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What’s Behind the Dems’ Magic Mask Reversal?

Posted on Thursday, February 10, 2022
by Tammy Bruce

AMAC Exclusive By: Tammy Bruce


It’s been fascinating watching various blues cities and states suddenly reverse themselves on mask mandates for children and their other onerous and even anti-science COVID-19 edicts. For two years we watched and were pummeled by seemingly arbitrary rules about masks, behavior, lockdowns, and distancing. The rules were written in quicksand, with lead poobah Dr. Anthony “I’m Science” Fauci regularly flip-flopping on most issues.

And then, like magic, Democrats and their media enablers were struck by a sudden epiphany that mask mandates were no longer needed! What changed? The year changed into a year with a midterm election, that’s what. All these emergency rules to save everyone’s lives are apparently not so necessary, proving again the argument that the efforts to micro-manage our lives, destroying mental health, crushing small businesses, and the education and well-being of children, absurdly done in the name of “safety,” has all along been about politics and control.

The contempt felt for the average American is always on display by the establishment, but one of the best examples throughout the debacle of COVID response comes from Dr. Leana Wen, a former Commissioner of the Baltimore City Health Department, former head of Planned Parenthood, and now with CNN and the Washington Post (of course). In other words, someone you can trust to bring you the Democrat and Leftist narratives.

On CNN, when asked if she agrees with the mask mandate reversal, she said yes because “the science has changed.” Yeah, no. The only thing that has changed is what best suits the election prospects of Democrats.

The pandemic, like other tragedies and catastrophes, was always viewed by the Democrats as an opportunity. Former mayor of Chicago and Obama advisor Rahm Emanual once said the quiet thing out loud when he remarked in public during the 2008 financial crisis, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.”

It got them the White House in 2020, and they presumed maintaining the same fear and chaos would continue to bring them political dividends. Once again, however, the left underestimated the American people, especially American parents and families.

For a year now, the fecklessness and incompetence of the Democrats have been on full display. Their disconnect from the American people is a nonpartisan catastrophe for them. Most average people, Democrat, Independent, or Republican, care about the children, the future, and the safety of their families. All of that has been smashed by the Biden administration and its enablers.

Keep in mind, the perpetual pandemic we’ve been living through was meant to become the ‘new normal.’ COVID-19 was an emergency at the start, but it stopped being one once we understood what it was, had the vaccines, and grasped the importance of treatments and therapies. But it is the “State of Emergency” that allows states and the federal government to use extraordinary measures, like mask and vaccine mandates, school and business closures, and lockdowns. As some on social media have observed, a State of Emergency for two years is also known as a Police State.

Democrats were so obsessed with gazing at their navels they were shocked with the outcome of the Virginia election. This was a huge awakening for the left and a rejection of their maniacal obsession with excising parents from the education of their children, which flipped Virginia red.

Throughout the last year, polls have been brutal for Mr. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, both underwater by double-digits. The latest Real Clear Politics average has Mr. Biden at his approval nadir with 39.8 percent, disapproval at 54.4 percent.

Their awakening to the disaster of all of their policies is also tied to the Democrats launching their own internal polls as the primary season comes up. The November election is one thing, but both parties are dealing with primaries with which they will select their nominees. The earliest is in March, with most unfolding in May and June. What the Democrats and their candidates are seeing from polls of likely voters in their own party must be a complete disaster.

Virtually in unison, blues states and cities are abandoning mask mandates almost as quickly as Biden abandoned Americans in Kabul and Ukraine.

Massachusetts and New York just announced they, too, are lifting mask mandates. This follows Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, and even California. But some, like New York and California, are leaving in place the masks for children. Who are these people that lifting the mask mandate for adults is fine, but then leave it in place for kids, the least vulnerable? Once again, it confirms the deadly and abusive politics of the Democrats. It’s the teachers’ unions they’re worried about, not our children, no matter what the harm. You and yours are expendable.  

The good news is the quiet rage being gauged in polls is forcing these tiny tyrants to reverse themselves. But it should never have happened in the first place. And they will do it again given the chance. No matter their frantic effort to erase the reality of their intentions, we will not forget and will continue to make our feelings known at school board meetings, at our city councils, and during elections throughout this year locally and nationally.

