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The Cringe-Inducing Tenure of White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

Posted on Monday, May 13, 2024
by Andrew Shirley



This month, Karine Jean-Pierre is celebrating her two-year anniversary as White House Press Secretary. Unfortunately for the Obama alum, that milestone comes amid reports that many of Karine Jean-Pierre’s White House colleagues have spent the past six months trying to get rid of her.

According to the New York Post, last December, White House communications chief Anita Dunn pressured Karine Jean-Pierre on behalf of the White House to step down from her position. She was even allegedly offered a position as the president of the pro-abortion group EMILYs List should she decide to leave.

The White House and Karine Jean-Pierre have both denied the allegations. However, national security press aide John Kirby has taken on a noticeably bigger role during press briefings, with some referring to him as the “co-briefer.”

It’s easy to see why many in Biden’s inner circle might want Karine Jean-Pierre gone. Over the past 24 months, her tenure has been marked by some of the most cringe-inducing moments in the history of the job. Here are six of her most notable unforced errors.

Blaming Trump, Republicans, and Governor Abbott for the border crisis

In March, thousands of illegal immigrants attempted to storm the U.S.-Mexican border by “tearing down razor wire and rushing guards at El Paso.” The incident brought renewed attention to the fact that 10,000 migrants, on average, are illegally crossing the border every single day.

When pressed for answers, Karine Jean-Pierre bizarrely implied Donald Trump was responsible for the incident. Despite Trump being out of office for more than three years, she attempted to make the case that the chaos at the border was the fault of the former president, along with Texas Governor Greg Abbott and the Republican Party.

When Karine Jean-Pierre was asked what Joe Biden would do about the growing violence, she stated, “that’s a question for the Republican Governor of Texas.” She then accused Abbott of trying to “politicize” the crisis.

Karine Jean-Pierre also asserted that Trump and the GOP were to blame for rejecting a border security bill that most experts who were not partisan Democrats agreed would actually make the crisis worse and allow more unvetted migrants into the country.

Telling reporters to “talk to an economist”

Last September, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office reported that the federal deficit would double by the end of 2023, one of the largest annual increases ever recorded. Despite the grim economic news, President Biden went on a national tour and reassured Americans that he had aggressively slashed the deficit.

When Karine Jean-Pierre repeated the president’s talking points to a deeply skeptical press pool, they pushed back hard. A New York Post reporter asked, “Why was the deficit increasing?”

Karine Jean-Pierre struggled to answer before infamously giving up and saying, “Talk to an economist.” The absurd response went viral, and her inability to explain Biden’s claims on the economy – a core requirement of her job – likely left many inside the White House questioning her competence.

Defending Biden’s bizarre cannibal gaffe

Last month, President Biden bizarrely claimed that his uncle “got shot down in New Guinea, and they never found the body because there used to be — there were a lot of cannibals, for real, in that part of New Guinea.”

When Fox News reporter Peter Doocy questioned this, and several reporters chuckled, Karine Jean-Pierre scolded Doocy, saying, “We should not make jokes.” She then spoke at length about Biden’s uncle’s military service while never explaining why the President of the United States absurdly suggested that his uncle was shot down and eaten by cannibals. (A Department of Defense spokesperson later confirmed that Biden’s uncle was not a pilot but an air crewman whose plane crashed in the sea and his body was never recovered.)

Explaining why Biden is speaking to the dead

Ronald Reagan may have been “The Great Communicator,” but even he couldn’t speak to the dead. Yet Biden claimed to do just that.

In February, Biden told a room full of Democrat donors that former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl “spoke with him” in 2021 about the Capitol riot. The only problem with that? Kohl died in 2017.

That same week, Biden also said that he had just spoken with former French President Francois Mitterrand, who left office in 1995 and died in 1996.

When pressed on Biden’s clearly confused mental state, Karine Jean-Pierre dismissed it as a simple error, claiming such verbal mistakes “happen to all of us.” The best example she could come up with was Speaker of the House Mike Johnson saying Iran instead of Israel during a recent press conference.

