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The Trump Doctrine

Posted on Wednesday, November 13, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore | Flickr

Donald Trump’s foreign policy was, during his first term, not only successful; it was the most successful foreign policy of any president since Ronald Reagan. Yet thanks to their animus for Trump personally, pseudo-experts on foreign policy have refused to give Trump credit for his obvious wins: a quiescent Russia, a contained Iran, Middle Eastern peace accords between Israel and several of its Arab neighbors, an increasingly isolated China, and burgeoning liberty movements in South America. Instead, these supposed geniuses suggest that Trump’s foreign policy is haphazard, dangerous, and unhinged; they long for the purported calm of Democratic foreign policy, based on specious nostrums about democracy, lack of enforcement mechanisms, and endless negotiations that result in more conflict.

In reality, Trump’s foreign policy has always been straightforward and effective. That’s become utterly clear thanks to his foreign policy picks for his second term: Pete Hegseth for Defense Secretary; Marco Rubio for Secretary of State; Mike Waltz for National Security Adviser; John Ratcliffe for CIA Director; Mike Huckabee for Ambassador to Israel, among others. Each of these foreign policy picks shares a particular vision of America in the world; they reflect a Trump Doctrine.

That doctrine is simple. As Trump himself expressed it to me on my show some two weeks before the election, “Our policy is very simple: peace through strength. We had no wars — and I’m not an isolationist — I helped a lot of countries. I kept countries out of war.” This policy can be expressed in a few key propositions.

First, America’s interests are paramount. America First does not mean that America ignores the rest of the world; it means that the interests of American citizens ought to be the chief concern of the American government. This ought to be a truism. Those interests include everything from the freedom of the seas, which guarantees America’s economic supremacy, to the strength of American allies in contentious regions, sufficient to counter external threat without direct American intervention.

Second, America’s interests must be carefully calibrated to our investment in them. If we have only a weak interest in democracy in a far-flung land, we ought not pretend that Wilsonian bromides suffice as a rationale for heavy investment. All resources are scarce resources — none scarcer or more precious than the blood and treasure of the American military. Self-deception about the ease of war is dangerous. If we’re going to draw a red line, it ought to be a red line. As Joe Biden learned, saying “no” is no substitute for actual foreign policy.

Third, all measures and means necessary to achieve America’s interests are on the table. Such measures and means range from crushing the economic wherewithal of America’s enemies to credibly threatening military force when necessary. The ancient Latin adage “si vis pacem, para bellum” — if you want peace, prepare for war — is a key principle for the Trump Doctrine. What’s more, war is ugly and cannot be made antiseptic. That means that America’s might, when unleashed, must be calibrated toward victory rather than hamstrung by niceties and pieties. The most humane war — if any war is to be fought — is the shortest and most victorious. In short, the Trump Doctrine says: f— around, find out.

Fourth, all of this ought to be publicly proclaimed. If our enemies know our principles, they will avoid the fight. War occurs when one side retains the hope of victory — either through sheer capacity or through the increasing weakness of will of the other side. America must broadcast both our capacity and our will. Doing so leaves no room for the errors that end in war.

Trump has followed these principles to the letter across both of his administrations. And what has followed has been the most peaceful administration in modern American history. The Trump Doctrine will continue to bring increasing peace so long as it is implemented. And by all indicators, President Trump is determined to do so over the next four years.

Ben Shapiro‘s new collection, “Facts and Furious: The Facts About America and Why They Make Leftists Furious,” is available now. Shapiro is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and co-founder of Daily Wire+. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author. To find out more about Ben Shapiro and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website.


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3 months ago

The new President Trump and his foreign policies will once again gain the world’s respect. He will not be ramrodded as the Biden administration policies were that made our nation the laughing stock to rest of the world.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
3 months ago

As was stated in the first paragraph the pseudo -experts on foreign policy basically falsely accused President Trump of having foreign policy that was wrong .When in fact the foreign policy President Trump had during his first administration. was right and strong and effective. Those pseudo -experts made it clear that they had an outlook that was as twisted as a corkscrew. It is good that this article. straightens things out regarding the President Trump accomplishments with foreign policy . Truth is a great way to understand things of a complex nature. And that is why those of us who value Truth ,who recognize truth ,and distinguish if from falsehood need to take a stand for the truth, whenever it is challenged. Well done with this article Ben it’s appreciated.

