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The Democrats’ Fear Loathing Can’t Bring Down Trump

Posted on Friday, July 19, 2024
by Tammy Bruce

During the past several days at the RNC convention, and since the attempted assassination of former, and likely future president Donald Trump, Americans across the political spectrum have had an opportunity to fully grasp how much they’ve been misled about Trump and conservatives in general. Trump, they’ve realized, is not a monster, and with that comes the understanding that everyone has been lied to by the left about, well, everything.

Democrats have spent nearly a decade demonizing, denouncing, and fearmongering about conservatives in general and Trump specifically. Americans have endured for years hearing the Democrats constantly comparing our former president to Adolf Hitler and other obscene villains, and warning that he will become a fascist dictator (of course) if he is reelected. So, is it any wonder that a disturbed young man tried to assassinate him?

President Joe Biden has enthusiastically followed the fearmongering narrative. On the day after his disastrous debate performance against Trump last month, when Biden’s sadly diminished ability to think on his feet and speak coherently was exposed for the world to see, Biden tweeted: “Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation. He’s a threat to our freedom. He’s a threat to our democracy. He’s literally a threat to everything America stands for.” This was the natural culmination of almost a decade of apocalyptic lies about the former president.

Now that Biden’s candidacy is on life support desperate Democrats are again frantically trying to get him to step aside so they can arrange a different presidential nominee. Even as the GOP convention rolled on, Democrat leaders were staging nothing less than an intervention in the effort to throw the previously compliant Biden under their bus. No matter who ends up being at the top of the Democratic ticket, expect the Democrats to double-down on hyperbolic nonsense to make Trump out to be Hitler Jr., and his supporters will continue to be compared to terrorists. It’s all they have.

As I explain in my new book, “Fear Itself: Exposing the Left’s Mind-Killing Agenda,” leftists like Biden and the liberal media have a long and ugly history of weaponizing fear to fill us with chronic dread and anxiety so they can justify supersizing Big Government to control what we think and what we do. They want to make us the servants of the government, instead of requiring the government to serve our needs. Maintaining power is the only thing that motivates them.

Fortunately, as he bravely showed when he was shot Saturday at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania and then stood up and defiantly raised his fist, Trump will not let fear control him —nor should we. The bullet that struck Trump’s ear could have ended his life if it entered his brain less than an inch away, but fear of another attack hasn’t stopped Trump. No doubt he has been afraid at times throughout this appalling event, but he did not let that fear control him.

In what is becoming more obvious by the day, Trump is connected with, and understands Americans, and clearly wants to end the fear spawned by disastrous Democratic policies. It remains mindboggling that our government has allowed dangerous illegal aliens, hundreds of suspected terrorists, and drugs to invade our country. They tied the hands of police and made it harder for them to protect us, released accused violent criminals without bail, and caused inflation that has made it hard for Americans to afford to fuel our cars, heat and cool our homes, feed our families, and pay the rent or mortgage to keep a roof over our heads.

Our government is supposed to be limited in scope and make our lives better, not suck all the air out of the future.

Even Biden must realize that he can’t be reelected by touting his failing policies and dismal record in office. But he (or whoever is at the top of the ticket) likely believes they can convince enough Americans that Trump is a real-life version of Darth Vader commanding the Death Star and is ready to destroy our country, once again tricking voters and delivering our nation into their corrupt hands.

The answer to our dilemma starts with understanding that while fear itself is natural, weaponizing chronic fear is an unnatural construct that is used to keep us from inquiring or questioning the leftists who want to control all aspects of our lives. As the rules dictated by progressives become more absurd and the dangers associated with challenging the status quo become existential, the left anticipates the average person will naturally retreat. This can only work if we, as individuals, let it.

We can fight and win the battle for America’s future if we understand the challenges we face and how to overcome them. Recognizing that what we’re facing is not natural and can be defeated is vital, allowing us to rely on our personal courage to sweep aside the carefully constructed but false curtain of lies and fear relied on by the establishment and Marxist left.

If there ever was a time to re-establish the dream of the America the Founders knew was possible, that time is now—specifically November 5th, 2024.  

Tammy Bruce, an Independent Conservative, has traversed a unique political journey that reflects her commitment to principles rather than party affiliations. She joined Fox News in 2005 as a Political Contributor, hosting her show “Get Tammy Bruce” on Fox Nation and providing insightful commentary on various issues for the Association for Mature Americans (AMAC).

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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Robert Cohen
Robert Cohen
7 months ago

It’s an insult to Holocaust survivors comparing Trump to Hitler. I’m Jewish and voting for Trump. The Squad and Democrats are antisemitic.

