Doesn’t 2016 seem like a lifetime away?
How easily we forgot what life was like back then.
Will you come with me and reminisce for a while?
Let me take you back to the day of the Inauguration of the 45th President. It was a somber speech about the dark America created by those who hate our country. But afterward, the mood was jubilant. The parade on the way to the White House. The many Inauguration balls we held that night. But it wasn’t just about celebrations. It was about Making America Great Again. And on Saturday morning, we got down to work. We unleashed the fuel of America, the lifeblood of fossil fuels, opening up the Keystone pipeline, shale, and fracking fields to feed the engines of growth. But it wasn’t just about the economy.
After 8 years of treating the military like a science experiment for left-wing ideologues, we reinvested in our troops so they could execute the only mission of merit: killing America’s enemies. And under their new Commander-in-Chief, that’s exactly what they were tasked to do. President Trump committed us to the destruction of the Jihadi Caliphate of ISIS. And within a few months, that’s what happened.
Then, when it came to our national sovereignty, true patriots like Tom Homan and Mark Morgan were tasked to find and deport illegals and build the Wall.
America was finally back. The factories were humming, and the store shelves were full. We witnessed record-low unemployment and a stock market that made everyone’s pensions and 401Ks the strongest in American history.
These were the statistical and empirical truths of life for Americans under the Presidency of Donald J. Trump. Yet what was the response from the Establishment and the scions of Corporate, legacy media? 4 years of calling the Commander-in-Chief a “Russian-colluder,” a racist, a White-Supremacist, and even a Nazi.
As if the incessant calumny of multiple 24/7 smear campaigns were not enough, the Democrats and the permanent bureaucracy used every weapon they could deploy against the most successful President of the modern age. From Operation Crossfire Hurricane, the Mueller Probe, to not one but 2 impeachments, and then COVID, the perfect cover under which to mail our 80 million ballots.
At the same time, in classic Alinskyite fashion, violent mobs were unleashed, leveraging the violent death of George Floyd to justify riots across the nation, with looting and arson costing business owners $2 billion and costing more than 3 dozen Americans their lives, including retired black police officer David Dorn. What was President Trump’s reaction? Did he cut and run when the Antifa and BLM thugs assaulted the White House and set fire to St. John the Episcopal church, one block away? No.
So that was your life under my former Boss, President Trump. Can we contrast that to the last 2+ years under his replacement?
It starts with the cancellation of Keystone, a war on the energy that drives America, and an obeisance to the cult of environmentalism at the same time that the real networks that make America run were neglected. Remember East Palestine?
Whilst we’re talking national-level logistics, what about the “supply-chain” disasters, the lack of staples like baby formula, or the scores of shipping containers stuck off the California’s coast?
Disregarding the needs of Americans was matched by a disdain for our national sovereignty, as the border regime we built was dismantled and millions of illegals were let into our homes, along with literally tons of deadly narcotics that killed more than 100,000 Americans in just one year.
Biden’s reckless reign also brought us a war in Ukraine, China on the rise, and the wholehearted embarrassment of transgender policies that target and sexualize the most precious thing we have: our children.
On today of all days, as we remember the thousands murdered in New York, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania by Jihadi terrorists, we would do well to remember the perennial cost to our nation when the highest office of the land is held by those who either hate America or do not have the courage to do what is needed.
Another Democrat President, Bill Clinton, had multiple opportunities to kill Osama bin Laden, the mastermind of 9/11, before that sunny Tuesday morning 22 years ago today. But he didn’t. He was afraid to lead. As a result, almost 3,000 men, women, and children died that day, and thousands more in the wars that followed.
We need a true leader back in the White House.
Are you helping to make sure that happens in 2024…Before it’s too late?
Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website.
As always, I have the utmost respect for Dr. Gorda. The man is very knowledgeable about AMERICA and he knows more about how this country should be run than Jackass Joe Biden will ever have. President Trump was very smart to make use of him and I hope he does so again when he is reelected.
This is a spectacular article. It should be publicized and shared by everyone who loves this country. Kudos to Dr. Gorka. Bravo!
9/11 Lessons
Be Alert, Be armed
Plan ahead
Forward thinking
Adopt, adapt New Tech
Adapt Intelligence
Be ready
Did anyone in the media fact check Biden’s claim of “visiting Ground Zero” the day after and “staring into the pits of Hell”? Violations of Constitutional rights occur because the media ignores it. Anybody on the Alphabet channels talking about how the NM governor can suspend an Amendment of the Constitution? And in the bame of an “emergency”. Sound familiar?
There has never been a more cowardly, ill advised and corrupt President in US history. The cowardly exit from Afghanistan, the killing of the US leadership in production of oil, shale and coal for the sake of “green energy” and then being forced to purchase from our enemies like Venezuela, Iran plus other middle east countries (they produce more emissions that the US), opening our borders to millions of immigrants including terrorists, rapists and enemies of the people, supporting the cartels thru billions of dollars in drugs being allowed into the country plus ruining thousands of girls and women with increase in trafficking, rape and servitude, decreasing the efficiency and strength of our military thru a woke agenda, leaving us vulnerable to possible attacks by our enemies…THE LIST GOES ON AND ON, NOT TO MENTION THE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS PAID TO THE BIDEN FAMILY THRU CORRUPTION AND FRAUD.
American deserves better and if biden or the democrats win in 2024…
We need to remember that more than 10 percent of those killed that day were first responders. That were not in the buildings when the planes hit. But they ran into the dangers to save lives. There were a few Port Authority police assigned there but they stayed in the buildings to also save lives.
How is 911 different from Maui? Not down playing 911, but please think about what else is going on…
We need to remember that more than 10 percent of those killed that day were first responders. That were not in the buildings when the planes hit. But they ran into the dangers to save lives. There were a few Port Authority police assigned there but they stayed in the buildings to also save lives
I sure am. Trump 2024.
We have not learned a thing After the WWII we offered the Devil a hand He dragged us straigth to hell
And, less we forget, never surrender rights for quasi “safety and security.” A lot of the things done by the three letter agencies would have been more difficult without the rights surrendered for homeland security.
The CCP released their bio weapon on America and the world in late 2019 in an effort to unseat a sitting President of the United States. The Democrats and the deep state took full advantage to usher in nation wide mail-in balloting. Unfortunately they were rewarded for their evil acts of treason. By their theft of the Presidency and several Senate seats. No one was held accountable for their parts.
excellent article. He certainly speaks sooth! We need to stand up to this insanity and get rid of (vote out) the current administration… they are enemies of the state!!!
Refreshing to hear a PHD with a brain for a change… He’s right. We were better off under Trump but the mainstream media wouldn’t give Trump the time of day. I just hope we can turn everything back in the next election or we will be suffering another four years of chaos under Democrat rule. And that’s pretty unthinkable at this point. Because, how much worse can it get?
I was a first responder to the 911 disaster that our own President Bush masterminded. He loaded the building with BOMBS! Everything was annihilated and turned to dust. There were no flintstone terrorists responsible for this terrible inside job. This is no conspiracy theory IT IS FACT. I witnessed it I have recordings and someday the truth with prevail! GOD BLESS AMERICA AND GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP
The lesson of 9/11: sabastian gorka should take more plane flights lol