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With Crime Exploding, Democrats Become Anti-Police

Posted on Monday, July 13, 2020
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

crimeHow fast history changes.  How fast we forget – without order, there is no ordered liberty.  A year ago, Joe Biden boasted of the “Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994,” saying “the violent crime rate was cut in half” by that law.  Today, he calls police the “enemy” and pushes “defunding.”  His mental state, refusal of questions, rice paper persona aside, his reversal is tragic. As Biden leads an assault on law enforcement, crime is spiking – nationwide. See:

The irony is that Biden used to be a law enforcement supporter, if not quite the cape-wearing hero he imagined himself.  His committee managed the 1994 bill, which passed the Senate 95-4.  In those days, he boasted of police union endorsements, seemed to respect America’s police.

No more.  These days, as socialists subvert peaceful protests and his party, Biden has flipped –perceiving political advantage in demonizing, demoralizing, and now defunding the police.

The worst part is that Biden – and national Democrats – know this is wrong.  They simply do not have the courage to say so.  Nor will they if they gain control of the Senate and White House.  They are intimidated by and have become the far left – which means attacking old friends.

Democrat attacks on police are having an insidious, undeniable, potentially devastating effect on police forces, Maine to Florida, Maryland to California, Texas to New York.  It is measurable.

Largely unreported, violent crime is rising, police retiring, cities, suburbs, and towns suddenly insecure and worried.  Something the size of Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” would be needed to catalogue all the spikes in crime occurring across America, but examples are illustrative.

In a prosperous corner of Portland Maine, one day in June – during Black Lives Matter activism – 33 businesses were destroyed, looted, and damaged. “Bottles, rocks, and bottles of urine were thrown at police … people climbed on cruisers and pounded on windows,” Officers received injuries, while the city contended with fires and graffiti.  Multiply that by 200 cities.

In suburban Maryland counties, crime is up 30 percent.  Chicago has seen 95 murders in four weeks, 353 since January. Georgia’s governor has declared a state of emergency over shootings, mobilizing the National Guard.  Detroit homicides are up 30 percent.  In Los Angeles, homicides are up 250 percent. Seattle has seen a 525 percent increase in crime. See:

Meantime, “anti-police rhetoric” is destroying morale, leading officers to leave – and departments to wither.  In Washington DC, 71 percent of officers are “considering leaving” a force that is 52 percent Black. Nearly 40 percent aim “to leave law enforcement entirely.” See:

Of the top 20 most violent cities, 17 are led by Democrats, nonsensically pushing defunding. Two are led by Independents, one by a Republican.  See:  Leadership is nowhere to be seen.

In New York, nerves are raw, police exhausted, and crime rising – as budgets are cut.  In June, New York shootings and murders “spiked significantly,” 130 percent increase in shootings over 2019, with murders up 30 percent, burglaries 118 percent, auto thefts 51 percent.  New York’s politicians do not care.  New York’s Democrat Mayor de Blasio just cut the police budget by one billion dollars.  See:

Overwhelmed, 40,000 fewer arrests have been made in NY City this year. NYPD’s Commissioner says violence “puts innocent people at risk and tears at the fabric of life in our city,” even as Democrats shrug.  The 2020 class of 1,163 police recruits was canceled.  See: As one New York law enforcement leader warned, “we are starting to lose control.” See:

On July 11, a group speaking for police was physically accosted, creating what reporters called a “blue lives brawl.” “Tempers flared in Brooklyn …as anti-cop protesters crashed a Blue Lives Matter rally, complete with furious finger-pointing and a lot of shouting, pushing and shoving.” See:

This is where America’s top Democrats – including pasty Joe Biden – are leading us.  Once proudly supporting men and women in blue, they are now anti-police.  America’s long-established rule of law, promotion of deterrence, high integrity policing, non-lethal responses to violence, qualified immunity for discretion under fire, recruiting and retention – have no support.

