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With Walz, Liberal Democrat Machine Got Their Lackey

Posted on Thursday, August 8, 2024
by Walter Samuel

In 1994 Tim Walz moved to Mankato, Minnesota, where he taught geography and coached the local high school football team. Whatever can be said about his tenure in Congress or as governor, there is only one metric for success when it comes to a football coach: winning. In 1999, he coached his team to its first state championship.

Tim Walz’s time as a high school coach is important not because it qualifies him to be president, however much Democrats are likely to try to conflate that aspect of his personal biography with the characteristics necessary to lead a country. It does, however, give us insight into how he views the world. It fills in the piece that will be missing from the attacks on Walz’s record that are already emerging from Republican sources.

Without a doubt, Tim Walz has done extremely left-wing things and is arguably one of the most left-wing governors in America. It will also be incomplete to merely attack him as the down-the-line leftist who mismanaged the George Floyd riots, stripped parental rights from those who disapproved of youth gender transitions, and a host of other left-wing social priorities.

The claim that merely because Tim Walz has done left-wing things he is a left-wing extremist will be hard to sustain in the face of his all-American biography, which is the reason Democrats are going to push it so hard. For example, where and when did Walz meet the neo-Marxist hot house of U.S. higher education, or encounter the DEI groupthink of coastal urban America? If Tim Walz developed a left-wing intellectual worldview, it is unclear how and when he did so. Worse, any effort to prove the point will see its proponents delving into what can only be described as conspiracy theories.

That is because Walz is not an ideological extremist, but a partisan one.

Walz does not seem to have had deep views about ideology before his first campaign. He decided to run for office after confronting his incumbent Republican congressman over the latter’s support of the Iraq War, and ever since he has appeared to have understood politics not in terms of policy, but rather, friend/foe distinctions.

Those who are on his side are “good.” Those on the other are “evil.” It is as if he still views the world through the lens of the successful high school football coach he was before entering politics – an outlook that sees politics in terms of advancing his side down the field and scoring touchdowns. It does not matter if a policy is “good” or “bad.” If it is a Democratic or liberal policy, then advancing it is his job, and enacting it into law is a touchdown.

A football coach does not ask why his team is trying to reach the other end of the field. The end-zone is that way, and the enemy is between his players and where he needs them to go. His only job is to figure out how to get them there, and to prevent the enemy from getting in the way.

Other governors, even liberal ones such as Gavin Newsom, appear to have had priorities, eccentric issues on which they were focused. Walz has only had one goal as governor: to rack up the score. He signed everything that came to him from the Democratic legislature. Even Gavin Newsom vetoed a law that would have stripped custody from parents who opposed their children’s gender transition. It is doubtful Walz even read a similar bill that he signed into law in his state. It was enough to know that Democrats supported it and Republicans opposed it.  

This attitude is why the George Floyd situation so confused Walz. For someone without any innate sense of right or wrong, Walz was lost without clear partisan guideposts. Liberals and Democrats demanded that the “evil” police be punished and insisted that “racism was a public health concern,” so he let them riot. Democratic donors and elites then screamed about the property destruction, so he sent in the National Guard. They then called for a national reckoning over alleged “systemic racism,” so he took bent the knee to the activists.

A man who had core values of his own would have assumed leadership and imposed order on the chaos enabled by a schizophrenic Democratic Party. Walz instead reflected that schizophrenia, veering from one policy extreme to the other, turning a tragic situation into a cataclysmic one.

America would be harmed by a president suspicious of Israel for intellectual or personal reasons. America cannot be effectively led by a man whose instinct when faced with a crisis is to poll the Democratic congressional caucuses, DNC, and major donor chats.

Yet that is exactly the sort of man whom the Democratic Party elites intend to force onto the country in Walz. It is easy to see why. The American people and the world as a whole may lose from that approach to governance. But the Democratic congressional caucuses, DNC, and major donors stand to gain everything from a vice president or even president who believes his job is to do nothing more than aggregate the views of party elites into action.

