

AMAC’s long-time legislative priorities have included reforming Social Security, reducing the national debt and addressing high health care costs. Please help us set our legislative agenda for the 117th Congress and tell us which other issue should be among our priorities:

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Dan W.
Dan W.
3 years ago

Time to step on the gas on Operation Warp Speed.

If there is any way for the Feds to assist the states in getting the vaccine to those who want it, now’s the time.

3 years ago

With bloodthirsty foxes in charge of the hen house now, few in Washington will be listening to anything our “conservative” seniors organization has to offer, that is if AMAC is even allowed to use the internet at all. We might see us conservatives relegated to using smoke signals and semaphore communications, before too long. Who cares about road bumps and potholes?

Pat Bright
Pat Bright
3 years ago

This congress will do nothing about election integrity,removing section 230, or speeding the vaccine, so all that is left is infrastructure and maybe they may discuss it, but look for nothing to happen.

Bill G
Bill G
3 years ago

Big tech has just declared war on 80 million AMERICANS. It’s going to be an ugly 4 years

Sharon Livingston
Sharon Livingston
3 years ago

Election integrity and section 230..
These 2 things need focus..

3 years ago

We needed at least two choices in this. Election integrity was my first choice, followed by a repeal of Section 230 by Congress. High tech companies need to be reined in.

3 years ago

If he did, he would most definitely have the biggest party in the country.

charles clevenger
charles clevenger
3 years ago

evil has taken over as president, house and senate, the killing of babies is murder. God will hold those people responsible unless they
repent and stop.

Terrence Anthony
Terrence Anthony
3 years ago

It is my hope that Republican lawmakers subscribe to Amac. Your time is now and you must unite our great country.
Stand tall

Jim V H
Jim V H
3 years ago

The purge is underway. Conservatives are being canceled from Facebook, Twitter and others. Apple is going to remove the Parker app and no longer allow it to be downloaded. It won’t be long before Rush and others are banned from the radio waves. Who is going to stop them? The Republicans, ha spineless, the Supreme Court? again spineless. Nothing on this list is part of the Democraps agenda. More like pack the Supreme Court, statehood for DC and Puerto Rico, raising taxes to bailout blue states and more job killing regulations. Wake up America, you can thank the lame stream media for our demise. Nikita Khrushchev said it in 1959. “We won’t need to fire a shot, America will come to communism from within “

Linda West
Linda West
3 years ago

For the first time in my life I am afraid for our country. The Left has gotten completely out of control. Not sure their is anything to stop them. My redeeming grace is that God is in control.

Bill Beckham
Bill Beckham
3 years ago

Maybe we are asking the wrong question. Why not ask questions that are fundamental such as ‘why is it that it is OK to censor some thoughts such as the greatness of the American past?’. The most fundamental way to get people to agree with you is to point out the truth. One of these is describing capitalism as a way of advancing oneself and how life can be more fulfilling from working for themselves. I may have said this badly, but I think you understand where I am going.

Tom Jackson
Tom Jackson
3 years ago

There is no way I could be convinced that this election (2020) was fair; a simple fix is a voter ID!

3 years ago

according to what I saw last night on FOX that the new radical left is wanting to shut the conservatives down. THIS IS A CONSERVATIVE NATION, WE HAVE JUST BEEN A SLEEP UNTIL TRUMP EXPOSED ALL THIS STUFF. There NOT going to SHUT me down.
This radical left has DONE Nothing for the people but waste time & getting paid for it. Shameful inde

Bill Beckham
Bill Beckham
3 years ago

Interesting idea but doesn’t that dilute our voice?

GRichard Indiana
GRichard Indiana
3 years ago

Wrong question. Does the Demoncrat’s party need to be eliminated? They are anti-American.

3 years ago

Where to I sign up!

Phillip Marlowe
Phillip Marlowe
3 years ago

That’s exactly what the left desires. We must work within the party and fix it.

3 years ago

If our election process is not fixed there is no use in voting.
Every voting location should have equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans.
Casino style cameras should flood the voting place.
Every unusual act gets scrutinized.
Make it illegal to destroy the ballots for at least 5 years.
Feds should fund every state to make these changes.

3 years ago

Since we only had one choice, I chose 230 because if the actual truth were out there maybe integrity would prevail. Unfortunately, under the incoming administration, it wouldn’t be enforced. God help us.

3 years ago

Patriot Party!

Charlot Ray
Charlot Ray
3 years ago

Election Integrity. Without it, we are a totalitarian country. The Constitution will be nullified.

Joseph Michael Loglisci
Joseph Michael Loglisci
3 years ago

I would register!????

3 years ago

Election integrity has to be number 1…but it really is more of a state issue than Federal. Second would be to get the message to the GOP that they need to get united AND rededicated to Conservative, Constitutional principles. I have cast my last Republican vote for RINOs. Give me Trump-like candidates willing to FIGHT for what we the people want or what’s the point? Not one other GOP candidate back in 2015 would have accomplished a single item of Trump’s many accomplishments.

3 years ago

There are many viable options to the Big Tech Cabal. If any of them subsequently buckle to political pressure, it will signal the time to create public platforms funded by our dollars and sustained only by their unbiased operation. Failure to uphold our Constitutional rights will lead to the end of biased media by us de-funding them and creating new, unbiased venues with our labor and dollars.

