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The Return of the Forgotten Americans

Posted on Monday, October 25, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Luke Allen


When Donald Trump announced his candidacy for President in 2015, he promised to restore opportunity to those Americans forgotten and left behind by both political parties: the workers and their families who suffered as a result of one-sided trade deals, open borders, unchecked Chinese economic aggression, high taxes that outsourced American jobs, and anti-American energy policies. As President Trump put it succinctly in his inaugural address: “The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer… [e]very decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs will be made to benefit American workers and American families”.

During his presidency, Trump fulfilled this promise with breathtaking speed and effectiveness. After just 36 months in office, the unemployment rate among African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans had all reached record lows; real median household income rose to the highest level ever recorded, ten million people were lifted off welfare, 12,000 new factories were built, and America became Energy Independent. Violent crime and property crime rates also fell under President Trump, a testament to the effectiveness of Trump’s commitment to both law and order and criminal justice reform.

Contrast this record with the results of the first ten months of the Biden administration. After Biden endorsed calls to “reimagine policing” during the 2020 campaign, violent crime is skyrocketing under his watch. Thanks to his reversal of key Trump immigration policies, the country has seen record highs in the number of illegal border crossings, human trafficking cases, and deadly fentanyl pouring in.

Biden also cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline and other energy projects, making the country once again reliant on foreign energy supplies. As a result, gas prices are at their highest levels in decades, and it’s going to be drastically more expensive for families to heat their homes this winter. If Biden’s $3.5 trillion boondoggle spending plan passes Congress, Americans can expect even more radical changes to their everyday lives, from higher taxes to government-funded climate warriors knocking on their doors.

In short, under Biden, we are seeing the return of the forgotten Americans. Thus far the Biden agenda has served the interests of progressive special interest groups and liberal elites, utterly abandoning President Trump’s commitment to put first the interests of the men and women who form the backbone of this country.

Those Americans living paycheck to paycheck, just struggling to get by have perhaps been hit the hardest. After wage earners saw real wage growth under Trump for the first time in decades, wages have been stagnant, and worse, dropped, for many groups of workers in the first ten months of the Biden administration. Meanwhile, the Biden administration’s reckless spending has led to runaway inflation, meaning that any money working and middle-class Americans have managed to save is now worth less and less each day.

In addition to economic pains, Americans living in cities now have to fear for their physical safety as well. In New York City, shootings were up 50% in August over the same time period last year. This summer was the deadliest for Chicago since 1996. Those who have the financial ability to do so have fled the city for the suburbs. Those who do not are desperately hoping for a reprieve from the violence in their communities.

Even Americans who were able to flee crime-ridden cities have found their hopes dashed by Democrat policies. Blue states like California are working to completely eradicate single-family neighborhoods. Even if working class families can find a single-family home, anti-suburban policies have incentivized big banks to speculate in suburbs and drive up prices for new entrants. Add to that rising inflation and high gas prices, and the American Dream of owning a home is now out of reach for many Americans today.

One of the crowning achievements of the Trump presidency was the resurgence of the manufacturing sector in blue-collar communities throughout the United States. In the first 30 months under President Trump, the country added 314,000 manufacturing jobs, more than all eight years under President Obama. Companies were bringing production back to the United States and revitalizing rusted-out manufacturing towns. In just 10 months, President Biden has undone much of that progress. Higher energy costs have forced companies to cut jobs and production. Moreover, looming corporate tax increases are a massive disincentive for new investment and growth, and companies are once again looking to ship jobs overseas.

The legitimate interests of parents, too, of every political and socioeconomic background, are being forgotten under Biden. In addition to economic pressures straining family budgets, the Biden administration has thrown its weight behind the insidious efforts to indoctrinate children with leftist propaganda in school classrooms. Despite evidence that large majorities of Americans reject Critical Race Theory, President Biden has ordered the Department of Justice to target parents who speak out against CRT and other left-wing ideologies at local school board meetings. As was the case prior to President Trump taking office, Democrats are seeking to use the power of the state to silence all opposition to their radical ideas and policies.

Once again under President Biden, we are seeing the emergence of millions of Americans who are being forsaken and forgotten. However, the hope that these men and women found in President Trump’s agenda remains strong. Fortunately, the previous administration showed that with the right leadership the consequences of bad policies can be reversed with breathtaking speed. The slogan “Make America Great Again” was more than a campaign promise, it became policies that produced real results for real people. And those policies, as President Trump said, “lifted up Americans of every race, color and creed.” It happened once, and it can happen again.

