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The Biden-Harris Honeymoon Was Over Even Before It Began

Posted on Tuesday, October 12, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Oct 12 — It appears that voters have had enough. According to two separate surveys, they are losing confidence in the Biden administration and the Democrat-Progressive Senate and House. It’s bad enough that President Biden’s approval ratings have tanked, but now surveys show that people think things have gotten so bad that they are losing hope for the future of our country.

A Rasmussen poll conducted last week shows that 43% of Americans believe that the best days to be a citizen of the U.S. are behind us, and 23% are not sure. Just 33% of Rasmussen’s respondents still believe our country’s best days lie ahead. Last November, around the time of the 2020 Presidential Election, 47% expressed optimism about the future. And the pollsters note that in April of 2019 when Donald Trump was president, a similar survey showed that 57% of voters were optimistic about the future.

Similarly, a Gallup Poll assessment of the confidence among the electorate shows that trust in the government’s ability to handle international and domestic problems has fallen to record lows. Gallup noted that “Perhaps contributing to this year’s depressed government ratings, the poll was conducted just after the U.S. military completed the evacuation of more than 120,000 people from Afghanistan in what the highest-ranking U.S. military officer called a “logistical success, but a strategic failure.”

When Mr. Biden and his fellow Democrats took over the administration of our government in January, they must have thought their dream had come true. But that dream quickly turned into a nightmare.

He created a crisis even before his election. During his campaign, the would-be president Biden and his party suggested that they were determined to open our borders, and the notion echoed throughout the world of the undocumented– the innocents and miscreants alike, including potential terrorists and drug dealers.

In fact, as soon as he was nominated, hordes of illegal migrants began to assemble caravans anxiously awaiting Biden’s election so that they could begin moving toward our southern borders. They saw the new president as a gentler, kinder border guard than was President Trump. It didn’t take long after his election for them to storm our gates, and they continued to come in the ensuing months in record-breaking numbers — more than 143,000 a month on average. In July, the border authorities reported that 212,672 of them were taken into custody, the largest number of monthly apprehensions in more than two decades.

So, what did our Commander in Chief do? He assigned his Vice President Kamala Harris to be his “immigration Czarina.” She quickly showed her ineptitude, chuckling away through media encounters and accomplishing absolutely nothing.

Then came President Biden’s most infamously famous moment: his cowardly and disastrous withdrawal of our combat forces from Afghanistan, which left behind American citizens and tens of thousands of Afghan citizens who had aided the allied forces in our 20-year war there. Those who were left behind faced the threat of torture and death from their new Taliban overseers. It was an “I give up” moment that was decidedly un-American.

But it ain’t over. There’s the not-so-inconsequential matter of his $3.5 trillion spending plan– a give-in to the progressive socialist elements within his party. It shook up even his most faithful independent members of his fan club, who were demoralized by his lack of fiscal responsibility, not just for its potential to bankrupt the nation. It contains giveaways galore for citizens who beg for handouts in a country known for its “I’ll do it myself grit.”

So, is it any wonder that Americans are disillusioned, as the polls suggest. Indeed, the Biden-Harris honeymoon was over even before it began.

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3 years ago

The Left doesn’t care. Communists will lose elections and suffer low poll ratings in order to accomplish their ultimate goal: the destruction of our Republic.

3 years ago

He has been horrible from the start

Charleen Krasnay
Charleen Krasnay
3 years ago

Get rid of the bums!

3 years ago

Lord God Almighty Intervene In The Situation The U.S.A. Is In!!! Have Mercy We Need You. YOU ARE ARE ONLY HOPE!!!

3 years ago

The Dems don’t see the southern border as a crisis because it’s working out better than they planned. They should be impeached for providing aid and comfort to our enemy (Taliban, Russia,

3 years ago

These are the big failures, but there are hundreds of lesser ones. They keep cascading due to inflation and stupidity.

