“What’s my corvette doing at the White House? Where did my documents go? I have to go to the… um… where’s my teleprompter?
“Mr. President, you are not president anymore and just a moment, let us get you that teleprompter. Is that better? “
“Uh, um, yes … bathroom. Yes, bathroom. Now, this office is not oval. The door is not in the same place.”
“No Sir, you are right Sir, this office is rectangular, not oval, we left the oval one in Washington for President Trump. And you are right again, Sir, the door is in a different place.”
“For President who? Trump? He’s, he’s an enemy of the … where’s my teleprompter? Right here Sir, over here Sir. We do not have the fireplace anymore either, Sir, I am sorry. We left that too.”
“Oh, and wait, yes … of the People. Okay, we did? Okay. But isn’t he a MAGA Republican? Why would we leave him the fireplace? Doesn’t he live in Florida? He doesn’t need a fireplace?”
“Yes Sir, you are exactly right, Sir. He is one of them. In fact, he is the Big MAGA. He invented the hats and the saying, and it seems a lot of people like him, so he moved from Florida to DC.”
“Yes, Sir, where you used to live when you were president. He lives there now. He moved back in.”
“I am the President!”
“Yes, Sir, you are a president Sir, but your time is over and now he is in the Oval Office. He is our new president.”
“Does Hunter know about this? Does Jill know? She will be hopping mad, I know she will, she does not like that guy. And Hunter, has he let the Chinese know? They will not like this either. Who thought of this, and why did we leave him the fireplace again?”
“Sir, the way our democracy works, and I know you are an expert on this, is that we have these changes now and then, and they come after elections, and that is how democracy works. Remember you spoke about this when you had those red lights, and the US Marines near you?”
“Yes, yes I do, I sure do… Come on man, that guy can’t be the president again, can he? Did I sign an order letting that happen? Where is Barry, he’ll know, he wrote those things, Harvard guy you know.”
“Yes Sir, well, actually Sir, President Trump won the electoral vote and popular vote after Ms. Harris took your job and ran against him. She was trying to help, but it didn’t work out. And Barry, well, Barry and the Mrs. are not getting on well. She is sore. She did not even go to the Inauguration.”
“Oh yes, that’s right, the inauguration. Now I recall, and cold too. I didn’t have any lines. I didn’t say anything, did I? Why didn’t I say anything? That was a cold day. Why did we give him the fireplace?”
“Sir, not everything goes the way we want, the climate isn’t actually in our control, even though we got votes telling people that. It was just cold, God made it cold. And I am sorry about the fireplace. I think if we let the Chinese or Mr. Zelinsky or Mr. Soros or Mr. Zuckerburg know, they’ll send us one.”
“God? Really, I thought that was just in the Bible. You mean all our windmills and solar pans are not real, and can’t change the weather? Wait a minute, are you MAGA? Where’s Jill? She is gonna be really mad about this, I know it. When she hears about this, she’s gonna hit the roof. Come on, really?”
“Yes Sir, I’m sorry Sir, there is a lot that isn’t quite how we talked about it. And they are panels, not pans. And I think the First Lady may already know about this.”
“Does Barry know about this? He said we needed windmills and pans, Seer Tea and Dee Yee Eye, and lots of genders, good old-fashioned riots, and Mars-ism in schools to stop MAGA people. This doesn’t sound good. I think we might have to withdraw, like in Afghanistan.”
“Well Sir, that is a good way to think it, I guess. I think Barry might have been wrong about that stuff. The People do not like those things. And you did withdraw, Sir, that’s a good way to think about it.”
“What is Mars-ism anyway, I kept meaning to ask him. Does it have to do with those aliens they talk about? He said he had it worked, MAGA guy would get slimed, old man Garland on the High Court, no loans for anyone, free stuff for poor from rich, and I would get ice cream. What happened?”
“Sir, there is a lot that did not work out exactly as you and Barry, Jill and Kamila, Tony and Austin, Chuck and Nancy, Taylor and Oprah, Cher and Barbra… thought. A thousand pardons, but it just did not work out the way you wanted. But how about some good news… We do have ice cream!”
