The Biden-Harris Honeymoon Was Over Even Before It Began

Posted on Tuesday, October 12, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Oct 12 — It appears that voters have had enough. According to two separate surveys, they are losing confidence in the Biden administration and the Democrat-Progressive Senate and House. It’s bad enough that President Biden’s approval ratings have tanked, but now surveys show that people think things have gotten so bad that they are losing hope for the future of our country.

A Rasmussen poll conducted last week shows that 43% of Americans believe that the best days to be a citizen of the U.S. are behind us, and 23% are not sure. Just 33% of Rasmussen’s respondents still believe our country’s best days lie ahead. Last November, around the time of the 2020 Presidential Election, 47% expressed optimism about the future. And the pollsters note that in April of 2019 when Donald Trump was president, a similar survey showed that 57% of voters were optimistic about the future.

Similarly, a Gallup Poll assessment of the confidence among the electorate shows that trust in the government’s ability to handle international and domestic problems has fallen to record lows. Gallup noted that “Perhaps contributing to this year’s depressed government ratings, the poll was conducted just after the U.S. military completed the evacuation of more than 120,000 people from Afghanistan in what the highest-ranking U.S. military officer called a “logistical success, but a strategic failure.”

When Mr. Biden and his fellow Democrats took over the administration of our government in January, they must have thought their dream had come true. But that dream quickly turned into a nightmare.

He created a crisis even before his election. During his campaign, the would-be president Biden and his party suggested that they were determined to open our borders, and the notion echoed throughout the world of the undocumented– the innocents and miscreants alike, including potential terrorists and drug dealers.

In fact, as soon as he was nominated, hordes of illegal migrants began to assemble caravans anxiously awaiting Biden’s election so that they could begin moving toward our southern borders. They saw the new president as a gentler, kinder border guard than was President Trump. It didn’t take long after his election for them to storm our gates, and they continued to come in the ensuing months in record-breaking numbers — more than 143,000 a month on average. In July, the border authorities reported that 212,672 of them were taken into custody, the largest number of monthly apprehensions in more than two decades.

So, what did our Commander in Chief do? He assigned his Vice President Kamala Harris to be his “immigration Czarina.” She quickly showed her ineptitude, chuckling away through media encounters and accomplishing absolutely nothing.

Then came President Biden’s most infamously famous moment: his cowardly and disastrous withdrawal of our combat forces from Afghanistan, which left behind American citizens and tens of thousands of Afghan citizens who had aided the allied forces in our 20-year war there. Those who were left behind faced the threat of torture and death from their new Taliban overseers. It was an “I give up” moment that was decidedly un-American.

But it ain’t over. There’s the not-so-inconsequential matter of his $3.5 trillion spending plan– a give-in to the progressive socialist elements within his party. It shook up even his most faithful independent members of his fan club, who were demoralized by his lack of fiscal responsibility, not just for its potential to bankrupt the nation. It contains giveaways galore for citizens who beg for handouts in a country known for its “I’ll do it myself grit.”

So, is it any wonder that Americans are disillusioned, as the polls suggest. Indeed, the Biden-Harris honeymoon was over even before it began.