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2 years ago

The elections are coming and the Democrats can read the current polls as well as anyone. In the event they cannot federalize elections before the midterms to ensure they win, they need to spin the narrative, with the constant support of the MSM of course, that they “conquered the virus and saved America” while Democrats ran everything. I expect this will be the focus of what Biden talks about at his upcoming SOTU speech, which will kick off the propaganda campaign. It’s as simple as that.

Democrats are counting on the short attention span and generally uniformed nature of the public to forget all about the harm and damage Democrat policies, at least those related to Covid, have done to this country by the time election day comes around. In Democrat controlled states, this is usually a winning strategy with the average Democrat voter that is generally uniformed and barely remembers what happened last week. Much less several months ago. When coupled with how certain Democrat controlled states are gerrymandering voting districts to nullify the voices of Republican voters in those states, one can begin to see the multi-tier strategy the Democrats will be using to blunt the public backlash to their destructive rule to date.

On the other side, we continue to see Republicans running for Congress trying to cobble together a coherent, concise message and strategy to present to the public. Something that honestly should be able to be done in 15 to 20 minutes with 5 to 10 bullet points over a cup of coffee. Hopefully with Gingrich sitting down with feckless McCarthy, we will see something come forth by June as Newt as suggested. It shouldn’t be this hard folks, but when so many career politicians don’t really stand for they campaign on, the task takes a lot longer than it should.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Elections, votes & use & draw new district lines to win 2022

2 years ago

Thank you so much for

2 years ago

Great article Tammy. In my own personal life, I keep making the point to all my lefty friends and family to point out the hypocrisy. These same people now pretend, they knew the “vaccines,” were not fool proof. They like the media, think we have amnesia. It was not what we were sold. So if ” fully vaccinated,” people can get and pass Covid, why would mandates be necessary. They are not. Just like masks are not necessary. The same science from the beginning of this CCP flu scare.

2 years ago

Thank you so much for clarifying, what I’m sure many of us already suspected. The Democrats and Rinos have no true change of heart, only change of tactics.

2 years ago

Its simple. The democrats are power/vote whores who will say anything and do anything to obtain their objectives. The only time a democrat will observe laws or the constitution is if it benefits them politically. The only time a democrat will have morals, is if it benefits them.
If you look at everything the democrats have done in the past 10-20 years under a lens of turning this country into a socialist/communist government with them permanently in power, everything they’ve done makes sense.

2 years ago

Thank you!
And as far as keeping the children masked – it may be a tactic related to forcing the shot onto the children’s vax schedule, so they are home free for profit and impunity, never mind how many of our little ones become injured, infertile, and die early.

2 years ago

I agree with your article, though you need to change the 2016 election to the one Trump won, not Obama. You probably meant to say 2012?

2 years ago

Obviously, the Dems are reducing mask mandates so Biden will be able to point to something good happening in his State of the Union speech. “Gee, look what I did. I cured the Covid disease.”

2 years ago

The mask mandates for kids is ridiculous and we need to get rid of teachers unions….all a bunch of evil demonrats. I will NEVER vote for another demonrat as long as I live. Biden needs to be locked in his basement….and Jill is a publicity seeking jackass for pushing him.

2 years ago

Excellent article!

2 years ago

There scared to death that’s why

2 years ago

Simple reason, politics. The socialist democrats have taken over our economy and children teaching them what the government wants, the government will get by any means. This is so disgraceful as our children have suffered terribly and chances will never recover from all this foul smell

Owen Shrock
Owen Shrock
2 years ago

Great article, and everything said was true. The problem is your average American has a very short memory/attention span. I believe they will forget all the ill’s that went along with the dreaded Covid and the mask mandates. Millions will be in lockstep with the Democratic party and voting them all back into office.

I pray and hope not, but let’s face it…it’s true.

2 years ago

Been saying this for months. And this is just one so-called miracle the dems will pull out of their a$$es as the midterms approach. America, we must not fall into their traps during the next several months of lies and keep them from a win!

Steven Coughlin
Steven Coughlin
2 years ago

This is political expediency, pure and simple. The Democrats know mask mandates are becoming a losing issue for them, proving once again this is, and has been, largely ( if not totally) political.

