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Trump’s Phony Conviction – Cannot Stand

Posted on Monday, June 3, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

So much could be said about the abuse of prosecutorial and judicial power now dubbed a “felony conviction” of Trump, phony trial, phony conviction, riddled with constitutional error, legitimate objections blocked, inflammatory testimony allowed, exculpatory evidence disallowed, due process trashed. This cannot stand.

Nutshell: This Trump trial makes a mockery of our judicial system, causing Americans to distrust it, seeing a political contender abused, knowing they would not have a chance under similar circumstances, even if they had his courage.

Then the whole thing is jarring. The false conviction sends a dangerous signal to prosecutors and judges nationwide that everything has changed, that “fair administration of justice” no longer matters. Laws can be used to punish enemies.

This false conviction also sends a signal to defendants with strong political views: Do not speak out. If you do, be rightly fearful, as persecution is now permissible.

This false conviction tells Americans we can all be prosecuted – the enormous power of the state unleashed on us – for dissenting political views. The First Amendment, Second, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth are not real, free speech, self-protection, safety, due process, equal protection, and fair trial – all vapors if this decision is not reversed.

This false conviction also tells criminal defendants to claim, since they can now, that their arrest may be political, a new norm. The havoc that arises with criminal procedure is mindboggling, creating procedural chaos, and distrust like an epidemic.

This false conviction tells us, in a way that feels like a heart punch, that our judiciary is as corrupt – or parts or are – as the former Soviet Union, Russia, China, Iran, Cuba, Laos, Bolivia, Turkey, and dozens of countries living a legal lie.

This false conviction tells us that, until the process of targeting opponents with fallacious allegations ends and trust is restored, fear will be the new norm across this country. Democrats feel ends justify means, which means oppression is allowed.

As for the notion that Biden and his legal goons are assuring “no one is above the law” with this false felony and no due process – really? This from a man who rakes in tens of millions illegally by selling his office to China, Ukraine, and Romania?

As Assistant Secretary of State to Colin Powell, a former House oversight counsel who investigated the Justice Department for five years, former New York litigator, and US Court of Appeals Clerk, 9th Cir., part of my life was circling the globe for “fair and impartial administration of justice.” Now?

On the legal side, this false conviction is indefensible, changing the definition of lawfulness in America, making what was unlawful now lawful. If not reversed, the future instantly becomes darker, and courts are more often used for political vengeance.

On the political side, several added thoughts. After what we have seen – and it will sink in slowly – America is at elevated risk of instability. People feel disenfranchised. If not reversed, the perception will grow that we are living through a shift toward anti-democratic forces masquerading as normal.

This is not America. We have never been a place where laws are twisted into such unrecognizable form, coercive power is used to punish political enemies, and “free and fair elections” are thrown over by transparent abuse of the legal system.

So, how big is the danger? Think about this: Every Democrat lawyer in power, from governors and attorneys general in states like Maine to Congress, went to law school. They took Constitutional Law, Criminal Procedure, and Evidence. They all know this trial was wrong, yet no one is saying, “No, no, this is not how we do things in America.” That …shows you how deep the rot has gone.

This also tells you what is happening: Complicity, cowardice, fear, and indifference are putting Democrat officeholders in league with the corruption-jarring Americans. We are witnessing a rise of one-party power, party-over-country.

In closing, the bad news, good news, and good news wrapped in bad. For bad, much of our nation has become corrupt or indifferent, has lost its way, and lacks personal or constitutional integrity, even if not openly venal. That is a change.

On the good side, we still have a Supreme Court faithful to the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and original Articles. If this case reaches them, it will be reversed, must be.  

What is the good wrapped in the bad? Everyone can now see the whole truth, how craven, dishonest, and anti-democratic opponents of our Constitutional republic really are. They care nothing for democracy, liberty, or due process – just power.

In short, what we are witnessing is not just unsettling but historically unprecedented. It is brazen, unlawful, textbook election interference, ignoring state and federal laws, malicious prosecution, and judicial abuse which has been systematically ignored by the Attorney General, working for a corrupt president.

Other than those small errors in judgment, those fatal betrayals of our Constitution, everything is fine. Bottom line: The American people are not cowards, stupid, or likely to allow this. By High Court reversal or election, this decision cannot stand.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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3 months ago

While you, Mr. Charles, might have served honorably and with integrity under Colin Powell, it seems that recent democratic administrations have the opposite goal in mind–to deceive people and to cajole them into a belief system that is anti-American. And they profit from their chicanery! Everything biden has touched has turned into a disaster…or a treasonous fortune. (Now, there’s a case that deserves an airing in the court of law.)
This trend, particularly under biden, has led to the total loss of trust in the judicial system, including several formerly revered government institutions. The decision must be overturned. The final ruling should include a detailed statement emphasizing that cases without true merit will not be heard, and that any hint of political bias will not be tolerated. There must be consequences for allowing show trials to tie up courtrooms. Bragg, Lewis, and the others should be publicly shamed and lose their licenses. This witch hunt damaged the meaning of America–the very core of our being.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

“Show me Trump and I’ll INVENT the crime!” Too bad no one can say what that crime was except “being Trump”!