7 months ago

We know they are lying.
They know they are lying.
They know that we know they are lying.
They even know that we know that they know they are lying.
Yet they are still lying. They lie compulsively regardless of the situation

7 months ago

The satanic liberals will never change their behavior. They wake up each morning, going out of their way to find something about conservatives to trigger a meltdown, all while seeking to destroy our constitutional republic. Well liberals, I’m a straight white constitutional conservative male who follows Jesus. How else can I make your heads explode?

anna hubert
anna hubert
7 months ago

Only a brain dead could possibly believe anything democrats have to say and it is ugly There are people who rather be comforted by lies than face the reality They have a mentality of a 7 year old and are allowed to vote The days when a 13 year old became responsible for providing the meat for the family when father was not around are gone We now have 20 year old infants and they are all very woke No brain between them This is a real American tragedy

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
7 months ago

I began referring to them as demonicrats as a joke, years ago. But it’s become rather apparent that they are indeed demonic rats. Thus my support for Trump was largely due to him being against them. But I’ve now seen much more in the man than I suspected was there. There is something big going on here!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

Democrats ability to lie is easily provable when Joe “Get Your Vaccine or Lose Your Job” Biden catches COVID… again. I could swear he and his media lapdogs said if you’re vaccinated, you can’t catch or transmit COVID. And he’s even had booster after booster… wouldn’t it be ironic if his cognitive decline is from those vaccinations? Or poetic justice for all the ppl shamed, name-called, or drummed out of the military or their jobs on a LIE?

7 months ago

Excellent article Tammy. Agree 100%. The left from Obiden on down have been trying to divide this country through brainwashing, manipulation by going after Trump as a bully till they started calling him Hitler. And the people believed them because MSM picked up that line of propaganda. They went along with all the mandates and executive orders Obiden came up with. They didn’t see the millions coming in over the border because MSM didn’t show it. And of course Newsmax and Fox and Sky News were not to be believed. After all that were those pesky domestic terrorists that were trying to get the fraudulent election of 2020 investigated. Which was stopped by Soros by buying the judges. None of the cases brought saw the case being tried in a courtroom. They were dismissed out of hand. Everything that went wrong in the White House was blamed on Trump. It got so bad now 4 years in Obiden’s governing they went so far as to blame Nixon for something. Obiden with his speech in Philadelphia with all the red lights and marines surrounding him he declared Trump was a fascist, a Hitler and his supporters domestic terrorists. The devil had spoken. And now he is bemoaning why the Country is so divided. Because all the things Obiden has accused Trump and his supporters of has been shown this past week to be the biggest lie. The debate showed what we said since Obiden ran as a candidate for president in 2020. We knew then his dementia was bad and getting worse. He stayed in the basement and came out to talk close to home to a dozen supporters and then after the election they said he won by 5 million votes. Yes and I have bridge for sale in Brooklyn. We have known all along Trump is a man for the people and for America. He was that way 40 years ago and he hasn’t changed. He didn’t need to run again but he saw Obiden destroying America. Obama got a start and Obiden is finishing it. Trump has a heart and follows what our founding fathers saw for America. He said again last night America belongs to the people. A lesson ole Joe needs to learn yet. Only he is a dictator thirsting for power. We see that now clearly every day. Joe holding on as the dem candidate while everyone tells him he can’t win. But ole Joe says nuts I can. Got to finish what I started. No Joe we don’t need America totally destroyed by you we will stop you. America will once again America. LAND IF THE FREE AND HOME IF THE BRAVE.

Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
7 months ago

I applaud Tammy Bruce. I sometimes wonder why she left the Democrat Party and became such a strong conservative. Over the last ten years I have never once read one of her political contributions that didn’t ring true like a bell.
As long as political commentators like Ms. Bruce are free to write, the Democrats will be exposed for what they are, i.e. a front for Marxism.

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
7 months ago

The whole Democratic Party needs to be cleaned up and out. The OPEN BORDER policy is insane!! The forgiving of all of these student loans is insane! The New Green SCAM is just that…a SCAM! The list goes on and on. We need to get AOC out of office as well as the Squad! The politicians like Biden who have made Washington DC their home for decades and into a Den of Thieves and Liars need to go away. The democrats aren’t interested in discussing issues and policies. The democrats just want everyone to bow and obey their rules and laws. They want power and money and that is a sick and explosive combination!! The party began going off the rails with the Community Organizer in the Oval Office with Biden as his side-kick and now it is becoming clear why Biden was the VP in the Obama administration. The democrats have wanted and have chosen any and all policies to destroy the United States of America and have chosen the leaders who can best implement them. Now the Democrats that Joe Biden has been so loyal to are trying to throw him under the bus, waiting until the last possible moment to try and get rid of him. We have just experienced 4 years of sheer incompetence in the White House! And guess who is legitimately next in line? The silliest VP in American history! The only time she is serious is when she is talking about abortion. What a resume! She should go work for Disney! I can not wait until President Donald J. Trump is back in the White House with JD Vance as his Vice President.

