Biden and his Democratic allies were in for a crude awakening in the aftermath of last week’s sham guilty verdict against President Trump, the byproduct of a kangaroo trial that denied the leading man to be America’s next president due process rights and his freedom of expression.
While Biden was expecting the American people to at long last turn on President Trump, in fact the opposite occurred: they rallied to his side, at a rate previously unseen in modern presidential history. President Trump’s fundraising haul since last week’s conviction has been historic: he has hauled in hundreds of millions of dollars of cash. In May, President Trump’s campaign posted its highest figure ever – $141 million – far outpacing Joe Biden, who has been struggling mightily to prevent the bloodletting of voters across every demographic group to President Trump’s corner.
Indeed, on the same day the 45th President held his press conference at Trump Tower to denounce the Biden-Bragg show verdict as but the latest attempt in the Left’s never-ending saga to derail MAGA and rig another presidential election, new polling came out showing the 45th President with a 6-point nationwide advantage over Biden, and leading in all six key battleground states this cycle: Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Nevada.
While Biden’s problems are bad on the domestic front, they get arguably worse overseas. The international order has descended into chaos under Biden’s stewardship. Western countries have been ravaged by strife and warfare in Eastern Europe and the Middle East to levels not seen since World War II. Meanwhile, autocratic regimes like China, Iran, and Russia have been empowered, relative to the United States and Europe, which have been brought to near financial and cultural ruin by the suicidal policies of the Biden government.
The world community is hurting – and they can see the show trial for what it is: a persecution of a political opponent, plain and simple. Many of the countries that rallied to the 45th President’s defense and called Biden’s bluff had firsthand experience with political prosecutions, those being dark parts of their histories, and how a weaponized justice system can bring down a democratic and free society.
For example, Nayib Bukele, the new president of El Salvador, said in a recent sit-down interview with Tucker Carlson that the Democrats are making a “huge mistake” by arresting President Trump. Over the course of the conversation, Bukele said the lawfare against President Trump has given him “the greatest campaign ever” and “will just give [President Trump] more votes.”
The sentiment Bukele expressed was shared by leaders from across the world. In the United Kingdom, Nigel Farage, current leader of the Reform Party, denounced the Biden show trial in the harshest of terms, contending that the Left “overplayed their hand.” He added that he is now “more certain [President Trump] will win.”

Farage’s remarks were echoed by former Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, who also was no-holds-barred in his takedown of the guilty verdict: “When we see this happening in Africa, or in Russia, we denounce it as authoritarian and corrupt. Well, the American people have looked at it, and decided that the methods and the motives are fundamentally the same. Whatever his detractors may say, I believe that Donald Trump – at his best – could offer the world the strong, confident leadership that it needs.”

Former UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson’s, denunciation of the Biden show trial verdict, which was reposted on President Trump’s Truth Social page.
Matteo Salvini, Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister, joined his British companions in offering his own withering critique of the verdict. Salvini issued a statement, later reposted by President Trump, which said: “Solidarity and full support for @realDonaldTrump, victim of judicial harassment and a process of political nature. In Italy, we are sadly familiar with the weaponization of the justice system by the [L]eft, given that for years attempts have been made to eliminate political opponents through legal means. I hope Trump wins; it would be a guarantee of greater balance and hope for world peace.”

Matteo Salvini, Deputy Prime Minister of Italy, also criticizing the verdict in the harshest of terms. Salvini’s remarks were posted on President Trump’s Truth Social page.
Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, also offered supporting words on behalf of the 45th President, saying: “I’ve known President [Trump] to be a man of honour. As President, he always put America first, he commanded respect around the world and used this respect to build peace. Let the people make their verdict this November! Keep on fighting, Mr. President!”

Screen grab of Hungarian PM, Viktor Orban’s critique of the Biden show trial verdict, which was re-Truthed by President Trump.
Things have gotten so bad with the weaponized justice system in the United States that even autocratic countries, like Russia and China, sharply denounced the political prosecutions occurring here. Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for the Kremlin, condemned the guilty verdict as the “elimination of political rivals by all possible legal or illegal means.” Even China, perhaps America’s greatest foreign adversary (and not known for being a bastion of democracy and freedom), reported negatively about the verdict. Chinese state media framed the verdict as yet another way by the Biden government to “exacerbate political extremism” and “social unrest” domestically.
News of President Trump’s unprecedented conviction at the hand of a politicized and weaponized Justice Department has spread like wildfire the world over. Many countries that once viewed the United States as a beacon of freedom are developing a much different view, one that is deeply jaded about the current trajectory under Joe Biden, of which the verdict is but only the latest example of a laundry list of woes.
Biden is equal parts awful at home and abroad: he strikes the image of a bumbling idiot on the global stage, conveying extreme weakness and incompetence, while running roughshod over the rule of law and civil liberties at home – going so far as to risk plunging America into chaos by prosecuting his leading political opponent in order to cheat his way to a second term, because at this point cheating and lawfare is the only way he knows how to win elections.