It has become apparent over the past few weeks that the removal of Joe Biden represents something momentous in the development of not just the Democratic Party, but of American government itself. Some of those who set out to remove Joe Biden may have merely been motivated by the desire to avert a certain loss in November, but it has become obvious that many have begun to aim higher.

The Democratic Party has been a semi-monarchical organ since Bill Clinton’s presidency, as demonstrated by the willingness of leading politicians to debase themselves in defending his every affair. After the defeat of Hillary Clinton, the “throne” was vacant, and this allowed Pelosi, Schumer, and a host of politicians to set up what in effect was a collective leadership.

Biden has made half-hearted efforts to restore the primacy of the presidency, but the nature of his nomination and his own mental decline rendered these futile. His removal, however, has replaced him not with Kamala, but with a junta of which she is merely the symbolic face. Pelosi, who openly took credit for forcing Biden from the ticket, now revels in her role in blocking Shapiro in favor of Walz. The junta likes an empty throne, and wish to extend their power beyond this November.

Walz, then, is not a defensive move, nor a step to prop up Harris’s authority. He is a demonstration that she has no authority, and that Walz, not Harris, is the future of the party. Harris will serve the elite’s purposes for now, as she was at the right place at the right time.

Walz, however, is their vision of an ideal president. Not a master, but a servant. They view him precisely the way the board members of an elite boarding school would view their headmaster – an individual whose job it is to transform their desires into reality, improve the brand, and understand that he is an employee, but they are the owners.

Walz in their eyes will represent a new type of president – a president responsible to the Democratic Party, not the American people. After all, why not? It was the party leaders, not the voters, who hired him.

Walter Samuel is the pseudonym of a prolific international affairs writer and academic. He has worked in Washington as well as in London and Asia, and holds a Doctorate in International History.

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lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
6 months ago

I will be blunt. The polls we keep hearing are plain and simple BS. Mr. Trump is ahead by at least 20 points, but all the media outlets (and yes, that includes faux conservative Fox) are reporting all these neck-and-neck polls so when the Dems steal the election, like they did in 2020, utilizing massive fraud and cheating, they can claim that the race was close all along but they came out on top, fair and square. Anyone with eyes to see knows what is really going on.

6 months ago

Can you even imagine world leaders sitting down and discussing foreign affairs with these two? Krazy Kackling Kamala and Tampon Tim. Yup…complete horror show!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
6 months ago

Of course, Tampon Tim left “his” team in the lurch when he “resigned” from the National Guard just as they were deployed to Iraq. “Coach” moved on to greener pastures and to h*** with his troops! Then like Da Nang Dick and Lurch Kerry, he LIED about his military “service.”

6 months ago

cool, a lacky serving a lacky. is that a lacky squared?

anna hubert
anna hubert
6 months ago

Call him whatever you will, he is a dangerous man In that picture he reminds me of Hitler.

6 months ago

Exactly, the democrat party is more important than the country. This was already evident during 2020 election. Obiden won by staying in the basement. Kameltoe was pushed forward for the party to keep the power. America be damned. The elites are running the country. They have politicized everything and ostracized their opponents which are looked upon as their enemy not fellow citizens. People who are saying they had hoped Trump should have been shot in the head is their target as a voter. They want yes people at the top and the Cabal is telling them what to do what to say. Between the two Walzing Matilda’s we don’t have one with a brain for a vision for America. Two age old dem cronies, all powerful, are dictating who should be president. We the people are seen as sheep who have to follow along because they know best. P organized the Jan 6 disaster by denying to call in the National Guard nor informing the Capitol Police. This was Kennedy’s assassination and Watergate all over again. Orchestrated by those hating America and putting unqualified puppets in power. From 2008 this has been going on. They have sewn discord, division and made those with other ideas and plans the enemy of the state. The dems want absolute power.