7 months ago

Where were we when all this started to happen? Trying to break the glass ceiling? Leaving the home parentless while we selfishly strove for a bigger house, two cars, $100.00 sneakers for the kiddos, a gym membership, a bigger and better day care so that someone else could bring up our kids? We have only ourselves to blame. We selfishly, in our greed for stuff (disguised in a “better life for our children”) took our eyes off the road. Now we are paying the price. What have we gained?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
7 months ago

Had 4 Years & total failure for Dems U own this Dems

7 months ago

According to Democrats, Trump is a threat to democracy and the Supreme Court is a threat to individual freedom. When citizens are denied information about the President’s health, when the President tries to buy votes by paying off student loans without legislation providing for such, when Democrats cry that the Supreme Court is a threat to democracy because the Court can’t find any federal authority over abortion in the Constitution and declares that states therefore have the right to control abortion, exactly who is it that is a threat to democracy?

Ray Doyle LFP, WA
Ray Doyle LFP, WA
7 months ago

The democrats have tried many many corrupt and illegal things to try and beat trump. they have failed at all of them.

The democrats have implemented ever single leftist idea and concept. all of them have failed. the democrats have enabled every single fade idea and everyone of them as failed.

The democrats are intellectually bankrupt, morally bankrupt and out of any ideas on how to make america better. time for the dmeocrats and all leftists to admit they are not cool, not helpful and not honest. step aside and let the adults run the show for the next 12 or 16 years for get things back on track children.

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
7 months ago

“They want to make us the servants of the government, instead of requiring the government to serve our needs.”
 I could not have said it better.

7 months ago

Ironically, it was a Democrat who said “The only thing we need to fear is FEAR itself”! Yet the Democratic party uses fear to control its minions and bamboozle the rest of America.
Don’t believe ANY of the LIES from today’s Demoncraps and consider any of their “TRUTHS ” with a large grain of salt..

7 months ago

One of Hillary’s mentors Sal Alinski) was a Marxist and taught to her and Bill how to win victories over their enemies. The invented a new formal education together for this winning. Some of these rules: 1. Since we are corrupt, we know the details of that corrupt news better than our enemy, so accuse your enemy of performing the corruption we practice, and when the enemy denies it we know how to spin their answer on them. 2. When we get caught doing something wrong, admit it and then blame your enemy of doing the same thing and they thay are worse, hence we are still the better choice. 3. It doesn’t matter if what you do to get your name in the news is good or bad. What is most important is getting in the news. Then if you are questioned, spin it. 4. You must become an expert at spinning. 5. You must know to make anything no matter how bad, sound like a moral practice, leaving your enemy with their jaw dropped. 6 Learn how to make a lie sound like the truth. If you get really good at it you will believe the lie yourself because you are more convincing. Etc., etc.
See if these rules fit when you are listening to democrats. Democrats have used African Americans as a bridge to get what they want. They use race as a tool. Think about it, you can’t find a single KKK member that wasn’t a Democrat. Joe Biden’s mentor was a Rockefeller from West Virginia and he was a Grand Dragoon. The Emancipation Proclamation was approved by Abe Lincoln a Republican. The Clinton’s didn’t invent lying, they perfected for political use hence “Clinton 101”. Remember, Hillary accused Trump of Russian Collusion, and later was caught in the fact that she paid for a ‘made up’ paper that tried to prove Trump was guilty. She was found guilty and got a slap on the wrist fine. To hear her now, she still talks like it was a grand wonder to do what she did to accomplish a good in her mind goal. And on and on and on go the Dumbacrats

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
7 months ago

All the DIMMs have is FEAR and HATE! They cannot name one positive thing which they have enacted or even supported!

Dave Saucier
Dave Saucier
7 months ago

Ms. Bruce is absolutely correct when she cites the long history of fearmongering Democrats have used against conservatives and Republicans to (sadly) win elections.
Does anyone remember what was said, and written about candidate Goldwater, in 1964?
Psychiatric danger, nuclear madman, both come to mind. An alleged magazine, “Fact,” now defunct, presented “evidence” from scholars concluding that Goldwater was a menace.
What Trump has had to endure from Democrats, from academics, from broadcasters and from newspaper editorialists, has been far worse. This time we can only hope that they’ll not succeed.