Butter and guns
Butter and guns
3 months ago

Little wonder the trolls can do due nothing but attack.  The national socialists and leftists are not just inconsolable they are scared witless.  
The left has lost everything they held: Lost for a least a generation!  
Lost because their fake media now has no credibility and it’s clear the majority of the new generation shift  has dumped the woke evil and are awakening as conservatives. 
Our duly faithful and landslide elected 47th POTUS will NOW do what NO deep state pleasing politician ever has done: 

  1. DJT and his appointees will destroy the swamp of the military industrial complex.  
  2. End warmongering for profit.  
  3. Dump the woke DEI pin heads out of the military.  
  4. Support our allies and no longer give aid and comfort to our enemies and terrorists. 

The proof of that Peace, will be prosperity, national security and sovereignty right in the face of the globalist WEF cabal.

3 months ago

One for the History books and another for How the World Works Under Godly Rules : peace, prosperity, liberty for all.

3 months ago

Liberals are pacifying wimps, hoping to avoid conflict while actually promoting it. They are no match for the ruthless dictators of the world. I’m so glad the country elected a real man with courage. We’ll all feel safer.

Butter and guns
Butter and guns
3 months ago

To Comments 1 and 2: Says the leftists confession of all their criminal leader’s behaviors against the vast major majority of rational Americans who know the reality of success of The Trump doctrine

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
3 months ago

Pres. Trump is straight-for-ward in his warning message to foreign leaders, that’s why they behave because they can’t ascertain how he is going to do it if they don’t heed his warning. Now, that is a wise and strong leader we again have now, with God’s blessing. Politicians better not mess him up again or else we will see God’s wrath and this time a lot of suffering for all. It is in the Bible, defines Trump as the modern Jeroboam. To betray him is to our peril. God gave us a second chance. Better read your Bible prophesy, Leftists.

3 months ago

Get out of the UN and WHO, upgrade our Sick Woke Military. Too many have had the Covid injections; their bodies are not the same as they were before this poison entered their bodies. Do not kill, through abortion, drugs, or War.

3 months ago

Trump will MAGA!
JUST LIKE 2016-2020!

3 months ago

Peace through strength, but NOT with America’s checkbook! Time for NATO to catch up to what the US had paid in, until then, no more! Get us out of all world government organizations-ALL of them. Cancel any and all climate change crap agreements. Drill for oil and make America energy independent again, strategic oil reserves replenished. No more federal funding to ANY state that declares itself at war with Trump, or has the name sanctuary anywhere. Starting with the Left Coast (I live in OR). Claw back what we can from all failed green energy “projects” that took the money and never built anything!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

The only thing I’m worried about is how “good intentions” are sometimes worse than the original problem. Take DDT: they banned DDT use to kill mosquitoes because it killed endangered birds but an extra 30M die from malaria afterwards! Don’t be messing with my Captain Crunch with Crunchberries, RFK!

3 months ago

Well said, I love to read common sense articles! The conservative Right now has a legion of intelligent, articulate, successful and morally aligned people to correct the path that this nation has taken in the past 3 1/2 years. God bless America, God bless our president Donald Trump!

Nancy Stull
Nancy Stull
3 months ago

Thank you for a well written and clear article on what Trump’s Doctrine is.

3 months ago

In reality I have the effectiveness of a retarded child trying to fight a mma boxer lol

The United Nations UN official flag. Sign of the international community of world
a clock thawing in the spring after a snow
Logo of world health organization WHO on mobile phone screen. Blurred flag of USA background
California Governor Gavin Newsom speaks during a press conference at Raleigh Studios unveiling a vast expansion of California’s Film and Television Credit Program on October 27, 2024 in Los Angeles, California.

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