Steven Coughlin
Steven Coughlin
3 months ago

Take a look at Biden’s evil grin after last Friday’s press conference.

3 months ago

RBC, your “Nutshell” paragraph says it all. Another reminder to all of us is that the agenda is to discredit Pres. Trump as to lose votes in the upcoming election. Of course, Pres. Biden is worthless but still in the running. How much of the voting population will be siphoned off Pres Trump and Biden toward the independent candidate of Robert Kennedy Jr., who is still a Democrat no matter what he says. The Left’s agenda is still being fulfilled on their drawing board. MSM will continue to harass Pres. Trump with the goal of keeping as many votes as possible away from him. This forum needs to get the facts out in their respective areas to highlight what the Left and MSM are doing. The voting public needs to be awaken!

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
3 months ago

“every democrat lawyer in power went to law school, studied Constitutional law, criminal procedure and evidence. They Know this trial is wrong, yet no one is saying This is not how we do things in America.” REALLY? You wouldn’t know it from the way they’re acting. Every single one of these so-called lawyers need a refresher course in those areas.

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
3 months ago

The demonicrat party is getting closer and closer to their original goal, the transfer of power from the hands of the people into the hands of the state. Some refer to it as “police state,” Marxism has been growing steadily for decades and now the concept of police state has overrun our Constitutional design. This hasn’t happened to Trump, it’s happened to us all. This absurd political concoction is a terrifying step in the direction of eliminating your right to justice.

3 months ago

If we can find one Democrat patriot…with some sliver of integrity left…who will stand up and become a whistleblower on this farce, we should work to put the perpetrators and co-conspirators in jail for a Long time…for real this time! No more “he’s too old and nice” or “no DA would bring charges” BS!

3 months ago


Ron Crawford
Ron Crawford
3 months ago

The judge and prosecuting attorneys should all be disbarred for knowingly and will fulling violating a citizen’s constitutional rights to obtain the designed verdict. If they were never allowed to practice law again, that would send a clear message that this behavior will not be tolerated.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
3 months ago

This article is fundamentally good news and should be appreciated by Americans who believe in rule of law, in truth, in fairness, and honor. Great inspirational writing Robert , I would like to add that when a culture disrespects the qualities that make for good character it is headed in the wrong direction. Those of us who believe in the principles of what the Founders accomplished in 1776 , and have a reverence for the will of God , respect for qualities that make for good character – we will realize that it is Principles that hold a Nation together . Well done Robert the defense of Faith, Family Freedom has been strengthened due to the attacks made by the unscrupulous in this society. Courage, optimism, integrity . A renewal of being prepared for adversity always contributes to a stronger outlook Let all of us who think right look forward to true, honest justice being practiced in the very near future.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

What about Hunter??
Gun & drug charges
Tax evasion
worse then Trumps

WJ Kay
WJ Kay
3 months ago

The concept of a corrupt government, marked by abuse of power, deceit, and exploitation, can evoke profound feelings of helplessness and despair among its citizens. When a government’s actions consistently undermine public trust, violate basic rights, and perpetuate systemic inequality, it can sow the seeds of profound discontent and even incite violent uprisings.
A corrupt government is often characterized by nepotism, embezzlement, and a disregard for the rule of law. When leaders prioritize personal gain over public good, the social contract that binds a society begins to erode. Citizens may find their grievances ignored, their voices silenced, and their freedoms curtailed. In such an environment, the mechanisms meant to safeguard democracy and ensure accountability—such as free press, independent judiciary, and fair elections—are often compromised or entirely dismantled.
When the government consistently lies to its people, trust erodes further. Lies can range from falsifying economic data to covering up scandals and human rights abuses. These deceptions not only betray the citizens’ trust but also create a distorted reality where the truth becomes a scarce commodity. The feeling of being constantly deceived can drive people to question the legitimacy of their leaders and the very structures that hold society together.
The sense of helplessness that accompanies life under a corrupt regime can be all-encompassing. When peaceful protests are met with violence, when legal avenues for redress are blocked, and when international bodies fail to hold the government accountable, citizens may feel that they have exhausted all peaceful means of seeking justice. This feeling of powerlessness can push individuals and groups towards more drastic measures, believing that only through direct confrontation can they hope to reclaim their rights and freedoms.
Historically, violent uprisings have often been a response to such extreme conditions. When people feel that their survival and dignity are at stake, and when they see no other viable options, they may resort to rebellion. While violence is never the ideal path and often leads to further suffering, it can be seen as a desperate act of last resort when all other forms of protest have been stifled or ignored.
It’s crucial to understand that these uprisings are not just spontaneous bursts of anger but often the result of prolonged oppression and systemic failures. They are fueled by a deep-seated need for justice, dignity, and self-determination. The path to avoiding such outcomes lies in addressing the root causes of discontent: ensuring transparency, upholding the rule of law, respecting human rights, and creating mechanisms for genuine public participation in governance.
This government (on all levels) is going to destroy this nation. They should be very careful not to poke a sleeping bear.

