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Second Trump Assassination Attempt Deep-Sixes Democrats’ “Democracy” Narrative

Posted on Tuesday, September 17, 2024
by Aaron Flanigan

The first assassination attempt against Donald Trump dealt a serious blow to Democrats’ pursuit of the so-called “democracy issue” in 2024. The second assassination attempt against the former president this weekend may have nixed it for good.

Since Trump announced his re-election bid in 2022, few talking points have been more central to Democrats’ political brand—and to Joe Biden’s now-defunct presidential campaign—than the notion that Trump is a “threat to democracy” and that “democracy is on the ballot.” But following the authoritarian bent of the Biden-Harris administration, Kamala Harris’s decidedly un-democratic ascension to the top of the ticket, and the first attempt on Trump’s life, Democrats had all but ditched the “democracy” schtick.

As many conservatives pointed out following the shooting at Trump’s Pennsylvania rally in July, Democrats’ insistence that Trump’s mere presence in the race is an “existential threat” to democracy encourages the sort of violence that nearly took Trump’s life and did lead to the death of an innocent bystander and the shootings of two others. The Trump campaign itself published more than two dozen instances in which leading Democrats called Trump a “threat to democracy” in the weeks and months leading up to that fateful day.

Now that a second attempt has been made on Trump’s life, conservative cries that elected Democrats’ rhetoric is encouraging this sort of violence have even more credence. Early reports indicate that, like the rally shooter, the individual who tried to assassinate Trump while he was playing golf in Florida was fueled by left-wing partisanship and hatred for Trump.

Moreover, some Democrats, while claiming to be the party “defending democracy,” are now implicitly blaming Trump for the assassination attempts against him. They are outrageously suggesting that Trump brought the attacks on himself by spreading “hateful rhetoric” about illegal aliens – in effect trying to scare their political opponent into not talking about one of his strongest issues with less than two months to go until Election Day.

As such, voters will likely find Democrats’ obsession with the “democracy issue” even less palatable than they did before. Along with encouraging would-be assassins, the Democrat Party is now associated in the eyes of the American people with working in plain sight to imprison their leading political opponent, using bogus legal theories to try to keep him off the ballot, censoring dissenting views on social media, labeling patriotic parents as domestic terrorists, persecuting Christians and pro-life activists, depriving states of their right to manage their own elections, and importing millions of illegal aliens against the will of voters through an open southern border.

Another devastating blow to Democrats’ “democracy” narrative came this summer, when Democrat Party elites unceremoniously disenfranchised 14 million primary voters who cast their ballots for Joe Biden by forcing him out of the race. They then replaced him with someone who had not received a single vote.

After all of these developments, the jig is clearly up. Democrat Party leadership is now forced to grapple with the reality that voters, even loyal Democrats, can no longer possibly buy into their disingenuous “democracy” narrative.

Even the corporate media and left-wing news outlets have taken note of the ongoing rhetorical shift. “When President Joe Biden argued against the Trump agenda this year, he more frequently cited ‘democracy’ as the American value most in peril,” The Washington Post reported in August.

But now, the Post continued, “since Biden stepped aside in favor of Vice President Kamala Harris—incredibly, just over a month ago—‘freedom’ has come roaring back into fashion for Democrats, part of what seems to be a wholesale renovation of the party’s persuasive language.”

“Freedom,” it seems, is the new “democracy” for Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party. But what exactly does that timeless American virtue mean to them, and is the left’s definition of “freedom” similarly at odds with the public’s interpretation of that word as much as Democrats’ version of the word “democracy” was?

A look at Kamala Harris’s acceptance speech at the DNC Convention earlier this summer is instructive.

“In this election, many… fundamental freedoms are at stake,” Kamala said during those remarks, the first of 12 times she said the word “freedom.”

Two more of those mentions were used in the context of “reproductive freedom”—or the “freedom” to kill an innocent human being in the womb. Despite the fact that polling indicates more than seven in 10 Americans oppose abortion after 15 weeks and nearly 80 percent of Americans reject Democrats’ policy of unrestricted late-term abortion-on-demand, nowhere did Harris mention the freedom of a baby to be born.

Another use of “freedom” was in the tired liberal line of having “freedom to live safe from gun violence” – a euphemism for Democrats’ crusade to destroy the Second Amendment, taking with it Americans’ constitutionally-guaranteed right to defend themselves, their families, and their property.