Luke Allen is the pen name of a freelance writer and energy advisor.

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3 years ago

Well with President Trump, we actually had a President that was a leader and knew how to get things done despite the constant obstacles thrown in his path by the Democrats, the MSM and a significant percentage of members of the establishment wing of the Republican Party. That is what truly successful business people have to do on a regular basis. Trump was creative enough to find ways around the constant obstruction thrown in his path to achieve more in four years, than most Presidents ever achieved in two full terms in office with the full support of Congress. That is a huge threat to the Washington machine, that prefers simply a continuation of the status quo. The status quo obviously isn’t good for the vast majority of the American people, but it works for many career politicians and government bureaucrats with deep financial ties dependent on maintaining the status quo of the last 30 years.

Obviously Trump’s work ethic and drive to be more than just a “seat warmer in the Oval Office”, caused great embarrassment for most members of both parties in Congress. Especially the ones that think doing a 5 minute photo op or speech once a quarter constitutes “working hard for the American people”. Having their staffs write letters to various government agencies that are ignored and go unanswered by the Washington bureaucracy. The typical 3 1/2 day work weeks of Congress can be brutal (that was sarcasm folks to lighten the mood). When President Trump was working 12 and 15 hour days 5 or 6 days a week (sometimes longer), that provided a glaring contrast for the American people to see just how little Congress does in terms of real work in any given week. So the likes of McConnell, McCarthy and other RINOs were more than happy to see any Democrat, no matter how bad, sitting in the White House. Just as long as we went back to the status quo. Which is what the Biden administration has been busy restoring for the last 9 months.

As for Biden, there is no need to rehash, yet again, the fact that neither he nor Harris are running anything. Both are merely puppets being manipulated to give the public something to focus on. The Biden administration is literally filled with former Obama era personnel and people from the likes of the Soros founded Center for American Progress and other socialist organizations. Most Americans don’t pay attention to the people the administration has nominated to fill all crucial positions since Day One, so they are continuously shocked by what they view as gross incompetence, but which is carefully enacted policy changes. That everything they touch results in yet another man-made crisis shouldn’t be surprising to anyone. What we call a crisis and the systematic destruction of the United States on multiple levels, they call success in moving their agenda forward on multiple fronts towards achieving their socialist paradise.

3 years ago

With the communist “representatives” we have in Washington, they will try to confuse the issues of the people that suffer the most through lies, media, ect. That is part of the “race” issue such as CRT. These people know what they are doing. If we cannot educate those who do not understand, we will have a very long hard road ahead. Lord, please open Americas eyes.

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 years ago

ALL THOSE that hate the UNITED STATES of AMERICA can just LEAVE. You don’t like it here so MOVE to CHINA or IRAN or VENEZUELA where they think and live the way you want to.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

& add those in Afganistan too

Amelia Little
Amelia Little
3 years ago

Wait!!! It wasn’t too long ago that leftists were insisting that it was racist conservatives who were depriving black people of owning homes. Now, even though millions of black people own their own homes (and millions have all along) I guess the leftists idea would be that–NO ONE should be able to own their own home? Put EVERYONE in high rise, multiple apartment complexes? I wonder, do any of those displaced from the homes they have bought, get to have a say to what apartment complex/city they will be relegated to? I don’t suppose the govt or the people who will bulldoze homes and erect whatever it is they have in mind will pay homeowners for those homes? Of course, not–it’ll be like it always have been. This is what we’ll pay you–doesn’t matter what you have invested in your home, or what fair market value might be.

3 years ago

What is happening here and in the world was predicted two thousand years ago, and more. The only one who can and will end it is God. A time called the tribulation is fast approaching according to predictions that are already coming true. It will be an awful time especially the last three and a half of the seven years. During the first part, the world leader will do great things that make people think he’s the Lord. They will accept his mark, (the mark of the beast) to be able to buy the things they need. In the end, because they have not accepted the grace offered by God through His Son, Christ Jesus, they will be separated from God for eternity. God alone is good, so eternity without Him would not be good. Don’t wait until it’s too late to accept the love and grace offered. He won’t force it on you. It’s your decision.

Mr and Mrs. Richard Thatcher
Mr and Mrs. Richard Thatcher
3 years ago

Veteran’s against Biden and his fellow traders to our Country. They are the enemy within. 2 USA Army Veterans speaking out!

