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Speak the Truth and Close the Deal, GOP

Posted on Sunday, October 30, 2022
by David P. Deavel

AMAC Exclusive – By David P. Deavel

It’s time for Republicans to close the deal with the American people in this election. They have the opportunity, they have candidates showing the way, and they have some great campaign spots. 

The opportunity is surely there. USA Today poll results released on October 27 showed Republicans winning on a generic congressional ballot 49%-45%. This was quite the turnaround from their July poll showing Democrats winning 44-40. Even more remarkable were the numbers for black and Hispanic voters. While Donald Trump made a breakthrough in getting 12% of black voters in 2020, right now 21% plan to vote GOP in the midterms. And 40% of Hispanic voters nationwide lean red. Given the Democrats’ reliance on supermajorities of these two groups, the GOP’s pick-ups there look good for taking both House and Senate.

And they are. While some establishment Republicans have complained about candidates this term, the fact is that many of the boldest ones are looking more impressive. Michigan gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon’s direct responses to reporters about the rights of parents to control their children’s education (among other topics) are responsible for her moving within three points of Gretchen Whitmer on the RealClearPolitics average.

In Arizona, gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake and Senate candidate Blake Masters are both surging. Lake now polls between four and eleven points ahead and Masters is polling dead even with incumbent Democrat Mark Kelly after being written off a few weeks ago. Both have gone after biased media outlets and Democrats on the main issues of the economy, crime, border security, and children’s health. And both have been picking up large support from Hispanic voters, who make up about one in five Arizona voters.

Masters’ surge has been advanced both by his own plain speech and by ad buys from the Frontiers of Freedom PAC, whose ads AMAC Newsline readers learned about this week in Seamus Brennan’s column. The ads are targeting the Democratic media complex itself for its covering up Democratic illegal behavior and responsibility for the current state of affairs while pushing conspiracy theories such as the Russian Collusion Hoax. They are also attacking Democratic incumbents Mark Kelly (Arizona), Richard Blumenthal (Connecticut), Maggie Hassan (New Hampshire), and Catherine Cortez-Masto (Nevada) for their consistent voting for the insane left-wing policies pushed by Chuck Schumer as a result of his (and, we might add, Joe Biden’s) willingness to cater to the ideological whims of the farthest left wing of his party.

These two-minute ads have been successful because they hit at exactly what is bothering Americans: a complete lack of trust in media institutions and the reality that Democratic politicians like the above are willing to vote for crazy policies because they were promised by Schumer that they would not be primaried if they went along the primrose leftist path he set out for them. That they have supported the massive inflation-exacerbating spending bills, the attacks on democratic institutions, and the transformation of our nation’s schools and military to weak and woke shadows of their former selves is shocking.

Yet vote with Biden they do—Catherine Cortez-Masto votes with Biden 93% of the time. And, shockingly enough, she supports mandatory “gender counseling” for children that aims at “affirming” adoptions of gender identities that don’t match their sex. Given what we know about Democratic initiatives in other states on these issues to give minors the right to puberty blockers and even surgery—in California, successful, while in Michigan, up for a vote in Proposition 3—it’s no wonder Hispanic voters are turning away from the Democrats. The Nevada ad smartly adds a Spanish-language banner noting that 93% of Hispanics oppose this mandatory gender counseling.     

Masters has also made this point an issue, tweeting that he “opposes child sex-changes” while “Mark Kelly does not.” While his Twitter feed is filled with woke white people’s rage, the numbers don’t lie. Masters also tweeted this week a CNN story about his growing Hispanic support with the message: “Latinos don’t want high inflation, open borders, violent crime, or fentanyl pouring into their communities. That’s why they’re voting Republican in November, for a better future. ¡Vote Blake Masters este 8 de noviembre! ¡Salvemos Arizona!”

No, they do not want any of these things. Nor do ordinary Americans of any race. And the more Democrats try to, in the words of Nancy Pelosi, “change the subject” from issues like inflation, crime, border security, and their children’s health and future, the more people will look elsewhere for leaders who will focus on these basic issues to represent them.

Republicans have the opportunity and many of them are taking advantage of it. Let any who are struggling to stay above water in their races follow the examples above. Speak the truth about what matters and catch the red wave. Voters know the stakes and want to “save America.” If you want to do that, you’ll close the deal.

David P. Deavel is an associate professor of theology at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas, and a senior contributor at The Imaginative Conservative.  