Another “freedom” mention was in the context of the left’s LGBTQ+ agenda – as Harris said, “the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride.” Democrats have used this benign-sounding “freedom” as an excuse to target religious Americans and even go after parents who refuse to raise their children according to left-wing gender ideology, threatening the Constitution’s free exercise of religion clause and the freedom of parents to raise their own children.

Harris also asserted the “freedom to breathe clean air, and drink clean water and live free from the pollution that fuels the climate crisis.” For Harris and Democrats, this “freedom” entails Democrats dismantling a slew of traditional freedoms that everyday Americans have enjoyed for generations, from the freedom to drive a gas-powered car to the freedom of tens of thousands of Americans to enjoy gainful employment in the coal, oil, and natural gas industries.

Another use of “freedom” was in support of the so-called “Freedom to Vote Act,” a Democrat bill that would deprive states of the ability to run their own elections, allow leftists in Washington, D.C. to trample election security, and redistrict Republicans out of power. As Harris suggested, Democrats also believe in the “freedom” to vote without any sort of ID or proof of citizenship.

In essence, what Harris and Democrats mean when they talk about “freedom” in the context of our elections is freedom for Democrats to end American democracy as we know it.

Leftists more generally have also regularly invoked language of “liberty” and “freedom” to defend hot-button left-wing priorities like Critical Race Theory in K-12 schools, males who claim “transgender” status competing in female sports, and using the arm of the federal government to unconstitutionally target Christians, conservatives, and Democrats’ political opponents.

Of course, the warped vision of “freedom” advanced by Harris and other Democrats is completely out of step with the freedoms envisioned by our Founding Fathers nearly 250 years ago. And today, a resounding majority of Americans firmly stand against it – just as they rightly stood against Democrats’ bastardization of “democracy” that put a target squarely on the back of the left’s top political opponent.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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5 months ago

The author needs to get out of D.C. and see what is actually going on. After the second attempt on Trump’s life in two months, the Democrat controlled media hasn’t even skipped a beat before returning to their non-stop droning of “Trump is Hitler”, “Trump is an existential threat to democracy”, “Trump will be a dictator and must be stopped at all costs” ranting. The Democrats need to keep their “useful idiot” voters amped up on hate and envy, so they don’t have time or the opportunity to think about anything else.

Unfortunately, Trump’s life is at risk as long as the MSM is allowed to continue stoking the derangement and hate half the country has been conditioned to feel about anything NOT fully aligned with the socialist / Marxist values of the Democrat Party. This is truly third-world banana republic stuff being orchestrated by the Democrats at this point. Two things are completely obvious at this point:
1) The Biden administration will NOT provide adequate Secret Service resources to safeguard Trump. Just like when Biden refused to grant RFK Jr. any SS resources for political reasons, the same is being done to ensure Trump’s safety.
2) Since this Democrat administration won’t do its job, Trump needs either a volunteer significant protection detail comprised of former special forces personnel to supplement his assigned SS detail, or he needs to contract a private security firm to provide the additional security protection to handle the same task.

We’re still over 50 days from the election and there is no assurance that additional threats are not out there.

5 months ago

REMEMBER THAT THE DEMOS DEFINTION OF FREEDOM IS “COMMUNIST RULES OF ORDER.” If they are able to maintain their grip on power through the government, this nation will fall into oblivion.

Phillip Nagle
Phillip Nagle
5 months ago

The real threat to democracy is the neo fascist Biden-Harris administration which has done everything in its power to keep President Trump off the ballot, phony impeachments, convoluted indictments, false propaganda and when all else fails, put so many holes in his Secret Service protection that some nut make in a lucky shot. Just remember, it was only the Trump appointed Justices that defended the nation from Biden’s attempt to rule by executive order.

5 months ago

More people I know are refusing to watch the news in this country. We all say that there are very few real journalists who are in charge of giving the nation’s news. The latest-Lester Holt-I used to like him but he has fallen into the same pit with the others!

