President Biden really does not want the public to know about his federal takeover of election administration. Dozens of members of Congress have repeatedly asked for details, to no avail. Good government groups, members of the media, and private citizens have filed requests under the Freedom of Information Act.
Democrats have not been shy about their desire to federalize all elections to ensure a favorable outcome for all Democrat politicians and the realization of the Democrat dream of a socialist United States. Just because one of their attempts to date to get legislation passed to do so has been stalled, for the time being, in Congress, doesn’t mean the Democrat Party hasn’t been pursuing other parallel avenues to achieve the exact same goals. “By any means necessary” or “whatever it takes” are what most Democrat politcians live by. Only naive fools or complete idiots would think the Democrat Party would just give up on any means to manipulate election outcomes and trust their fate to the will of the legal American voters.
Probably going to try and slip Susan Rice in somewhere…she’s been behind thr curtin anyhow.
He stated that there will be another plandemic.
If this is the case Joe Biden and the Democrats involved should be impeached for treason and sentenced to a penitentiary
These people need to be held accountable for their actions!! This cannot go on forever. The end for these scumbags is near!! Don’t lose faith!!
This is one of those rare times Joe Biden actually spoke the truth…
Don’t think they won’t try it again?
Well I have some ocean front property that I’d love to sell you in Arkansas…
Bill… :~)
SAVE THE U.S.A…..declare a civil war against the demonrats,, commies, and other America haters!….
So, if the dems wins both houses in a “landslide”, what can be done about it. I mean, hey, they just did it in 2020!
Hillary kinda spilled the plan also, no matter what the election results are after the election, do not concede at all? And slow Joe basically told us it was the most rigged election fraud in the history of the world. There’s a reason all this destruction and chaos is going on. They stole our country so everything we now see happening is all a extremely well planned strategy, it all started with DR FAUCI and a bat virus?
CROOKS, THIEVES, PIRATES, BANDITS . . . Whatever words you can use to describe today’s so-called Democratic Party Leadership ALL FIT APPROPRIATELY!!!
Our country is now being stolen right before our eyes and today’s so-called Republican Party doesn’t seem able or qualified to do anything about it!
I sure hope the Republicans get this one right. The last election they were either too naive or too stupid that the Democrats were going to “play nice” obey the rules and the law. This will take some drastic measures and maybe some fast action from the Supreme Court.Say your prayers because that is what will save this great nation.
Democrats and fake Conservatives (Republicans in name only) learned in 2020 that there were no consequences from stealing elections.
Naturally, they are stealing elections again. That Trump’s top three Georgia Republican primary endorsements not only lost, but lost by large margins, is all the proof needed.
The November 2022 and 2024 elections will see far more, and far slicker election theft. This won’t be clumsy paper ballot thefts, but computer theft, where no pole watchers can see what happened; and no government officials ever investigate.
Honest elections will be limited to the red states that have good voting laws, which they actually enforce.
I expect Kamala Harris to be “re-elected” in a whopping landslide with 120% turnout.
We as freedom loving Americans have to stand tall and save our country from all the mindless dictates of the left. We ALL have to be engaged in the elections . I am 70 yrs old and I have never seen the chaos that now exists. . not even the 60’s
We cannot just talk….we have to DO.
There’s no negotiation possible with these lying, cheating, total hypocrites. It’s obvious they’ll go to extremes that we being fair and honest American citizens couldn’t even believe we’re possible. Yes there actually far worse than that!
Interesting however, there has to be an absolute vacuum for this kind of theft. Number one! States control their voting systems, the FED. Is the watch dog. It failed because a huge Vacuum existed during the so called “ Fauci planned pandemic”. He aided and abetted the enemy. Created a disaster of our economy and hates . His hate for our Republic is very obvious.
He cannot be fired? He is a very, influential bureaucrat. He helped destroy the Trump Presidency.
The stolen election myth refuses to die.
Not unbelievable! But not acceptable to the American people!
I will be astounded if the DemocRats permit Biden to run for POTUS in the next election. Even they don’t have the crust to cover up his ineptitude so far in his tenure as POTUS. It is just beyond my imagination to give credence that he will run for POTUS again. And I think the mainstream media propaganda outlets for the DemocRats will balk at trying to support him. Less than half over his first term has been a calamity and no reason to think that trend will not continue with him in office.
For starters, mail in ballots have to go! If you won’t go and vote, you shouldn’t be voting! Unless you can’t go in person due to a medical condition that’s one thing. But people using the excuse that they don’t want to be exposed to Covid go shopping, go to restaurants, etc. that practice opens up too many opportunities for cheating and I for one am against it.
This article just makes my blood boil. I’ve known for a while, or at least I have felt, that the Democrats were up to something. I’m just always astounded at the lengths they go to in order to skirt the legality issues that could arise. These people are utterly dastardly, loathsome, lower than snake sh*t. I don’t think our Country will swallow another election like the 2020 one.
This knowledge shouldn’t shock anyone, this knowledge shouldn’t surprise anyone! Long gone are the days of a Democratic political party.
Today’s Democratic Party is dominated by hardcore, progressive liberals, read (radical progressives) who want to
“fundamentally change” what America has stood for, for well over two hundred years!
Obama made that perfectly clear when he was the country’s President. Oh you can still find moderate Democrats in the party, don’t get me wrong. But their voice has been muted and made irrelevant within today’s party.
The book, “Battle for the American Mind” written by Keith Hegseth is a must read, by all who cherish their freedom!
I want you all to think about nursing homes; about their short term rehab patients. If Medicare gers involved, with all the dementia patients, the vote harvesting would be extreme. Nursing staff have already been threatened with being fired if they don’t get the vaccine, creating a huge artificial nursing shortage. How much would it take to hint that they will be fired if they don’t harvest votes? Not much. AND MOST NURSES HAVE ALWAYS BEEN LEFTISTS. Try being a conservative or even middle of the road political person in nursing. You will be passed over for promotions if you want them – forced to take them if you don’t (Just before I moved to IT as an educator and beta tester for new add-ons, I was being told to move up (into admin) or move out (work elsewhere, but count on a lackluster evaluation). As an administrator, I’d have been an epic failure. That’s not my bent. My bent was always clinical, and though I hate to sound like a braggart, I feel I was a good nurse. But I wasn’t a leftist nurse. It was the same for my other profession – the one I left for nursing because there was a glut of teachers. Teachers are also mostly leftists. Always have been, yes, since the one room schoolhouse. The only thing that kept teachers in any sort of check was a belief in God. Same for nurses. Now, God is out of our society, our schools, our government, our Healthcare facilities. And Biden uses taxpayer money. I AM WARNING YOU NOW, IF YOU HAVE FAMILY IN A NH, AND THEY HAVE DEMENTIA, TAKE THEM OFF THE VOTER ROLLS. Otherwise, their votes will be harvested for another Democrat vote-by-cheating election. Make sure you get documentation that the dementia patient is not competent to vote – and keep checking the rolls to make sure someone hasn’t put them back on the rolls. If you have to, find out who’s working election day and pay them extra NOT to harvest that vote. But don’t sit on your keester and do nothing.
Grown children can help their elderly parents by assisting them in voting. Some elderly just need a ride and assistance at the polling precinct while others need help in calling and applying for absentee ballot and getting it returned. Also help an elderly neighbor get to the polls. Tell nursing home staff hands off to your parents ballot.