6 months ago

Mr. Walz seems to have the familiar “Democrat” profile of one who buys some peoples’ votes with other peoples’ money.
That’s the truest indicator of someone who will always take what he is not owed and did not earn.

Bob L.
Bob L.
6 months ago

A few decades ago, the identifying colors for the two major parties were assigned in an intentionally mislabeling way with the standard globally recognized red (for socialism) assigned to the GOP while bule was given to the socialist/progressive/communist Dems.
There is a 2 hour interview with Tulsi Gabbard on You Tube in which she early on spills the beans on our political system. It’s title “Tulsi Gabbard – Who Actually Runs the US Government?”. As you know she is a former Democrat, now independent and knows which ever party is in power doesn’t make any difference, the same people behind the curtain run the country. I came to that conclusion several years ago and started saying we are only given the choice between two Edsels, a red one or a blue one and they are both a lemon. Most of the political talk is pure bloviating coming from both sides and the more things (faces) change the more it all stays the same. Look at Congress for instance, investigation after investigation and what come of it, nothing.

6 months ago

Communication is the reason. When he opens his mouth, words come out. When she opens here mouth, giggles and nonsense come out.

Mr tigrbob
Mr tigrbob
6 months ago

Why is he using a pseudoname? What is he hiding? Tampon Tim is far mor liberal than her.

6 months ago

Great, wonderful. Now all they need is 10 or 15 million illegals voting and some kind of war to help with the cheating. Or some other dilemma where mail in ballots are required.
GOD please help America.
Is the Hilltop tavern still in business in Mankato? Famous for their burgers. Another t-shirt acquired.

6 months ago

Walz and Jane Fonda, both American traitors. Walz a Veteran who lies about his service. An example of Stolen Valor. Fonda, a communist sympathizer from the Viet Nam era. Veterans are like elephants, we don’t forget. I am a Veteran who did not see any combat and will never claim that I did. That is one of the worst kind of lie one can claim.

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
6 months ago

He was the defensive coordinator for the team. Not the head coach.

6 months ago

Hey Lt, to put it in every day terms, if they get elected we have screwed the pooch.

6 months ago

The only way Chamele-a and Nero re-enactor who enjoyed to see Minnesota burning, Tampon Tim get to reside in the White House is if we don’t question a so called “win” by their side, because they employ everything from fake network news, faked polls and statistics to prepare the general public into acceptance of a possible Marxist win, shadowbanning, censorship and search switching by the likes of Google and Meta, to non cleaned voter rolls with all who moved away, or are deceased solidly “voting” the Democrat ticket, to early, and absentee voting, massive “malfunctions” of voting machines in predominantly conservative precincts, machine switching, and “glitches”, endless machine reruns of Democrat ballots without GOP poll watchers, USPS losing ballots, Vote harvesting, ballot box stuffing, installing judges who rule any challenge as having “no standing” even if it is the candidate who got cheated, and the latest we’ve heard is a modification of their all time favorite “pay-for-play” the auctioning of batches of ballots to the highest bidder. The only way for evil Marxists to succeed is when honest Americans decide to see nothing, say nothing, do nothing, or let themselves be threatened, and intimidated into saying nothing, the only real threat to the democratic process of our constitutional republic currently is the Democrat party, and it belongs surveilled, and under investigation for violations under the RICO Act .

Harvey Lyles
Harvey Lyles
6 months ago

As a medic in VietNam in 69-70, it takes a lowly, pathetic excuse of a man to claim what he has and has done NONE of it! He, John Kerry and John McCain are the lowest of lows!

6 months ago


6 months ago

Not liking this man for numerous reasons. Lying fits with his heading, just not a good compass heading.

6 months ago

GET YOUR STORY CORRECT! He was the assistant coach.