Ultimately, the goal should be to rebuild trust between the government and its citizens, fostering a society where everyone feels heard, respected, and valued. Without such efforts, the cycle of corruption and violence may continue, leading to further instability and suffering

3 months ago

This travesty must be reversed with as much prejudice as the law and Constitution allow, and the judge and prosecutors need to be disbarred.

Gary Neudahl
Gary Neudahl
3 months ago

Waste no time. Appeal.

3 months ago

Once this is overturned in the higher courts, Trump needs to sue this Judge for election interference and show these Democrats that they cannot get away with these unlawful actions, especially if you are a judge.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

Trump conviction will hold as long as is necessary If it could be overturned there would not be this desperate need to keep him out What’s a democrat to do? Play by the rules?

3 months ago

This wont resolve until dems suffer in similar fashion. They’re Bolsheviks lusting after absolute power but they’re not hardened revolutionaries inured to prison and poverty like their forebears. They’re marshmallows whether antifa or high government officials. They need a big dose of their own medicine.

3 months ago

Sir Winston would be weeping for the lack of knowledge for the average American voter.

3 months ago

RBC o nc e more I salute you. Being half American,Sir Winston must be spinning in his grave.

3 months ago

If this conviction stands , it’s time to move to Canada or Mexico. There should be plenty of room in Mexico, because most of their people now live in the U.S.

3 months ago

Seems the integrity of our country is looseing its value do to the perversion and none integrity of not just the democratic party but also the republican party who are called Rinos . A lot of them have lied and manipulateted their way into office and has been a part of the cabinet rather it be in congress the senate or another branch that helps this country or even running a state in our beloved country. They have lied and fooled the American people into believing that they are making a difference in our community when in stead they are in riching them selves by stealing tax payers money , selling their name by changing the laws that inriches other corrupt country’s or does insider trading wich could also work against the American people by manipulating our laws and system to in rich thir selves, and they don’t care who they hurt as long as they get rich . Nancy Pelosi is a perfect example of that . Another of these politicians have been working the system for more then 40 to 50 years and hasn’t done a thing to help our country or the American people , and now we the people sit back and watch our beloved country being destroyed before our eyes waiting for the chance to vote this corrupt dictator that is running our country to the ground and no one is doin a thing about it we all know that Obama is behind this mess we have the same policies as we did when he was in office ,same boarder mess , and same economy mess but even worse wich is the plan to make America collapse. We have traitors in our mits and no one is doin a darn thing about it . The way I see it as well as other Americans if Biden or who ever eles from the far left wins in Nov 5th our country is finished , it maybe finished now with all the illegals who have come into this country now as we speak. The millions of got aways who could be possible terrorists . America is in open waters , and we have lost our way we need to put God first and pray for direction to stir our country back to where it was , we also need term limits in congress as well as the government , and to do a intensive back ground check on each and everyone of these people who run for office , also we need to set laws for congress as well as the senate, F.B.I. C.I.A. F.D.A and the president of the United States. Once they break the laws of the constitution and are Amendment rights they need to be held accountable for their actions , and prosecuted according to the laws .

3 months ago

So eloquently and concisely stated Mr. Charles.. President Trump is only the present victim of this country’s once trusted institutions— now weapons at the bidding of
unchallenged and corrupt officials.

Stephen Warren
Stephen Warren
3 months ago

See what our country has become by us setting on our hands instead of moving forward to put a stop to this we need to stop listening to the corrupt politicians and media turn the tv off and quit listening to channels that promote these people and let all the people that advertise thru them know you will not buy there products hurt them in there pockets let them know we won’t stand for this speak out to your friends and relatives the word will spread like wild fire let’s get GOD back in our country and run the evil out.

Michael F Burke Sr
Michael F Burke Sr
3 months ago

Excellent piece of writing! All Americans who believe in our Sovereignty and Constitution with all the God given rights that come with it must make a stand against this blatant disregard for all that truly is American. This is tyranny and it’s evil

Craig Purcell
Craig Purcell
3 months ago

No doubt some southern DA’s are looking to empanel some southern grand juries over Biden and his family influence peddling operation. Biden knows he will be long gone, dead and buried by the time the slow wheels of Justice move. Justice delayed justice denied?
Got Complicity ?

