Like a great boxer dodging hooks and uppercuts while delivering a flurry of blows to his opponent, President Donald Trump’s signature “weave” speaking style dazzles audiences and makes him one of the great communicators in American political history.
Ahead of President Trump’s address to a joint session of Congress this evening, Americans are sure to hear plenty of derisive comments about the president’s supposed tendency to “ramble” when he speaks. But once again the media is only refusing to acknowledge President Trump’s special ability to connect with everyday Americans and effectively convey key policies on all the issues that matter most to them in rapid-fire succession.
Democrats and the corporate media began rolling out the “rambling” attack line last fall as President Trump’s iconic rallies, which regularly drew tens of thousands of people (one rally in Wildwood, New Jersey even had a jaw-dropping 100,000 people in attendance) were once again taking the nation by storm. By cherry-picking a few moments from the 45th and 47th president’s marathon speeches, the liberal smear machine attempted to make it seem like President Trump couldn’t maintain a cohesive train of thought.
Ironically, those same media outlets had just spent the last four years covering up Joe Biden’s cognitive decline and insisting that the man who couldn’t walk up the Air Force One stairs, fell off a bike while standing still, and repeatedly tripped over his own feet was fit to serve four more years in the Oval Office. (Don’t forget, either, the week-long media freakout over President Trump simply holding on to a handrail while walking down a ramp during his first term.)
The full remarks from all of his rallies, of course, show that President Trump always returns to where he departed from – a style he has dubbed “the weave.”
“You need an extraordinary memory, because you have to come back to where you started,” President Trump explained during his appearance on the “Flagrant” podcast last fall. “I can go so far here or there, and I can come back to exactly where I started.”
“To weave, you have to be brilliant,” he added during an interview with Fox News’s Bret Baier earlier this month. “To ramble you don’t have to be brilliant at all. But I like the weave because it covers a lot of territory.”
And indeed, this ability to touch on a vast array of topics is precisely what makes President Trump’s “weave” so effective. From building his business empire to his time atop the entertainment industry, President Trump has spent his entire career learning to be an effective speaker. Unlike most career politicians who sound rigid and stale in front of a microphone, President Trump has an innate ability to feel the mood and energy of an audience and adjust accordingly.
Without becoming boring or dull, President Trump provides colorful context while helping anyone listening to him understand the broader connections between various different issues. Through the power of storytelling, he provides the American people with an inside look into the events and interactions that shape his thinking and decision-making. “The weave” is a central part of what makes him the most open and transparent president in American history.
Corporate media ratings are collapsing precisely because they fail to understand the communications masterclass President Trump puts on every time he takes the stage. Rather than devolving into high-brow platitudes and meaningless cliches, President Trump distills complex ideas down to critical details. His clear and direct approach are qualities that Americans want and admire in their leaders.
The country is sure to be treated to a few unscripted stories and remarks tonight, and the media is sure to run plenty of ridiculous headlines suggesting that President Trump is unfit for office. But President Trump’s audience isn’t media elites or even members of Congress – it’s the American people, who said with their votes last November that they are eager to listen in.
Shane Harris is the Editor-in-Chief of AMAC Newsline. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.
Got the popcorn bowl at the ready. God bless President Trump!
He rambles?it’s news to me.Iwould call it explaining,he is a lot easier to understand and more sincere than joey”mumbles”.
This is hilarious cover for the meandering gibberish and stupidity that emanates from the mouth of this addled Russian asset. Meanwhile, the traitor is tanking the economy as Putin cracks champagne. Good lord, the above article is embarrassing.
Genius? The man is profoundly stupid. Raw earth anyone? The weave nonsense disguises his inability to maintain a coherent thought.
This cultish adoration of this monument to mendacity is bewildering.