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The Left Smears Justice Kavanaugh—Again

Posted on Thursday, July 29, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive Seamus Brennan


Nearly three years after the most ruthless and disgraceful Supreme Court confirmation process in American history, Democrats and the media are still waging war on Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Even though their attempt to smear Kavanaugh as a serial rapist has been exposed as a fraudulent and politically motivated attempt to keep him off the Court, the media now appears to be doubling down.

On July 22, the New York Times published a report on the FBI’s handling of tips they received regarding Kavanaugh’s past, specifically noting that the most “relevant” information received by the FBI was “referred to White House lawyers in the Trump administration.” The report, which details a June 30 letter from the FBI to two Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee, seeks to manufacture the narrative that Kavanaugh’s confirmation process was illegitimate because information regarding his background investigation was relayed to the White House.

“The letter left uncertain whether the F.B.I. itself followed up on the most compelling leads,” the Times reported. “In addition to offering shows of support, the Trump White House carefully controlled the investigations into Mr. Kavanaugh’s past. After Dr. Ford came forward, Mr. Trump’s staff tried to limit the number of people the F.B.I. interviewed as part of that probe. Only after an outcry from Democrats over the president’s approach did the administration say the agency could conduct a more open investigation.”

The Times’s account of the Kavanaugh investigation is not only misleading and conspicuous in its omission of key details that would have helped to absolve both the Trump legal team and Justice Kavanaugh—it also marks a continuation of the left’s relentless crusade to smear and discredit conservative Supreme Court Justices.

The report excludes the key fact that the FBI’s investigation had always been intended to be limited in time and scope: members of both parties agreed that the investigation would last only one week and would consist only of “current” and “credible” allegations made against then-Judge Kavanaugh. Former Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) told CNN during the heart of the confirmation process that the “compromise” he struck with Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) and the Democrats was based on the understanding that “we would have something limited by time” that would not open the door to additional “outlandish” allegations being made.

Additionally, information that the FBI received through its tip line was made available to every Member of Congress prior to Kavanaugh’s confirmation vote. As CNN reported, the FBI’s report to Congress included “not only the interview summaries but also information that came in to the FBI’s tip line.” Mike Davis, who served as Senator Chuck Grassley’s (R-IA) chief counsel for nominations during the Kavanaugh vetting process, assured the National Review that “every senator had full access to read those things if they wanted to,” stating that “if there was anything that caught their attention, they could have flagged it for further investigation.”

Given these facts, the Times’ and the left’s not-so-subtle implication that the Trump White House possessed FBI information that delegitimized Kavanaugh is preposterous. In reality, the FBI’s interviews and investigative inquiries helped to clear Kavanaugh’s name, and all accusations against him have been debunked—something the left-wing media complex has stubbornly refused to accept from the very beginning.

The media’s latest series of attacks against Kavanaugh is not occurring in a vacuum: for months, the left has been amplifying their efforts to stifle and intimidate conservative justices in hopes of keeping them in line. Earlier this year, Amazon removed, without explanation, a documentary about Justice Clarence Thomas from their platform. In 2020, as the Supreme Court was hearing an abortion-related case, then-Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer threatened two Trump-appointed justices by name in an unprecedented attack on judicial independence: “I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price!” A Democrat Congressman who co-sponsored a court-packing bill this spring issued a more veiled, but equally disconcerting, threat against conservative justices: “The Court needs to know that the people are watching,” he warned.

As the high court prepares to hear hot-button cases on abortion and Second Amendment rights this fall, attacks like the Times’ Kavanaugh hit piece are hardly surprising. Justice Kavanaugh courageously resisted the left’s intimidation campaign during his contemptible 2018 confirmation process. Conservatives must hope that now that he is on the Court, he shows the same firmness and fortitude in defense of our Constitution.

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3 years ago

Our country has evolved into Germany circa 1930’s. FBI, CIA, NSA, media now equal the Gestapo, Goebbels, Himmer et al. Attack a conservative but give Hunter Biden, Killery, Cuomo as well as other criminal democrats a free pass.

Mike W
Mike W
3 years ago

They cant get Breyer (their guy) to retire so attack a sitting judge, the Democrats are communists in training.

3 years ago

We have heard statements since, from these women, declaring that they lied, or were paid to lie. How can they now try to rewrite the recent past.

Stanley Garthwait
Stanley Garthwait
3 years ago

Pray for a hedge of protection to surround conservatives and that they stand strong for godliness in support of godly constitutional values.

3 years ago

“The New York Times, a former newspaper, …”–Andrew Klavan

3 years ago

So I just read in the last AMAC article the DOJ is dropping 5 cases against China for spying for no legitimate reason and is now going after Kavanaugh AGAIN simply because they want to replace him with a liberal judge. You know, because the whole stack the court thing went poof.Good grief! I used to live in the good Ole USA. Now I’m living in the Twighlight Zone. Lord help us!

Gary F
Gary F
3 years ago

These left wing anti-American nutjobs are shameless!

