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The Case for Impeachment of Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas Secretary of Homeland Security

Posted on Wednesday, February 8, 2023
by Outside Contributor

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas has been deaf to the voice of Americans, blind to the chaos and consequences of his policies and actions in violating the law, and untruthful in his statements to Congress and the American people. Secretary Mayorkas has intentionally undermined the sovereign interests of the United States by evading or violating the law and embracing policies he was warned would result in disaster. As Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, he bears responsibility for this catastrophic failure. It is time for him to resign or be removed from office—for the protection and good of the men and women of the Department of Homeland Security and the American people and for the preservation of national sovereignty.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has intentionally instigated an unprecedented border, national security, and humanitarian catastrophe.
  2. Mayorkas has violated his oath of office, abused the powers of his office, and betrayed the trust of the American people, endangering the constitutional republic.
  3. His misconduct is so reckless, so irresponsible, and so serious that he should be impeached, removed from office, and disqualified from holding any further office.


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2 years ago

Alejandro Mayorkas’s disastrous handling of our Southern border along with his lying to America so he could advance his warped and dangerous agender to destroy our America that many have sacrificed their lives to keep America free. Those illegal aliens that are pushing their way into America knowing they are breaking our laws need to go back to the countries they slithered out of and fight for the freedoms our ancestors fought for to free America from the British!! Mayorkas needs to run out of America on a very large pole!!

2 years ago

While literally most of the Biden Cabinet could be impeached for how they have handled their individual responsibilites to the American people to date, going down that road is fundamentally a waste of time and taxpayer dollars. Yes, we could impeach Mayorkas and the rest of the Biden Cabinet in the House of Representatives based on their blatant disregard of existing federal laws on the books or the damage they have inflicted on the American people, but then what? The Democrat controlled Senate would simply find Mayorkas and every other Biden official not guilty. So what is gained or fixed? Nothing! The Democrats and the MSM would just turn around and use the Senate not guilty findings as a campaign talking point to bash Republicans over the head with in 2024. Think people!

Lets not get caught up in simply doing empty symbolic activities for symbolic’s sake. It’s bad enough that all the House can do for 2023 is simply hold endless congressional hearings that will go nowhere, because Mitch McConnell went along with the Democrats on that terrible $1.7 trillion dollar omnibus bill last year and took away the House’s leverage of the power of the purse for 2023.

I want these Socialists out of power as much as anyone else, but given the current make-up of Congress, impeachment is a nonstarter.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

About time they started Impeachment on this administration.

Kevin P Donlon
Kevin P Donlon
2 years ago

I agree that secretary mayorkas has knowingly breeched his contract with all the American citizens. I would like to begin impeachment proceedings forward now. We cannot wait until President Trump gets elected again. Let us say that I am the first on a list to begin the process. Is this a forum to post a petition? If so; let’s do it now!
God bless.
Kevin P Donlon

Kevin P Donlon
Kevin P Donlon
2 years ago

While any attempt on our part seems almost impossible; let’s not forget who we are. We are Americans.Our forefathers risked everything to make this Country. WE are responsible for what happens next. The Constitution is alive and we must fight; however we can. Together;we are the most powerful force anywhere! Please pray and let us follow up on this critical matter so we will be able to tell our children and grandchildren that when America was threatened from within; “ we did something about it!

2 years ago

Time for him to go! He violated law and continued to allow people who are illegal, to stream in our land unchecked. Countless drug deaths, allowed drugs

William Hodge
William Hodge
2 years ago

He has been useless, as much of Obidens cabinet. Well that goes for Obiden, The Crime Boss himself. They are destroying our country!

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

Mayorkas is a total disgrace. Whether he is more of an incompetent fool or a traitorous revolutionary can be hotly debated. However, the fact is plain and simple. Mayorkas is unfit for office, and he needs to be given his walking papers. He is destroying the US and creating pain and misery for millions of Americans.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Impeachment? How about imprisonment working on the border wall That would be a fitting assignment

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

An asset of the cartels?

2 years ago

I have NO confidence that the republican party will do squat. All they do is let us supporters down and talk over the back yard fence.

Gather up some muster and rattle their cage.

John Bass
John Bass
2 years ago

Impeachment? Let’s start with the individual that’s posing as our President first, then move down the line to the next worthless POS!

Dennis Knoepfler
Dennis Knoepfler
2 years ago

Please and prosecute this criminal

James Hilton
James Hilton
2 years ago


2 years ago

I agree, but won’t the president just appoint someone else with the same instructions?