Paul Ingrassia is a Constitutional Scholar; Communications Director of the NCLU; a two-time Claremont Fellow, and is on the Board of Advisors of the New York Young Republican Club and the Italian American Civil Rights League. He writes a widely read Substack that is regularly posted on Truth Social by President Trump. Follow him on X @PaulIngrassia, Substack, Truth Social, Instagram, and Rumble.
Praise for Paul Ingrassia and the National Constitutional Law Union – for defending Liberty, defending Truth – defending the United States of America and the rule of law. This article is about Principles and respect for doing what is right. The situation regarding Donald Trump is an indicator just how far the division in this Country extends. Donald Trump did not deserve to be subjected to the wrong – doing that took place with the recent trial in New York. Americans and concerned people around the world who value ethical standards , who value civilization are speaking up about this matter. In the spirit of God bless America, land of the free , home of the brave – Let Honor, Honesty , Integrity, Courage and Loyalty be restored .
Hoping to discredit Trump the Biden administration turned to lawfare, turning the law into a weapon against a political opponent. Instead of discrediting Trump,they have discredited the American judicial system to their shame.
Joe Biden – “ bumbling idiot” says it all !!!
How refreshing to see that so many countries in Europe can see the “witch hunts:” Biden is doing on Trump[. They also know that Biden can only win if he cheats, but that Trump is a good man who loves America and all Americans. They realize that with Trump as President everyone will get a fair deal. God Bless America!
The people’s president, Donald J Trump. I cannot wait to see him and his beautiful family back in that white house.
What an awful thing it would be for Trump to lose. Lets be humble and not proud, because God is always in control. Our country is sinning too much already to imagine that we the people deserve anything. We need mercy and forgiveness, or we are in for more suffering than we have now. Trump is the only means we have for God to use to deliver us.
WAKE UP!!! You have to see what’s going on. We are being subverted to communist and socialist marxist government. Meanwhile, autocratic regimes like China, Iran, and Russia have been empowered?? VOTE them out THEN jail them.
Being a Veteran, disabled during combat action in a war that I fought suffered and bleed to prevent this very deranged situation we are in today, I feel the right and authority to speak as I see it, my dues are paid. My guilt has become evident, the so-called enemy we fought in VN was more worthy/honorable than the Vipers in power today. All this insanity is of Democrats Narcissistic Personality marked by self-love and self-absorption; unrealistic views about their own qualities and little regard for others A personality disorder characterized largely of their dark empty souls, by an overinflated sense of self-importance typically caused by unbalanced valuation during their younger years, associations with well indoctrinated perverse controllers or Who Knows Why. Obviously, Individuals with these personalities – such as high narcissistic and psychopathic traits – are attracted to certain forms of rude social acts, such as “me me me, the devil with “you” in any circumstance, politically, socially, i.e. working, associations, driving, which they can use as a means to satisfy their own ego-focused needs instead of actually aiming at social justice including obeying any laws and equality or showing courtesy and consideration of others. Demonstrated by this person’s ignoring the current laws Prohibiting their actions or other distracting sensibilities they deem contrary to their righteousness. Their mindset “I am more important than any LAW or these other insignificant people, sub-humans with a different view or idea that I disagree/believe with or to be. Ignorant religious fanatics or others that interfere with me and my destinations that are valuable “to me”. Stated simply, these self-centered or perhaps fully or partially narcissistic psychopaths probably pretend to care about “social justice and equality,” but in reality are just feeding their massive “ego-focused” lust for power of dominance in their most readily available aspects of their lives (feeling securely isolated in their convictions of their insanity, obnoxious behavior even in their vehicles). Sign of the times, with no moral compass or necessary guide for basic human social ethics, these acts discussed here is becoming normal no longer the exception. Murder, Liars, thieves, immoral God haters, beings of a rotten, useless conception consumed by Power, Lust and Greed. Who ever casts any BLUE support or is supported on any demonic Blue factions or principles is a Son of Hell and a deranged being that not to long ago would have been incarcerated, institutionalized or embalmed.
No matter what the leftist democ rats want,AMERICA will NOT become a leftist,socialist,democ rat third world country.Not while there are AMERICAN patriots that will defend our AMERICAN way of life.
All true Americans must stand behind President Trump! Biden and the Socialist Democrats want to destroy him anyway they can, cause they also went to destroy America!
And weaponizing the FBI CIA and DOJ. That is how ole Joe Obiden gets her done. Trump going on TikTok and Europeans seeing the crowd at the boxing match cheering for Trump. The Europeans finally saw what was happening in America. To the leaders, but most of all the people, and Britain had right away pro Trump demonstrations by the thousands supporting Trump. MSM in Europe had been reporting the same MSM propaganda that we see here every day. The left in Europe made fun of Trump right away after he was elected in 2016. It is a world wide effort to get rid of a man whose only crime is he wants to make the world better for all the people in the world. Only the power hungry elites on the left have other ideas, they want to get rid of the average man and woman. They are throwing everything at us to reach their goal. Only we are resilient plus there are more of us than of them. You can only push people sofar and then they push back, en masse. Power to the people. Take America back. After all we are the land of the people, for the people and by the people.
In 3rd World countries, they eliminate the opposition. Putin did it. If Democrats get away with it here, we are truly a Banana Republic.