Democrats like Biden – who barely dares go outside – defend defunding and denigrating police.  Even in New Haven, Connecticut – home to Yale – Democrats are slashing police budgets, as crime spikes. See:  Socialist politics has consumed sober reason.

This cannot stand.  It must stop.  Rule of law – which opposes discrimination and rampant violence, not to mention a radical socialist take-over of police – depends on the American People. Americans everywhere need to show support for selfless law enforcement officers.

Americans need to return to common sense.  Balanced reforms – as offered in Black Republican Senator Tim Scott (R-NC)’s reform bill, rejected by all Democrats – are timely. But needed too is prompt restoration of respect for police.  Without order, there is no ordered liberty. Without ordered liberty, there is no America.  Let us stand up, speak up, stop pretending otherwise.

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4 years ago

The Democratic Party leaders are hopelessly in the tank for the crime ridden knuckledraggers and troglodytes infesting our major cities. To see all the old/white/scared party leaders bending over backwards to kowtow to the miscreants committing outright crimes against the country and its taxpayers, even encouraging them to continue the destruction, is something I thought we would never see in THIS country. Seems like the troublemakers from the ’60s hid out in the fantasyland of academia and infected the country’s youth with their poison, not instructing that youth, but indoctrinating them with Marxist and Maoist ideas. Freedom isn’t free, but the people out there with the signs and frozen water bottles don’t yet realize that, as they abuse that freedom.

4 years ago

This cannot stand. It must stop. Rule of law – which opposes discrimination and rampant violence, not to mention a radical socialist take-over of police – depends on the American People. Americans everywhere need to show support for selfless law enforcement officers.”
So far the vast majority of the American public is doing NOTHING as several Democrat controlled cities and states are both actively defunding the police (less cops more crime!), as well as restricting how the police can even respond to law breakers (cops in some cases NOT even allowed to restrain a combative suspect). Is it any wonder many police officers are coming to the conclusion that no one has their backs and it’s time to take early retirement in droves.
No one will want to take the job where they are not respected by their bosses (Governors, Mayors and other state and local politicians) and they risk lawsuits and even imprisonment on a daily basis for simply doing their job in a lawful fashion. That will turn every city and town across the country into the mirror image of Chicago, NYC, and LA or worse. Yes, what happened to George Floyd was terrible, but the officer in question, and the three rookies he was training, have all been arrested and based upon the local public sentiment reported there, they will get convicted on all counts. Whether the three rookie cops should be treated the same as the training officer that killed George Floyd is a subject for another time, when some sense of sanity occurs in public discussions on the matter.
You CANNOT take an isolated incident and then declare that ALL COPS everywhere are bad and that the police forces of the country should be phased out. Which is exactly what defunding is all about. Eliminating the police and replacing them with so-called social workers or “community activists (BLM, ANTIFA, local street gangs etc.) won’t work out too well for Joe average citizen. That simply isn’t a sane and proportional response. Look at the data rather than listen to the hysterical rants of the anarchists and Democrats seeking to expand their power. BLM and ANTIFA are doing the exact same actions all around the world, in every western country that isn’t socialist enough or out-right communist. Think people! Yes, I know a lot of folks just want to hide and hope this all goes away, but that is exactly the response that the left is counting on from the so-called “silent majority” in order to allow them to push ahead virtually unopposed.

4 years ago

These statistics and the lack of authority to stop and I do mean stop them, is the reason many people are feeling that they will need to defend themselves. Guns and ammunition are very hard to find. Lines at gun stores and firing ranges are long. People are fed up and if necessary, will take action themselves to defend themselves and their families.

4 years ago

The Dems want control at any cost. They’re enlisting the young and foolish as a means to that end.

