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The Art Of The Choke: How Kamala Harris’ Dumpster Fire Of A CNN Interview Indicates That She’s Not Presidential Material

Posted on Tuesday, September 3, 2024
by Paul Ingrassia

The takeaway of any honest viewer of Kamala Harris’ much-lambasted interview with CNN’s Dana Bash this past week is that of someone overwhelmed – burdened, one might say – by the stresses of campaigning, and for that reason, wholly unsuited to the office that she seeks.  Even though the Left would beg to differ, one can still level a criticism against a so-called “person of color” that is not based on race or gender, but rather, stands alone as an objective assessment of the candidate’s performance. 

In terms of conviction, Harris cut the opposite of the image of a confident leader.  The fact that she needed Tim Walz with her in tow, who has been needled by the press as “Kamala’s comfort dog” – someone who is supposed to provide assurance for a candidate palpably in over her head, is hardly the look of a strong, independent woman.  Rather than be the change candidate, the impression was a candidate ill-equipped in every possible way to take on the solemn and sober duties of the highest political office in the land.  Not a good look for a president.

Kamala’s uncertainty began with her non-responses, which invariably devolved into “word salads” of jumbled and confused thoughts, decoupled from specifics on policy or anything resembling a novel or coherent line of reasoning.  This was immediately on display when Bash pressed Harris on her pivot on several policies, especially fracking.  In 2020, as a Democratic candidate for president, Harris ran on a platform of banning the practice unilaterally.  Her change now is obviously born of political expediency, plain and simple.  Everyone knows this gambit: she is desperately trying to pander to crucial voters in Pennsylvania and other rustbelt states, whose economies so heavily depend on the oil and gas industries.  Only a fool would deny that incontestable fact.  So too would a fool believe Kamala at her word, and think she has come to a genuine change of heart on that issue. 

Luckily, most people aren’t fools. This was evident by the downward trends in prediction markets and major pollsters, which had Kamala Harris riding the wave of a manufactured “honeymoon period” narrative in the weeks after Joe Biden was forced out of the race. The fallout of the CNN debacle was swift and unforgiving: Polymarket, a betting platform, which had Kamala leading Donald Trump before the CNN interview, immediately reverted to having the 45th President ahead once again.

Nate Silver, a left-leaning pollster who created FiveThirtyEightalso yielded a forecast model that gave Donald Trump a five point advantage over his opponent in taking the electoral college. These polls and prediction markets indicate that Americans can detect a choke and bullsh*t artist when they see one, and Kamala Harris, whose acted out the Art of the Choke in realtime on CNN, came across in the worst possible way: an unapologetic liar, willing to say anything — including adopting President Trump’s own policies, and rhetoric — to get herself elected.

This is especially true given her previous, well-documented devotion to the Cult of Climate Science, which was zealous and extreme. In 2020, if it were up to her, she would have wiped the oil and gas producers off the face of the planet.  Now, of course, her handlers tell her to speak out of both sides of her mouth to pander to what they hope are gullible voters.  This explains Kamala’s garbled answer to Bash, professing that her “values have not changed,” even though she now, apparently, supports fracking – at least until November 5th.

Will Pennsylvania voters buy this?  They certainly should not.  Her explanations – paired with her off-putting, holier-than-thou attitude – simply do not make sense to anyone with an IQ above room temperature (and probably even to those below the mendoza line).  That apparently wasn’t enough. Incredulously from there, Kamala doubled down. She went on to actually describe Joe Biden as an “intelligent man,” multiple times.  This is where, of course, Kamala’s dishonesty was most illuminating: here she revealed her cards as a classic case of the lady doth protest too much.  Kamala’s lies are so brazen as to be unbelievable.

Unlike Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama before her, and to a lesser extent, Joe Biden (at least when he was still semi-sentient), Kamala is a very poor student in the art of duplicity.  She wouldn’t even likely register as an amateur by most counts.  For these reasons, her falsehoods became immediately apparent, so much so that you could almost – almost – forgive the scandalously biased Bash, representing her scandalously biased network, for not interrogating the Democratic candidate further on the nonsense.  Anyone with a pulse could detect it. 

And if her lies somehow weren’t already obvious by the shiftiness of her responses, they should have been discerned by her repeated self-contradictions that riddled virtually every answer she mouthed, eroding the last of her credibility. The clearest case of this being her insistence that Joe Biden was – and remains – an intelligent(!) man, implying that he is still capable of remaining in office as president while she campaigns, even though he was ousted in a coup – of which dear Kamala dutifully played a significant part as co-conspirator – because of his lack of mental marbles.  But heaven forbid Kamala be asked to campaign and govern as president at the same time. Don’t black (Indian? Who knows!) women already bear enough of the world’s burdens! Heck, in her “warped” worldview, such an ask would be tantamount to a hate crime!

