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The Harris Transgender Lie

Posted on Friday, October 25, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Photo: Fox News

What did Shakespeare say, “To thine own self be true …” Where does disrespect for truth stop? How have we a presidential candidate who ducks interviews, questions, blames others, tells whoppers – now saying she never pushed tax-funded transgender operations for illegals and prisoners, yet did?

When we were just forced to listen to Joe Biden, saying he was Polish, Hispanic, Greek, Jewish, Puerto Rican, Irish, Black, and so many ethnicities there was an “ethnicity tracker” for him by week, it was almost funny.

When Biden pretended to be people he was not, borrowing speeches from foreign leaders like Britain’s Labor leader Neil Kinnock, claiming Kinnick’s relatives as his own, it was absurd to the point of comic relief, and – back when truth meant something – cost him his 1988 run for president.

Recently, when Biden began slipping, artificially propped by his wife Jill, co-plotter Harris, and go-along-to-get-along Democrat governors, like Janet Mills of Maine, Gavin Newsom of California, and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, they all wore egg – more when Biden was forced to resign, a sad spectacle at their mock convention.

So catchy was this new brand of Democrat, at ease with stretching the truth, that Maine’s Janet Mills took it one step further, implying she had met the president in July – a press release now taken down – fawning over his “vigor,” this “excellent leader,” giving him her support. Days later, she was all Harris.

But all this is now water under the proverbial bridge, child’s play by contrast to the Harris strategy –make it up, shake it up, each fib bigger, and keep rolling. We could talk about her first and last visit to the border, and her claim to have been “last in the room” for the Afghanistan travesty, but let’s talk interviews.

In the Fox interview, Harris ducked issues, blamed the government’s failures and hers – to the extent she was plugged into White House decisions – on Republicans, Donald Trump in particular, the media, and finally the American people, since they do not “get it.” That’s your responsibility.

But one issue – beyond immigration, the economy, mindboggling missteps in foreign policy – stood out, a symbol of untruth, untrustworthiness, intransigence, asserting things true are not true, and vice versa.

Yes, she insists the border is safe, crime is down, economic policies are great, inflation, taxes, and interest are better, attacks on women by illegals are not her fault, renewables top oil, China our friend, Iran sure to be dissuaded from nukes with more money, and Israel an ally, even as weapons are withheld.

All this would be puff and untruth enough, but then she denies spending taxpayer money for prisoners to change genders, a policy she had the balderdash to blame on Trump.

The gall, the insult to public intelligence, the stupidity of this kind of assertion, a bold statement of untruth, is just … disturbing. From multiple sources, truth is readily findable. She not only asserted illegals in detention were entitled but as a California prosecutor, pushed that a murderer on death row be granted taxpayer-funded gender-changing surgery – she pushed for it.

The case involved a brutal murderer, sentenced to death in 2009 for murders in 2004, who claimed to be a woman while a man, and not unlike men who have used the claim to secure a transfer to a women’s prisons – notoriously less security – which then ended up in rapes.

So, where does one begin? Call this the quintessential Harris position – one that made no sense from the get-go, was advocated strongly when that suit, was reversed, then denied reversing, and now blames on Trump. What else did Shakespeare say? “Oh, that way madness lies; let me shun that.”

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC. Robert Charles has also just released an uplifting new book, “Cherish America: Stories of Courage, Character, and Kindness” (Tower Publishing, 2024).

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2 days ago

Here I go again: There is no such thing as transgender. If a bull or a stallion is neutered, it doesn’t become a heifer or a filly. It becomes a neutered male, called a steer or a gelding. There is NO procedure that can alter someone’s gender. There are only failed surgeries, hormone treatments and wishful thinking by sports cheats and those who would rather have been born as the opposite gender. The treatments are elective, 100% unsuccessful and must never be covered by insurance or by the taxpayers.