6 months ago

A lot of ‘scary” coming down the road if thee two are elected

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
6 months ago

If she wins along with he running mate this country is done for Obama is in this also they will run this country into the ground and there will be civil unrest in this country like no one has ever seen before will be worse then when black lives matter was here and antifia it will be very bad in this country watch and see.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

Hey, go easy, AMAC! The man IS a war hero after all: after serving in a forward deployed unit with Bloomberg in Vietnam, he drew Bosnia sniper fire away from Hillary and evaded machine gun fire while piloting Brian William’s helicopter in Fallujah. He’s a national treasure!

6 months ago

Each day a new example arrives of a nearly incapable machine successfully meandering along. We do not have patriots doing what needs to be done.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
6 months ago

Dems now GO Far Left & they Lose Votes??
IE from sane voters right

Jane Heinsman
Jane Heinsman
6 months ago

Thank you for a thoughtfully written column. It all makes sense!!!!

Earle Bluff
Earle Bluff
6 months ago

Greetings: Thank you for the numerous articles exploring Tim Walz (MSgt, NG, Ret) and what he has done to his state. Let us explore his ‘debacle’ with his National Guard deployment. (the following is a letter I sent to FOX News, mainly Mr. Pete Hegseth). A few items edited out by me as unnecessary to this column (there is more information in a letter [via L. Williams] posted with AMAC story “Walz pick a Win for Democrat party cabal” published on 7 August 2024 that I saw after I wrote this letter to FOX):
8 August 2024:
I am grateful for Pete Hegseth, several National Guardsmen (I believe retired) and even an Active duty Soldier (I believe he was retired) and others, recently pointing out numerous things of concern and suspicion about Tim Walz and his rank and retirement from the Minnesota National Guard. And of course, questions about the time that he did just prior to his unit’s deployment. Mr. Hegseth’s necessary comments were among the earliest and accurate statements about this issue. Some things to consider follow.
If the timeline is correct, and Tim Walz put in his retirement papers two months prior to the official warning orders to deployment, this is very still suspect at the very least. These units and commands often know about a possible deployment more than one year prior to actual orders. There is a schedule or plan put out by DOD of the units that delineate who is supposed to deploy, by identification name and number, quite some time prior to deployment.
There is actually a ‘five-year plan’ that commands have to work on. Looking at the timeline, that plan would have to have been updated to reflect what happened in 2001. More than likely, Reserve and GUARD commands were already notified of upcoming possible deployments. The higher level staffs (MFR, USARC, USAFRC, etc., & the NG commands) would already have some idea early on of at least the type of units required, and needed to notify their division, readiness and brigade commands about this decision.
I daresay a person occupying the slot of battalion level command sergeant major would have had an inkling of upcoming deployment orders between one and two years out. This is because their brigade/regiment level would have known of a PROBABLE deployment of various units within their organization and already would have been having conferences (more likely at division level) that would have addressed the issue. Included in these conferences would have been commanding officers, CSMs (or those designated), and select staff of Battalions, and depending on need, companies and specialized units representatives.
The ‘junior’ troops would put a lot of stock into senior leadership deploying with them. This would be a noticeable action among the troops of his battalion. Since these units normally have only about 400 to maybe as much as 1000 people, the loss of a COMMAND Sergeant Major would have been particularly noticeable. This could have caused a lot of consternation with not only the lower ranking Solders, but also a ripple effect within the battalion leadership and actions of the brigade and division leadership in finding a replacement.
Especially, given the short span of time (which is even more precious within the Guard and Reserve, seeing that they are officially on duty about 40 actual days of the year), he should have thought harder about his action. The training that he already went through with them, the time he spent with them, was now compressed even further with looking for a qualified SgtMaj (or possible a senior MSgt) to “hit the ground running;” or in this case ’SPRINTING!’
