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The End of the Long Obama Era

Posted on Tuesday, December 17, 2024
by Walter Samuel

In December of 2016, President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and much of their staff gathered to listen to a performance by the cast of the musical Hamilton at the White House. When the actors performed the song “One Last Time,” in which George Washington explains his decision to retire over the objections of Alexander Hamilton, the Democratic audience broke into tears, drawing parallels to the end of Obama’s tenure and viewing the impending Trump administration as the end of an era.

They were eight years too early. November 2016 was merely the beginning of the end.

It is fitting that a musical about the life of Alexander Hamilton became the cultural zeitgeist of the Obama administration’s dying days. Hamilton was the founding father who was most skeptical of the idea of democratic self-government, believing in the necessity of unelected institutions to restrain it.

Like Hamilton’s Federalist Party, the Democratic Party (and quite a few nominal Republicans) gave up on the American people, preferring instead to place their faith blindly in powerful institutions. Like the Federalists, they were wrong and found themselves swept away by the tide of history.

Most importantly, just as most Federalists, including John Quincy Adams, made their peace with that reality, more than a few on the left today seem to be reacting to Trump’s re-election not with the horror that followed Hillary Clinton’s 2016 defeat, but with relief.

One of the most promising developments over the last month has been the acceptance by an increasing number of Democrats and left-wingers that there can be no going back. They will need to make their peace with the Trump era.

I predicted this exact outcome several months ago when I suggested that what was at stake in this election was the future direction of both parties. A Harris victory would be a victory for the suburban professional elites who had dominated American politics between 1988 and 2016 by acting as swing voters. It would have sent a message that Democrats could win in alliance with them, while Republicans could not win against them, leading both parties to pander to institutionalist elites.

By contrast, a victory for President Trump would demonstrate that those largely white professionals no longer wielded decisive power, in the process not just empowering conservative supporters of Donald Trump, but also critics within the Democratic coalition.

That is precisely what is happening. Donald Trump’s victory has shifted power within both parties. On the Republican side, it has empowered Donald Trump to stand firm against establishment opposition to his agenda, shifting the balance of power that existed during his first term.

More interesting are the developments on the Democratic side, where Trump’s victory has empowered figures like the Young Turks’ Cenk Uyghur to speak out in favor of working with the new Department of Government Efficiency to attack the entrenched Pentagon bureaucracy. Bernie Sanders, meanwhile, has flirted with endorsing Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s efforts to challenge Big Pharma.

Both developments mark a break with a Democratic Party which under Barack Obama identified with those academic elites who staff bureaucratic institutions, and then under Joe Biden identified the nation itself with institutional bureaucracy. Questioning public health experts became conspiratorial under this Democratic Party, and parents questioning educational officials became domestic terrorists. Questioning the intelligence community, meanwhile, became sedition, and questioning election officials became an “attack on democracy.” To paraphrase South Park, the mantra “Are you questioning my authority?” replaced appeals to the working-class as the class-warfare battle cry of the Democratic party during the Obama and Biden years.

Democrats’ forced introspection is a healthy development for the country. It is difficult to overstate how toxic the identification of the Democratic Party with the bureaucratic class of America’s institutions was for both parties. It corrupted both. With the Democratic Party becoming little more than a deferential bodyguard for whatever decisions these institutions produced, there was no pushback when they embraced dangerous fads such as child gender transition or demonstrated repeated incompetence on everything from national security to basic law and order.

Democrats blindly adopted policies which were not just toxic, but self-evidently mad, not because they appealed to voters or even to many Democrats themselves, but because their “betters” told them to. Their embrace of open borders, child gender transition,  and defund the police were the products not of internal debate, but deference to authority.

As for those institutions, the deference of the Democratic Party to them exacerbated long-standing tendencies toward unaccountability. Agencies such as the CIA and FBI have been prone to seeing themselves as the true defenders of the nation for decades, treating elected officials as little more than inconveniences – something that generations of American liberals used to be well aware of.

With Democrats suddenly embracing these agencies’ delusions of grandeur, they began to perceive the refusal of Donald Trump and his supporters within the Republican party to do the same as a threat to themselves. Identifying themselves with the national interest, it was a short step to categorize support for Donald Trump as a threat to the nation.

