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Under Biden, China Operates with Impunity in the United States

Posted on Thursday, June 27, 2024
by Ben Solis

In the ongoing great power competition between the United States and China, one of the most pressing threats to the American people is the quiet infiltration of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) secret police into American communities.

I spoke with a number of individuals familiar with the CCP’s covert operations in the United States for this article, all of whom emphasized the urgent nature of the problem. Some requested anonymity due to still being a target of the CCP.

One Chinese defector, a former chaplain of a group that opposed the CCP who has been in hiding since the early 1990s, specifically lamented Joe Biden’s failure to address or even acknowledge the threat. He likened the Biden administration to Edmund Pevensie, the character from C.S. Lewis’s classic The Chronicles of Narnia series.

For those unfamiliar, in The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, the most famous installment of Lewis’s saga, Edmund falls under the spell of the wicked White Witch after eating a poisoned Turkish Delight. He was deceived by the Witch’s sweet-sounding promises and nearly helped her accomplish her evil plan.

The Biden administration, much like Edmund, appears to be falling under the spell of China’s sweet-sounding words. As I have previously detailed, while the administration has attempted to front a tough-on-China stance, in reality its policies have been precisely the opposite approach, reversing many of former President Donald Trump’s policies that had forced the CCP to the negotiating table.

The reality, as Biden should well know, is that the CCP does not seek peace and prosperity for its people, but is as wicked as the White Witch. It’s aim, as the chaplain I spoke with relayed, is “domination over the world,” which it thinks it can achieve through “lying, stealing, and murdering.”

“We can’t feel completely safe anywhere, including the United States,” he emphasized, noting that CCP secret police have now infiltrated the U.S. – undoubtedly aided by the ongoing border crisis. In March 2024, apprehensions of Chinese nationals attempting to illegally cross the border were up an astonishing 8,000 percent over March 2021. These figures indicate that many more likely escaped into the country undetected.

The chaplain’s account coincides with the extraordinary confessions of a former CCP secret police operative who recently divulged shocking details about his work outside of China to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. In that interview, the operative, who removed his cover and identified himself as Eric, said that he was a former pro-democracy activist who was recruited to be an undercover agent for the CCP’s Political Security Protection Bureau.

With aid from Beijing, Eric helped locate and target individuals in Western countries who were speaking out against the CCP. In one complex operation, Eric posed as a fan of a dissident cartoonist who lives outside of Washington, D.C., attempting to lure him to Cambodia by promising work designing the logo for a real estate company. That cartoonist, who uses the pseudonym Rebel Pepper, criticizes the CCP in his drawings.

Once Rebel Pepper was in Cambodia, the plan was for CCP agents to apprehend him at his hotel and bring him to trial in China. “I was quite tempted to go, but my wife feared it could be a trap,” the Chinese dissident told a journalist. He later received confirmation from a source in Cambodia that one of the individuals there with whom he had been conversing was with the Chinese secret police.

On another occasion, according to Eric, he tracked a dissident’s movement from Cambodia to Canada after the dissident moved there under a protective visa. The dissident was later found dead at sea in still unexplained circumstances. Reviewing the reports on that dissident, which Eric sent to China, Don Stanton, a 32-year veteran of the Canadian intelligence service, told the Australian ABC that the case was “a sovereignty issue for Canada.”

After watching the ABC report, a former high-ranking KGB official who defected in the 1980s and wished to be unnamed, fearing for his safety, told me that the Chinese spies had made it “extremely hard to detect their operations” throughout the West. “They had even managed to turn pro-democracy activists into agent provocateurs, a feat that was considered rare for the Soviets,” he continued. This, he said, is an alarming sign, even more so given the fact that the CCP feels confident carrying out operations inside the United States and other Western nations.

According to a new report out from Safeguard Defenders, a human rights group with a focus on China, there have been 283 cases of “extrajudicial repatriation” to China from 56 countries over the past decade. These forced return efforts were all carried out under two long-term operations codenamed “Fox Hunt” and “Sky Net” by the CCP. Chinese government agents routinely used lies and deception to lure unsuspecting dissidents to locations where they could be abducted by CCP agents.

The report specifically noted at least 25 successful return operations from the United States, with confirmation that such operations are ongoing.

The fact that CCP agents can apparently carry out missions inside the United States with the country’s leaders either none the wiser or powerless to stop it should concern every American. More than just an embarrassment, such a development is a full-fledged national security crisis.

Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, and researcher.

