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Siggy Flicker Says ‘Trump Was Right’

Posted on Friday, September 2, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Sep 2 — Siggy Flicker, star of the popular TV series The Real Housewives of New Jersey, was “shadow-banned” [silently blocked] for being an outspoken supporter of President Donald Trump. However, her resilience is evident as she remains a publicly unabashed close friend and supporter of the former president.

She also keeps busy as a relationship specialist, matchmaker, and author of Write Your Own Fairy Tale: The New Rules for Dating, Relationships, and Finding Love on Your Terms

Siggy got right to the point at the outset of her recent interview with Rebecca Weber, CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens, on Weber’s Better For America podcast. “‘Trump was right,” she declared. “Being shadow banned and silenced has made me so proud, so loud. I’m smiling from ear to ear because I’ve had the opportunity to be with Donald Trump over a dozen times because my girlfriend, Alina Habba, is his attorney. And about three weeks ago I had dinner with the president in Bedminster, NJ. And, God, do I love this man because there’s one thing that stands between tyranny and the Constitution, and that’s Donald Trump. He loves this country.”

When Siggy came to America, she was 5 years old. Her love for the country has only grown since she grew up and was blessed with opportunities only America can offer. “I was born in Jerusalem and my father ran the Righteous Gentile division at the Holocaust Institute for over 24 years. I’m alive today because a priest during the Holocaust hid my father and his brothers and sisters, helping them escape from Evian, France into Switzerland. So, coming to this country and having the opportunities here that America gave me, not Israel, America, I refuse to turn my back on this country that I love the most, the greatest country in the world.”

These days Siggy is engaged in a variety of activities. She recalled a conversation with Donald Trump in which he asked why a majority of Jewish Americans voted for Biden. It prompted her to take on the position of spokesperson for an organization called, Jews Exiting the Democratic Party (JEXIT). Its purpose, she said, is to explain to Jewish Americans why “the Democrat Party is no longer the party of JFK. This evil party does not love America. They want to destroy America from within. And people like me are out there speaking the truth – [that] Donald Trump went against the establishment. He couldn’t be bought. He can’t be sold. He knows about what they’ve been doing for years and years and years and he’s exposing them.”

In the end, she said, it is the U.S. Constitution that sets America apart from the nations of the world. She said that it is the reason why America is 100% the greatest country in the world.

It “is the Constitution that allows anybody from anywhere in the world, wherever you come from, to succeed. If you walk a straight line, you can obtain the American dream…It doesn’t matter who you are, what color you are, or how much money you have in the bank, you can obtain the American dream if you work hard and walk a straight line. So now that I have the American dream, who am I to turn my back on the greatest country in the world when this country gave me everything that I have today? My future is so much brighter because what I’m doing is going out and speaking on behalf of Donald John Trump.” Siggy was recently invited to be a surrogate at Turning Point USA for Trump where she “spoke to the young leaders of America, the next generation” which she expressed were “beautiful…brilliant… and enthusiastic.” According to Siggy, they are “awake to what’s going on” and give faith to people like her who are fighting for our great country.

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2 years ago

A well written article. Can anyone with average intelligence tell me or show me in the past 30 years any politician of either party getting any real legal recourse against him or her. The only time it does is when they are caught with the proverbial breast in the ringer. All these various writers do Is inflame their political bases and that’s it. Everybody says wait for November, and then what are we do replace one dodo bird with a new dodo bird?

Nick Murphy
Nick Murphy
2 years ago

Jews voting Democrat is as big a mystery as blacks voting Democrat. The Democrats fought integration tooth and nail all the way to the end. They were the ones that unleashed the dogs and turn the fire hoses on the blacks and wanted to keep them all in the back of the bus and now for some reason black vote Democrat. You would think Jews would be against government overreach and oppression after the policies of Nazi Germany. The Democrats are just repeating it. In true Saul Alinsky style they are dividing people pitting them against each other .

Peggy Dierking
Peggy Dierking
2 years ago

Thanks, Siggy!! You are wise beyond your years!!

I recall two comments made by our high school American History teacher:

  1. “Any government that is big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you’ve got!”
  2. “Let George do it . . .” This expression relates to voter apathy and passing the buck for civic responsibility.

BTW: How do people know and understand what their civic responsibilities are if they’re not being taught in our schools? What are our youth being taught? It’s time to knock on doors in your local classrooms, your county school superintendents, your state dept. of educations, and the overgrown U.S. Dept. of Education AND FIND OUT!! ASK, ASK, ASK.

Thanks for reading this.

Peggy D.

Nick Murphy
Nick Murphy
2 years ago

His speech last night had all the earmarks of a Nazi Germany speech. The lighting the angry oration and insisting that trying to make America great is un-American and anybody that wants to do that is a terrorist. Hopefully that will put the last nail in their coffin in the elections in November

2 years ago

I had no idea who Siggy was–never watched “housewives of NJ”–but I love her well-reasoned conviction and enthusiasm for this country and for the one person, Donald Trump, who knows what’s going on in D.C. and can fix it. “Go JEXIT!”

heil biden
heil biden
2 years ago

what i think of his speech last night

Alan Power
Alan Power
2 years ago

I have never understood what the Jewish people saw in the democrat party. In any event, maybe they have realized which side their bread is buttered on.

2 years ago

My observation is that Trump does not really want to run for POTUS in 2024 as he was on radio yesterday saying that if he runs & wins in2024 then he will look at pardons for all of the Jan 6th rioters. What a slap in the face to our judicial system & capitol police that were attacked & injured on that date. Does Trump really want to win the votes of groups like the Proud Boys & Oath keepers & encourage them to attack our democracy.. What is Trump thinking or is he losing it??? Saw a letter the other day that suggest AOC & Tucker Carlson should run for POTUS in 2024. Now that would really be a noisy & amusing debate to watch.

2 years ago

What makes America great is your ability to say or write your opinion and our constitution protects that right. While I totally disagree with your position and hope you come to realize the real world and not a story book utopia. Thank you for you comment.It is always helpful to know your enemies position

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