Richard Leon Shelton
Richard Leon Shelton
4 years ago

The Dems are in for a rude awakening.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Dems Pro crime :
Ive read where Truckers WILL NOT deliever goods into cities with NO police.
IE No groceries, Amazon products on order etc.
Very scary
& then add these to mix:
Mass Exodus OUT
More crime
Lose House or Senate seat in DC
Chap 7 city, state?
Urban core wasteland?
Lose tax $$$
Vigilante mobs
suburban forts ( around gated communities?
Everyone carries.
That can be year 2025, 2026??
Unless we have Law & order for next 4 years then go other way after?

4 years ago


Morty Tupperman
Morty Tupperman
4 years ago

Com’on MAAAAAN! Trump’s the reason for the crime spree! (My tongue has pierced my cheek)

4 years ago

No police Next the SS will be at your door it happened in Germany’ if know your history. Think about it !!!! It will happen if the Democrats get their way!!

4 years ago

If Democrats take control, get used to this level of violence and crime, as it will only grow.

4 years ago

Watch Seattle. If the mayor is voted out because she allowed police to use tear gas, there is no chance that gangs don’t run Seattle. There are leftist Seattle citizens who thought she was doing the right thing. The only safe response would be move some where farther from any big city. Working from home may become the only safe employment. Here is a vote for turning this around but this is comparable to a very long freight train.

John C D'Amico
John C D'Amico
4 years ago


Rodney Ernst
Rodney Ernst
4 years ago

Well well, we are reaping what we are sowing. You have a spineless Congress that is waving the white flag of surrender. I will be surprised if they don’t. All this wouldn’t have happened if businesses, companies, sports teams or whatever would not have joined the political correctness club. Just do the job of supplying the country’s goods and services like we used to and get out of the culture war. Mr. Obama started this when he was in office. Now we are seeing the results. This election will seal our fate if A Democrat gets in office. Also if Congress flips to Blue. We have to fight for our country. It’s to the point, we will have to defend our own property , police or not.

James Krempen
James Krempen
4 years ago

I do not know what the people believe in when then call hard working white people white supremist, because they ( white Supremist) have worked harder than other glasses of people, I started working at the age of 13 sweeping floors in a department store. I went to school and finished 2 associate degrees one finance degree and a masters degree at night and on line with almost 500 hours of certifications from A&M, this was with my own monies no one paid for my tuition.
This hard work paid off and I do see many people who worked as hard as I to succeed. Because I grew up poor, and was determined to not be poor, this was even when teachers at my high school indicated that I could not make it in college, So anyone that calls white people
white supremist is nothing but a loser and does not want to put the effort in that it takes to finally say I made it.
I am proud to be a WHITE SUPERMIST if that means I know what it takes to get ahead.

John C D'Amico
John C D'Amico
4 years ago

What we are witnessing is a sample of what could happen on a larger scale if the Biden Puppet Regime comes into play.

4 years ago

“The worst part is that Biden – and national Democrats – know this is wrong. They simply do not have the courage to say so. ”
This is the heart of the matter. The ONLY thing which matters to them is staying in office. Their oaths mean nothing to them; America means nothing to them; liberty means nothing to them. They are what Lenin so aptly called “useful fools”. They do not foresee that they themselves will be the first executed in the socialist revolution as being no longer needed. But Pelosi will have her ice cream while America burns, and shrug.

James J Baehr
James J Baehr
4 years ago

One of the two cities run by an independent is San Antonio, TX. They don’t run on party affiliation there. However. the mayor and county judge are both democrats, so add San Antonio (S.A.) to the 17 democrat run cities. Crime in S.A. has been bad for the last several years.

4 years ago

I have an idea…let’s start a movement to defund Congress!!! After all, if there are no police to enforce laws, why do we need lawmakers? Just think of all the money we would save…535 times $174,000, at least. That’s 93 million dollars/year alone, and doesn’t include all their expenses flying back and forth, and their gourmet ice cream…I somehow doubt any of them would be eligible for unemployment, and wouldn’t be able to live on it even if they were eligible. If they get rid of law enforcement, we need to be rid of Congress!!

Larry Peterson
Larry Peterson
4 years ago

Socialism is a hate crime against the elderly!