3 years ago

Why would anyone have a favorable rating for Joe? Those are the people that blindly voted against Trump because the media said to. They do not have an original thought, and will blindly go over the cliff if the media said jump.

3 years ago


Bill Scanlon
Bill Scanlon
3 years ago

Don’t blame American voters, believe it or not, the voting machines were hacked and the CCP altered the votes. The American people are not that stupid.

3 years ago

All of the other-than-Democrats in this country must stand together to defeat this evil tyrannical cult in DC! If not, America is doomed! Simply doomed!

3 years ago

A disastrous regime driving our country into darkness! Didn’t this old fool/hahaharris say that last year? 10 months later,We’re paying for it even with our lives, Afghanistan!

3 years ago

Phaq these mother f-er’s

3 years ago

The polls say that 39% still believe Joe Biden is doing a great job. With morons like this voting, this country is doomed.

Merle Otis
Merle Otis
3 years ago

It is a sure sign of corruption in this administration when this destruction of our great country is being allowed to go on and on. Somebody, anybody, please tell me, how long must we endure this crap? We can not even have a legitimate election with this corruptive bunch of politicians. It has to run deep for them to pull this off. “God Please Help Us”.

3 years ago

They should have never got a chance to start it was an illegal election and everthing they have done is illegal ,so why aren’t they in jail?

J Koss
J Koss
3 years ago

When the “Underculture”, as I call it, 30% or so REALLY believe these two
Inept people are calling the shots we have serious credibility issues. Brings to mind the movie: “The Candidate”, with Robert Redford. At the end he has this look of “Now What.”

3 years ago

I find it difficult to believe that anyone could ever have had an ounce of confidence in the Loopey Joe administration. For his 40 years as a career politician, he has done nothing, as in zero, zilch. He is a skilleed and verteran liar and crook. Harris is totally satanic and evil to her core. How the dem/socialists fight for abortion at all stages and ages defines what they really are inside where their hearts should be. They are Godless and satanic.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Never had 1 day 1.

3 years ago

What Honeymoon? . . . It’s been a TOTAL NIGHTMARE!!! . . . Antifa and Black Lives Matter rooted, looted and burned multiple major cities and Jackass Joe NEVER STOPPED THEM! . . . Then the D.C. January 6 “rally” THEY CALLED AN “INSURRECTION”! . . . How can it be an “INSURRECTION” when THERE WAS NO LOOTING OR BURNING? . . . And NOW Jackass Joe and EVERY SO-CALLED DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSIONAL REPRESENTATIVE & ALL BUT 2 SENATORS WANT TO COMPLETELY DESTROY AMERICA BY TURNING US INTO A SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST NATION!!! . . . HECK NO!!!!!!

Jeanne Osterhout
Jeanne Osterhout
3 years ago

Sadly, I believe this goes beyond ineptitude. Clearly, even the “handlers” cannot be this stupid. It is their plan and desire to completely destroy the United States of America and they are succeeding! May God deliver us from their evil plan. Only he can.

3 years ago

Patriots, We must stop this Tyranny by what ever means gets the job done. If it means civil war so be it. This is a Godless Administration with Satan as their master.
We must constantly beseech God’s help before we are under Communist CCP control.

Carolyn C Murray
Carolyn C Murray
3 years ago

Let’s go Brandon

3 years ago

You get what you voted for last year. Lies, a mentally impaired president, a bulldog VP, raised taxes, mortgages to buy gas and a country as divided as it was 60 years ago…maybe more divided now.
Thanks Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the sheep that put them in office!!!

Gen. Patton
Gen. Patton
3 years ago

WAKE UP AMERICA—–time to change course for this great country. Take back America Nov. 2022
VOTE REPUBLICAN——————kick the Marxist Demorats out!!!!!!!

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 years ago

Americans were delusional and now are disillusioned?Did they think Santa was coming to WH?