The result was increasingly blatant interventions into domestic politics, matched with an internal homogenization that pushed out dissenters. If Donald Trump represented a threat to the FBI and CIA, then it followed that Donald Trump supporters within the FBI and CIA could not be loyal to those institutions. Even apolitical types who did not “recognize” the “threat” were less reliable than partisans.

As a result, Republicans hoping to gain entry to these institutions were forced to hide their politics. The spread of DEI throughout the Pentagon and intelligence agencies has been a more complicated process than a mere mandate from the Biden or Obama administrations, as it accelerated while Donald Trump was president as well. It was an organic response to the Democrats making loyalty to the bureaucracy a core ideological principle, which is why the far-left takeover of institutions cannot be ended merely with an executive order from a newly inaugurated President Donald Trump.

Ultimately, the left’s attempt to politicize everything from the FBI to corporate board rooms had the precise opposite impact as the stated goals of DEI or diversity. Rather than bringing institutions closer to the American people, it turned a gap into a chasm, with the added effect of dragging not just institutions, but the Democratic Party into open opposition with the American people. The consequences were on full display in November, when every demographic group except for white women with college degrees swung toward Donald Trump.

Most importantly, the defeat seems to have left the Democratic institutional alliance with no pathway forward. Following the 2016 election, both sides consoled themselves with the belief that their combined forces could have reversed the outcome. Through the 2022 midterms, they could convince themselves that they had done so.

The 2024 results, however, have revealed the truth. The Democratic Party, even with the support of the FBI, CIA, higher education, and much of corporate America, cannot win elections, and therefore cannot deliver the political protection those institutions need.

In turn, the support of those institutions is clearly not enough to allow Democrats to win elections, which is causing many on the left to question just what they have gained by sacrificing their principles on the altar of rehabilitation for the Liz Cheneys of the world, or treating Anthony Fauci as the Oracle of Delphi.

Make no mistake: this breakup is not coming because the institutions and Democratic Party have realized their alliance has been bad for America. It is coming because they realize that it is bad for them.

Nonetheless, its end will be good for America because it has the potential to restore a balance to both the American government and society. America needs political parties based around different ideas, not a political party based around having no ideas other than blind deference to authority. It needs institutions that see themselves as servants of the will of the American people as expressed through elections, not ones who see one of those parties as the instrument of their will.

Increasingly, that looks like what Donald Trump’s second term will deliver as its legacy.

Walter Samuel is the pseudonym of a prolific international affairs writer and academic. He has worked in Washington as well as in London and Asia, and holds a Doctorate in International History.

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Nick Patriot
Nick Patriot
2 months ago

Lest we forget that Obama, aka “The Great Divider”, was a blatant racist who’s first inclination was to publicly blame the “white guy” before any facts were known. Before Obama took office most of the country thought race relations were good. After his terms, the number fell considerably. Obama was educated and raised to be a Chicago race baiter and he used that during his presidency to start dividing the country, Obama is one of the core reasons for the racial issues now dividing this country. He singlehandedly set back race relations 50 years in America. Obama has been President or PROXY FOR 12 OF THE LAST 16 YEARS!! Obama is a black supremacist. He is also an devout Islamist, a vehement Marxist and rabid anti-Semite. He enjoys the company of and believes in and advocates, the political ideology of racists, anti-Semites and staunch domestic terrorists, such as Reverend Wright, Louis Farrakhan, Bill Ayers, Bernadette Dohrn and Al Sharpton, Whoopie Goldberg, Kyrie Irving and DeSean Jackson, among many others. The liberals conveniently forget or go blind to this FACT. He was the most unqualified person to ever be elected president. His seething hatred for our country and his dogged ambition to “fundamentally transforming” into a commu/marx/socialist America is relentless, as is the moles aligned with him infesting the White House, CIA, FBI, IRS, EPA, DOJ and government at large. 

John Lemley
John Lemley
2 months ago

Please don’t think the Dems are coming to their senses. They are ruthless and bent on two things: (1) promotion of their anti-America policies and (2) destroying us. They are deceptively giving the appearance of coming to their senses in order to deceive us and make us think we have won them, so we do not need to fight. Don’t believe for a second their distractions or their fake conciliatory-appearing words and actions. Harris said “We are not going back.” The Dems do not have a moral base, so they lie.

Limited Government
Limited Government
2 months ago

I’ll never forget that anti-American shart screaming, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America!” You don’t change the very foundations of a country you love. Obama was, is and will always be an enemy of the United States.