Irv C
Irv C
5 months ago

I must say that I don’t think killing anyone for any reason is good except if your life is in immediate danger but imagine if there had been two attempts on that communist harris. TV would stop regular broadcasting, it would all be how Republicans have been plotting this since the late 1700’s. This biden/harris admin is the worst, most disgusting admin I have seen. I’m only 71 but I have watched America go to hell and I see it all started with obama. ( note I don’t use capital letters for these people because I don’t think they deserve it) I may be rambling and I’m sorry but I am sick, so, so sick of what America is becoming. Has the Democratic Party forgot about the countless Americans, English, Australians, Canadians, and more who fought wars that kept America America? I mean those that gave their ALL! biden, harris, obama could care less. It’s all about money and power. We need Trump and we will need another to follow in his footsteps. God Bless America, the Land that I Love.

Irv C
Irv C
5 months ago

America no more. Trump tried when he was president but was stonewalled by little town judges who I didn’t think I elected to run the country! I had voted for Trump. He really scared the democrats when they brought out their Cracker Jack judges to stop him. All he wants to do is stop corruption and take care of Americans . For his love of country they try to put him in prison and now that that’s stalled they send two hitmen? Maybe more. I am ashamed of this country. The Democrats have made America the world joke and if you don’t see it then you’re truly a democrat all the way. I can’t even watch the news on TV because they don’t report the truth. If it’s political then it’s pushed, slanted , and made to look all left wing as though there isn’t a Republican Party or there are no Conservatives. It’s disgusting. Trump better win or America can change its flag to a hammer, a sickle,and a boot squashing a head.

5 months ago

It’s becoming evident that if the Democrats can’t beat him at the polls whether by actual human voters are by deceitfulness then they plan on killing him. So I hope the Secret Service is up to protecting him.

5 months ago

Excellent article. The democrats under Biden/Harris have taken freedom away, democracy away, the constitution away and rewritten the laws of the land. And to top it all off they manipulated a coup just because ole Joe was loosing the election. They installed him in 2020 when everyone knew his mind was failing. The man stayed home from campaigning in 2020. When he did venture out a dozen people showed up. There were more chairs there than people and he won with a large margin miraculously after midnight on Election Day while he was losing before midnight. We knew from day one Brandon had dementia but the party elites from Kameltoe and P and S and O down they all proclaimed he was the smartest and best president ever. Smart as a tack. And when it was no longer tenable to keep him as a candidate in 2024, 3 month before the election day, they kicked him out. Democracy at work folks. And installed another puppet to take his place. One that can’t answer a question on her own. The dems do not want democracy they want to rule everything from the White House. They want to eliminate the constitution, replace the population with aliens from all over the world. Come on down ole Joe said on his installment in 2021. No plan what to do with them. They thought Texas would absorb the 20 million that have come so far. Democracy at work folks. We have lived through 4 years of brainwashing we don’t need 4 more years. They tried twice to eliminate Trump and they missed. Now the SS will curtail Trump’s movements because of the threats out there. It is the same as if they had succeeded. They have been trying to get rid of him for 8 years. Even sacrificing the country to obtain that objective. VOTE TRUMP/VANCE TO SAVE TGE REPUBLIC AND SAVE DEMOCRACY FOR OUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN. Freedom isn’t free.

5 months ago

It’s sick Democrats and deranged people that are doing this. This has nothing to do with what Trump is saying or doing.

5 months ago

I think it’s funny that Dems/Left try to paint Trump as an end to DEMOCRACY when in fact he did just the Opposite in his first term.

5 months ago

We are suppose to be a republic not a democracy that leads to socialism.

5 months ago

I trust this administration to actualize the vision of the founders as about as far as I can pick up and throw the Rock of Gibraltar.

Franklin Werkheiser
Franklin Werkheiser
5 months ago

Communism-Socialism only shows Freedom until the Government settles in permanently then it disappears, but their supporters are so Braindead, Ignorant and Delusional that they cannot think for themselves and Refuse to find the Real Truth. Also, let me remind everyone out there that THIS IS WHAT Romney, Cheney, both Bush’s and ALL the Rhino Republicans ARE SUPPORTING making them Traitors of the Republican Party and neither they nor their supporters can deny or argue that fact.

Franklin Werkheiser
Franklin Werkheiser
5 months ago

I read one comment where that person said that the Assassination of Trump needs to be. This was posted on an MSN page article, the same MSN that has Censored everything Conservatives have tried to post because of a select few words used to comment the ignorance of these democrats yet they allow this. All that are not armed do so because these attacks against Trump will continue then they will eventually come after us.