“Yes, yes, that is nice, ice cream. I like that. We didn’t give that new guy our ice cream, did we?”
“No Sir, we sure did not. We left the Oval and door and fireplace, but we took the ice cream.”
“Good, good, he needs to know who’s boss. But tell me again, why’s my Corvette in the White House? And where did my documents go? I have to go to the… um… where’s my teleprompter?”
Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC. Robert Charles has also just released an uplifting new book, “Cherish America: Stories of Courage, Character, and Kindness” (Tower Publishing, 2024).
This is spot on as to how a lot of conversations with people with Dementia go. Around and around in a endless circle of disjointed thought patterns and never getting anywhere. All while repeating the same things over and over again. Perfect capture of what Biden must be like on a daily basis over the last four years and especially now.
Pity the poor, live-in home health aid that Jill and the rest of the Biden family no doubt pawned off Old Joe onto now that he’s no longer of any value to the family in terms of being able to monetize his political position for “favors” (bribes) to the old man. At least we don’t have to worry about any post-presidency speeches or TV interviews from Old Joe in whatever time he has left.
It’s still amazing we allowed this farce to go for four years, as former Obama personnel systematically caused so much damage to this country and its people. Hopefully, the majority of Americans learned something from all this.
It was obvious that Biden had dementia in 2020. The Democrats argued Trump was the dangerous one and he would start a war. This was totally false. It turned out that Biden was the warmonger and the dangerous one by starting our country’s involvement with the war in Ukraine. Biden almost started the next World War. I wonder if Joe actually knows his name? The one thing I learned is how corrupt our country’s political system is. Sad.
Besides being hilarious, that article is FACT-BASED.
But a couple of better questions the MEGA CORRUPT, WALKING CORPSE Joey should ask would be “Why am I in this nice, padded cell overlooking the prison yard? And who are all those people down their in striped uniforms?”
Very good synopsis of a senile old man. Maybe now they can stop the elder abuse and take him off all the drugs he’s been on and let him sit in his beach chair and eat ice cream all day long.
RBC, nice piece, on the money.
Now! Can we finally speak of the treason that occurred over not invoking the 25th amendment on an incapacitated POTUS and allowing someone else (not elected) to run this country in Joe’s demented absence??? Someone else who was controlling the nuclear codes!!! Someone else that was directing national policy!!! This entire sh1t storm needs to be investigated ASAP!
I hear Joe and Jill are both up for an Oscar for “Best Actor” and “Best Director” for their role in “POTUS: The Grifting of America”.
I love this article. Kudos to the clever guy who wrote it.
I remember when my Mom had dementia and would ask the same questions over and over.
In some ways I feel sorry for Joe. His party, family and others with nefarious intentions used him as a scapegoat. He should never have been elected and rather should have been in a place that takes care of demented persons rather than put him in a position for the country to make fun of him. Shame on his family, Barry and Soros!!
Anyway, this was a very accurate and funny article that was probably more truth than fiction.
Finally, go MAGA again!! Reality and common sense back in business in my country!!
I’m not a Dem supporter…never have and never will. But this is sad. He was used like a puppet and all with Jill’s knowledge and obvious consent. Dementia is a cruel disease and they used it and him.
This summary of his present mental capacity is too generous and kind. There is nothing generous about him only when it cones to his own. That wile, crafty calculating cheat knew what he was doing at the beginning and did it well with a kindly smile..In the end it did not worked out as planned by his handlers but mysterious are the ways. Not even climate changers can change that.
He doesn’t need the bathroom, just Depends.
This is very funny, but we shouldn’t laugh at someone’s mental decline. It’ll happen to all of us, and then we see the Lord for our final destiny. We hope to go to heaven.
I’d believe that was real.
Thank you. A good read.
The guy is out of office now, let it go! I know he and his cabinet screwed up American but he is not the President anymore. Let’s just get on with life!
This would make a great SNL skit!
”Where’s My Teleprompter?””Where’s my brain?”
This is hilarious!
I thought this article was in poor taste. It amounts to making fun of someone’s disability.