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The Attack on Trump and Two Lasting Images

Posted on Sunday, July 14, 2024
by David P. Deavel

Former President Donald Trump is surrounded by Secret Service agents at a campaign rally July 13, 2024, in Butler, Pennsylvania. | Evan Vucci/AP

A prediction: two images will survive from July 2024. The first, an image of proper pride, was captured by photographer Evan Vucci. It manages to capture dignity, guts, that fighting spirit the ancient Greeks called thumos, and the particular pluck that belongs to Americans. It depicts Donald Trump, bloodied from an assassin’s bullet that grazed, but did not split, his head while he spoke in Butler, Pennsylvania. Having been pushed down by Secret Service agents, he stands again, raising a fist with Old Glory flying defiantly behind him. We know from the video that he is shouting, “Fight! Fight! Fight!” before being whisked off to the medical authorities (as seen above).

The other image represents everything that has gone wrong with leftist Democratic politics in the last decade—at least. It is the cover of the once venerable, but now despicable, New Republic. It depicts Donald Trump as Adolf Hitler, with “American Fascism” written in a Germanic script below the picture. History doesn’t have an arc, as the so-called progressives like to say, but if there is any just rendering of our times, this second image will be seen in the way that vile depictions of black Americans or Jews are now—as an instantly recognizable image of a political culture that has gone desperately wrong.   

The full facts behind the assassination attempt on Donald Trump are far from in, but this much can be said: the attempt on Trump’s life took place in a climate of political hatred of which that New Republic cover will remain an enduring symbol. The claim that Donald Trump is a fascist, a Nazi, or a would-be Hitler might seem ridiculous and even funny if it were not for the events that precipitated our first picture. After all, given Mr. Trump’s Jewish grandchildren and his record of wholehearted support for Israel—including the fulfillment of the long-desired moving of the U. S. Embassy to Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem—if he were the man of the tiny mustache, he would be the worst Hitler ever!

Indeed, it’s all a bunch of hooey. There is nothing even remotely tyrannical about Donald Trump. We know that from his first term. When media, large portions of the medical community, and our vast bureaucracy were whipping the populace into fear about Covid-19, there were a great many political figures who used the pandemic to seize a form of tyrannical power over American businesses and private lives. They were almost all Democratic office holders or bureaucrats: California’s Gavin Newsom, Illinois’s J. B. Pritzker, Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer, and Minnesota’s Tim Walz were some of the provincial governors who made their historical predecessors seem less invasive and more honest.

Indeed, if there remains a criticism of Donald Trump from his first term, it is that maybe he should have done more to override these petty dictators and their courts full of social workers and neurotic doctors aching to command the movements of ordinary Americans. But he leaned on the federal understanding of our country and allowed red and blue state governments to exercise authority.

Trump was and is no Hitler or Mussolini. He wasn’t a Nero, a Caligula, or a Genghis Khan. He was and is no tyrant at all. 

Nor are any of the other Republicans serving in any office anywhere.

But that has not stopped the Left and Democrats from labeling them so. Given the lack of historical grounding, they haven’t gone for Roman, Mongol, or even Italian labels. It’s Germany all the way down. They have been labeling Republican presidential candidates since the distinctly non-threatening Wendell Wilkie as would-be Hitlers until they lose or move out of the White House. And over eighty years, they have spoken to enough ignoramuses and ideologues to have convinced some of them to take seriously such ridiculous claims.

Over the last decade, actual attacks on Republicans have become almost a regular event as the left has boasted about their willingness to “punch Nazis.” A Bernie Bro shot up a field full of Republican Congressmen and managed to nearly kill Representative Steve Scalise. There was an assassination attempt on New York Congressman Lee Zeldin. An enraged neighbor attacked Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, breaking several of his ribs. An attempt to assassinate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was foiled. This is not even to mention the widespread riots of 2016 (after Trump’s election) and, most significantly, 2020.

Not only have Democrats failed to denounce this violence strongly enough, but they have also been reckless in creating a climate in which the unbalanced or criminals will find a kind of license to act. They did nothing about the left-wing protests held at Supreme Court justices’ homes, despite the fact that such intimidation of our independent judiciary is illegal and that that plot to kill Brett Kavanaugh happened two years ago.

These days, almost every Democratic politician and media surrogate tells the American people regularly that Donald Trump and the Republicans are “an existential threat” or a “threat to our democracy.” Perhaps even that a victory by them would mean “an end to elections.” Joe Biden’s communications team regularly has Joe tweeting that Trump is a “tyrant” and calling for him to be put in a “bullseye.” Democratic Congressman Dan Goldman declared to talk show host Jen Psaki that Trump was such a threat that he must be “eliminated.”