Word of Truth
Word of Truth
7 months ago

The Republicans need to explain how their policies are good for American and why the Leftist Democrat policies are hurting America. If the focus is only on how bad Biden is and he is replaced by someone else then the argument for voting for Trump is diminished especially in the eyes of the swing states.

W. Sanders
W. Sanders
7 months ago

Great article Tammy! To return America to the proud and prosperous nation we were during Trump’s 1st term, Americans must reject the fear mongering from the left and embrace the love and courage displayed by future president Donald J Trump! May God bless him and America!

7 months ago

The Democrats will use drop boxes and mail in ballots to win the election. If we don’t have people at every polling place and ever ballot counting place and ever drop box 24/7 Donald Trump and the republicans will loose. We need to vote – but we cannot out vote the fraud. This is their last chance to ruin this country.

7 months ago

A good kick in the balls will cure their gender confusion. As for the remaining psychological problems the dummybrats have in combination with TDS, exiling them to Iran is highly recommended

7 months ago

Excellent perspective throughout. One small point – the dem elites are actually attempting a coup, and we need to recognize it, and treat them accordingly.

Darlene M Bateman
Darlene M Bateman
7 months ago

I was fortunate to be raised in a Christian, conservative, common sense family. Our county was one known for contentious political races, be it, local, state or national. Being a young child hearing conversations about politics, I asked “Daddy, what is a Democrap?”. He laughed and it hurt my feelings. I asked him what did I say that was wrong. His reply is one I’ll never forget, “nothing. You’re the only one saying it right”. I’m still a Christian, Conservative with Common Sense!

7 months ago

Hi Anna, I read a lot of your comments and enjoy them, but what I don’t understand is why you never use the period at the end of your sentences. Just bugs me. Take care.

Charles Plumery
Charles Plumery
7 months ago

These arguments are all well and good, but the monster that lurks in the shadows is the vision of illegal fraudulent voting. I fear the left will do what they did in the last election and destroy our country .

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
7 months ago

Principles, values, ethics, the qualities that make for good character — all are vital for holding this Constitutional Republic, this United States of America together . Courage, respect for Truth, reverence for the God given rights mentioned in the Declaration of Independence . The belief in the individual ,the spirit of Faith, Family and Freedom — the defense of what is good and right There is plenty to do and that is something positive since intelligent thinking is all about improving things that are in need of the thought, then action of people who have genuinely good beliefs — Let Truth and Liberty prevail. It is time to be resourceful , very resourceful.

Bandido Nomad
Bandido Nomad
7 months ago

Amen, that says it all. Thanks LT.

Kathlyn B. Houde
Kathlyn B. Houde
7 months ago

Whatever Biden does it won’t negate the fact that he, himself, has allowed Iran to become recently as May 2024. There was an exorbitant amt of funds the pres. allowed to be released from a bank in the MidEast where it was being held. I believe this further contributed to Iran’s funding of the attack on Israel.
That he and he alone has orchestrated 16M-17M illegals to just walk into this country including the cartels ISIS…is in contradiction to his oath. He’s endangered Americans, there are hundreds of cases on line…gov’t site…documenting sexual depravity, murder, coverups of women by illegals. It’s insane what Biden has been allowed to get away with…but the Democrats in the Senate & House have supported this abomination. They should all be thrown out on their asses.
Further, Biden’s a blatant liar and totally incompetent now ….why should he have the nuclear codes much less be allowed to run for president. Didn’t he say after 13 Americans were killed in Afghanistan, he wouldn’t run….he took responsibility? Maybe he whispered it?

7 months ago

Well said Tammy. Let’s all do our part! God will heal our land if His people will humble themselves, pray, seek His face, quit our sins (2 Chronicles 7:14).

7 months ago

Hate Trump is a pathetic campaign strategy. May it fail miserably.

NIcholas Elder.
NIcholas Elder.
7 months ago

I find it ironic that the only president in the past 20 years to attempt to exceed the power granted by our constitution is Biden. Fortunately our legal checks and balances have for the most part contained him.My question to the lying democrats is how can assume dictatorial powers? Any intelligent person sees the falacy of their argument.

7 months ago

Very well written, I hope the rest of our country will take the time to really see what is going on behind the scenes.

7 months ago

All the dems have now is fears “‘carefully constructed” (what they make up) about what terrible things Trump will do as president. They have to not listen to what he says and not remember what he did to believe their fears.

