AMAC Magazine Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan

As Congress readies itself for the August recess, the political landscape has already transformed from the seemingly dire conditions for Republicans last winter. As we head toward the fall, the troubled terrain facing Democrats ahead is becoming clearer by the day. Here are the 7 developments that will define the remainder of 2021, and most likely the midterms next year
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Ensure that all states, not just some, enact election reform legislation to avoid the fiasco of the 2020 elections from being repeated. Any state allowing mass mail-in voting, drop boxes, ballot harvesting, dropping any need to validate voter ID to cast a ballot, etc., is just opening itself up for voter fraud on a massive scale. Once that is done, then you can worry about what issues may or may not shape the 2022 mid-terms. Until then, it is pointless to pontificate over the 2022 elections.
All states should make ballot harvesting ILLEGAL.