT Trump made was inviting supporters to be there on the 6th in the first place. It gave Piglosi the excuse to militarize the Capital and the cover to have Antifa and/or BLM infiltrate the crowd and create the rioting to make Trump supporters look like the domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM actually are.
joe biden is Idiot Joe. He only does what the vouce in his ear tells him to do.
I voted unsure as the puppet stands for nothing and in particular the American Patriot core if this country. It’s Biden and the party for power to cover their deceit above all else, at the expense of our nation, while lining their own pockets. They must be stopped. We have to dig deep within our soles and rise up to counter the lies and brain washing of our most variable population. Start with tamper free voter ID. Across our southern border they have voter IDENTITY cards with photo and fingerprint. We as citizens need to standup and pressure our state governments. Also get involved in our schools to be sure our children are getting properly educated. They need to know and understand history, so communist / socialist disasters are not repeated. Nothing is free in this world in particular our freedom and liberty.
Antifa’s origins go as far back as the Communist revolution. Hitler had to erase the Antifa mobs as he rose to power in Germany.
Biden wimps out to appease left wing radical Marcist Democrat Party. Double standard Dems in Congress fear for their safety with 25 Natl Guard but cheer on defund police as citizens are terrorized with no security or law enforcement. Dems pushing for compliant citizenry.
Sleepy Joe has no idea about the “idea” causing havoc in Portland and Seattle. He won’t say anything if the press pushes the issue. He just walks away. He doesn’t know how to answer questions without a teleprompter.
There is No Antifa! Antifa is a Boogieman created by BLM to detract attention from BLM. Notice Antifa didn’t appear until Charlottesville while BLM website started in 2010. In Fact, when asked, the guys in black said they were Anti-Facists fighting against White Supremacy. The Media (Fox News) labeled them “Antifa” as a Nickname and the “Antifa” fear porn grew!
Notice when one of the so-called “Antifa” are arrested, who’s at the Jail and Judge/Sentencing hearing? “Antifa” Lawyers? No the BLM Lawyers Kamel Harris was fundraising for. Who paid the bail/fine and got them released back to the streets? “Antifa” Lawyers? Nope… BLM Lawyers! The same Lawyers were/are processing all the rioters!
Notice that the BLM Rioters and Murderers and “Antifa” are transported by these same lawyers and ride in the same Drop-off vehicles!
So, Walmart, Citigroup, Bank of America, Target, Lowes… you name them are all paying $Billions to keep BLM funded, promising $500 million over 4 years, $250 million over 3 years… Millions promised for years to come. Will this stop since Biden is president? Apparently not! These companies decided to dance with the devil!
Y’all forgot to include D.C. in the question.
Antifa and BLM will be used by the Demonic party until they are not needed any more.