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

Biden is an idiot!! Since he doesn’t want to support the police, then he should have to forgo his own security detail!! Then, he should withdraw from the race!!!!!

Paul W
Paul W
4 years ago

I realize that Bobby Charles was using a figure of speech, but in reality history doesn’t change…people’s facades do. Especially people like dims that have absolutely no convictions, principles or ethics. Total frauds that will say and do anything for political expediency. A pathetic lot that kowtows to seditious marxist thugs. Pathetic people. Pathetic political party.

4 years ago

The police need 2 do what car 54 where r you. Iate 59’s early 60’s series. Don’t show up in minorities parts of town. They have enough of their own guns 2 protect themselves. No need 4 police. After all black lifes only matter if a white cop shoots them. Remember not all black lifes matter. Maybe the dems can authorize a purge like the movie. Of course they will wait until after the elections as they need their vote before they kill 1 another. BRING THE PURGE ON

Dr. Cissero
Dr. Cissero
4 years ago

Socialism is a crime against the righteous and a reward for the lazy. Karl Marx was a reprehensible low life who is portrayed as a humanitarian but the truth is what his apostles ignore, the starvation death of three of his infant children and the unhappy suicides of two other while in their teens.
Just look at the worthless fools who follow this lying swine.

4 years ago

In my opinion, the democrat party has always been a few bricks short of a load. A party with only one oar in the water. Democrat policies, under any scrutiny, never seem workable. Now, the democrat party is being pulled farther to the left and into the realm of insanity. Eliminate police? Eliminating law enforcement will eliminate civilization! Nature abhors a vacuum! Chaos and anarchy will fill the space.

4 years ago

Sorry will i gave up on the repukeacrates. U give them money 2 do what u want. The spineless sluggs won’t do anything. I’ll vote trump only. Until u guys tell us who r the rhinos when u want a donation & put new replubicans in 2 replace these jokers. They r just like the police defund them or only pay them 4 piece work. Then they’ll have 2 do their JOB

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Anyone watching CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC National News and Local News, you are being BRAINWASHED!!!  Almost nothing but LIES, DECEIT, and PROPOGANDA!!  Includes almost half of FOX News Broadcasts.  Turn-off Mainstream News!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Stand up for America!!  No NFL or any other sports unless they raise OUR FLAG and have the National Anthem, requiring everyone to STAND!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Decide to be free!  Take our Country BACK: RED – Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

4 years ago

Running for office scraps values, moral principles, memory or earlier comments and votes, and corrupts. What Biden is doing is sick, and he would make a lousy president.
The United States needs as first priority the following eight principles in place and legal.
1) Term limits.
2) Salary and benefits while in office, and, it stops after their term limit is reached.
3) Ceiling on money spent to get elected.
4) A fair and cheat proof system.
5) Citizen only ability to vote.
6) A mechanism mandating a fair and unassailable determination of what people in their district think about important issues.
7) Mandatory meetings of designated citizens, all parties, with an elected representative (local, county, state and country) to have a discussion and examine problems, needs, what is occurring, positions, and seek sustainable solutions.
8) No law will be passed in favor of an elected official that is not the exact same for all people. Far too many special perks, exemptions, and special laws we all do not enjoy.
Anything less, is to abdicate to the elected who quickly abandon the public and become entitites unto themselves.

Sharon Harrigan
Sharon Harrigan
4 years ago

1 Timothy 2:1-3. “I exhort therefore, that , first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and, giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for ALL that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in ALL godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior.
I would ask that everyone who reads and comments on these articles bow their heads, fall to their knees, and pray to God to send a great revival to sweep through America. She needs to return to the principles of the Bible upon which she was founded. Yes, we want her to be great again, but more importantly, to be a Godly nation again.