Confusing the names of similar-sounding nations is quite common, but claiming you spoke to foreign leaders who’ve been dead for many years and out of office for even longer is bizarre by any metric.

Saying three slain soldiers died fighting for “the administration”

It’s difficult to tell if Karine Jean-Pierre has spent more time clearing up Biden’s gaffes or her own.

In January, a drone strike in Jordan killed three U.S. service members. Shortly after the attack, Karine Jean-Pierre took to friendly news outlet MSNBC and delivered one of her most infamous lines, stating, “Our deepest, obviously our deepest condolences go out, and our heartfelt condolences go out to the families who lost, uh, three, three brave, uh, three brave, uh, three brave, three folks who are military folks, who are brave, who are always fighting, who are fighting on behalf of, uh, this administration.”

Her struggle to get the words out was notable enough, but to say that those service members died fighting “on behalf of this administration” rather than on behalf of the country and its people incensed Americans nationwide. Critics called her statement “disgusting,” and she created a slew of negative headlines for the White House – precisely the opposite of what she is supposed to do as press secretary.

Explaining why Biden called longtime American ally Japan “xenophobic”

In May, President Biden seemingly accused Japan of being “xenophobic.” He said, “Why is China stalling so badly economically? Why is Japan having trouble? Why is Russia? Why is India? Because they’re xenophobic.”

The only defense Karine Jean-Pierre could muster when pressed as to why the president went after Japan was, “I think the president was very clear.” The press corps quickly pointed out that the president wasn’t clear, noting, “That’s why we’re asking you.” She offered no apology on behalf of Biden and instead segued into a canned answer about the importance of immigration.

Reading the wrong scripted answer

President Joe Biden having scripted answers and a list of reporters to call on has earned him plenty of mockery and criticism. But that may just be a habit he picked up from Karine Jean-Pierre.

Back in 2022, Karine Jean-Pierre was asked a question about the decision to change the first Democrat primary contest from New Hampshire to South Carolina. In response, she launched into a completely unrelated answer about the Hatch Act, before catching her mistake and restarting her response halfway through.

The incident raised fresh allegations that Karine Jean-Pierre is in cahoots with reporters to pre-screen questions and have prepared answers on-hand – and that she can’t even successfully pull that off.

Despite glaring questions about her fitness for the job and the fact that her own colleagues evidently want her out, Karine Jean-Pierre has shown no indication that she wishes to leave her position. She stated multiple times that she would stay through the election. But if the embarrassing mistakes keep piling up, it may no longer be her decision to make.

Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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10 months ago

Thats what you get when you hire someone because of their gender, color or sexual preference. Biden has done that to appease his liberal supporters and not caring about what will happen to the country.

10 months ago

Incompetence is a characteristic of this installed Administration. If there is a better example of the folly of DEI in action, I haven’t seen it.

10 months ago

Welcome to DEI and it is coming to the job market. I see it every day.

10 months ago

“cringe-worthy” is a kind, understated, and much deserved epithet !!

Donald King
Donald King
10 months ago

I would think that any press secretary should look professional, stand up straight, and actually answer reporters questions. First of all, the clown makeup she wears on her eyelids looks absolutely silly. Instead of standing erect, she usually tilts to her right, leans down, or leans forward. And, most of all, she’ll rarely answer any question directly and straight to the pint. Now, I do expect some deflections from any press secretary, but she goes overboard. But, then, what else should I expect from any official in the progressive party. Heck, look at Mayorkas. So far he’s never actually answered any questions directed at him.

10 months ago

I can’t even stand looking at her, let alone listen to her lies. I turn the channel whenever she appears on my TV screen.

10 months ago

Let’s Pray we Survive.

10 months ago

She and Joe are just alike, both are idiots…….only difference is she is not senile.