3 years ago

A demented old man and a vile cackling hag (both controlled by the deep state) wander into the White House. What could go wrong? Wait, and Hilary is still lurking and drooling like a rabid animal…

3 years ago

The Bible says the devil kills,lies,stills sounds just like Biden,Harris,and pelosi.we need to be praying that GOD will destroy the evil that is in our government starting in Washington. Pray hard and ever day.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

The Hidden Biden/and heels up Harris Administration has NOT made one improvement in America in the 9 months plus they have had power, in fact they have brought America to its knees, everything is worse, Jobs, the Economy, Race relations, the Boarder, America’s Security, the Dr. Fauci Virus (also known as Covid-19) is worse, and he keeps lying and changing this story, Hidden Biden, and his suck up top Brass decide to cut and run, from Afghanistan without a clue as to what they were doing, and now the America hating Justice Department is going after freedom loving Americans for exercising, they Constitutional rights to petitioning their government.
If anyone can find something that these Court Jesters have made better, please let me know, it might show signs of hope for America.
I will say it again, buy yourself a Gun and lots of ammunition and learn how to shoot and defend yourself.
Please God Save America!!!!!!!

3 years ago

If nothing else she has veritably torched the idea of a woman ever becoming president.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
3 years ago

There was a marriage? Koss is right but it sounds too much like Bernie the typical communist who thinks you take over a productive country like ours, centralize the distribution of resources, and still produce the same level of GDP.
AOC just doesn’t have any idea how any of it works.

Gee Pee
Gee Pee
3 years ago

Excellent article now it’s time for Action
Mitch McConnell should retire he’s a tool of pelosie along with the 10 republicans that followed his advice – he should have shut the government down and stuck it to the democratic

Edward B. Irvin
Edward B. Irvin
3 years ago

Dear AMAC. You should not be referring to the 2 human POS that stole the White House in any official terms. That makes it sound as if theu are legitimate.We all know they were installed by foreign enemies.

Wayne Waldack
Wayne Waldack
3 years ago

Hearing about Failure after Failure is not what I enjoy. I Prayed that this President would be successful in His Campaign Promises. I did not Vote for Inept Joe because I REALLY liked where OUR Great Country was Going. The Bad Apple Countries of Planet Earth were more at rest than they were in a long time. We were Energy Independent, the Economy was creating Jobs for All, Life was Good except for the Pandemic and we had a President that was solving the problem. The Mid-East Countries were working on working together. Afghanistan was being controlled. Even China was being dealt with I don’t know for a fact, but it sure seems that the 2020 Election results were Greatly Compromised in favor of numerous inept candidates. Just an Opinion !!!

3 years ago

I am requesting Bob Carlstrom, president of AMAC ACTION, to contact WENDY ROGERS, Arizona State Senator, requesting an interview to be shown on AMAC WEEKLY NEWS REPORT, highlighting her fighting for nationwide audits & election integrity..we are given proof of the fraud of the 2020 election…now we need someone to take action so it is not repeated in the 2022 election. Enough TALK, this gal gives us ACTION!

Thomas W.
Thomas W.
3 years ago

But, somehow, he’s still screwing America.

Kenneth Hearrean
Kenneth Hearrean
3 years ago

All of this is fine & good & expresses the thoughts of most Americans; the problem is that nothing will be done to correct the problem you discuss. We’ve seen this destruction take place in less than a year & still have over 3 years remaining for this lunacy to continue whether it’s Bide4n or Harris occupying the Oval office. This great Country will implode by that time & there’ll be nothing left to fix! Trust me, in another 3 years, we’ll see the voting rules change so much, that no Conservative will ever win the WH again. At this point, I honestly have no answer as to our options, but we certainly sit back & watch destruction take place before our eyes!

3 years ago

Biden is the destroyer. He dislikes his own country and especially the middle class tax payer. What a team we have here (do nothing Harris). Well, we get what we tolerate………….

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
3 years ago

Even with 80%+ of the media covering for him, we still know that Senile Joe has FAILED on every front. Harris, another no-talent, was put on the ticket only to please Barry Soetero, who was also a big failure. As the old saying goes, “You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear!”

