As I write this, the world awaits the jury verdict on the latest witch hunt targeting former president and presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump. The implications of the verdict itself on the country and the “justice” system itself are enormous. In the midst of all the distractions, it is important to call attention to the panic of the Democrats and the media and how it reveals the core of the establishment (i.e. the left’s) primary mission: using raw and base fearmongering to frighten the American public into accepting totalitarian behavior as the national norm.
The Democrat Party and their handmaidens’ use of fear, threats, and chaos isn’t new; it’s what they do because they can’t defend their destruction of the basic values of this country and quality of life of the average American. Frightening people into silence or compliance is their only way to survive and maintain power.
The trials of Trump were meant to bring about the Big Fear, supposedly terrifying anyone who would dare to confront and challenge the bureaucratic establishment. That’s not working quickly enough, so now the Biden administration (i.e. the system) has decided more unhinged fearmongering is now needed. Enter Robert De Niro, who remains obsessed and consumed with hate for the former president. As they found after the roundly mocked performance, sending De Niro to speak on behalf of the president’s re-election campaign was like sending the Hindenburg to rescue the people of the Titanic. At a Biden campaign arranged press conference in front of the New York courthouse handling the Trump “hush money” trial, De Niro was the star, issuing a wide variety of non-specific doom, gloom and planetary-ending catastrophes that would manifest if Trump were elected again as president. After mentioning the September 11th attacks, De Niro appeared to equate Trump with Al-Qaeda, then assured the eager press: “Donald Trump wants to destroy not only this city, but the country and, eventually, he could destroy the world… Under Trump this kind of government will perish from the earth. I don’t mean to scare you, no, no wait…maybe I do mean to scare you. If Trump returns to the White House, you can kiss these freedoms goodbye… and elections, forget about it… ” The only doomsday thing missing was cats sleeping with dogs.

Considering the location and a jury that was not sequestered, it’s fair to say De Niro’s remarks were targeting the jury itself. The prosecutors seem to expect a New York city jury will ignore the facts (and lack thereof) of a case and convict based on fear and loathing. I hope they’re wrong. De Niro’s remarks also indicate the Democrats are taking the polls serious after having decided earlier to ignore them. And, as Politico notes, they are on full-blown “freakout” as a result.
The Biden camp’s response? Fear itself. No specifics on the issues like inflation, open borders, unrelenting crime, millions of unvetted foreigners pouring into the country, wars across the globe, because there is no defense for these catastrophes. Instead, if Biden isn’t re-elected, we’re told life as we know it will end.
The De Niro debacle wasn’t a one-off event, marred by an unhinged actor going ‘off-script.’ The “frighten them into compliance” strategy was dutifully facilitated by that other disaster, “The View,” on which First Lady Jill Biden declared, “As time goes on and as people start to focus a little bit more about what’s at stake and start to become educated on the issues and the differences between the two men… I believe that Americans are going to choose good over evil.” Ah, the irony of a Biden invoking a threat of biblical proportions. If you don’t vote for Joe, you’re voting for evil! And besides, Joe isn’t leading because Americans are unfocused and ignorant. Got it.
How do they get around the disaster of Biden’s presidency? In the ultimate ‘laugh-out-loud’ remark. Jill declared things “could get a lot worse under a Trump presidency.” Really? Things could be worse with Trump? That’s her pitch? Yeah, no. While the swamp attempted a soft coup while kneecapping him, Trump delivered the best economy in human history, energy independence, and none of the world’s enemies were running roughshod over civilization.
But “The View” wasn’t done. On the same show they welcomed writer John Grisham, who “joked” about the assassination of Supreme Court justices. Fox News reported, “’I wrote a great book called ‘The Pelican Brief’ in which two Supreme Court Justices were assassinated, and I’ve thought about doing it again!’ Grisham said during a Wednesday guest appearance on ABC’s ‘The View,’ sparking laughter from the audience. ‘No, no, no, no!’ co-host Joy Behar quickly replied… ‘It’s just fiction,’ Behar said, echoing his phrasing. ‘It’s just made-up stories.’” Justice Brett Kavanaugh might have a different opinion about that.