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Edward Hackett
Edward Hackett
2 years ago

I am a Christian Conservative, and have been praying for our Country for years. I want this year to be the one where we turn things around.
Just beware that nearly half of our Country will fight us. No matter what their reason, Christian values are their target.

2 years ago

Whether you’re religious or non-religious, the same color as I am or not, rich or poor, community-minded or preferring solitude, urban or rural, the only sensible option in the upcoming elections for this beautiful and diverse country is to vote for Republicans.

Issues of major concern for everyone are:

  • securing the border and deporting the gate crashers
  • getting inflation under control and the economy thriving
  • throwing criminals in jail and keeping them there, supporting police, and strengthening the courts and rule of law
  • preventing fentanyl from killing 100,000+ people each year
  • declaring China an outcast for using weapons of mass destruction (fentanyl, Covid-19). At least, remove their most favored nation status. Fire Fauci. Find out what kind of research the NIH is funding.
  • properly educating our youth
  • adopting practical solutions to the energy crisis
  • maintaining a strong military and strengthening alliances with other nations
  • paying down the national debt
  • holding media accountable for the lies they tell every day

Instead, the democrats think we should be concerned with:

  • pronouns we choose to describe ourselves. Students are getting expelled for not using the “proper” pronoun some kid has chosen for himself…or them…or him/her. Ridiculous.
  • LGBTQCis+ and all the rest. Some things are better off kept private. I’m not saying you should hide, but declaring your sexual preference should not be the next thing you say after “Hi. I’m Jack.” Narcissistic.
  • critical race theory, really stupid courses taught in schools, and supporting overly powerful teachers’ unions. Your children are your children; don’t let public education mold them into socialist clones.
  • exposing young grade schoolers to highly sexualized materials and drag queens parading down the hallways. School counselors consulting with young teens can push for gender reassignment surgery without parents’ consent. How dare they? How dare they?
  • making us taxpayers reimburse students for their college loans
  • allowing abortions to the time of birth and afterward
  • killing the economy by putting fossil fuels off limits, while offering a few thousand bucks’ rebate if you buy an electric vehicle. Who can afford to fill the tank these days let alone plunk down $60-100K for an EV?
  • blaming everyone else for inflation: Putin, Ukraine, Republicans, climate change, gas stations, corporate greed, and, yes, lately biden’s blaming brand-name products

What a screwed up nonsensical time we’re living in. It seems as though we’re dealing with frivolities as issues of national importance and doddering old fools in government. No one on that side is serious. I can’t wait to get back to being “ordinary” instead of this Alice-in-wonderland non-reality.

2 years ago

Just imagine how much farther ahead in the polls and the public’s perception we would be if the likes of Mitch McConnell and the other Deep Staters weren’t withholding financial support to all the candidates you’ve mentioned in this article. It’s bad enough having to fight against the lies and smears of the Demcrats and their allies in the MSM, but the last thing we should have to contend with is back-stabbing RINOs and self-serving political hacks, who claim they know better than the American public that put them in those comfortable Washington seats in the first place.

2 years ago

What it’s really time for Republicans to do grow a pair.

2 years ago

All tell you what , I voted for Republicans for the president in 2020 , I belive that most Americans with common since did, and we all knew that Biden and his incompetent lieing democrackheads were gonna jack up this country to no means. They were given a chance to do whats right, and their far fetched lies , shutting down oil production, open borders, the economy, letting drag queens pedophiles teach the children of America to become the opposite sex in our schools with out a parents consent , murdering the innocent, starting riots thru out the country, the Afghanistan blunder, the list just goes on they had their chance and they filled this country full of evil for their gain. America has become the laughing stalk of the world. We have shown how weak America can be . I feel now its the Republicans turn turn to STAND UP AND SHINE with integrity, and morals, with God in the center of America, and if they can’t do it we will terminate them and get someone who can run this country right.

2 years ago

I am a right-leaning Independent living in the great state of GA – a swing state. I previously commented that the Republicans need to move away from Trumpism for moderates like myself to support the party. Well, often on sites like this one I have been downvoted or laughed at. Further, Republicans nominated an insane candidate like Herschel Walker in GA. Guess what: I voted early; I voted for the Democrat Warnock. As far as the Governor goes, I voted for Kemp as he is a rational Republican. I do not know who will win for the Senate race but if the Democrat wins the Republicans like y’all are here will have only yourselves to blame: promote saner people if you want to win.