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8 months ago

Doesn’t anyone else wonder why, suddenly, 10,000 miltary-aged chinese MEN are pouring over our borders (and those are ones that got caught!). Let’s see, chinese secret police outposts, chinese buying up farmland in US, chinese companies stealing our tech for decades, creation of political dissidence throughout USA, now the “invasion” force is arriving..not so subtly..this isn’t going to end well for US. Only saving grace is that our country hasn’t yet been disarmed, but they are trying! Is it just me that sees thie handwriting on the wall?

8 months ago

Biden and his family have been receiving money from China for many years. He sold out his positions in our government and our country. China needed him installed as president to complete their takeover of our country. Biden does what ever Xi tells him to. Disgusting.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
8 months ago

Don’t forget that MITCH’s in-laws are Chinese and he has helped them become wealthy, as well. Biden has gone from the “poorest man in Congress” to a multi-millionaire and was able (allegedly) to buy the DuPont mansion only on a senator’s salary.

8 months ago

I’m sorry — the line “appears to be falling under the spell of China’s sweet-sounding words” — where have you been Ben? The Biden family has been dealing with China and other nations all for PERSONAL WEALTH at the expense of the people he represented. So much corruption and no slap on the hand. Abuse of the office held. The same problems keep being brought up but there is NO WORTHWHILE prosecution by DOJ. As for “SPIES”, China is not the only nation with its operatives getting away with our secrets and DOJ is apt to go after friendly/domestic “terrorists” rather than the unfriendly. Open borders everywhere continue to be major problem that the administration continues to ignore.

8 months ago

Why should anyone with Common Sense believe or trust a lifelong habitual known Liar who has fleeced American taxpayers to enrich his relatives, family and himself to become multimillionaire! Lying Jackass Joe Biden will destroy America and Capitalism from within where enemies like Russia and China NEVER could! Biden and Obama ARE TRAITORS to America!

8 months ago

Put someone in office for over 50 years and this is what you get. A corrupt s.o.b. called Joe Biden.

Peter Dawson
Peter Dawson
8 months ago

Where is the FBI, our frontline defense from foreign terrorists and infiltrators? I guess they are tied up tracking concerned parents who speak up about Woke policies at school board meetings.

8 months ago

30 million dollars can buy a lot of loyalty. If Brandon was half as hateful to the CCP as he is to Trump and Maga we would be a thriving country but he loves invaders more than America. 8 year as VP under O has brainwashed him to hate America. Brandon hasn’t had an original thought in his 50 years in politics. He attached himself to popular senators coattails. He is a weak man. How anyone still would vote for him. O and his minions have a hold on this country that won’t be easily broken.

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
8 months ago

China OWNS the entire Biden Crime Family, as well as, very sadly, a substantial part of our Congress.

8 months ago

The Dems (and Hillary Clinton) went after Trump for collusion with Russia and impeached him (in the House) over these fake Russiagate charges. Yet Biden has actually been colluding with China. Think Chinese spy balloon that WASN’T shot down until after it finished its’ mission and exited the USA, Biden and his family taking millions $ from China for what I must assume was to get political favors for China, Biden selling our oil reserves to China, etc. Biden is the colluder and not Trump. Our government needs to be taken back and our two tier justice system repaired and Biden needs to be prosecuted for his crimes against America.

8 months ago

biden is nothing but a brainless puppet. He has let over Thirteen Million illegals cross the border in four years. I hope people in this country wake up soon before it is too late.

8 months ago

Does anyone REMEMBER WHEN CLINTOON WAS PRESIDENT & HE SHOWED THE HEAD CHINSES OFFICIALS OUR MISSILES PROGRAMING STATIONS? I was shocked when the News showed that on TV. This goes back a very long time & that CHINA intends to dominate the world. Please remember they have 2 Billion people most of which are men. China has its hands everywhere in the world.
The Arabian nation is also another giant with folks all over the world of which I might add they both hate the USA. Has anyone checked out Dubai with all its Billionaires & multi-millionaires & the growth over there?
We are now at the third world level & once the money gets changed into FEDCOIN or whatever it’ll be called———– then it is over for any freedom that doesn’t comply with their regime.
So enjoy while you still can—– Love to All.