There are people who, at least, approach the “bumbling idiot” category, but manage to exceed expectations because of their work ethic, integrity and moral conviction. In other words, people like them.
The collective “Democrat” party, already having shown unmatched dishonesty and corruption within the past 2 decades, is now SO corrupt that they have become uniquely unlikable.
Democrat leaders are now the “Joe Isuzu” category of caricaturized despicability, despite an equally disgusting mainstream media that has pandered to and serviced them with inexplicably favorable reviews…
This won’t change, as their ill will is at least as durable as their lack of trustworthiness. Democrat politicians are filth. Please know that, and act on that knowledge to protect our upcoming elections in any way you can. These miscreants surely make things “suck”, but this is the only country we have… so we need to fight for it in order to keep it.
“He strikes the image of a bumbling idiot”, because he IS a bumbling idiot. Now he is a bumbling idiot with dementia. I find it hard to believe that ANYBODY would vote for him.
The rest of the world may be seeing these political witch hunts but we still have to overcome the crooked voting system and get the voting reforms upheld even though there isnt a single Democrat that wants an honest election. They have the knowhow, the money, and the infrastructure in place to steal another Presidential election.
Conservative communities in America should arrest the Marxist Globalist Billionaires and hold trials. Finding them guilty of subversion and treason, we should then ‘fine’ them BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS of dollars. Give them a taste of their own medicine. Jail time for contempt? Yes. Liquidate their assets? Hell yeah.
Anyone who is not blinded by TDS can see this was a sham trial.
The ONLY way Democrats get seats is by stealing elections. Biden is the very worst of the bunch.
Justice if achieved
What you are speaks so loud that the world can’t hear what you say.
The whole World is watching America deteriorate to 3rd rate status, and they are SHOCKED that the American People would allow this to happen to us!!! The World NEEDS the U.S. to STAY STRONG, not fail! We have to get this Right in Nov. or it is OVER. And that is what Dems are counting on… for their own Power aims. They have to be STOPPED! Enter Trump! He is no ‘savior’. But he IS our President in waiting!!!
Yes. world leaders want the US to again have a real president, one not married to the leftist agenda above every other consideration.
This country must show its contempt towards immorality this president and his administration has exploited in this country towards its citizens if it expects to live in a free democracy. This country must realize it’s on its way towards a dictatorship if it doesn’t. Donald Trump has the potential to bring about peace in this world instead of mass suicide by nuclear destruction.
These smug biased democrats will suffer the consequences of their selfish, lying paid for actions. THAT – is word on the street.
could somebody please explain the 34 felony convictions that Pres. Trump is Guilty of.
Literally Trumped-up charges.
This article needs to get blasted out as much as possible….Front page news…. if we had an honest media it would be.
Our friends overseas see it, the American people see it and hopefully voters will remember it come November. Unless things change, our country will be irreversibly changed forever..
The more Progressive/Communists attack Trump, the more those who are not Socialist minded realize just how dangerous the Progressive controlled Democrat Party has become.
how can any normal common sense person not think it was a kangaroo court – imposter issues, imposter judge, jurors – only the dumos can be this ruthless and those who vote for them are just as twisted.
Trump is a crook and has been his entire life. The vast majority of the world thinks he’s a fool. This headline is so misleading. A few right wing populists like Orbán defend him & this headline claims “the world.” Trump is a con artist who slept with a porn star & paid her off to hide the fact. He tried to overturn election results, stole classified documents lied about it and tried to move them to conceal them. The litany of his offences is overwhelming. If he’s so innocent as he claims, go to trial and clear his name. But he dreads those trials because he knows he’s guilty, people all over the world watched what happened on 6 January & they heard Trump’s phone call demanding 11,000+ votes to overturn the election results in Georgia. Only cognitive dissonance or delusion leads anyone to draw any other conclusions. As Trump himself said to his worshippers at a recent rally, “I don’t really care about you I just want your votes.” But yes Trump is a “man of the average folks.” He cares for no one but himself.
taking a quote from a Japanese admiral … “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”
Does AMAC support & agree with calling this a KANGAROO COURT? And do you believe in jury selection ?
Who is telling the rest of the world this is a kangaroo court? Our jury system has worked for +200 years so what system do you recommend is better . I agree that some guilty people have gotten off & some innocent people have been found guilty as a result of people that can afford the high price lawyers. Look back at dream team of O J SImpson trial for an example of good and bad lawyers.
Good article, but did you mean to say crude?
So much wrong with your statement. But most glaring, not only were they different courts, but they were totally different court systems. One State and one Federal. BTW, you cannot say Hunter Biden did nothing wrong, he was about to take a plea deal, admitting guilt, until that sweetheart plea deal fell apart under public scrutiny.
Wow, Russia, China and Hungary’s Victor orban are Sticking up for president Trump. Knock me over with a sledgehammer.
As for our Western allies, each one has so many political parties that it’s not surprising that a particular party in a particular country condemns the verdict.
For a constitutional scholar, this is pretty thin gruel.
Were it not pathological, the depths of self-deception by MAGA cult members would be amusing.