He gave an exceptionally POOR example of leadership to his troops. Instead of showing the ability to lead and go through the really hazardous duty (combat) with his troops, he found an out, and instead of thinking of the welfare of his Soldiers, it looks like he gave into a selfish, position to increase his prestige. What he really was thinking in doing this, I cannot fathom.
I read recently that he was counseled that he could have served in Congress while still in the Reserve Components (Doug Julin, interviewed for story by Olivia Land, “National Guard vet claims Walz went above him on retirement: ‘He knew I would have told him, “Suck it up”’; 8 Aug., 2024 in New York Post). Through the years, numerous Congressmen and Congresswomen have continued in the Guard and Reserve while serving their constituents.
Regarding retirement: Just because he held the position, and apparently even the rank, does not mean he gets to keep the rank, or even claim it upon retirement. Oftentimes, depending upon the qualifications needed to HOLD the rank, people may be required to revert back to a previous rank, because they did not attend a required school (apparently in the case of Tim Walz), do not have enough time in grade to keep the rank, or any other requirements that may exist at the time of the advancement or special event.
If he was truthful, he should say that he was retired at the rank of Master Sergeant , which in itself, is a rank showing that you were a person with responsibility and leadership.
However, if he keeps repeating that he was a Sgt Maj, he should caveat that and explain that, yes, he did hold that rank for a period; but that he had to retire at a different rank. However, I have noticed most people in the civilian world would probably not understand why he went down a rank, if they have any understanding of Army rankings. Depending upon his character, it would be simpler to tell the truth, and what his final rank was.
In addition, his timing to retire was PITIFUL and UNCARING to his troops. Being part of the chain of command, his unit would have already had to start to prepare for the deployment nearly a year out or more.
What was he telling his Soldiers? In the chain of command, the commissioned officers of the unit (LtCol, Maj, Capt, Lts) try to give the big picture of the major exercise/combat deployment/ etc.  It is the Non-commissioned officers (NCOs) (Command SgtMaj, first & MSgts, SFCs, SSgts, Sgts, and Cpls) conducting the training, who go into really checking the troops, and giving the ‘nuts and bolts’ information to the Soldiers of what they need to know to fight and operate effectively. This NCO ‘communication and supervision channel’ complement the Chain of command through this setup, which the Army calls “the NCO Support Channel.”
It sounds like he did time it so that he could leave and retire. However, I have also noticed sometimes units go through a period, prior to orders for deployment, wherein they suspend “favorable actions” such as transfers, discharges, and even retirements (unless an emergency arises). The timing also could be questioned, IF his command suspended Favorable actions such as these. IF this occurred, he should not have been allowed to retire (and I have known several Soldiers who were not allowed to retire, but deployed to combat zones).
Once again, this is only in addition to what Major Hegseth delineated. Thank you. Praying for you and this nation.  2 Chronicles  7, v 14 & Romans 10, v  9.
XXXXX end of original letter XXXXXXXXXXX
if you let me share this, I hope this will bring some more LIGHT on the CHARACTER of this person. He has agreed to give more ammunition against the integrity of his party. A party which has already endeared itself to ‘limousine liberals’ and those in power which are ruining this nation. Pray for their salvation, and for GOD’s mercy on this country with the voters, electoral college, and those running for Congress. Thank you for letting share quite a bit. Romans 10, v 9 & 2 Chronicles 7, v 14.

Brian Gosur
Brian Gosur
6 months ago

He visited China 30 times. He lived there for a year. He got married there and said nothing but good about China. That sounds like his mind and thinking were being shaped by the Chinese propaganda tools and he now carries into his political endeavors here in America. Don’t paint this guy as the good old all American. He doesn’t fit the mold at all.

6 months ago

Says it all! Useful idiots!

6 months ago

The Democrat oligarchy is all about enslaving the population and eliminating any chance of anyone stopping them living out their wildest hedonistic dreams.

6 months ago

Fascism. You forgot fascism.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

I have an old desert cammo floppy hat from when I was assigned to Security Det in Bahrain 2001-2 I don’t wear because I used to wear my tan boots + ppl always assumed I served in Iraq andvwant to buy me drinks. I’m thinking Tampon Tim would wear one for that reason only instead of drinks, it’d be for VOTES!

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