That’s what the Democrats have always wanted to do – – scare and threaten us. It is the only thing they have as we’ve seen the disaster of the government’s COVID debacle, defunding the police, no-bail laws, the surging of unvetted people into this country from both the northern and southern borders, and our own government labeling conservative American citizens as bigots. More fear for more control. Or so they think. I have a new book coming out on July 23 called “Fear Itself: Inside the Left’s Mind Killing Agenda” addressing exactly this issue, its history, and how it manifests. Knowing none of this is normal or organic is our first step in refusing to be controlled by it.
The good news is, the level of Trump’s support indicates that Americans aren’t scaredy-cats. We may be quiet and sometimes slow to react, but we are not fools. Courtesy of the Founders, we still have a way to remind the corrupt who is in charge. We are the final jury, and November 5 is the day when our voices will be heard. Oh yes, they’ll cheat and there will be shenanigans, but those can be overcome at the ballot box by the determined, and fearless, will of the people.
Tammy Bruce, an Independent Conservative, has traversed a unique political journey that reflects her commitment to principles rather than party affiliations. She joined Fox News in 2005 as a Political Contributor, hosting her show “Get Tammy Bruce” on Fox Nation and providing insightful commentary on various issues for the Association for Mature Americans (AMAC).
At first, I was deeply saddened that not one juror had a modicum of honor, not one had the intestinal fortitude to hold out as long as it took for a hung jury. But today I realize the guilty verdict was necessary to show the people how deep the corruption and rot goes. Had the verdict been otherwise, we may have been gratified that “the system” works. Trump is showing us (yet again) that it does not and will not as long as the swamp is not thoroughly drained. Great article, Tammy Bruce.
Joe Biden has been on Tik Tok for 6 months and has a little over 300k followers. Donald Trump joined Tik Tok yesterday and already has over 2 million followers. I’d say the Dem fear mongering isn’t working.
You People have called me every name in the book! You have impeached me twice! You have vilified me and my family. You have Vicerated me as well ! You have weaponized our government in your favor! You have contorted and reframed our Justice system! You may have tried to destroy my Dignity,but not my spirit! I have tried to lead you in the right direction only to be admonished!
Only thing left is to be tarred and feathered before the kill! I hope I haven’t left anything out! But, remember that God Almighty has the last say!
The verdict is out and this marks a horrible low point in the American Justice system. We have reverted to legalized lynching of any and all political opponents, or as Dims call them ‘enemies’. Members of the Hollywood Deep state are having a gleeful dance of devilish victory over the justice system, which was originally founded in the purest Biblical Godly righteous jurisprudendce, and is now used as lenin and Stalin used the justice system to fill up the Gulags and graveyards with their ‘enemies’ of the state ‘. This is such an obvious miscarriage of justice, from the initial rewriting of a NY state law and the selection of the most politically left wing activist judge available to carry out the political attacks on the only man capable of righting the ship of state and stopping the theft of every hardworking Americans bythe oppulent disgusting Deep state whether they are beltway bandits, Hollywood elite or the media and academia elites.
You know AMAC, preaching to those of us that know this doesn’t do any good for this country!Those Americans who live and breathe liberal left ideology will never change their minds and don’t care. If their party is winning then they are content and happy.This situation requires good men to stand up!The people in Washington DC have sold out! They are looking out for number one, themselves!The call is a tough one, the only way the American people can be heard is thru action!I call on all good men to act, it is not too late to act! We must act now!God Bless America!
Are they really that oblivious to the reality of what they have done.
They have broken the trust of the American people, once you have done that you are done.
Nothing you say will work because the majority will not believe you, even the ones who supported you in the past, you have killed the golden goose.
This fear mongering started when COVID was let loose on the world. Fauci the Mengela of the 21st century saw to that. We anti vaxers saw what he was up to. We had heard Klaus Schwab and his elites plans for the world. and to this day Fauci et al are claiming they did nothing wrong it was this one or that one but most of all Trump who was to blame for the COVID deaths. And yet here we are. A country scared to death for another pandemic. Still reeling from the last one with their rules and mandates. And what happened millions more are dead or dying from this vaccine that put 740 million dollars into the Fauci Obiden coffers. And still we see people walking around in masks. It was a good propaganda they set up. Especially when they were the devil and hung that name on Trump. Only they miscalculated. He came back and was going to run again for the office of President. That is when the head of the snake really appeared and showed its clear intention. Make America a third world country ruled by dictators forever. I have faith that the American people are awake and see what the Obiden regime is doing to America and its citizens. VOTE TRUMP.
