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Trump’s Jump Start

Posted on Tuesday, February 4, 2025
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

In youth, we waterskied slalom, and the most exhilarating start was standing on a dock, coil of rope in hand, boat full throttle. As the rope disappeared, we timed our jump! Suddenly, we were flying! Trump … just did that!

Trump took so many executive actions last week, that we are flying! In the first week of his second term, he has done more to help revive and renew America than most imagined possible.

His cabinet is getting confirmed, bam, bam, bam, out of the box. Foreign adversaries are backing off, and allies leaning forward into the “New Golden Age” of American leadership.

What has he done? A better question might be, what has he not done? Here is a short list. Trump’s “jump start” includes dozens of actions to get America back on track, restore public safety, accountable government, respect for the Bill of Rights, free speech, markets, faith, and culture.

He is kicking up rooster tails, spotter’s eyes popping. From immigration to the environment, he is flying. He has green-lighted drilling for oil, maximizing America’s fossil fuel advantage, recreating energy independence, and reversing Biden. No more sanctuary for illegal felons.

Asylum programs will resume former norms, third countries holding those who are not facing immediate threats, no more “catch, and release,” and no more open doors for illegals. No more taxpayer excesses to private prisons, or taxpayer-funded sex change operations.

Bringing the federal workforce to attention, no more post-COVID work from home for fun, no more excess hiring, no more protected dead wood. As Reagan did, Trump imposed an immediate federal hiring freeze, except for military, public safety, and immigration enforcement.

He stopped excesses baked into the Civil Service Protection Act, restoring Schedule F. Federal workers can be removed for cause, not letting them sue the government with years of pay.

He empowered federal lawyers to investigate “past misconduct by the federal government related to the weaponization of law enforcement and the weaponization of the intelligence community.”

He will grant clearances to White House personnel who pass a threshold test, not force them to become pawns of political bureaucrats. He withdrew security clearances from past bad actors.

He pushed an end to anchor babies, someone illegally sneaking into the US to have a citizen child, and then stay, a misuse of “birthright citizenship.” He redoubled law enforcement at the southern border, calling the flood of illegals a “national emergency,” and restarted wall construction.

He designated drug trafficking organizations, Mexican, Colombian, Central American, Chinese, and Mideast, “Foreign Terrorist Organizations.” He rescinded the Biden’s Marxist, race-based victimhood and class warfare. Gone are CRT, DEI, ESG, and the misinformation police.

He declared the Bible, Constitution, Title IX, science, and family rights: Only two sexes, male and female. He initiated investigations into manipulative trade practices, and drug trafficking from Mexico, China, and Canada, kicking into gear the renegotiation of trade accords.

He set up an “External Revenue Service” to get tariffs and duties from foreign sources while authorizing a deep dive into protecting national security-related U.S. manufacturing.

On energy, he withdrew from the discredited Paris Agreement, declared a national energy emergency, expedited fossil fuel permits, and reversed the offshore drilling ban. He started rolling back Biden’s anti-market, anti-consumer, anti-energy regulations, no more mandates of electric cars, trucks, plows, mowers, blowers, stoves, dishwashers, and no federal inspection of showerheads.

He opened the Alaska wilderness to oil and gas with respect for the wild and resumed exploration of export terminals for liquefied natural gas, a huge boon for Americans.

He ended leasing federal waters for offshore “wind farms,” began restoring free markets, and reviewed national security risks posed by Tik Tok while aiming for “a resolution that protects national security while saving a platform used by 170 million Americans.”

He reclaimed US sovereignty by withdrawing from the China-heavy World Health Organization, returned Mount McKinley – named after our 25th president – to its original name, renamed the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America, and set up the Government Efficiency Department.

In short, hang on, because jump starts are a rock and roll thing, and usually mean a long, strong run. Looks like, thanks to President Trump, we are on one!

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC. Robert Charles has also just released an uplifting new book, “Cherish America: Stories of Courage, Character, and Kindness” (Tower Publishing, 2024).