Of course, from the perspective of a ruling class whose puppet president seems to have broken most of his strings, there is an existential threat to their own ability to stay on top. A Trump Administration II would be much more capable of facing the onslaught of the deep state, about which current defenders of Joe Biden are busy insisting both that it doesn’t exist and is also really taking care of things. So, no worry if the Big Guy thinks Zelensky is Putin, Trump is Kamala, and he himself is the first black woman vice president.

After nearly nine years of demonization, Donald Trump is holding steady in the polls, Joe Biden is barely sentient, and there are no solid replacements for him readily available. Existential threat indeed. Thus, there must be enough demonization to justify the pseudo-legal and extra-legal maneuvers involved in the lawfare and the attempts to “fortify” the election in various battleground states. (More on this next week.)

But even this is considerably different from what some people will hear when Trump is called an “existential threat” to be “eliminated.” They might think that our own country or their own lives are at stake. And people who believe their lives are at stake do desperate things. Democrats in power are responsible for what these people might do, especially if proposing, as they did a mere two months ago, to strip President Trump’s Secret Service protection. Especially not when the Secret Service director has recently refused a request for a beefed-up security detail.

Given that the Democrats have been involved in massive lawfare to stop Donald Trump, such patterns of political and administrative behavior, when combined with their rhetoric, will make many people start to wonder just how grave the consequences of their conduct have been and will be in the future.

President Trump survived his own assassination attempt. But an innocent man died, and two were critically injured. This violence must be laid at the foot of those who did it, whatever their direct motivation was. But what must also be discussed is the conduct of the Left and the Democrats and their media adjuncts, who have used words and actions that dangerous people will take as a signal to do violence on their behalf. This must be challenged over and over again.

 We should indeed hear that warning in every speech. As we hear it, we should see that New Republic cover held in the hand as if it were a piece of filth, a symbol of the rhetorical violence that helps produce real political violence. The kind of violence that leaves ordinary Americans out to support their candidate dead and wounded.

But we should see too that picture of Donald Trump, standing beneath the flag, fists in the air, ready to fight against the forces that are tearing our country apart. Whatever some want to say of Donald Trump, he is no tyrant nor dictator. He is an American patriot who served his country faithfully in the office of the presidency. God willing, he will serve it again. Not on behalf of that class who believe they are born to rule. On behalf of ordinary Americans who are tired of being classified as extremists, tired of being told they are the dangerous ones, even as the violence breaks out against them and those who represent them.

David P. Deavel teaches at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas. A past Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute, he is a Senior Contributor at The Imaginative Conservative. Follow him on X @davidpdeavel.

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8 months ago

God bless President Trump, A Great American Patriot!

Constable 12
Constable 12
8 months ago

Donald Trump was the most circumscribed president in American History. He couldn’t visit the men’s room without some Lieutenant Colonel phoning it in to the Washington Post.
Given a corrupt and biased media, an entrenched and hostile bureaucracy, limited control of Congress, liberal jurists (particularly in the DC Circuit), embedded opposition in his own party and unending opposition from a large and vocal chorus of election-deniers, it is incredible Trump got anything done, much less the massive amount of positive things he did accomplish.
Me? I eagerly await Act II.

8 months ago

In Dallas in ’63 they called it a climate of hatred and violence and blamed it on the “right wing” before they caught the “shooter”. Now the media is trying to blame “both sides”. Nice try.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
8 months ago

Very good article David ,right to the point, truthful, The history you presented adds something important to all of this — This assassination attempt on Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania will be regarded as one of the most important events in recent American history, Thank God he survived it. President Trump showed his courage and leadership qualities during this incident and he set a good example of how to deal with this kind of situation — honorably . An inspiration for right thinking people here in the United States and in other places around the world. Well done in presenting this article David it will help keep the Nation on the right course .

Barry Obummer, Kenyan By Birth
Barry Obummer, Kenyan By Birth
8 months ago

TRUMP 2024

8 months ago

While I agree with the author’s premises, I’d like to address the use of the phrase “ordinary Americans”. By saying some of us are “ordinary”, that presupposes that others are “extraordinary”, or deserving of special dispensation, honor, or respect. In America, no one person is more important than another in the eyes of the law, in the intent of the Constitution. We are all “equal”.

On the attempted assassination of President Trump, biden was uncharacteristically gracious. Still, on some of the MSM reports, Trump is blamed for “having brought this on himself”. And, of course, because the socialist democrats have used terms such as “target”, “bull’s eye”, and “harass”, they are encouraging their supporters to carry out their wishes without having to face the law themselves. That’s reprehensible, cowardly, and very telling. Vote those people out of government!