Nazicrats ARE communist in pure action. For decades the communist always use the same tactics, lies, intimidation, rigged elections, rigged courts, rigged media. No difference between Communist and Nazicrats, they ARE one and the same ! History repeats itself as usual, about 100 years ago it was Hitler in Germany, now it’s his admirer George Soros with the Nazicrats in their quest for the Fourth Reich.
De Niro is a prime example of a numbskull with Trump Derangement Syndrome
Again, it continues to be amazing how gullible people are to the real facts that are being buried by the Left and its supporters. I like De Niro as an actor, but his politics are too far left to be desired.
De Niro is a good actor, but he needs a script. Intellect is not in his inventory of skills. Democrats can promote the “your candidate is a convicted felon” concept, but their candidate is less capable of putting two sentences into a logical paragraph than even De Niro. The White House puppeteers are putting some executive orders on Biden’s desk to limit the flow of illegal aliens from a huge torrent to only a big torrent, that three and a half years after he scrapped any of Trump’s border policies that were working. He is buying votes by making college loans disappear. He is championing his lowering inflation from frightening to unacceptable and trying to convince us that we should accept that as an accomplishment. Xe, Putin, Kim and the Ayatollah of Iran see Biden’s weaknesses as an opportunity of a lifetime and are acting upon that opportunity. Biden’s wishy-washy approach to Israel’s need to quash Hamas is confusing. Just how do you pause a war when the enemy uses civilians, including hospitals, as a shield?
Of course, many Democrats I know are gleeful that Trump was convicted in the liberal Mecca of New York, where misdemeanors can be turned into felonies if the misdemeanor was carried out in order to facilitate an undefined felony. The same DA Bragg that ran for the post by promising to “get Trump” normally lowers charges for felony arrests to misdemeanors. I fear the voter focus on Trump’s conviction will result in overlooking the incompetence and destructive actions of the Biden carnival of blunders.
Excellent, accurate journalism. Thank you.
I am sure that dems have everything sown together Election will be just going through the motion for the sake of appearances Show however must go on until the end I do not expect surprises unless they do decide the last minute to pull Hilary out of the hat I don’t think they like her that much She definitely has bigger balls than Biden and it could be a bit of the problem because she will be full of ideas and will not like to be told what to say or do
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.” …Franklin D. Roosevelt, March 4, 1933.
That’s just what the demon-communist-cRATS want. Fear that will paralyze advancement.
It always cracks me up that the Totalitarian Democrat Party of Comrade’s is always pointing at Trump and saying the sky is falling and it is all Trumps fault.
When he us reelected, sure there is going to trouble because the Biden administration and the swamp things will be using the scorched earth policy to make his Trump’s second administration difficult to succeed.
Yes they are going to make claims that he is enacting vengeance but in REALITY he will be doing what he should have done in his first term and getting rid of the Totalitarian Democrat Party Comrade’s out of the federal, state, local government.
In addition to that he is going to have to fix the problems that the Totalitarian Communist Democrat Party has “created”!
One thing for sure is that the current IDIOT in charge isn’t going to make things better.
Trump is our ONLY hope for salvation against the forces of evil, if he fails than the only tool left to us will be the 2nd amendment.
Which is exactly why the founding fathers made it the 2nd most important right to bear arms will not be infringed.
I will NEVER purchase another Grisham book again!
Jill was right. Vote for Good over Evil — that is Trump over the nasty, incompetent, closet racist grifter who is beholden to American adversaries (which is Evil).
I grew up thinking how lucky I was to be born in the USA, but after the last eight years I found out how diabolical the USA policies are, ie. CIA, FBI, DOJ, among others. After 2020, I learned how the Democrat party stole the election from the people’s voting for Trump and put the puppet Biden with Obama in the background finally able to unleash his full force to bring down the country. Obama is a muslim and takes orders from Iran. Was it fate that the President and the religious leader of Iran were killed in an air flight recently? People that honor God, keep praying for peace and destruction to those that mean us harm.
Last night, I watched the 1934 version of The Count of Monte Cristo, with Robert Donat. I am taken aback by the similarities to what is happening to our so-called Justice system. Edmond Dantes was imprisoned to hide the sins of those in power. That he was able to expose and destroy them was eminently satisfying and is probably why that 1844 series has endured.