2 months ago

The Obama “Era” will not be over until all of his insane Demo policies are nulled and void and more logical and fairer policies take their place. That means more commonsense representatives in the Congress.

2 months ago

Anyone who thinks the Democrat policies were ever intended to bring Americans together is sadly mistaken. The Democrat objective since Obama was originally elected has been to take down America. To this end, they created chaos, promoted racial/gender class warfare (riots), worked to destroy the family, attacked religion, weaponized the government against it’s people, and attempted to bring down capitalism.

2 months ago

I agree with this summary. The ONLY exception I have is the generalization of college educated white women not voting (my terms) for DJT. I AM a white, college educated woman, and I voted for Trump in 2016, 2020, AND 2024.

Stephen V
Stephen V
2 months ago

Please stop referring to them as the Democratic Party.
They’re the Democrat Party.
There’s nothing democratic about them.

Alan Wood
Alan Wood
2 months ago

If the truth ever comes out – we are now in the last days of Obummer 3. Term limits did not let him run again and Trump 2016 slowed down his third term. But Biden was really his third (illegal) term. This article hit many points right on the head. The end of institutional masters is beyond great!

Michael J
Michael J
2 months ago

So much for hope and change. He could have united the races, instead of the division. I for one, am thankful for term limits.

2 months ago

DJT, the greatest President of the modern era! God bless America and God Bless Trump!

2 months ago

I am a white woman with no exceptional schooling… except hard knocks.nse
I also am a basket of deplorable garbage. And proud of it.. I have voted Republican since I left my Democratic parents back in 1965.
I will continue to vote. It is my right as a Christian.
If there were more Christians and God loving people in the government,we wouldn’t have these problems.

2 months ago

Obama, the DIVIDER-in-CHIEF did NOTHING for blacks, and went out of his way to inspire HATE. He pitted whites against blacks, blacks against law enforcement, incited racial dissention and rioting by blaming cops in any and every case where a white police officer was involved in a black arrest. Obama (and Mike) was the true racist.
Thank God that Obama’s deceitful America-damaging presidency, based on division, lies, and white-hating racism is over. Also his once Socialistic influence is now on the dismissed failures and now lies in dismal ruin on history’s ash pile of ‘has beens’

James McKeever RYAN
James McKeever RYAN
2 months ago

Absolutely an excellent AMAC document. It accurately summarizes the current situation.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 months ago

lets not forget that Obama is only one of many that our “Education” department churned out, he is a face of that effort,but there are thousands like him, brainwashed unable to come up with the original idea. It will take a time and will not be easy , to get rid of parasites, the infestation is deep and for the treatment to work it really would have to be applied with determination, without any hesitation.

2 months ago

Barack Obama is a George Soros pick to unravel the Government and he did a superlative job. Evil knows Evil and does Evil.

2 months ago

Great article. Well written. I also voted for Trump 3 times. I thank God Trump is back in office to clean house and make America great again and sane again.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

I notice Hollywood is mostly silent along with Oprah, Taylor, Bon Jovi, and Bruce…. take the money and run, did we?

Les Tarlton
Les Tarlton
2 months ago

Only if Obama quickly flees America will I think it is over. The puppetmaster has been integrally involved with all the shenanigans in this country, running a shadow government. But if he thinks, like many others, there will be a deep dive into his involvement, then he will flees prosecution. His record of abuses is long and can be viewed as racketeering.

2 months ago

And Obama is STILL listed in the top ten Presidents throughout history. Shameful.

2 months ago

Obuma is a scumbag who founded OFA after he left office, an organization to obstruct then President Trump and America. That has never happened before and should not be allowed. Obuma has continued with OFA and will again in President Trump’s 2nd term. This is just more disgusting display by Obuma and Bidumb, of the dimocrap party’s treasonous activities against America!

Dot whitley
Dot whitley
2 months ago

Trump is president now, so I hope he ignores all liberals, no matter which party they fit. Do what’s right, and ignore the hard headed brats. Who cares what they want? They did nothing good when they had a chance. I hope never to hear the name Obama or Biden again. It a shame that they imagine themselves as being great presidents.
Trump will need help from above to do everything we need to make this country better. All Christians are responsible to keep praying for Trump, and all others who will be involved in these few years ahead.

Arnold DeAnda
Arnold DeAnda
2 months ago

Through all these years, we the people never got to know who really this Kenyan dude is. Everything about his past is in vault with an Anunnaki padlock that we hope to break some day. I for one demand that all the harm he has caused to our country and its nation to be null and void.