2 years ago

campaign’s for E-L-E-C-T-I-O-N-S

2 years ago

How the hell did he get 39.8% Are there that many ignorant voters in America?

2 years ago

Reply to Jerry, It does seem impossible that 39.8% of people could think that brain dead Biden is doing a good job, but its sad to say that there are a lot of people in this country that are just as brain dead as he is.

2 years ago

On February 10th, Nevada’s Democratic Governor, Sisolak, lifted Nevada’s mask mandate. Many Democrats were crying because they could not find new facial diapers, and now they find many!

2 years ago

You Republicans are being duped. In a couple of months things will be so bad Biden will be forced to reopen the Canadian pipeline, reopen Alaska and the Dakotas; close the southern border and cancel the stupid regulations he passed. By election time those things will make him look like a genius and sweep the democrats right back in office.

2 years ago

I do believe the real reason is the rapidity with which the truckers in polite Canada assembled and lined up and had so many thousands of ordinary Canadians lining the streets in gratitude and support.
It seems like only yesterday the powers that be were warning us that even if Omicron is going, the next variation is going to be worse than ever and will need a rigorous response.
Then the truckers showed up and suddenly everyone is finding the mandates unnecessary.


Johnny Bad
Johnny Bad
2 years ago

The radical administration is not ever gonna stop turning the screw tighter until they’ve reached the point where nothing’s left to take!! ???

Joe M
Joe M
2 years ago


2 years ago

Never ever forget that democrats and rino’s (sorry for being redundant), are focused on one thing control period. To have control they need to be re-elected. Hopefully voters have had enough of their lies and will vote these clowns/tyrants out of office/control

2 years ago

The IL Dem. Gov. Pritzker is suddenly saying that masks will be optional in most settings later this month. The elections are coming. After he is reelected by Chicago or another Dem. is selected by the Chicago Democrat party, who knows what will happen.

2 years ago

Monkey see problems, Monkey try to save his butt!

Shaun Pfund
Shaun Pfund
2 years ago

It is quite clear that the shift of political will on the progressives has shifted to “neutral” in order to give an appearance of changing their one-track minds, however if provided the opportunity they will again throw it into overdrive to regain any power lost and expand their ability to take more, all at the cost of the American family, values and beliefs.

Gloria P. Sterling
Gloria P. Sterling
2 years ago

The mandate is still on in Nevada and I keep praying that God will awaken our insane governor.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

Last week “science” said “masks= good” but now… They’re following the SCIENCE… poll-itical science that is! Assuming they actually believe their BS, apparently “people’s lives” are less important then getting elected because, as they’ve stated before: “no masks means you’re a murderer of children!”

Pat R
Pat R
2 years ago

Well if I can say anything about this article, it’s that Tammy Bruce holds nothing back. Had to chuckle out loud at her comment about Dems’ obsession for staring at their navels. Hadn’t heard that one before. Ms. Bruce definitely laid it all out.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
2 years ago

the ONLY “science” the democrats have ever followed throughout this whole pandemic is the political science. Also, in addition to the sinking poll numbers of this administration and the sinking midterm election hopes of the democrats, has it occurred to anybody that the American people have had enough of the hypocritical attitude of “mask for me, not for thee” attitude of the democrats? I know I have enough of that garbage.

Chuck Johnston
Chuck Johnston
2 years ago

Just another Democrat scam. It reminds me of what I noticed when Bill Clinton was president; if he was opposed to a piece of legislation and it still passed with a veto-proof vote, he would get in front of the cameras immediately before anyone else had a chance, and proclaim victory for getting the legislation passed. So, even though he had fought tooth and nail against it, when it passed he took credit for getting it passed.
This is what the Democrats are trying to do with the mask mandates and vaccine mandates in areas where it is no longer possible to crush the citizens into submission.

2 years ago

Democrats realize that the American people are fed up with their fear mongering regarding covid (and a lot of other things). They realize that they have to do something wonderful if they aren’t going to lose their shirts in November. The mask issue is just another shenanigan that Democrats are using in hopes that Americans are as dumb and forgetful as they think we are!! My hope is that more Americans will prove them wrong and remember all of the crap that they have tried and succeeded to dish out to us in the past several decades!!!