10 months ago

I assume she is educated. Just haven’t seen or heard much of its benefit…

10 months ago

REALITY CHECK: Oops, there continues be none in WH staff, more of the blame games despite the fact that most Americans can see through the smoke. The thought is now — Will the American people take the appropriate action to end the charade. Take a good look at all levels of government and get rid of the BAD!!!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
10 months ago

Shes best for comedy like Joe

10 months ago

Oh, for the days of competent press secretaries. To name a few: Tony Snow, Dana Perino, Sarah Sanders, Kayleigh McAneny. I’m probably missing some, but those stand out. They were knowledgeable, spoke clearly with good vocabulary.

Charles Alvarado
Charles Alvarado
10 months ago

They won’t force her out. She’ll play the race card , as they do. So they’re stuck with their mistake. I say good. Serves them right .

10 months ago

Incompetence never got in the way of tokenism in this White House.

10 months ago

You can tell you can tell how big the lie that she is about to tell by how fast she blinks. Kirby is a pathological liar. In other words he’s a tried and true Democrat. Cheating and lying is the only thing he knows could you imagine being one of his kids if he has kids? What’s your dad do for a living? Oh he cheats and lies

10 months ago

Well you get these kind of people when gender, race and sexual orientation are the qualification instead of merit. Look at Buttigieg, the woman suitcase snatcher, the admiral that is now a woman. Chief economic advisor that can’t explain the difference why we borrow money, when we also print more money. The man has no economy or business background. Neither has Jean Pierre any qualifications to be press secretary she just fit the criteria for the job. Our Secretary of State and defense are totally incapable. Right now they are throwing Israel to the lions of Hamas. They are listening to the minority. Because they think they can win the election that way to further ruin America. I think people are waking up. And hope it is not too late.

10 months ago

Not trying to defend any Leftist, but, she is just spouting the narrative. The ones who really need to go are the Leftists’ in charge, starting with Let’s Go Brandon and his handlers.

10 months ago

KJP is but one example of the glaring display of pure incompetence and unapologetic lies in Brandon’s administration. Kirby used to wear a uniform and really has no excuse for his pathetic and traitorous role ( not that anyone does, for that matter). Kirby is flat out a lying, incompetent sell out, deserving of any criticism and ridicule directed at him.

corbin douthitt
corbin douthitt
10 months ago

WH will deny Israel arms and support HAMAS… but doesn’t have the common sense to fire KJP? It’s The democrat Way.

10 months ago

Yet another dei hire circling the drain.

Bob Hellam
Bob Hellam
10 months ago

Karine’s comment about “serving this administration” reminds me of when I was a military chaplain during Comrade Obama’s tenure. We had been told to address survivors at military funerals and memorial services “on behalf of a grateful nation.” That was changed to “on behalf of the President of the United States.”

10 months ago

This is just what democrats do. Lie, then explain the lie with another lie, then deflect that lie with another lie and so the story goes. Remember I was named after Sir Hillary? It is what they have always done and will always do. In doing so they offer us a turd on a stick and tell us it caviar, then expect us to believe it and thank them for it. Unfortunately so many do exactly that. Why? I don’t know. I have yet to understand the cult mentality.

10 months ago

Incompetent? How can that be? This spokesperson is (1) a woman, (2) a person of color and (3) gay. Have we ever had so many qualifications in a person speaking for the president?

Catharine Noel-Repetski
Catharine Noel-Repetski
10 months ago

She talks in circles and never answers the question, ever.
I’d think she took a seminar in EST, but she wasn’t born before it became defunct.

10 months ago

She is your typical stupid Socialist Democrat, they think they are great and they aren’t sh**!

Donald K Dalton
Donald K Dalton
10 months ago

Anyone ever try to verify if she is a U.S. citizen? I tried over and over and could not.

10 months ago

Because she ticks so many of the lib requirements for hiring (black, gay, immigrant)..she will NEVER be be fired…just “promoted” out of that job.