Joanne 4 justice
Joanne 4 justice
3 years ago


3 years ago

The “average” American is vastly ignorant of politics on any level . . . Local, State or National and only start to pay attention when their own daily existence is threatened, like now! . . . Jackass Joe “Lyin” Biden has only made former Jackass President Jimmy Carter who can now die knowing he is NOT THE WORST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY! . . . And Jackass Joe HAS ACHIEVED THAT IN ONLY 10 MONTHS! . . . It’s just whether the country can survive his disastrous policies. . . .

3 years ago

What you are witnessing in the culmination of thirteen years of obama’s “fundamental transformation” of America into a third world s**t hole like the one he was born in, Kenya. He queered and corrupted every department of government. Our chances of survival are slim and none as long as his puppet masters are in charge. We all (most) know who they are.

Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen
3 years ago

4 factors got Jo(k)e Bye-then the White House:

Soros / Suckerberg cash funneling

Deliberate release of the chinese fungus

mail-in voting

dominion brand voting machines ( Canadian no less )

That is what it took for the DC sewer to remove an honest,
America first POTUS.

3 years ago

The “crisis” that will keep voters from going to the polls to vote (mail in ballots again) will be terrorism. Open borders, fall of Afghanistan with thousands of unvetted refugees, these were planned not “organic”. It will start late spring early summer and carry into the election.

JJ Johnson-Smith
JJ Johnson-Smith
3 years ago

When one continues to blow air into a balloon well after it reaches capacity, what happens? This is what is happening to America RIGHT NOW. the balloon is at capacity, and the Left continues to blow.

3 years ago

President Trump was the leader who did as promised and was looking out for America and its Citizens.
He was a Champion at protecting Our Country’s interests as well as exposing and holding accountable washingtons elite swamp!
Truly a man of his word.
Name one other President who can make that statement, not possible.
We the People need a Leader again,who leads,not a corrupt,bought off career politician who is led by anti American, self serving dictates.
This useless,liar joebama and his democrat comrades now propose covid travel restrictions on people coming to America,but allow over a million illegals to break the law and enter without proof of covid, other diseases or vetting of felons or drug smugglers.
These hypocrites care NOTHING about Real Citizens or America.
THROW THEM OUT and Save Our Country!!!

3 years ago

Yes, it can happen again… IF there’s a surviving America after these Communists and Fascists get through with it. That becomes inherently less possible by the day as our evil, vile, and criminal politicians sit on their useless, overpaid butts and allow the stripping of all good to continue….

3 years ago

But, Biden does not publish nasty tweets. He has the media in his pocket. The democratic party, despite the rebellion of two senators currently, will get its very large tax and spend bill passed. People do not elect public officials, it is all a popularity contest. Inflation will be made into a good thing for America. People on permanent welfare will be seen as a good thing for America. Shortages are going to a good thing for America. High taxes will be a good thing for America. All the crises created by democrats will be seen as a good thing for America. President Trump solved numerous problems despite constant opposition from the democrats and members of his own party. But, he wasn’t “presidential” enough. The democrats will run America and the republicans will be standing on the sidelines weakly protesting.

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
3 years ago

The successes of the Trump administration were so spectacular that the communists had to steal the election. The devil never sleeps and he energizes his agents (most of the Democratic Party) to carry out his evil agenda. May God have mercy on our souls and on our nation. May we rise to the occasion despite all the odds stacked against us.

3 years ago

Hey commie Joey, what goes around, comes around. You WILL suffer like we are suffering.

WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 28: U.S. President Donald Trump takes a question from a reporter before boarding Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House on February 28, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump spoke about his contentious Oval Office meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. (Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)
President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meet in the Oval Office at the White House on February 28, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump and Zelensky are meeting today to negotiate a preliminary agreement on sharing Ukraine’s mineral resources that Trump says will allow America to recoup aid provided to Kyiv while supporting Ukraine’s economy.
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COXSACKIE, GREENE, NEW YORK - FEBRUARY 28: New York correctional officers and sergeants continue their strike for a second week outside of the Coxsackie Correctional Facility on February 28, 2025 in Coxsackie, Greene, New York. The prison workers say they want to roll back the 2022 HALT Act, which has reduced solitary confinement because it caused assaults on them to rise. While it's unclear if the strike has played a role, two more New York inmates have died during an ongoing strike. The Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) has presented a tentative agreement to the New York State Correctional Officers & Police Benevolent Association (NYSCOPBA) to end the ongoing strike, but many guards say their demands have not been met and they won't show up to work on Saturday. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

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