Jim Thayer
Jim Thayer
2 years ago

This has never been about safety of the public. It has been about control. Big pharma has been making money off vaccines and tests. The medical institutions make money from emergency care and billing insurance and the government. Insurance companies are making money from rising insurance premiums. All the people are left with is another 3 trillion of debt. As you can see follow the money —there is the problem. This lady has it right.

2 years ago

Ms. Bruce’s comments are right on the mark. The Democrats are finally waking up. As Ms. Bruce clearly states November is on their minds.

2 years ago

The elections are coming and the Democrats can read the current polls as well as anyone. In the event they cannot federalize elections before the midterms to ensure they win, they need to spin the narrative, with the constant support of the MSM of course, that they “conquered the virus and saved America” while Democrats ran everything. I expect this will be the focus of what Biden talks about at his upcoming SOTU speech, which will kick off the propaganda campaign. It’s as simple as that.

Democrats are counting on the short attention span and generally uniformed nature of the public to forget all about the harm and damage Democrat policies, at least those related to Covid, have done to this country by the time election day comes around. In Democrat controlled states, this is usually a winning strategy with the average Democrat voter that is generally uniformed and barely remembers what happened last week. Much less several months ago. When coupled with how certain Democrat controlled states are gerrymandering voting districts to nullify the voices of Republican voters in those states, one can begin to see the multi-tier strategy the Democrats will be using to blunt the public backlash to their destructive rule to date.

On the other side, we continue to see Republicans running for Congress trying to cobble together a coherent, concise message and strategy to present to the public. Something that honestly should be able to be done in 15 to 20 minutes with 5 to 10 bullet points over a cup of coffee. Hopefully with Gingrich sitting down with feckless McCarthy, we will see something come forth by June as Newt as suggested. It shouldn’t be this hard folks, but when so many career politicians don’t really stand for they campaign on, the task takes a lot longer than it should.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Elections, votes & use & draw new district lines to win 2022

2 years ago

Thank you so much for

2 years ago

Great article Tammy. In my own personal life, I keep making the point to all my lefty friends and family to point out the hypocrisy. These same people now pretend, they knew the “vaccines,” were not fool proof. They like the media, think we have amnesia. It was not what we were sold. So if ” fully vaccinated,” people can get and pass Covid, why would mandates be necessary. They are not. Just like masks are not necessary. The same science from the beginning of this CCP flu scare.

2 years ago

Thank you so much for clarifying, what I’m sure many of us already suspected. The Democrats and Rinos have no true change of heart, only change of tactics.

2 years ago

Its simple. The democrats are power/vote whores who will say anything and do anything to obtain their objectives. The only time a democrat will observe laws or the constitution is if it benefits them politically. The only time a democrat will have morals, is if it benefits them.
If you look at everything the democrats have done in the past 10-20 years under a lens of turning this country into a socialist/communist government with them permanently in power, everything they’ve done makes sense.

2 years ago

Thank you!
And as far as keeping the children masked – it may be a tactic related to forcing the shot onto the children’s vax schedule, so they are home free for profit and impunity, never mind how many of our little ones become injured, infertile, and die early.

2 years ago

I agree with your article, though you need to change the 2016 election to the one Trump won, not Obama. You probably meant to say 2012?

2 years ago

Obviously, the Dems are reducing mask mandates so Biden will be able to point to something good happening in his State of the Union speech. “Gee, look what I did. I cured the Covid disease.”

2 years ago

The mask mandates for kids is ridiculous and we need to get rid of teachers unions….all a bunch of evil demonrats. I will NEVER vote for another demonrat as long as I live. Biden needs to be locked in his basement….and Jill is a publicity seeking jackass for pushing him.

2 years ago

Excellent article!

2 years ago

There scared to death that’s why

2 years ago

Simple reason, politics. The socialist democrats have taken over our economy and children teaching them what the government wants, the government will get by any means. This is so disgraceful as our children have suffered terribly and chances will never recover from all this foul smell

Owen Shrock
Owen Shrock
2 years ago

Great article, and everything said was true. The problem is your average American has a very short memory/attention span. I believe they will forget all the ill’s that went along with the dreaded Covid and the mask mandates. Millions will be in lockstep with the Democratic party and voting them all back into office.

I pray and hope not, but let’s face it…it’s true.

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