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1 month ago

We the People are behind our President Trump 100%!

1 month ago

It is heartening to see President Trump at work again, fixing what had been broken so badly by illegitimate motives.

Linda Meyer
Linda Meyer
1 month ago

I thank Jesus for President Trump every day!

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 month ago

From the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, from. Canada and the Great Lakes to the Gulf of America.Sounds right.In the spirit of the idea ” from sea to shing sea” President Polk in 1845 was apparently the first to use that sea to shining sea term in his Inaugural address. Writer and poet Katherine Lee Bates,who wrote America the Beautiful in 1895 , included ” sea to shining sea ” in it. This is a great list of great ideas and actions Robert and it is appreciated. One cannot impose sense of loyalty or feelings of respect but the groundwork the foundation for those feelings can be established – that is what President Trump is doing – and right beliefs, right thinking and right actions will,that is , should follow naturally. After reading this article I was moved to listen to the 1961 song ” Stand By Me ” by Ben E. King – felt like it had something to do with the soul of America speaking. And the 1938 first radio broadcast of ” God Bless America”by Kate Smith – the opening verse – “While the storm clouds gather far across the sea, let us swear allegiance to a land that’s free ,let us all be grateful that we are far from there,As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer.” For President Trump to take action in stopping the invasion of this Country by illegal aliens and referring to the situation as a national emergency is appropriate.And doing something to protect US sovereign sovereignty by withdrawing from the World Health Organization is another great move. Everything else listed is a great and much needed improvement too.

1 month ago

Cherish America: Stories of Courage, Character, and Kindness” is a wonderful book. Have really enjoyed it.
Yes, Trump is off to a fast start but this war will have to have a determined “long run” to be successful. The resistance will be stiff. I hope Trump and Musk can do a X type reduction in the federal govt.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 month ago

He is doing his job. Making sure the country comes first and it’s interests are protected. When that is done, people come first and their interests are protected, If only all others elected into their positions had done their job . Now that swamp is being dredged they scream, not seeing they caused the chaos

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 month ago

From the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean ,from Canada and the Great Lakes to the Gulf of America. Sounds right. In the spirit of the idea ” from sea to shining sea “. President Polk in 1845 was apparently the first to use that sea to shining sea term in his Inaugural address. Writer and poet Katherine Lee Bates who wrote America the Beautiful in 1895 included from “sea to shining sea ” in it. This is a great list of great ideas and actions Robert, and it is appreciated. One cannot impose sense of loyalty or feelings of respect but the groundwork,the foundation for those feelings can be established – that is what President Trump is doing – and right beliefs, right thinking and right actions will ,that is , should follow naturally. After reading this article about an hour ago I was moved to listen to the 1961 song “Stand By Me ” by Ben E.King – felt like it had something to do with the soul of America speaking. And the 1938 first radio broadcast of “God Bless America ” by Kate Smith – the opening verse – ” While the storm clouds gather far across the sea let us swear allegiance to a land that’s free. Let us all be grateful that we are far from there , As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer.” For President Trump to take action in stopping the invasion of this Country by illegal aliens and referring to the situation as a “national emergency ” is appropriate. And doing something to protect US sovereignty by withdrawing from the World Health Organization is another great move. Everything else listed is a great and and much needed improvement too.

1 month ago

Amen and hallelujah! Trump gets things DONE!

1 month ago

Executive Orders are not the way that USA should operate, our founding fathers created three branches of government & we need to get back to that. Trump said that he was going to be the great unifier of America, but the Executive Order is an end run around Congress. We should pass bills thru Congress and not by the Executive Branch daily whims. Executive orders are causing more division between the two parties.

1 month ago

Is anyone else thinking about project 2025? That is about 900 pages .

1 month ago

I would not vote for RFK because of his severe cackle speech affliction.
When he starts talking, I switch stations because it bothers me so much !!!
Otherwise I am with TRUMP 99%. Mike @ Cedarburg, WI

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