James E Gerace, MD
James E Gerace, MD
2 months ago

This is not the time to become complacent or think Obama is finished. The devil never rests and never gives up. The democrats just introduced a motion to end the electoral college and elect the president by popular vote. In other words, California elects the president.

2 months ago

I believe Mr. Samuel is correct in implying that the Obama “democrats” tend to do only what is right for themselves, and not for our country. This is what I have observed to date.

Loves Dogs
Loves Dogs
2 months ago

The article says Republicans could not win against Democrats but it leave out the fact that the reason was because the elections have been stolen for decades and even this last one in 2024 there was election rigging. Once the Dems realized that Trump had enough Electoral College votes they stopped trying to steal the popular vote because they realized it did not matter.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
2 months ago

All that I have to say to nonobamba,good riddance,don’t let the gate hit your behind on the way out,all three of your terms have helped ruin AMERICA.The democ rats are about power and dollars.ONLY for THEMSELVES.

2 months ago

The obama era will only be over if and when obama is completely out of our govt, both physically and thru the shadow govt reporting directly to him.
Pres Trump needs to prosecute everyone involved in a shadow, Treasonous, govt if obama has one operating (again) behind and undermining our Elected govt.

2 months ago

Read DiLorenzo’s “Hamilton’s Curse”.
Also, Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama Soetoro is not a U.S. citizen. He lost his U.S. citizenship when Soetoro adopted him in Indonesia. Ask Angelina Jolie what happens to a child’s citizenship when that child gets adopted by a foreigner. The reason Occidental & Columbia refused to release his records is because he matriculated as Barry Soetoro.

2 months ago

The Obama period won’t be over until the federal farm, choked with briars, poison ivy and weeds, is cleaned up. Requiring federal employees to return to offices in order to keep their jobs is a step toward it.

Bob H
Bob H
2 months ago

Great article. Hope it proves prescient. So far, so good.

Winston Bela
Winston Bela
2 months ago

Turns out Joe the Plumber was right all along.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 months ago

Victory But Dems are too Indoc to Change to routine
Fixed routines, Inflexible Cant adapt

Victor Meldrew
Victor Meldrew
2 months ago

Obama might have been a transformative (in a good way) president if he had governed the way he talked in his uplifting speeches. I never suspected that the Trotskyite disciple of Saul Alinsky meant anything he had said in those speeches, but as president he had to choose: govern the way he ran, or use his office to push as much Bolshevik revolution as he thought he could get away with. “He did not choose wisely.”
You’ve reached your sell-by date, Barry. Not even the Democrat minions want to hear the BS you spout from your handful of mansions.

2 months ago

Wow! What a GREAT description of what just took place in America!!! He NAILED it Completely! I hope this Repub. Congress will engrave this Article on its stone walls – so that all those who come after them can READ IT and UNDERSTAND how GRAVE a RESPONSIBILITY they HAVE to PRESERVE THIS REPUBLIC – AND ALL IT STANDS FOR! so we don’t EVER go down this path AGAIN to our National Destruction and Depravity! that so quickly and devastatingly OVERTOOK US! under BO’s Reign of Terror.

2 months ago

Hopefully the day of reckoning is coming soon to that POS Obama.

2 months ago

If he wasn’t black, he’d be just another footnote politician in American history. On the stage at the 2007 Dem debates, he could give a great retort, but if white? Just another smooth-talking politician. Instead, the Dems threw Hillary under the bus, pushed the black guy, and we are still paying the price.

2 months ago

I do believe we’ve had enough exposure to the “academic” phonies of the Obama administration to to leave them behind.

2 months ago

nope; the end will be when he has been hanging by his next 36 hours.

Mr. K
Mr. K
1 month ago

The best way to rid the country of the rotten policies and democrat traitors is for President DJT to go scorched earth on them – no mercy, no quarter. They are now saying that they are willing to work with him, only because they lost so decisively, but that is just BS. Schumer would never relent and would triple-down on the rot if they had won, so President Trump needs to go full-on flamethrower. Many have said that he should unite the country, and I don’t disagree. However, he must first decimate the rat-infested institutions before this can realistically happen. I truly believe that before common sense and law and order can be restored, there must be a grand purge.

2 months ago

Habitually lying like a troubled adolescent can become conspicuous in a political setting.