Countryboy west
Countryboy west
3 years ago

Eventually the conservatives best do something tangible as their wimpy words do not phase Democrats. It is like a parent telling a disobedient child, “If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a million times”, don’t do this or do that….. Words and lip gas does not phase the liberal right one bit…. Action will.

3 years ago

The FBI, CDC, DOJ all need to be investigated

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
3 years ago

The left is just trying to make a mountain out of a molehill because they cannot get ahead any other way. They need to leave Justice Kavanaugh alone.

3 years ago

It appears that the FBI did their job as outlined in a one week investigation of Kavanaugh and got the information distributed to all those concerned. Fantastic. HOW LONG HAVE THEY HAD HUNTER BIDEN’S LAPTOP????? Has anyone at the Times passed a drug test lately? Oh I forgot that the Times always appears to be wacked out.

3 years ago

I’ve never heard when Dr. Ford or where she first met Judge Kavanaugh. Can someone tell me that, please? From what I understood in their testimonies, I never heard that.

3 years ago

It’s another liberal witch hunt.

3 years ago

The once honorable Democrat party has devolved into a large group of mean, nasty, angry people who seem to hate almost everything. Is it no wonder there are very few good, upstanding, intelligent adults who would run against them? And it’s only going to get worse now that they are indoctrinating our children from kindergarten up.

Holden Bonnie
Holden Bonnie
3 years ago

I certainly hope Justice Kavanaugh does not take Schumer seriously. Schumer is instrumental in pulling the strings controlling Biden and he was a dominant player in the phony election! He’s your typical liberal smear operator ‼️

Michael Tomaino
Michael Tomaino
3 years ago

Absolutely no one, nothing, is safe from the vicious and evil actions if the corrupt liberal left. I pray that the demorats will be brought to justice before they destroy our Nation.

3 years ago

The dems need to know that “people are watching” and their days in power are numbered. Folks are finally waking up and realizing that the lefties do not have our welfare at heart. They only want to retain their power so they can bankrupt the country and enrich themselves. Career politicians need to go!! There are 4 retired Navy seals running for House seats. Please, folks, look them up and support them as much as you can. If elected, they will shift the House majority back to the Republicans!

Oty Rodriguez
Oty Rodriguez
3 years ago

The NYTimes used to be a respected newspaper. Now they are just a puppet of the leftist/socialist government and all they do is try to please their wishes without realizing how political they have become. They have lost at least 50% of their readers.

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
3 years ago

Why in the world is this surprising?
A certain segment in Congress and certainly in the media have been beating up on Justice Kavanaugh since day one.
True, he has a conservative mind set compared to some others on the Court, but he has shown me that he is his own man and doesn’t need to March in lockstep with others.
May he have a long tenure.

3 years ago

They won’t quit until we all speak mandarin chink.

3 years ago

Look, the left is doing everything in their power to distract American citizens from the Real and Major issues! We are tired of their hate mongering racists lies. Illegals are spreading virus and overwhelming our border security, Antifa BLM are still burning our cities and discriminating with their push for Markism, corruption is rampant in the leftist agenda perpetrated by Pelosi the American traitor of American citizens….push all this back in their faces!

3 years ago

This sounds like some more “Shifty” shit. If you don’t know it say it anyway maybe something will pop up and help your story. Like the left is so fond of saying he’s there already, suck it up.

Paul DAscenz
Paul DAscenz
3 years ago

This is another reason I have to say, Trump 2024

Nick Patriot
Nick Patriot
3 years ago

Is anyone surprised by the Commiecrats insatiable lust to destroy America? Their “attack on all fronts” evil plan is working. Go after Kavenaugh, weaken our military, raise the debt to levels that can never be paid, open the borders with infected illegal criminals, hyper inflation to destroy the middle class and call it a “Rescue”, embolden our enemies, don’t support our friends, do not prosecute felons, turn cities into murder jungles, indoctrinate our children, weaponize the DOJ, FBI and IRS, return us to energy dependence, control the media like a third world dictator, nullify honest elections, pit the rich against the poor, black against white, young against old and on and on. Most Republicans do nothing! Its too late now, the destruction of the USA is happening right before your eyes! Weep not for yourselves but for your children and grandchildren.

3 years ago

The corrupt liberal LEFT destroys everything it touches. History has proven this over and over again throughout history. The left doesn’t read; they just ruin.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
3 years ago

The left can turn sugar in to –YOU know what. They are the most despicable, evil people on the face of this earth.

3 years ago

Chuck Schumer’s Devil’s ears and tail have been evident for a while now, wondered where he kept his pitchfork until his threat against our newly appointed Supreme Court Justices. Our fight is to be recognized as a fight against pure evil in this country. This is a spiritual battle and our country is in deep spiritual trouble! I once learned during a church service, that if the U.S. ever turned her back on Israel, that It is likely God’s Hand will come off this nation and God’s wrath will fall upon her. There’s a verse in the book of Revelations, I believe refers to the Rapture of Christ’s Church, which reads;
‘Come out of her my people, and be not partaker of her sins.’
Unfortunately we are close, but those who are in Christ have this hope in faith.