Lying Jackass Joe Biden is scared that his role in his sons Ukraine deal will expose his deep involvement. Crooked Joe has learned how best to Cheat to further his goals and needs! And the scumbag has been doing it his whole life!
Joe is anything but the main man. He is somebody’s open door, surrounded by yes people. He is the path through which the real stringpuller uses. He gets lots of money and will say anything to keep getting more. He is a good follower of Clinton 101: accuse the right people of doing what you are guilty of, and if you get caught, say yes I’m guilty but the right side does worse than me, so I’m still the best choice. Sound crazy? Well Slick Willy pulled it off. Corruption is a mild word for what the reality is. I am ashamed that we let it get this far. It’s time to wake up and save America….now.
They can kiss my buitt
Robert De Nero is a foul mouth price of s**t, he and all of the elitist can kiss my ass! This is America and I could care less about what they think or say!
Remember that Donald Trump’s administration was going after human traffickers, and pedophiles with his executive orders which would have confiscated all the individual’s wealth and put the perpetrators behind bars for a long, long time. Is it any wonder that DeNero who was on the Epstein flight logs 11 times along with the Clintons, the Obamas, Pedo-Joe, and the rest of their ilk in DC would want to “Get Trump” before his military and law enforcement people got them? They actually did everything they claim Trump did to ruin the economy. They impeached him for trying to restart the Burisma corruption investigation in Ukraine to stop Joe and Hunter’s corrupt dealings. This was after Joe bragged about getting the prosecutor fired by bribing them with a 1 billion dollar loan guarantee from the US to fire the prosecutor from investigating the money laundering that was going on with the company Hunter was collecting big bucks on for the Big Guy. This is not dirty politics as usual. A cartel of pure evil has taken control of this country. They are robbing us blind, causing inflation to go through the roof, funding wars, pushing drugs that kill instead of heal all to depopulate the planet so they can have more. More money, more sex slaves, more resources and more power than anyone else. They must be stopped or we won’t have a country left.
Too many votes to beat is the answer: votes for Trump must be too big to beat.
Maybe the Demwits plan is to replace Biden with DeNiro!
Where’s all the usual AMAC trolls like Ronnie Reagan this afternoon… job hunting? As they say… “lol”! ;-P
De Niro is a degenerate. He needs prayers. The evil frothing from his mouth is pure evil. His “performance” is right out of the Clinton 101 book of campaigning. Rule 1: Take whatever it is we are doing and blame the opponent. Rule 2: If you get caught, admit it, and then blame the opponent of being even worse. Progressives are like drunk cowboys. They thing they are 10 foot tall and invisible. (My apologies to the cowboys. I mean no harm. Actually, progressives are worse than that. They hire people to do their evil, like producing a spy document and impeaching a President using it as evidence. How evil can evil get? Well, worse because of the string pullers, i.e. George Soros and son.)
America was founded via roughed individualism and character, not the re-written history espoused by today’s progressives. Men and women of character, black and white and yellow and brown, built this country. Real people live above prejudice. Progressives pretend to be special and use all the colors as tools in their evil planning. Progressives have had one good quality in the past: they know how to market. But now, the real people are just beginning to see through the joke. May we prevail in November.
I love it! “Sending De Niro on behalf of Joe Biden’s campaign was like sending the Hindenburg to rescue the people on the Titanic.” What a perfect analogy. Two bitter old Progressives working together to prevent Trump from working on behalf of the U.S. and American citizens.
Their actions are nothing short of pathetic, but to a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat, they’ll all be viewed as the truth. If putting a has-been like De Niro out there to scream out his hatred for Trump, wasn’t a show of their desperation, I don’t know what would be.
Ms. Bruce, I have been following you since listening to the Sunday night rebroadcast on WOC Davenport IA of your San Fransisco Talk show in 2002. From N.O.W. to now I have been with you all the way. DeNiro is a symptom of the deranged narrative that has been evolving since the mid 80’s. That narrative and it’s assumptions are reality to those around you. I commend you for simply being able to be who you are and where you are and still manage to see so clearly.
Sharon if you don’t already get AMAC, it’s really enlightening
I’m very disappointed in the candidates. I’m a pro choice republican and I’m not feeling it with any of them. None of them deserve my vote as of now.
Biden is wrong on too many issues and Trump is a convicted felon and both are incompetent. How the hell did we end up with these two getting chosen?
West and Stein are horrendous.
Kennedy and Oliver are disappointments.