2 days ago

do not elect this liar. it will give hussein obama a 4th term

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 days ago

The woman is a liar To her it’s the truth. Dangerous sociopath.

2 days ago

RBC, nothing has changed. The Left and Democrats will continue to use the same tactics as Hitler and Goebbels — Tell a lie long and often enough and the ignorant will believe and follow the lie (paraphrased)

Have a good weekend.

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
2 days ago

Nothing will change under Kamala. Biden wasn’t leading this country, he was a puppet for Barrack, Soros and other evil Democrats. They picked him because he was a dud in Congress all those years and they knew they could influence him. Anyone who has known Kamala knows that she slept her way into the San Francisco legal world. She was a failure and broke laws but her boyfriends always got her out. In her interviews, she shows nothing is in that head of hers so she is another person chosen by Barrack and his gang will again be running the show. I pray daily that this evil bunch is soundly defeated in Nov.

2 days ago

This needed to get out before a third of the country cast their ballots in early voting! Reading this truth on “X” might have cost her a few thousand votes in every state.

2 days ago

How do you single out just one lie? Everything she says is a lie, a perfect Democrat

Sharon McNatt
Sharon McNatt
1 day ago

Kamel is a bald-faced liar and that is disgusting, but what amazes me most is the number of Americans than believe what she spits out is pure gold. Are they following the lies because they don’t have the time, smarts to investigate or read? Do they ever think for themselves?

2 days ago

Every time Kamala Harris opens her mouth she is lying.

Richard Ash
Richard Ash
1 day ago

I don’t believe any transgender surgeries should be funded by the government or state. Also they should not be paid for by the VA for veterans, as this has nothing to do with service.

Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
2 days ago

Shakespeare was right to the point about Truth and doing what is right. He would be wearing a Make America Great Again cap if he were alive today ! ( Well, can’t say that for certain, but he probably would ) . Here we ( we being American citizens ) are at a pivotal point in history and it is good to realize that about half of the population of this Country believes in God, values the qualities of good character, has a sense of purpose that involves being responsible and trying to be good citizens, lives by a code of conduct that respects the principles that the Founders of this Constitutional Republic established and the other half — Well, they just don’t believe in — just about anything really. Distorting the truth is not a belief , There really isn’t anything humorous about it. Maybe they are allergic to the truth — that isn’t possible actually , just a brief thought about all of the stuff that has been produced by this administration during the past four years. Tangling up the truth isn’t humorous at all , A cat that plays with a ball of string will get it all tangled –the cat is just having some fun . People who tangle up the truth and do it intentionally are doing wrong . Big difference .

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 days ago

Did you see Walz’s daughter in one of his ads? Is she /he trans? Why is it the plainest looking liberals are the ones most worried about access to abortions? I mean… “as if”!

2 days ago

Upfront, I am saying that I do not have the details of the laws in question; however, I disagree with the interpretation of the laws that public figures are not covered by the majority of defamation/ slander laws simply because they are public figures. I may not have the details of the applicable laws, but, it seems to me that some people think they can lie about another person “at will” and get away with it because that person is a public figure–and they are getting away with it. why shouldn’t public figures be protected from obvious lies, defamation, and slander? Until those laws(s) are changed so that public figures are protected and can sue, we will continue to see these kind of ridiculous lies being told. I yield to the experts on this matter.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 day ago

This just one lie after another if she gets in it will be that Obama who runs this country and who wants him doing anything he has done enough.

2 days ago

Anyone who votes for her needs to have there brains examined after they’re pulled from their heads.

2 days ago

We all heard her live. Now who’s the liar???

2 days ago

Harris is an idiot that hasn’t the good sense of a 5 year old and anyone that votes for her is he same.

1 day ago

Liar liar, pants on fire!

1 day ago

The following are NOT left wing values: Truth, Following laws or the constitution, and personal accountability.
The Left follows one golden rule. Anything and everything is OK to win.

Sarah J
Sarah J
2 days ago

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