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
1 month ago

It’s easy to blame the demoncraps for everything; however, I blame the Republicans and their RINOS and the bamboozled Citizens who voted for this crap and allowed it to happen. Why? Because bary soetoro, aka obama, should have NEVER been POTUS. This piece of garbage was an Indonesian citizen and THAT DISQUALIFIED him from ever being legally eligible to hold the office of POTUS. He was adopted by his stepfather Lolo Soetoro when Soetoro married little bary’s mother. Little bary had to be an Indonesian citizen to attend school in Indonesia. His mother signing off on the adoption and allowing Lolo to adopt little bary and take on Indonesian citizenship at most gave him dual citizenship and at a minimum stripped him of his US Citizenship. This would have made little bary a full Indonesian citizen. This disqualifies his eligibility to be POTUS.

The fact that there are claims he was born in Kenya throws more oil on the fire as that would negate him being a “natural born citizen” of the USA. Even if he were born in the US, he would have again carried a dual citizenship with Kenya because of his father’s Kenyan citizenship. Little bary would have had to declare his citizenship when he became 17 for Indonesia and when he became 18 for Kenya. In Kenya, if you don’t declare when you’re 18, they give you until you are 23. If you still haven’t declared citizenship, Kenya strips you of Kenyan citizenship. There are no papers that I could find where little bary declared his US Citizenship.

This guy held THREE citizenships…US, Kenyan due to his father, and Indonesian due to his adoption by his stepfather. The writings of the Founding Fathers clearly state that the POTUS should have held no other citizenship than US so that there was no division of loyalty. Little bary soetoro, aka obama, is a prime example of why this is important. This is not some “conspiracy theory” as the media and his supporters like to spout off about. These are the facts and if they would ever release his actual birth certificate and college loan papers, we just might find the truth…that barak obama, legally bary soetoro, was never a legitimate POTUS. Had the Republicans done their job and thoroughly investigated this creep, he probably wouldn’t have ever been on the ballot and wouldn’t have been running our Country into the ground for the last 16+ years.

This guy told us, before he was elected, that he was a marxist and that he was going to “fundamentally change the USA.” He told us that the most beautiful sound he ever heard was the Muslim call to prayer. No one paid attention and just glossed over it all. People ate the turd sandwich they were handed and now can’t figure out why they have such a sh*tty taste in their mouths. Well, folks, a large number of you helped them make the sandwich and greedily ate it when it was handed to you. Look yourself in the mirror and think about it. Hopefully with Trump coming back into office you’ll be able to brush the crap off your teeth, get rid of your smelly breath, and do what is necessary to take our country back from the demoncrap cabal of traitors and America-hating cretins.

ArtII.S1.C5.1 Qualifications for the PresidencyArticle II, Section 1, Clause 5:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

The Qualifications Clause set forth in Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 requires the President to be a natural-born citizen, at least thirty-five years of age, and a resident of the United States for at least fourteen years.

2 months ago

Lol! I loved the subtle (but correct) insinuation that white college educated women are the dumbest voting bloc in the US.

1 month ago

Obama was one of most divisive presidents of my lifetime!

Paul Lindberg
Paul Lindberg
1 month ago

Please pray for President Trump, that God would protect him and give him wisdom and courage. Democrats hate him precisely because he actually has the potential to undo all their damage to the country. They will kill him if they can. That is Satan’s way, to steal, kill, and destroy, while lying about it to deceive people into worshipping him. Thus Democrats are deceived into thinking they are doing good in trying to kill Trump and destroy the country.

Enrique Fernandez Carillo Garcia
Enrique Fernandez Carillo Garcia
2 months ago

Jugears probably can’t believe it. Mike will console him, though.

1 month ago

Good riddance Obama!!!!

2 months ago

The end of a long osambo error, hopefully.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 month ago

We are lucky that Biden and Harris is gone Obama and his wife hate this country and did divided this country they made everything about race there hate for the white race and then you have Dems that are just like them deep state haters. We are lucky to have President Trump back in office now are country will be back better. What is funny we had the haters out in full force for Harris Obama Clinton and then you had the others like the Hollywood President Trump haters they all lost the race for Harris because what they did not realize is that the people of this country did not care nothing about them.

2 months ago

This would be a good time for a mic drop. Oh wait, he already used that on Trump. Nevermind.

1 month ago

We can only HOPE…!

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