Ralph S
Ralph S
3 years ago

Why not borrow a DemocRAT idea from California? Let’s have a recall!

3 years ago

You can’t recall him, he stole the Presidency and I said so election night.

3 years ago

That’s the way bad marriages usually end. LOL!

Barbara Stricker
Barbara Stricker
3 years ago

Harris was used for her sex and color..I’d love to see her DNA test.. Indian and Jamaican..which talking to my friends from Jamaica is a mix of many countries..England was among them all…usually a great grandfather slave owner…how do you say awful things about each other in debates then pair up to run this country? Too much rubbingvthe wrong way..

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
3 years ago

In reality all we can do is vote next year and take back the House and the Senate. So many people want Biden to resign but if you think about this logically who do we get if he goes away? Do nothing Kamala and next in line is Nasty Pelosi!!! We think we are in trouble now, if he goes away we are really doomed. Shame on everyone who voted for this clown!!!!!

Bruce G Rowe
Bruce G Rowe
3 years ago

Unless someone gets their hands on those Voting machines, the Democrats will always be in power, I think it is sorta strange that Newsom won his recall, the recall partition had a lot of names on that partition.

3 years ago

Biden and Harris are incompetent and corrupt. We all know this. Who ever was involved in this corrupt Presidential election should be promptly executed! Are you kidding 23% of the voters are not sure and 33% seem to think better days are ahead-What a bunch of losers. They need to Put their cell phone down, get off the fake news channel and Wake up and smell the roses the Biden and Harris incompetence, corruption and hypocrisy are right in front of their noses. Who the heck is running our Great Country-not doing a very good job now are they!!

Larry W.
Larry W.
3 years ago

It was evident that when Biden picked Harris that he was doing it to appease the radicals in his party and that she is a black woman, not because she is qualified to be a vice-president.. If Biden were a real man and a real leader he would have picked someone much closer to a moderate, But after 8 years under Obama and surrounded by socialist radicals he is just a puppet now unable to take a stand for what’s good for America. Do either of them worry about their popularity? I doubt it. They are power hungry egotists willing to sacrifice our country so they can keep their power.

3 years ago

Satan wants a one world government. There have been a lot of hints pointing that way. Obviously the end times predicted in the bible are close. The only way for individuals to be saved is to ask Christ Jesus to save them. He is the only way to God. This world will end, but there is eternity. God is judging the world and us for not loving and obeying Him, just as He judged Israel 2500 years ago. He loves you and wants a relationship with you which is possible by asking to be saved. Satan will be allowed 7 years before he is put away for ever. God will remake the universe to be the way He wanted it when He created it. The lion will lay down with the lamb and the wild beast will be led by a child. Decide where you want to spend eternity, with good, only God is good, or evil.

3 years ago

When a person gets elected by benefit of a rigged election, there is no rational reason to expect a noticeable deterioration in the National welfare. The Nation is being RULED (not governed) with its first and preferential benefit of the Party partisans “making hay” at the expense of the MAJORITY of Americans. Folks, whatever you call it, it is a rudimentary form of Communism and autocratic rule cloaked in lip service disguised byConstitutional governance. aided and abetted by a big majority (not all) of news media outlets.

3 years ago

What a debacle. Can it get worst – YES

3 years ago

No, the people of the US are not Sheep. The majority trusted the accuracy and Constitutional sanctity of the voting process, but the DemocRats finally managed a way to win with a minority of votes by rigging the election. The American citizens should demand that a Constitutional set of rules for administering elections should be followed at the peril of penal punishment if anyone is found legally and provably acts to derail the process. There are many facets to the gem of an honest democratic election, so it will not be a simple set of rules and restrictions. For example, the US Postal Service should in no way handle or touch any ballot ..ever,… before or after it is marked by a voter. There are just too many ways a ballot can be compromised in a mailing process.

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