3 years ago

One more vote for Election Integrity AND Remove 230!

3 years ago

My concern: the degrading of the articles in the Bill of Rights. The election theft was and is a violent assault against the integrity of the Nation. Now the Federal Government seeks to silence my voice. What next?

3 years ago

Re:Poll No issues will be addressed benefiting Americans. Only liberal policies that will hurt us all. Our voices will be silenced. We are now China West.

3 years ago

I’ve had it with all politicians. This life long republican has now become an independent. McConnell and his crowd are no different from the republicans of old. They will bow down the dems on all occasions. I wish we had a 3rd party. I don’t consider the Libertarians a party.

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson
3 years ago

Removing section 230 is as equally important as securing election integrity.

Frank Reedy
Frank Reedy
3 years ago

We are two nations; I am not a part of theirs.

No name
No name
3 years ago

Integrity was 1st but went for 230. They go hand in hand.

Becky P.
Becky P.
3 years ago

We are witnessing the biggest political coup in history and not one person who supposedly represents us in Washington is doing anything about it.

3 years ago

Without election integrity, we will not be able to do anything to change the corruption and lawlessness in DC. Now that the slime buckets in both parties are power (the uniparty) we will not be able to get election integrity. Neither will we be able to get Big Tech under control. As Stalin is reputed to have said, “It’s not who votes, it’s who counts the votes that matters.”

3 years ago

At 73 years and a conservative, not republican, this past decade has been the very very worst for our country. We have seen the politicization of our IRS, FBI, DOJ, Court System and a SCOTUS that seem unable to be the checks and balances for the American people. We elect a non-politician that watches out for American and the American taxpayer and the career politicians hate him. The media hates him and big tech. There was voter fraud out their big time. When places have over 100% voters. Video of persons running the same ballots running the same stack of ballots three times. A really really loose signature interpretation on mail in ballots, numerous persons living in the same address voting and voter machines that are not trust worthy. Fraud like this would take a lot of people which makes me think of the statement the media covered up by Biden about the best voter fraud system in American History. Slip or from an actual meeting he had. Then only a small hand full of Senators or Congressmen that want the American Voter to know the truth. Elections are over, so how about finding out what really happened and start sending someone to jail. Four 4 years the swamp had tried to hang Trump for various violations ALL OF WHAT OBAMA AND BIDEN HAVE GOTTEN AWAY WITH. Some of the proof actually on video and some found by the investigators that fie no charges for the member of the swamp. Does no one care at all. I cannot believe what has happen to the country that I loved and trusted. I have no trust what so ever in any part of the government at this time.

3 years ago

Everyone will view this different come Monday when they realize the purge that started taking place on Friday the 8th.!

Gary Bauch
Gary Bauch
3 years ago

After what happened at the Capitol last week we need to tone down the rhetoric about the election. Donald Trump lost not because the election was stolen, but because he botched the message about the virus and has alienated many who would otherwise have supported the Republican platform. The most critical issue facing our nation is getting the vaccine out to eradicate the virus. The Republican Party needs to distance from the Trump element or it will no longer be a relevant player in national politics.

3 years ago

Until we can be certain that elections are free of fraud nothing else matters.

John M Mix
John M Mix
3 years ago

We’ve got to get the ability of big tech to control all ‘false, fake’ communication to the public stopped! If they control the public communication with lies like they have, we have no hope of informing the public to make their own decisions. Election integrity is also essential. The level of cheating is unbelievable and with NO consequences it will continue!

Michael Marchand
Michael Marchand
3 years ago

Without fair elections the rest is moot.

3 years ago

If we don’t have election integrity so we have a chance to get statesmen, not just bought-and-paid-for politicians, in office? Then NOTHING ELSE we ask for or even demand will make any difference.

Dan Brown
Dan Brown
3 years ago

The 2A must be preserved and is more important than ever, with the defund the police movement being pushed by the liberal left.

Linda Taylor
Linda Taylor
3 years ago

We can’t have election integrity until the big tech companies are put out of business because it was their censorship that created the disaster we are now facing in Washington.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Rally on Trump policies to date, Unite on issues, merge with other like groups.
Give Biden Blowback on issues
name names.
(Hope the virus spreads into Silicon Valley & DC & other media outlets alone)
Maybe said DC riot will spread virus into DC bureaucracy even more

3 years ago

I’d like the party to be even larger than Trump. Call it the Constitutional Conservative Network Party (I put Network in so it would be CCNP, not the CCP… which, unfortunately, the Dems seem to already be in bed with!)

3 years ago

Without election integrity we are doomed to be a people with no voice like in Cuba, Venezuela, China, North Korea.

3 years ago

Can anyone define the Truth from our Media, Politicians and Corporations!
Say what you want. God Bless President Trump, He’s the only one that even came close to the truth!

Janet Cox
Janet Cox
3 years ago

If the Elections are not secure then we have nothing but a shell or pretense of being a free, Republic. The people are nothing but serfs, making the ones sent to Washington Rulers and Rich.

3 years ago

The Socialists who now run the entire government do not care what rational people think.

John L Thorpe
John L Thorpe
3 years ago

If a state can change it’s laws WITHOUT legislative involvement, what is left?

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