Alan Lorek
Alan Lorek
2 years ago

Impeach him, he betrayed America.

2 years ago

Mayorkas is a disgrace to America and should be impeached. He has neglected to protect the health and safety of US citizens allowing over 5 million illegals enter our country over the last 2 years. Also, there were over 100,000 deaths last year from fentanyl and nothing is being done to close the open border where drugs and gangs are pouring though. HE SHOULD BE IN JAIL for the destruction of our country that he has allowed.

2 years ago

Time to get to the nitty gritty of all these things COViD, elections, false impeachments, border crisis, Monopolies, Ukraine/Hunter/Biden and the QPQ, Clinton emails and server destruction, Uranium One, family govt gravy trains and many other things. The American people are tired of all the corruption, lip service, excuses and no action. Responsible Leaders need to step up and take action. Lets get some real news reporting and end opinion propganda news. Let the chips fall where they may in truth, fact and justice.

2 years ago

Get rid of him now.

2 years ago

Adios dip stick

Al King
Al King
2 years ago

I suggest otherwise. He knows what’s happening and has outright lied about it. His purposes are unclear but absolutely contrary to American principles and laws. He should be criminally charged.

2 years ago

Both he and Harris should be impeached for this travesty.

2 years ago

I second that!

2 years ago

He is a traitor to the citizens of the USA and should be pressured or pressure his President to fire him.

Patricia Stump
Patricia Stump
2 years ago

Both Mayorkas

2 years ago

Policy comes from the president, he should go also

2 years ago

I totally agree with this action, so what’s next? How do we get this done? Where do I sign?

Bill French
Bill French
2 years ago

Myorkas is pathetic by disgracing AmericaHis Oath of office

john Oakden
john Oakden
2 years ago

I agree he needs to go away.

2 years ago

I believe he should serve prison time most of all!

2 years ago


2 years ago

What Myorkas has done in his execution of office is unlawful, unconstitutional and an endangerment to our country. He should be impeached and removed from his position immediately and never be able to hold a public office again, ever.

2 years ago

Mayorkas, born in Cuba, immigrated to the United States as a refugee in 1960. He received a bachelor’s degree with distinction from the University of California at Berkeley and a J.D. from the Loyola Law School. He worked as an assistant U.S. attorney in the Central District of California for nearly a decade. He then became a U.S. attorney—the youngest in the country—and tried cases involving financial fraud, public corruption, and violent crime.

He served in the Obama administration as the director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services from 2009 to 2013. He moved to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security from 2013 to 2016, where he served as the deputy secretary and helped implement the DACA program.

Mayorkas then returned to private practice, working at O’Melveny & Myers and then WilmerHale.

His specialties were strategic counseling and crisis management.

Any wonder?

2 years ago

Agreed. Also agree that both the pathetic President Biden and his useless idiot Kammi should also RESIGN

2 years ago

The dems were always on the impeachment track and followed thru, where are the Republicans in all of this. DUH???? We as citizens can’t do squat about it.

2 years ago

Impeachment him in the House but not the Senate is a waste of time, stringing him up for TREASON from the nearest lamppost would send a better message!

Mr Tigerbob
Mr Tigerbob
2 years ago

Send him to Gitmo. He is from Cuba so send him home and then have a trial there.

2 years ago

As the saga of Irresponsibilites lingers on & no one is held responsible for this is just absurd, it’s Constitutional Law not the Kangaroo Courts Jester to just get a slap on the hand & everything is okay B.S. when all this should end in GITMO by Military Tribunals, yes this means all of them as a reminder We The People & not Public Servant’s

2 years ago

Alejandro M. is a big disappointment among the people who came here the legal way, respecting all the rules and regulations of this country. This man trashed our Constitution and reduce this country to a third world with the help from the so called “president”. Both men should be impeach.

2 years ago

Is it Mayokas or is he “simply following orders?” We know the entire Biden admin has one mindset and it is a catastrophe for our country. Yes, impeach and get rid of him, but we’d also have to get rid of the entire Cabinet and the Biden sycophant advisors — the Oz behind the curtain.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
2 years ago

He is not just they only one that has let anyone from anywhere in the world to enter into the US and it has to stop impeach him but more Dems in Washington including the President and his VP are at fault time to build the wall and put more border agents with more power to arrest and send the illegals back to Mexico that does not mean to put them on planes or buses and ship them all over this country ship them back from where they came from.

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