4 years ago

More Americans must stand up for principals. We need the police. otherwise we will have vigilantes. That we don’t need. We have laws and they need to be followed for the good of the community. We should never be in fear of being robbed, raped, drugged, shot, beaten.
Blue lives matter. White lives matter, black lives matter, and every other type matters. Every human being deserves to be safe.
There are bad eggs in everything. bad bosses, bad dogs, bad workers, bad officials, bad cops, bad food, bad water, bad air.
That doesn’t mean you get rid of everything. Political Correctness stinks. These officials are yellow bellied sap suckers. They kiss asses. they are afraid. they don’t care if their personal freedoms are taken away just so they don’t make anyone mad at them.
Grow UP. be Adults. Treat everyone fairly. Now you have folks pulling guns on folks who bump into them in a store. come on…
you have folks calling 911 and saying folks are doing something they are not doing…false accusations. this mentality has to stop.

4 years ago

The want for water is not until the well runs dry. Well folks the well is just about dry where liberty is concerned. As long as things are running fairly smooth, people don’t give their liberties that much thought. BUT the left is CONSTANTLY thinking of ways to take our liberties from us. Unlike most people, I was raised with guns in the house and learned early on to RESPECT them. Guns are a beautiful thing if you RESPECT what they can and can not do for you. It looks like the day is coming that we will have to take up arms against a treacherous government hell bent on taking our life, liberty and way of life away from us. How many will be ready for that, I do not know. Can only speak for myself and I am willing and able to do what I can to keep what little freedoms we have left… Here is something to ponder on. Could the insane drive to defund our police have something to do with OUR GUN OWNERSHIP as well? More and more people are owning guns now days and the left’s desire to dearm us has been ever since I can remember. The more WE, the people have to PROTECT ourselves because of a very small police force or none at all…the more the left is going to come down hard on taking our 2A away from us. The left is ever vigilant at thinking of ways to crush this country and they KNOW they can not do it with an ARMED citizenry!

4 years ago

Just close your eyes, and imagine a community without a police department & then imagine why anyone would want to live/move there. Defunding of police is a knee-jerk reaction at this time.

Stephen Bisenius
Stephen Bisenius
4 years ago

Why do corporations of all sizes fund Black Lives Matter and other left wing organizations? They do because conservative leaders keep telling the world that they oppose any kind of economic boycott. The corporations then know that they have nothing to lose by funnelling millions of dollars–dollars that belong to shareholders– to cave in to these left wing causes–because these corporate leaders are confident they will not pay a price by doing so.
63 million supporters of the President need to start using their purchasing power today to send a message to these corporations that there will be a big price for their subsidizing these Marxists radicals. Enough is enough. Wimpy conservative leaders who oppose our using this weapon should be ignored. They are examples of failed leadership.

4 years ago

Civil war is coming. We’ve fought and died to stop communism and socialism in other countries. Next war for freedom will be right here. A large and determined part of our citizens and politicians have gone absurdly nuts. This election is extremely important but I look for it to be grossly fixed by democrats. MAGA.

Gary Cook
Gary Cook
4 years ago

Excellent Article, factual. I am truly disgusted with Trump haters.

Edward Petru
Edward Petru
4 years ago

Replying to all !
I’ve just read through quite a few statements and everyone makes sense on what they said.
Has anyone thought of this idea of what is going on? Mentally incompetent Joe biden is elected president with a female communist anti American vice president. After 6 months he is deemed mentally unable to perform his duties. Who is the president now? You can kiss your freedom good by. No more 2nd amendment, no more freedom of speech, no more freedom of religion, book burnings, open borders, etc. etc.
Like Charlton Heston said, FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS.

4 years ago

Please note Senator Scott is from South Carolina not North Carolina as has been shown in several AMAC articles. We in SC are proud of the job he is doing representing us.

Rick J.
Rick J.
4 years ago

The democrats want to get rid of law enforcement, so their leftist goons will have less opposition, when they try
to seize control of the country, after they are defeated in the 2020 election. The dems are determined to seize
control of the country by what ever means needed….. Arm yourself or be prepared to surrender your freedom.