John Bass
John Bass
10 months ago

Her job may be in jeopardy? Come on man, she’s a democratic hack! Remember there are things in la la land like diversity and inclusion. She’ll never be fired…only promoted.

10 months ago

I will not listen to her when she is on a TV program. She does not speak the truth and she hardly ever answers a question. She has her nose stuck in the binder with the answers that make no sense. She will be another reason the folks will not vote for Mr. Biden.

10 months ago

DEI on steroids. More proof that a big reason for Biden’s failures, and there are many, is that he did NOT pick people for his admin/Cabinet based upon expertise, but rather their ability to check the boxes. KJB is right up there with the rest of them.

10 months ago

She has been the most ignorant inept person to ever hold the position.
She is only window dressing for the Totalitarian Racist Fascist DEMOCRAT party comrade’s.
She follows and repeats the BS propaganda that they put out and is only useful to them because she is Black and a woman.

10 months ago

Does anyone know of anyone who can lie as well as KJP? Who can articulate the defense of a president who fails at everything he does or says? I think KJP spews lies and non-answers with conviction and without conscience as well as anyone the Dems could produce.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
10 months ago

KJP has THREE great qualifications to be in the Biden dictatorship: She’s black, she’s female, and she’s a lesbian. Other than that, she is totally UNQUALIFIED!!

10 months ago

Can’t even imagine trying to explain all the lies and trying to cover up the nonsensical policies that she has to explain. I don’t think the administration can find anyone to take her place.

10 months ago

This is affirmative action at its best. She exists in this position because of the pigmentation of her skin. If you believe skin pigmentation is the reason to employ a person, you have major problems, please, get some help.

Dave Mahan
Dave Mahan
10 months ago

She is just stupid and incompetent. Kirby has become a professional lying political hack.

Michael Quinn
Michael Quinn
10 months ago

Anyone think they will offer KJP a spot on some leftist legacy TV news outlet like they gave to Psaki or Clinton’s advisor Stephanopoulos? That might move her out, she would feel right at home in one of those nests of liars.

10 months ago

Only in America can we put the most unbelievable people in charge of telling us one lie after another and blame everyone eles for what they are doing themselves. The sad part is they believe their own lies, do they really thank we are that stupid? Wake up America, your being let to slaughter, just like the pie piper did with his flute.

10 months ago

A typical left wing disaster.

10 months ago

They have so many idiots working in this administration is almost like a super power to find and hire this number of incompetents. Starting with the idiot in chief and his vice-idiot. The Democrat voters must be so proud.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
10 months ago

She is the only person that lies MORE than Biden.

10 months ago

The whole administrations needs to move on to other pastures…not American anyway.

10 months ago

I’ve never thought Karine seemed comfortable in that role. It may truly add something to her presence if she told a good joke at start and finish of each conference.

Barbara Charis
Barbara Charis
10 months ago

Who are the unseen mentors running the White House? They appear to be on the same par as Biden and the “Ding Bat,” Karine. Every time she opens her mouth…she truly puts her foot in it….and divulges her lack of education. Who hired her…Biden?

Barbara Charis
Barbara Charis
10 months ago

The unseen mentors running the White House are on the same par as Biden and this “Ding bat,” Karine. Whose pulling their strings?

John Shipway
John Shipway
10 months ago

Well, yeah, she is REALLY bad at her job…but she is a black, lesbian after all and checking boxes is all that would kick our woke backsides.
But then we do have the F-35 and the 23% combat ready status of those expensive yet absolutely dreadful aircraft. When sold to other countries, they do generate quite the profit though……mainly in spare parts.

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
10 months ago

Actually, she’s perfectly fitting in the Satanic world of demonicrat “leadership.”

10 months ago

Worst press secretary I have seen but then she doesn’t have much to work with.

10 months ago

I believe they should rename her job…isn’t she Biden’s jester? She sure acts like one.

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
10 months ago

“The White House and Karine Jean-Pierre have both denied the allegations.”
Well, then it must be true??????

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