7 months ago

These insane freaks were calling Trump dictator Hitler back in 2020. They said Trump would not leave the Presidency, if he lost the election. Today, they can’t get their dictator President, Joe Buy-den, to leave the office of the Presidency. Hilarious! The liberal always accuses others of exactly what they are or will be doing. LMAO ! Go Brandon!

7 months ago

Right on Tammy Bruce!

7 months ago

Biden should not abandon the party of hate. It will be a gift from the Marxist democrats to the Republican party. Of course we will all be ready for the bait and switch at the democratic national convention. Interesting times.

Randy P.
Randy P.
7 months ago

Whatever a democrat leader calls Donald Trump, turn it back on that leader because that leader is the fascist, communist, Hitler, etc.

7 months ago

It is so wearisome to hear Bidumb repeat his lies over and over again because he has nothing good he can say! His record is the disaster of a crooked dictator who instilled fear to control us while taking away our freedoms! Now Bidumb tries to scare citizens into thinking Trump will take away Social Security, HealthCare and freedom. But we already had four years, when Trump showed America and the World, just how much better and safer things could be, with the right leaders in the White House! After Trump, we watched Bidumb’s disaster unfold and now everyone knows better, Bidumb can’t fool us anymore! Vote Trump 2024 to: Make America Great Again!.

robert rednoske
robert rednoske
7 months ago

Part of me says that he should stay. To ensure Trump wins. The other part of me that he should step down for the good of the country. Along with the VP.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

Three weeks ago, they called Biden one of the greatest Presidents ever, part of a legacy but all it took was poll numbers for the knives to come out. Granted Biden is mentally incapacitated but if he’s not well enough to run for re-election, he’s not well enough to BE President. Where are those calls? They aren’t worried about his ability to lead, just his ability to win; pretty pathetic.

Ed Giambalvo
Ed Giambalvo
7 months ago

In order to paralyze their enemies, the left invents victim groups, such as the minuscule number of Americans who identify as trans, or the even infinitesimally smaller number who have the biological markers that allow for a plausible case of being trans. Our job is not to be paralyzed by the names they call us.

7 months ago

Kamala Harris for President. She has absolutely nothing positive to offer the American people. This fact and the disgusting fact that Dems are calling Joe Biden a patriot turns my stomach. The Biden Administration has ruined American life by their stupid policies. And then the President of the United States doesn’t have the decency to speak to the American people directly. He’s no patriot – he just the opposite. I’m an Independen and will not vote for any Democrat T any level.

7 months ago

Well darn…. the basket case crook biden just dropped out. Oh well, no matter who the socialists run will get their butts handed to them. That is if the elections are not corrupted again…..

7 months ago

if he does it explains why he’s been so pathetic; fits his 51 feckless years in government

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

They say there’s “57 genders” so I can see their point: I can’t name all the ice creams at “31 Flavors” either!

7 months ago

Democrats certainly do lie and misrepresent, but a lie cannot erase quality that we all can see and benefit from.

7 months ago

Biden wipes out another social security benefit with the Social Security Act of 2024. A benefit that has stood for decades has been removed from our social security benefits and replaced with trash that doesn’t really benefit anyone. This is just the beginning of the end to social security and it’s happening right in front of AMAC and AARP and they’re doing nothing to protect our social security benefits for seniors.

Lady J
Lady J
7 months ago

In the words of FDR “the only thing to fear is fear itself”

Darlene M Bateman
Darlene M Bateman
7 months ago

I was fortunate and blessed to be raised in a conservative, Christian and common sense house. Many times as a child I heard my parents talk about the two political parties. One day, I asked, “Daddy, what is a Democrap?” and he laughed. Being a very young child, it hurt my feelings and I asked him, “what did I say wrong”. His response is one I will never forget….”you didn’t say anything wrong. You’re the only one saying it right!”

View of The White House in Washington DC with beautiful blue sky in background.
Pharmacists checking inventory at hospital pharmacy. Two pharmacist working in drugstore. Male and female pharmacists checking medicines inventory at hospital pharmacy.
Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo testifies before the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic in the Rayburn House Office Building at the U.S. Capitol on September 10, 2024 in Washington, DC. Cuomo is expected to speak about his handling of the pandemic and controversial Covid-era nursing home policies, with Republicans scrutinizing his role in the state's response and allegations of undercounting nursing home deaths.
U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris attends an NCAA championship teams celebration on the South Lawn of the White House on July 22, 2024 in Washington, DC. U.S. President Joe Biden abandoned his campaign for a second term after weeks of pressure from fellow Democrats to withdraw and just months ahead of the November election, throwing his support behind Harris.

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