3 months ago

I’m so looking forward to those lulled to sleep by those on the Left’s payroll to wake up! Truth may be a hard pill to swallow

3 months ago

Sounds like the actions of a banana republic!

3 months ago

I pray Trump wins and cleans house in all facets. This was political power at its worst for a crime that had nothing to do with politics. A witch hunt just be ause he doest fit the political mold Luke the crooks in the white house now. What about Epstein and his black book of criminals who violated children. Nobody cared, but if Trump pays for sex it a crime. A bunch of crap if u ask me.

3 months ago

Trump had the chance to testify in person, but chose not to. If Trump is innocent, then he could have told the jury in person, so why was this not done.

3 months ago

The rest I knew but what is this about Romania?

Albert Pinkoski
Albert Pinkoski
3 months ago

Why is the share this article button still not working, a few weeks now???

3 months ago

DEMOCRATS! Can we PLEASE PLEASE STOP calling them the democratic party – they are anything but! Call it the Democrat party and call them Democrats. There’s nothing democratic about them!

Richard G
Richard G
3 months ago

10 of Trumps top guys over the years have ALSO been convicted of crimes. At some point it’s time for us to look at the facts that maybe, just maybe, this guy is not the guy we should have LEADING OUR PARTY. As Christians, how can we think this disgusting person, who’s cheated on every wife he’s ever had, should be the person that represents us?!? There has to be someone better.

3 months ago

Did Charles set forth any facts in his essay? Lots of fury. lots of threats, lots speculation, no facts.

James Kuroiwa, Jr.
James Kuroiwa, Jr.
3 months ago

No need to comment, for our Constitutional Republic’s citizens are providing their comments in their actions by supporting former President Donald J. Trump against the political and judicial attack on him by the Democrats and current political party in power. Our system of Government does work, where the citizens are the answer.

John Shipway
John Shipway
3 months ago

We, the people are being “frog potted” as far as our rights and freedom is concerned. Each day brings another of our rights to the federal governments chopping block. One day we will wake up on command of our “betters” and maybe, MAYBE then the masses will realize they have allowed themselves to be the slaves of the entitled classes.
Normally I see Mr. Charles by-line and I just stop there and go to a column written by a non complicit in mass murder individual. This time for giggles I suppose I read his screed and actually found some things I agree with. I am however very interested to see Mr. Charles actually provide an instance of Rusansian judicial malfeasance, at least post western Oligarch removal so lets say 1999. I would bet that the affirmative action generals fetch boy, Mr. Charles will of course use Mr Navalny’s guilty verdict but Mr. Charles will have a hard time explaining the taped promotion of the Navalny operation explaining just how the embezzlement was to “go down”. Navalny went to prison on a reluctant verdict and was given a lot of lee way, even to the point of being allowed to go to Germany for his “poisoning” treatment. Too bad the German doctors found nothing indicative of any substance other than Bulls**t.
But I suppose what with the guilt of the death by starvation of tens of thousands of Iraqi children weigh heavily on Mr. Charles so perhaps that explains his bubble think on anything regarding Russia. By default the man is still buying the laughable and disproven “Russian Collusion” hoax. Poor deluded demonic swamp dweller.
But to the point, we are indeed being “frog potted” and one wonders at what point do the people use their Second Amendment rights, that for now tenuously still exist, for the very purpose the Amendment was drafted and ratified by the Founders. If not now, when?

R Kyle
R Kyle
3 months ago

A completely hysterical analysis that is completely devoid of any rational and logical thought.
It’s going to be completely hilarious to watch this guy in action with his next undoubtedly hysterical rant about all those classified documents that were lying around Mara Lego until the feds showed up and seized them. Poor Donnie does such a good job of portraying himself as the victim and as a martyr, and this guy has obviously fallen for it hook line and sinker.

John Shipway
John Shipway
3 months ago

Of course the conviction of President Trump can stand. Wake up and look around. We have a brain dead, demonically perverted Crypt Keeper impersonator in office despite not winning the election that put him in power. How many more bunches of hundreds of thousands of “misplaced ballots” need to be found before knuckle draggers such as Mr. Charles realizes that yes, anything illegal can be done by the Neo Cons and their tools in the intelligence agencies. Can and does occur and commonly now as well as blatantly.
President Trump could have been named a Malamute and impounded with the full consent of Merric Garland so yes, his conviction for the crime of………nothing most surely can and will stand.

How sad
How sad
3 months ago

They finally convict a politician and you people get mad lol

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