And, by the way, if you promote Trump in 2024, I will make sure to vote for a Democrat again. If you promote literally anybody but Trump, I will most likely vote Republican. I hope that DeSantis, Pompeo, or even somebody like Pence can come back and win. Republicans can implement many of the good Trump policies WITHOUT Trump being in the picture. Trump is bad for the Republican party – he screwed up big time.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

If you think it’s Hard living under
try to live on DISABILITY under

Charlotte A Mahin
Charlotte A Mahin
2 years ago

Praying for a huge Congressional win so the Conservatives can at least start stopping the “Progressive” policies from passing. Because of the decades of Democrats indoctrinating our kids, we have way too many uber-left people out there. When the GOP win, they need to stand up and say NO to anything the Dems want to push through and they ALL need to stick together,,,NO RINOS allowed!!

2 years ago

Truth is that the GOP’s Rhinos had a huge hand in everything that is happening. The Rhinos went right along with the liberal democrats attack of Trump by ignoring all the 2020 rigged election evidence and stabbed Trump in the back intentionally. The Rhinos states have to buck up and vote them out because in a lot of ways they are just as bad and corrupt as the liberal democrats.

Joe Rea
Joe Rea
2 years ago

This election is important. Biden has been able to do so much damage to this country and its economy because of the thin Democrat majorities in the House and Senate. Every Democrat member of the House and Senate is responsible. Even if he or she is a good person. Even if he or she claims to be a moderate. If your Democrat Senator or Congressman put Schumer and Pelosi in Leadership they are responsible for this High Inflation, Wasteful Agenda and Disasterous Woke Agenda. This year we must FIRE PELOSI AND FIRE SCHUMER. VOTE LIKE OUR FUTURE AS A FREE AND PROSPEROUS COUNTRY DEPENDS ON IT vote Republican for House Senate Governor Secretary of state and Attorney General.

2 years ago

Republicans!!! It’s time to start beating the ‘get out the vote drum before voters get complacent with all these articles about we’re winning.

Douglas C
Douglas C
2 years ago

Republicans had the opportunity to “close the deal” from 2016 to 2018 when they controlled the House, Senate, and Presidency. They failed spectacularly. Maybe failed is the wrong word. Showed their true colors may be more accurate. There is a globalist Uni-Party cabal only because too many so-called Republicans are true believers and go along. The Dems to a person are all in, but they need help. That makes the Globalist Republicans power brokers in the American Globalist movement. They like that power and have no true American interest at heart. And the Republican Party leadership is more or less OK with this position, as they see themselves as a permanent minority at this time in history. Trump gave them an opportunity to wake from their minority status and they pissed all over him for it.
Winning elections because things are so bad is not a platform. It’s just a coincidence of events that happens to work out, causing the people to temporarily awake from their stupor. I am actually ever hopeful, but I have a well-honed cynical mind-set. The Republicans may well get their Red Wave, but they will have no cohesive plan. I fully expect them to once again squander the opportunity and disappoint us patriots, and two years from now fraudulently bemoan their return to minority status.
Only this time there will be no going back, no saving the American Constitutional Republic.

2 years ago

We have to protect our rights as mature citizens, we worked for it, we earned it, we lived and died for it. Can’t let those “woke” whipper-snappers trample over us, even if they are your grandkids. They have to learn to respect the elderly, our wisdom and experience, love of God, love of country.

2 years ago

Speaking the truth is one thing, getting it past Socialist Media censorship is a whole different challenge! I tried to find a video I had previously seen on YouTube that I wanted to share with a friend, but if course it was taken down since it disagreed with the January 6th committee’s narrative. Instead, my search returned inflammatory rhetoric diametrically opposed to the piece I was looking for, dominated by MSNBC, (BSNBC or MSLSD as some of us call them), which has become more toxic than CNN ever was before it’s decline. Not just a few, but dozens of of what I can only describe as extreme left conspiracy theories basically depicting Republicans as racist, fascist terrorists, you know, the usual hate speech. Demonrats and their media tools have doubled down on amplifying the left while suppressing the right, in hopes of influencing yet another election. It’s like someone flipped a switch, not just to a Socialist Democracy, but full on Communism in the build up to the midterms. Persecution of anyone in favor of Make America Great Again, (of course, Demonrats prefer to destroy America!), has become standard practice and one must dig through piles of manure to find truth anymore! I really think they have pushed their agenda so hard this time that anyone with an IQ higher than room temperature is liable to see through it!

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