8 months ago

WOW! What many suspected has now been confirmed, The Chinese CCP’s plan is to take over the U.S. without firing a shot. By infiltrating our country and taking over farmland, businesses, and our government (like Joe Biden) we will go down with hardly a whimper. For those that are hard to convince that this is happening, just look at the 800% increase of Chinese nationals pouring over our borders. The majority are military age males. And they are not here to open Chinese restaurants. No, the military buildup by the CCP is not to invade our country, but to maintain order once they successfully establish power here. Compare and contrast this tactic with what Hitler did in Europe in the late 1930’s. Same game plan. Same result. And the radical Left is aiding and abetting their plan. Hello socialism, later communism.

anna hubert
anna hubert
8 months ago

Biden and his family might have sworn heir felty to China but where is the Law ? Where are all the people who are supposed to uphold it and make sure it is enforced Are they all forced to ignore it? Or else? If that is the case then they are no longer needed since we have a supreme leader who rules unopposed

8 months ago

Unfortunately, if Donald Trump tries to bring this up during tonight’s rigged debate, CNN will cut off his microphone

Norman Phillips
Norman Phillips
8 months ago

Biden is owned by China. He sold himself to them.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

Since Hunter Biden’s computer actually “exists” and has been entered into evidence in his gun fraud trial, WHAT ELSE IS ON IT?… besides pics of Hunter doing crack off escorts butts, that is.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
8 months ago

If China took over the U.S. they would execute Biden in 90 days. Kyle L.

Last edited 8 months ago by Grace Rowan
8 months ago

Fact, Biden is in bed with China. He is a traitor, Fact. He is a criminal, liar and thief. The FBI is a sham under Wray. The DOJ is a sham under Garland. The rest of the 3 letter agencies are useless and loyal to Biden and the Democrat party. The only way we the people will get justice and accountability is a second term of TRUMP OR THE ARMED citizens that want to save this once great Country. Biden blows off the armed citizen threat because he has F15s. As a former military person I was taught I had a responsibility of disobeying an unlawful order and I think these F15 pilots are of the same mind set as is our whole military. So Joe, try it and find out that you just started a limp dick war with the Patriots in this country. I think a long prison sentence for you and party members will give you all a chance to reflect on your sins and destructive policies you have inflicted upon OUR country. Say bye bye JOE.

8 months ago

Once upon a time in an America far away Biden, Hussein Obama and most of the demorat party, lets not forget the rinos, would have been tried for High Treason against this nation; once a sentence of death by firing squad or hanging. Now the traitors are barreling ahead unimpeded by a bordering on worthless “supreme” court, a similar “criminal justice” system, and a pitiful handful of spineless ” republicans” with again, precious few exceptions, who’re outnumbered by self serving, money grubbing, rino’s who seem to have, under the “suggestions” of demorats, joined the herd. Where are the citizens?
Our Founders, if they could see this train wreck, would be shedding tears. Having read a few of the Founders autobiographies and that they were men of integrity, fight and grit to bring this nation together against incredible odds…are no doubt sick at heart at what this nation has been turned into. But maybe the citizenry is also to blame for taking for granted the land of plenty, the freedoms, the advantages, our amazing Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights now under direct attack by the left. Add the horrific infanticide being justified by so many, the perversion being pushed on children…How many original families are still together? How many even bother attending church services anymore? Crime is out of control, dirty politicians get by with murder. And that’s just the “good news”. We’ve by and large lost this nation.
Patrick Henry, arguably one of the most dedicated, selfless totally vested men in the success of the new America may have nailed our future, unknowingly, when he said: “When a nation forgets it’s God, tyrants soon forge it’s chains.” Can I get an amen?

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
8 months ago

Biden is an ally of China and a dedicated globalist who thinks he was elected head of the UN rather than the US. His policies have done more damage to our nation than any president in my 80 years and very possibly the worst ever. Dementia is not his biggest problem. It’s his lack of loyalty to American citizens and the nation that he was elected to put first and foremost. He has 50 years of failure in public office and it only grew worse over time.

8 months ago

I hope China notices the change when President Trump 47 takes over.

Phillip Nagle
Phillip Nagle
8 months ago

The Biden administration has been bought and paid for by China. Just follow the money and that will explain everything.

8 months ago

Comatose China Joe is on Zi’s payroll.

8 months ago

Sounds like EVERYONE has JB’s number – and it’s UP. JB – your number’s up.

8 months ago

Simple question: does this surprise you? If it does shame on you, sorry, but you need to take a hard look at yourself, as you are a big part of the problem America is facing.

8 months ago

Why would “President” Biden exert any authority over China here at home? He’s never cared about Narional Security… as long as he’s safer than we are….

8 months ago

I just wonder if its too little too lalefor the US.Allthe military aged men can form an army against citizens

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
8 months ago

I do not remember a time in my 7 decades of our country being in such trouble because of our Federal Government leadership! Joe Biden is at best a dirty, corrupt, evil person for what he is responsible for and should be held accountable for what he has done to our country. Obama started this crap and Biden just waltzed in to seal the deals of selling our country out! I think it is called Community Organizers and Event Planners but on a larger scale. I so hope we can get rid of these people. Stupid begets stupid! These are stupid people. I watched the video clips at the border and have seen the scores of single, young, military-age men from around the world, every nation and tribe who have landed here at Biden’s invite. It is shameful. Let us welcome President Trump back with our votes America!