This behavior is to be expected of the democrats, who remind me of the grade school kid sniveling in the cloak room because he wasn’t chosen for the team. So, he lashes out, calling others names…and never does anything to make himself more likeable or useful. He just keeps digging that grave deeper and deeper. How far can the dems go? Do they realize how silly and small they look to the citizenry? This is so beneath the dignity of a public servant when all of us should rally around the safety of all Americans, decry the actions of the criminal few, and strive to get back to a sense of normalcy we expect as Americans.

The further we stray from the original intent of the Constitution, the faster our society will wither. I think that’s why Trump mouthed, “Fight. Fight. Fight”, as he was removed to safety.

8 months ago

“Trump was and is no Hitler or Mussolini. He wasn’t a Nero, a Caligula, or a Genghis Khan. He was and is no tyrant at all….But that has not stopped the Left and Democrats from labeling them so.”

That’s what the shrinks call “projecting.”

Jim H.
Jim H.
8 months ago

David is one hell of a writer, a real journalist he is one of a dyeing breed. Well done David Well done!

8 months ago

I remain dumbfounded at what seems to be the utter failure, either through stupidity or deliberate action, on the part of all Secret Service people involved. At first, I admired the speed with which they covered Trump, and how they all interposed their bodies between more shots. But then, I began to wonder — the blond SS female was too short to be protecting his head. He was exposed too many times — I know, he raised up and raised his fist, but before and after, his head was visible too much. Then, the female SS agent by the SUV — she couldn’t holster her weapon without looking, so kept it out. She also is not very physically fit, and is much shorter than the male agents. It also took too much time for them to get him off the stage. I read it took 2 minutes, but that seems a minute too long? Where were the line of sight barriers? Why wasn’t there agents on every roof top? A drone should have been up, or a helicopter. Trump’s reaction is probably what saved him.

Socratic Thought
Socratic Thought
8 months ago

Jan. 6 Committee Chair Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) proposed legislation that would deny Secret Service protection for any “convicted felon”. It was just in time for guess who? A Thompson staffer posted yesterday that the shooter should “take better aim.” “The appled does not fall far from the tree.”

8 months ago

You forgot about Maxine Waters’ incendiary directive for all Democrats to confront Republicans in restaurants, stores, and on the streets. Schumer’s threat to the Supreme Court Justices after the Roe v Wade decision. The Dems are dangerous

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
8 months ago

This assassination attempt on Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania , is one of the most important events in American history, and he survived it, Thank God. he survived it. You wrote a good comment Lieutenant Beale, the right spirit , for sure. President Trump sure showed the right spirit. ! It is great to have the right spirit. — it helps make life worthwhile.

G Morgan
G Morgan
8 months ago

God wants Donald Trump to be President or he wouldn’t have protected him . God cast his Vote for Trump !

8 months ago

Democrats are reprehensible; they are the tyrants.They want individuals of this Constitutional Republic to be servants of the state and to lose their right to self-determination and the liberty protected by the Constitution. They want to lead us down The Road To Serfdom.

James Drouin
James Drouin
8 months ago

I love the fact that democrats, every one of whom is infested with TDS, are coming to realize that Americans are rejecting their ideology … and it’s driving them crazier than they already are!!!

bob farley
bob farley
8 months ago

Never forget!
This is the 2nd known assassination attempt by Democrats on Trump.
The first was when they tried to storm the white house over Memorial Day weekend 2020.

UST '85
UST '85
8 months ago

Thank you for your very insightful article. Patent truth in plain terms. Bonus UST Theology!

8 months ago

I thought the same thing, about Iwo Jima.

8 months ago

Official portrait of POTUS 47 was taken yesterday. Georgia’s mugshot is runner up. “The Resistance,” Lincoln Project, Nevertrump movement are in the garbage bin of History.

8 months ago

Along with the 9-11 Fireman photo. American heroes.

Liz Burns
Liz Burns
8 months ago

The hypocrisy of the left continues!! When will it stop?!? President Trump was charged with a crime because of a speech he gave on Jan 6, 2021 that allegedly incited his supporters to “riot” at the Capitol. Now he survives an assassination attempt because of the rhetoric by the left that many of them are rushing to distance themselves from it! Who will charge the media

8 months ago

Never forget!
This is the 2nd known assassination attempt by Democrats on Trump.
The first was when they tried to storm the white house over Memorial Day weekend 2020.

Socratic Thought
Socratic Thought
8 months ago

Trump inadverently reenacted Teddy Roosevelt’s 1912 assassination attempt in which, after being wounded, TR insisted on finishing his speech, declaring “It takes more than one bullet to stop a bull moose!”