4 years ago

And now Newsom plans to release 8000 more prisoners. Even if they want to obey our laws how are they going to eat or live without robbing or worse when the rest of the state can’t get jobs and now as of today Newsom wants to close down any indoor activity for groups of people. As we all know crooks can get guns if they want to do so. I guess NRA members are going to have to patrol our streets to keep the rest of us safe.

4 years ago

Another thought – as I read many of the comments below I kept asking myself will the voting public reelect these Democratic governors etc. My fear is that they will since so many millennials seem to want to push us into socialism.

USA Defender
USA Defender
4 years ago

I’m waiting for a report on guns sales in the USA. With the increase in anti police movements and the massive defunding of police budgets, I have heard that many citizens are purchasing arms for self defense for their families. We all have the right to defend ourselves from all this inane criminal activity. The Democratic “comrades” are pushing for lawlessness in our great country and it may depend on us to stop them before it’s too late. Wake up Democrats and understand that your destroying the country your living in.

Nancy Lipkins
Nancy Lipkins
4 years ago

IT’S time to lock and load and the one’s in ST Louis were right to keep the thugs off their property time to sue the idiot who ordered them to be arrested. they should have shot every one of the THUGS that came on their property

Arizona Don
Arizona Don
4 years ago

It is impossible to reason with an unreasonable person. These so called democrats seem to be unreasonable at this time (they were always unreasonable about some things but much worse today). Furthermore, it is impossible to convince some people that people who do not obey laws cannot be effected in any way by passing more laws. In other words if an “outlaw” does not obey laws how is it possible to think if just one more restrictive gun law is passed it will convince him or her to not carry a gun or commit a gun crime?  Now I ask you is that thinking reasonable? There are currently around ten thousand restrictive gun laws on the books. Do they work? No! So why do we keep beating this dead horse? We as a nation have been passing into law restrictive gun laws for around ninety years now. None, not even one, of them has ever worked to do what it was passed to do yet it is still on the books. Why?
Isn’t it about time some other method is used to actually reduce crime all crime? One thing is for certain defunding and reducing the size of our police force while releasing criminals from prisons will NOT reduce crime. BUT that is what the democrats are doing right now! Whose ignorant idea was that anyway?  And no the Chinese virus is not an excuse! Who will be responsible for the crimes THEY commit? The people who released them or the people who gave the order to release them or no one?  I bet I know the answer.
Several years ago the Phoenix Az valley was quickly becoming the kidnap, carjack and car thief capital of America. Very likely because of our proximity to Mexico. Something had to be done. Consequently, congress got together and passed constitutional concealed carry. No permit required to carry a gun concealed. And the Governor (Jan Brewer) signed it into law. We already had concealed carry with a permit but it was not enough. Some saw it as a way to register gun owners and would not get the permit. Nearly immediately after constitutional carry was signed into law crime started down but not just car jacking and kidnaping crimes “all” crimes. And has gone down “nearly” every year since. There is a lesson there but that lesson goes against the mind set of these gun grabbers so it is not feasible at least to them.  The lesson is guns in the hands of law abiding responsible citizens helps law enforcement and does not hinder it. Actually restrictive gun laws assist the criminals because they take guns OUT of the hands of law abiding responsible citizens. There are tens of millions of law abiding responsible citizens here in the United States.  
What the so called democrats do not seem to understand is they cannot ever, like in never ever, confiscate all the guns here in the US. There are just plain to many. If a law were passed making guns illegal they would just go underground. In any case they would still be here. It is impossible to confiscate them all especially from a citizenship that will not cooperate or comply with any law attempting to confiscate them. It is said there are around one hundred seventy five million gun owners here in the United States of America. That number is increasing very rapidly and every day right now. On some sites it is impossible to find certain calibers of guns right now. It is further said the average gun ownership number is slightly over nine. Now you do the math. 9 X 175,000,000.  How many guns does that say “could” be here?  Now how long do you think it would take government to confiscate them from a non-complying population? Decades or centuries?  
You should consider also the ammunition because it is an explosive it has gun powder in it. It could be used to make bombs. If there are but fifty rounds per gun average (I personally know people, reloaders, who have tens of thousands of rounds of ammo) how many rounds of ammo is that. Again you do the math. Perhaps you will begin to see what I mean. Now add to that most gun owning Americans know the history of Europe and Asia during the twentieth century when so many hundreds of millions of citizens were slaughtered by their own government(s) after the guns were confiscated and I suspect you will begin to realize why Americans will fight giving up their guns. They just will not do it here in America. Even if the second amendment should somehow be rescinded they will not give up their guns. 
Furthermore take a long hard look at the hate in the eyes of most if not all these so called democrats and you will understand what they would do if in complete control of everything like a dictatorship. They would do exactly what the dictators did in Europe and Asia eliminate those people they see as a threat to their power.  That would be all conservatives!  
I actually wonder when these gun grabbers will learn in order for a restrictive gun law to work the people, all the people, have to comply. Aren’t we smart enough by now to know no law works if it is not complied with?  Isn’t this demonstrated day in and day out especially when riots and looting are gong on? Rioting and looting are against the law you know. Constitutionally America is run with the consent of the governed. Not by force of the government! That is just one more thing that will disappear if we were to become a socialist nation remember that when you vote next November.  