If not that, what other explanation does Kamala Harris have for why she, and not ol’ Joe, was sitting before Dana Bash for an interview about hers – not his —presidential campaign? Alas, Dana Bash conveniently forgot to ask! Maybe Joe’s amnesia is contagious and infected every mainstream network!

Democrats naturally love to dress up the July coup resulting in Biden’s ouster in language to the effect of “Joe stepped down for the good of the country,” characterizing it as a noble act of sacrifice and heroism, which the press, in turn, seems to always accept as an incontrovertible article of faith.  They never fail to overlook the most natural follow-up, namely: what on earth caused Joe to step down, a little over three and a half months out from the most consequential election in modern American history, after being adamant about not doing so for months on end, in the first place? 

Intelligence and terminal dementia normally do not go hand-in-hand.  But Kamala’s repeated insistence that Joe Biden is “intelligent,” “so smart” and “very strong” transmits the obvious truth that he’s in fact not any of those things. He is utterly incapable of handling the duties of his post because he does not have the mental capabilities to do so. 

It’s a dead giveaway that a politician is lying when they must repeatedly describe an elderly man riven by dementia — now recognized universally — as “smart” and “intelligent,” both descriptions standing as attacks on reason and observable reality itself.  The truth is that Kamala aided and abetted the fraud of the century: Joe Biden’s senility. This fraud gravely endangers the entire national security of the country, all done to avoid a connection to that fraud – which, of course, is still ongoing. 

That Kamala then had the audacity to say Biden, who unleashed hordes of illegal aliens into our country, helped restore our “sovereignty” and “territorial integrity” – and, on top of that, claim that the number of immigrants “has actually reduced” – takes the art of lying to a whole new, absurd level.  Adding insult to injury, she meshed her lies in an exceedingly dismissive and shamelessly condescending tone throughout. 

Acting like CNN was an adversarial outlet – and the mere act of asking questions to her, as coddled up as they were, somehow crossed the line of professionalism, indicates a deeply insecure person who is easily rattled, even in a forum as cloyingly friendly as CNN’s no doubt is. In the past, this would disqualify a person’s candidacy, no questions asked, because an inability to handle a painstakingly easy, softball interview demarcates the bare minimum of what a president is expected to do.

Could you imagine a person with Kamala’s exceptionally weak character and disposition dealing with Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Bashar al-Assad or Kim Jong-un?  Of course not!  Her dismissive tone betrays a fundamental ignorance about the high responsibilities of the presidency, or – maybe even worse – showcases a callous indifference to its importance, an importance which includes its venerable history and the lofty standards, imposed by tradition, upon each and every one of its officeholders. 

While it’s true that it’s been a long time coming, with the exception of Donald Trump’s four year stint, in which the presidential incumbent truly lived up to the majesty of the office, it is indisputable that if, God forbid, someone like Kamala Harris were to ever occupy that position, for all intents and purposes the United States of America would be over.  She harbors nothing but scorn, disdain, and resentment for the office, and callous disregard — in the form of her odious sense of entitlement — for the institutions enshrined by our Constitutional form of government. 

It’s one thing to be ignorant of history, but it’s another thing entirely to be apathetic of our cultural traditions and customs – not even pretending to care to learn more or so much as try to relate to your constituents in a meaningful, indeed human, way.  Wisdom is found in admitting one’s ignorance; Kamala Harris strikes the portrait of a cutthroat politician, full of pride and hubris and complete disregard for the well-being of those over whom she seeks — intends — to rule. 

Her election would be a national disgrace and unmitigated disaster on so many fronts. Kamala’s interview with CNN reaffirms this fact – and again, not that it was needed, but underscores the extremely high stakes of this presidential election, the most important in generations. One that will determine whether the United States of America will go on, or succumb to pride and ignorance, the perennial sins that have brought mightier civilizations than ours to ruin. With candidates like Kamala Harris, who are we to believe we will not escape a similar fate?

A slightly modified version of this piece was originally published in The Gateway Pundit, and can be found here.