8 months ago

Obviously our CIA and FBI are inept and the current president is very friendly with the CCP, China regime…wonder why?! We have spies and terrorists now in our country who will be effective because too many in our country are in league with them and/or bought off. We are allowing our land and our businesses to be sold to foreign entities with impunity. At the very least Congress must pass a law that NO American land or business can be sold to any foreign entity, even those we think are allies. Many countries don’t even allow their land sold for housing to foreigners. We’d better get a handle on this before our “leaders” sell us out completely and we are conquered not by war, but by money-hungry self-interested individuals/corporations.

7 months ago

Root ‘em out DJT shall!

D Reed
D Reed
8 months ago

It is time for us to see why BB designated a lithium deposit as a federal reserve. That was to keep China in control of lithium mining. Big money!

8 months ago

Biden gets billions helping china conquer the world.

Word of Truth
Word of Truth
8 months ago

As long as the BIG GUY gets his cut all is good. Move along. Nothing to see here.

Bill Fleming
Bill Fleming
8 months ago

Anyone surprised ? ANYONE ?!? They don’t call him “Beijing” Biden for no good reason…

8 months ago

It’s all because we have no leadership and a resident that is sold out to China. I want to see him (and many others) tried for treason. Unfortunately the “justice” system won’t bring to trial a mentally incompetent individual.

8 months ago

can’t undo the gross calamity of the last 1256 days. during the debate you didn’t see the death and destruction biden has HEAPED upon people all around the world, but based on what he’s done so far he’s got to go to save the world. they say arsonists will stick around to watch their destruction and chuckle. biden wasn’t missing and WAS chuckling all night. this guy is all wrong for the world. he could go donw as the worst “leader” in the history of manking.

8 months ago

How much more TREASON do we have to observe before something is done about it. The DOD, NIH, CDC sending TAX $$$$ to China to make enhanced BIOWEAPONS for use against American Citizens. Chinese (CCP) Police stations in major cities. and all THAT IS MENTIONED IN THIS ARTICLE. It all looks, sounds, and reads like TREASON. WHEN will we see any consequences for these actions. I am NOT holding my breath waiting to see it.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
8 months ago

Does joey owe the commies,it’s not a difficult question.AMERICA really needs to get our heads out of you know where and vote,and vote like AMERICA is in deep”dodoo”,and we are.The deep sewer will do anything to make sure their agenda prevails,but,it is NOT the AMERICAN agenda,it is about one click from the marxist agenda.

8 months ago

Everyone Needs to Realize How Many Companies, Corp’s, Big American Named Brands CHINA OWNS…China OWNS More than Just that…They Own A FEW Government Reps, Bottom to TOP…It’s How They’ve Been Allowed To Fly Their Spy Balloons Over the US, Bought Millions Of Acres of Property & Near Our Military Bases & IMPORTED ? Many Young MALES, Chinese, Into Our Country Especially As Of Last 3 1/2 Years.

John Shipway
John Shipway
8 months ago

Listen Herr scribbler Ben Solis, US has never been in competition with China. The US competes with NO ONE. Rather than compete for global product sales, the US used to merely go to war with its competition and then steal what that competitor had.
Lately the good ole USA has run up against a bit of a brick wall. Today its major competitors aren’t weak and in fact two of them are much more powerful than is the US. The result is the embarrassing and ever ongoing whining and wheedling the US resorts to. The US can no longer produce decent products so what have we witnessed lately? We s saw the bedwetter named Blinkin fly to China using empty threats for China daring to out produce his former empire. Then we saw the chubby ugly woman with the Boris Johnson hair-do fly over to China and issue empty threats of sanctions against the dastardly Chinese for their daring to have the capability to produce quality products at affordable prices. The chubby, ugly, Boris Johnson clone womans name was Janet Yellen and she is supposedly our Treasury Secretary though with those Vienna Sausage fingers I doubt the creature can type.
When its all said and done, I have yet to have explained to me exactly what evil the nation of China has ever done to the United States. I’m still waiting for them to park an aircraft carrier full of fighter jets off our shores though that is what we do to China on a regular basis.
As for the reverends fleeing China and then making a living off telling whoever will pay him just how awful his home country is. Always remember that with every story there are two sides and I see nowhere Herr Solis mention any such countervailing tale. I guess a phone call to someone in governance in China that even knows who this reverend is was just too much trouble for Herr Solis. Or perhaps he dared not risk ruining his pre planned narrative.

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