Allan Brem
Allan Brem
4 years ago

It should be somewhat obvious as to which Party the criminals support.

4 years ago

The previous Joke that we had in the white began militarizing branches of the government building up their own brand of enforcement, fortunately for us comrade clinton was beaten and we survived the bullet for at least four more years…While in the Navy I was in countries where the military walked the streets carrying automatic weapons, this is where we could be headed if the left ever takes complete control

Betty Long
Betty Long
4 years ago

No coincidence, with Democrats wanting to get rid of out Protection and Law Enforcement Agencies and Departments, the Democrats mob, the “for hire” bad mobs, and the extended lockdowns. All the chaos, riots, terrorism are aimed at weakening us all down and our Country into bankrupted ruins. God bless our President, Vice President and all other awesome supporters’ American loving strength, dedicated work and service for a stronger America.

Sgt. Bill
Sgt. Bill
4 years ago

It’s unfortunate, but a few bad actors have infiltrated the ranks of our police organizations. Why? Well, one reason is that the salaries offered are too low to attract the best of the best. If I were a 20 year old with a wife and a growing family to support, I would be looking at a line of work that might actually provide that support. Law enforcement would not be the first choice. Another problem is the fact that law enforcement recruiters tend to favor ex-military because of their existing firearms training, martial arts training, and physical conditioning. These are plusses, of course, but often the new officer is a combat vet who has developed a kill or be killed mentality as a result of the dangers he has experienced. It is nearly impossible to flip some switch in their brains to transform that mind set to a protect and serve mind set. We are all hard wired by our past experiences. Police recruiting and salaries need to be looked at very hard.

4 years ago

Why would any sane person vote for a Democrat? They take money away from protecting law abiding tax paying citizens and give it to illegal immigrants. Democrats need to cheat by the use of absentee and mail in ballots to win any election. And they have the wicked mainstream media covering over all the democrats improprieties and making up bs on President Trump. PTL for President Trump’s fortitude in combating the wickedness.

Harry Katsarelis
Harry Katsarelis
4 years ago

Democrats are Not just Defunding the police they are funding the criminals and encouraging rioting and looting and the Hollywood is paying to bailout these criminals. New York eliminated bail money and Most Democratic cities releasing prisoners under COV-19 virus because they Want them on streets causing violence! Most Republicans and Conservatives laughed at AOC Green New Deal proposal but Now this is being accepted by Joe Biden and Democrats are planning to go forward with this disaster of plan which will Destroy America from within America!

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