Paul Ingrassia is an Attorney; Communications Director of the NCLU; a two-time Claremont Fellow, and is on the Board of Advisors of the New York Young Republican Club and the Italian American Civil Rights LeagueHe writes a widely read Substack that is regularly posted on Truth Social by President Trump. Follow him on X @PaulIngrassiaSubstackTruth SocialInstagram, and Rumble.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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6 months ago

Harris looked like a schoolgirl who was dragged to a parent/teacher conference by her father. She had the same success during the interview that I saw from so many of my students when they believed they could hoodwink their parent and me.

6 months ago

This whole election scenario reeks of “something rotten in Denmark “. Even in the likely event that Trump is elected, the deep state will not stop persecuting (or prosecuting) him. We have to be prepared for anything to happen.

6 months ago

bet she choked more than a few times in her other occupation

6 months ago

Waltz was Harris chaperone

6 months ago

Agree that the H-W team is not great material, but I have observed some 2020 Trump supporters are now supporting this election with H-W signs in their yard. This very disturbing trend for a mostly Republican area.

6 months ago

How did K pass the bar? Giggle?
They keep her off microphones for a reason. She is frighteningly uninformed and seems a dim light. Giggling will not bring us peace, global leadership or fiscal responsibility. Democrats spend… more to other nations than our own people.
This racial pandering with weird accents and arm swinging is insulting to all.

I Love Freedom
I Love Freedom
6 months ago

You don’t know what you don’t know. Even more she doesn’t want to learn.”My values have not changed”. She does not value honesty or fairness.

6 months ago

She was never competent to hold the position as VPOTUS. Biden chose her only because she was a female and claimed to be black as one of his campaign promises. For him competency was not an issue!

Hugh Johnson
Hugh Johnson
6 months ago

The sad thing is that Kameltoe and Tampon Tim could have held a FARTING contest all though the interview and people would still vote for them!

6 months ago

Bottom line: the dupes and dolts who vote dem dont care about any of this. The shadow government wants her as potus so they can rule from out of sight. Shes perfect for that purpose. Hopeful sign: where i live there are about ten % of the biden harris signs this time four yrs ago.

Nora Coyle
Nora Coyle
6 months ago

Harris is no better than Biden

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
6 months ago

Harris was the insurance policy, and a good one as we can now see, a tool for not impeaching Biden for 3-plus years even though he clearly deserved to be. Now, she is a tool used by Biden to stick it to Obama and Pelosi for them backstabbing him. A real poop show.

6 months ago

Ms. Harris has never demonstrated the qualities of management or leadership required with a demanding position such as POTUS-nor the integrity expected. I cannot figure why she has been put in this untenable situation-surely her party has alternatives?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

Withering under that paddy-fingers interview? No wonder she won’t go on a REAL confrontational interview like Trump and Vance will.

Nora Coyle
Nora Coyle
6 months ago

The criminal Venezuelan gang should go hang out at Harris‘s and tampon Tim’s house!

anna hubert
anna hubert
6 months ago

Is she being used by the left as an instrument of a mental torture and at the last minute be replaced or is this nightmare a reality?

Donald Reed
Donald Reed
5 months ago

When voting for president of USA, which is the largest business in the world, consider the qualifications. Can you imagine Ford, Chrysler, or General Motors hiring a president with no experience in successful business?

6 months ago

Thank you Mr Ingrassia for a very well written and highly accurate article.Harris is indeed a modern day Jessebel,warts and all!

6 months ago

It doesn’t matter how bad she looks. The clapping seals will vote for anybody who is not Trump, period. You could reincarnate Stalin and put him against Trump, and the clapping seals would vote for Stalin. Also, and more importantly, all the previous illegal aliens and the millions of new ones will vote for her. That is what will steal the election, again. They were wearing Biden shirts, south of the border when he was “elected” and they are coaching them on who to vote for once they get over the border. On top of that, before they are released into the US they are given instructions, by order of Biden, on how to register to vote. The fix is in and unfortunately is going to stay in. We are done as a country until maybe a hundred years from now they finally get fed up with communism.

Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
6 months ago

In the spirit of Better Days Ahead – that is the way these days before the election in November should be regarded as it will help in keeping a healthy outlook and positive thoughts.about the direction America will be headed.People who value principles ,who believe in the Declaration of Independence ,the Bill of Rights of the Constitution are the people who will make things right again – after the storm and the disaster it brought with it – referring to the Democrat administration – passes as all storms do.. So the things that need to be fixed and the qualities that define good character , honor, honesty ,integrity ,courage ,loyalty will be at the foundation of a new administration the Conservative principles generate optimism and that is something very good.With a Republican administration the Conservative outlook will be able to have a needed influence on American culture and the idea ,the values of Faith, Family and Freedom will set the Nation on. the right course again.

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