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

Justice Kavanaugh will stand up for the constitution. He showed us he is a fighter. Our Senator Murkowski didn’t like it and used his impassioned defense against him. But we still had freedom of speech during that hearing.
It appears the left will try over and over to start and restart conflict. The desire for war is “strong in them.” The power they now have is the slim majority, but some among them think if they can just turn it into conflagration they can destroy enough of America to give them their chance to “build back better.” We must open our eyes and effectively assert what we know is right–every opening has to be recognized and used. Stand up for America (we can’t defend her sitting down).

3 years ago

Communists in action within the DNC. Nothing more to say but the US is under attack for a takedown by the Communists within the US and if people don’t pay attention and wake up, many will be removed when the Commies take over completely.

The only satisfaction is that Communists usually do away with the “useful idiots” as they realize these boobs can’t be trusted.

This is can be found in the book “You Can Still Trust the Communists (to be Communists).pdf The book can be found for free online by searching the title. The first 20 pages or so are slow reading but after that, I couldn’t put the book down. An updated hard copy version of this book by David Noebel can be found online.

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
3 years ago

The Democrats are evil. Evil people lie, cheat, steal, and kill to advance their power. We must be surprised at nothing they do. They are filled with contempt against all that is good and they will fight tooth and nail to distort, destroy, defame, and obfuscate. They stole the election and will probably do so again. They will use their storm troopers, Antifa, to terrorize conservative justices and judges. We must remain steadfast in the Lord, pray, and keep vigilant. God help us.

3 years ago

The media and the democrats should be charged with TREASON//What is the penalty for TREASON in the USA// Let the Conservative party handle the details////

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago

So when is he going to wake up and rule Constitutionally instead of trying to appease an enemy that will ALWAYS hate his guts? That goes for Barrett as well. As far as I’m concerned, they have both been disappointments.

3 years ago

Tikp lines…..I love this stuff…..a tip from whom? A tip about what specifically? A tip unsupported by any evidence or facts. More “notes” in the music of the dance in Washington…….like a dog with a bone…..showing the complicity of the FBI and the political left. More “red herrings” to deflect attention to the important stuff….ie. the upsurge by China economically, politically, and millitarily, the debt, the border crisis, The ground around the mulberry bush is getting pretty beaten down.

3 years ago

People are so sick of the democrats and their cohorts in crime (msm and big business). How did this country fall so far in such a short period of time.

3 years ago

Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas and Gorsuch (usually) are the only 3 who interpret the Constitution as it was written. Kavanaugh and Coney-Barrett so far have not proven they do. John Roberts is a worthless “court protector”!

3 years ago

FBI…Again !! Where is the credibility ? Not Happy with just stealing a little bit.

Todd Wagner
Todd Wagner
3 years ago

I didn’t know anyone still read the NYT, thought people used it to wipe their butt. Anonymous tips, well that has to be truth? Democrats and all their three letter agencies need cleaned out.

3 years ago

Prayers for Justice Kavanaugh to stand strong in the Lord and not cave to the left.

3 years ago

Frankly, I’m ashamed of my government. They put their own wants, needs and agendas above all else. They’re like kids on a playground fighting over their toys except, sadly, it’s our lives they’re toying with.

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

The ( D ) communists must be removed from office at all costs. THEY have started the civil war which THEY will lose.

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

Let the states do their own work. Abolish the SCOTUS.

Patty Hanson
Patty Hanson
3 years ago

There is only one term to accurately describe the current administration, and that term is “Pure, Unadulterated, Unabashed, EVIL”!

Aine Coleman
Aine Coleman
3 years ago

The Biden Administration has again stooped to new lows. They are evil incarnate. These people will do or say anything to stay in power. We need term limits to rid ourselves of some of these career politicians.

Joe from Las Vegas Nevada
Joe from Las Vegas Nevada
3 years ago

It just keeps getting worse each day. Republicans (Conservatives) need to get in power, and it is time to cleanse the government, including the House, Senate, Executive, FBI, CIA of these anti-American values. INCLUDING, Term Limits, and stopping all lifetime severance pay and insurance to former Senators and Congressmen. Thank You for your service, time for new elected officals, and now you must re-enter public life, and pay your own way.

3 years ago

The NY Times? Now THAT is a joke!

Marilyn Atkins
Marilyn Atkins
3 years ago

just dems trying to keep people from thinking about Mike Limdel;’s upcoming symposium on his voter fraud PROOF

3 years ago

The left tries to take anyone that doesn’t agree with them and they don’t care how they have to do it.

3 years ago

What? Couldn’t find anything new against Trump? You ignorant ba—-ds.

Larry W
Larry W
3 years ago

I wish the news media would spend as much time investigating the Clinton and Biden thievery as they spend on folks they don’t agree with !!!

3 years ago

The socialist democrats are akin to ravening wolves, wicked at heart and opposed to the truth, they wish to injure you, and that for their own gain.
And in order to deal with ravening wolves, is to eliminate them.

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