8 months ago

This is a great photo, but there will never be another close to raising the flag at Iwo Jima. That was the real WWII and we should continue to honor the troops that defeated Japan in the Pacific 80 years ago.

Orion Bennett
Orion Bennett
8 months ago

Absolute truth … and yet, I can understand how an unstable mind, hear the constant berating of Trump, called hitler, told if President, will be a dictator, spreading fear, suggesting that Trump in the white house again, will mean WW3 … can spur the unstable mind, to action. What I find most despicable, is the democrats after accusing Trump of being Hitler, a dictator, incapable of being fair and equitable, are via the media, suggesting violence isn’t the answer, and praying to ‘their god’ that Trump survives. I find it hypocritical, to compare Trump to Hitler, and in the same breath, praying that he is okay.

8 months ago

Amac doesn’t need to double down on the rag free press narrative. Missed his head by inches thank God the nutjob kid can’t shoot and how could this nutjob get up on the roof and get rounds off . What kind of security detail was this a bunch of imbeciles?? This writer listed many incidents off violence , murder the nutjobs are committing against Americans and it’s been tolerated. Now with the peaceful protests that caused billions in damage and lives lost I said America you need a brick right between your eyes , now it’s to the point of America you need a bullet between your eyes to wake up . Defend yourself!!! Stop being sheep .

Ray Doyle LFP, WA
Ray Doyle LFP, WA
8 months ago

Anyone that does not see this assassination attempt as a CIA/FBI/DOJ planned operation is nuts. This mentally ill anti republican anti trump nut job did not think this up on his own. They had to kill him so he would not talk.
This assassination attempt was the first of the democrats / Deep state last ditch effort to keep from losing their power.
they know that if trump is elected and the house and senate go to republicans there are a lot of dmeocrats and deep state people going to prison for life. Garland, Majorkas, and obama being on the list. 

8 months ago

If this attempt on his life and the strength he showed immediately after does not prove to all citizens of this country how much he is fighting for all of us, you don’t belong in the United States of America.

8 months ago

I’ve never seen such a large population of intellectual weaklings so transfixed by their alleged fear of just one man… and, that one man is….”the Donald”.
They’ve put so much money and energy into lying about Donald, that it really makes me wonder about the broader state of mental health in the northeastern US.

8 months ago

When is someone with honest authority going to prosecute this conspired assassination attempt to the max???

8 months ago

Let us remember that THE LORD JESUS CHRIST IS WITH TRUMP PROTECTING HIM and will guide him to be Re-elected as our 47th President on Nov 2024 to Finished what he started . Hallelujah !

Bill Cover
Bill Cover
8 months ago

I was glad to see that you decided not to include the second image in your article.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
8 months ago

2 ensure Win for Nov

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

Just read through some of the usual troll posts and you’ll see how deluded they are. I’m going to an impromptu Trump rally at Carson City legislature… hope one of them don’t show up to “save democracy”.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

Who’s the cultist? You’re the ones electing a wooden caricature of a human being who once argued against school segregation warning it would make schools a “racial jungle”. Meh

Mark Well
Mark Well
8 months ago

I’m trying to figure out what a “Germanic script” is.

8 months ago

gets Shot and everyone’s reaction is “eh” lol

ronald reagan
ronald reagan
8 months ago

ron reagan junior for president

8 months ago

Silly you. You think this fubar is gonna stop? They’re desperate & their party brainwashed beyond repair. Keep in mind, these are the people who poisoned their own children with the well documented DECADES of failed clinical trials mRNA turbo cancer boosters. They don’t care that they are the slave owning master Nazi oven escort.

aarp fan
aarp fan
8 months ago

the republican base is eventually going to reject trump when they find a younger further right alternative, someone who pushes harder on conservative issues and hates democrats even more

8 months ago

Trump is an existential threat to Democrazy.

Bone Spurs
Bone Spurs
8 months ago

Political violence has not been restricted to the left as this article implies and Donald Trump has been at the heart of encouraging its rise, from praising the “very fine people” at Charlottesville, to channeling violence against the press and protesters at his rallies, to laughing about the hammer attack against 80 year old Paul Pelosi. So, he was brave under fire yesterday and no doubt that will win him many undecideds. If he hadn’t avoided military service he might have risked a bullet for his country much earlier, just like the many war heroes he’s ridiculed over the years.

8 months ago

Shooter was a registered Republican. And JD Vance once called Trump Americas Hitler

Hud Home pole sign. LAS VEGAS NEVADA - June 3: Hud Home sign in a suburban neighborhood on June 3, 2011 in Las Vegas Nevada. HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is a department of the government responsible for a number of federal housing agencies and programs.
Handcuffs on the floor at night. Open handcuffs on the street pavement at night with police car lights / high contrast image
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