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

“Democrats” are not hiding their hatred for Trump and will certainly not denounce the attempts on his life which until proven otherwise, they orchestrated. He is a thread alright, but only to them and their fascist party. As long as they carry on their operation openly without consequence, the attacks will continue. If this is not an eye opener for the blind nothing will make them see the danger they themselves invited. What is really scary is the certainty with which the demofascist carry on. As if they had all in their hand and nothing and no one will get in their way . Democracy Obama way.

david obrien
david obrien
5 months ago

the democrats in power today biden and the rest are worse than hitler was in wwii

Peter Dawson
Peter Dawson
5 months ago

The Democratic Party (including the mainstream media sycophants) show little interest in getting to the bottom of either Trump assassination attempt. They realize their dream of a communist style of government will be stalemated if he wins. Is this going to be the last attempt to eliminate him before election day?

Judi Carroll
Judi Carroll
5 months ago

Hitlery Clinton is spewing her hatred and lies yet again. She is blaming this last attempt on Trump and calling HIM Hitler. Unbelievable!

5 months ago

This certainly speaks to the PATHETIC state of the Union

5 months ago

Do as I say and you will enjoy liberty and freedom, Don’t do as I do. The Dems credo. Fake promises from fake left wing NUT jobs. If their lips are moving they are lying. I enjoy the freedom I am guaranteed under our Constitution not the DEMS. guarantee. Who in their right mind thinks these assination attempts were just two guys out willy-nilly planning to kill Trump? The first guy was shot dead. He’s unable to point any fingers. Very conveient. But now we have the second would be shooter alive and well, for now. Will this be another Oswalt-Ruby situation? My opinion , if it matters, is that If you can’t beat Trump in a fair election then WE kill him. The Dems. have shone their hand and that hand is that they will do ANYTHING to stop Trump and advance their oun agenda of destruction of our country. While in office the Dems. interfered in Trumps agenda. Impeached twice and after he left office because of a rigged election they proceeded with phony prosecutions yet is has been unstopable. Whats left? Kill him. The whole Dem. party should be listed as the true domestic enemies that they are. For all you Dem. politicians that sat silent you to are also culpable. You all need to go. The truth hurts, Doesn’t it gang?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 months ago

Both attempts planned day 1
Inside job for Golf course attempt
“mole” in Trump camp?
Revise security Use more Pvt guards

5 months ago

the Democratic party voters believe all the accusations against Trump and believe that Trump has brought this on himself. They will not be persuaded otherwise -just my own observations.

Steven Alton
Steven Alton
5 months ago


5 months ago

The one thing that drives me crazy, more than anything else I hear, is when someone refers to those brain numb democrats, they refer to them as part of, or belonging to, the “Democratic Party.” GIVE ME A BREAK. There is nothing “DEMOCRATIC” about the “democrat party.” Rush Limbaugh said that on air roughly 20 years ago and that has been proven to me thousands of times over the years since he said it. So please, EVERYONE, stop referring to those brain numb idiots as the Democratic Party. They are and belong to an elite group of imbeciles called “democRATS…………

5 months ago

Today’s “Democrats” don’t seem to know who or what they vote for… and they certainly don’t seem to understand what makes our economy work.
Who would follow simplistic buzz phrases of “Democrat” politicians, who are outspoken about being anti-business??!! Their policies are damaging… look at what Biden’s “Inflation Reduction Act did!!!
These “Democrat” politicians, like Biden, Harris and Walz, are the type of character that good parents warn their children against. NEVER follow the lead of narcissistic buffoons who prefer to lower our standard of living. Trump’s economy was amazingly good, and good for employment… that’s why these crooks kept arresting him. So… do you want to get paid… or do you want to hear Harris refuse to define bad economic policies for 4 years???

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
5 months ago

Everything the Democrats & the biased media accuses Trump of doing is exactly what they are doing . Just look at what they have done to Biden, forcing him out without a single vote from their people & replaced him with a puppet to Obama, Pelosi, defense industries, and the mainstream media. The Democrat SWAMP has been violating the Constitution for years now & we are all supposed to bow down to them, never protest or we will wind up in jail with no bail. May God bless all voters with wisdom to do God’s WILL & not their own flawed will.

5 months ago

All these freedoms the Democrats tout leave out the most important one: freedom of speech, which they try to squelch. Their definition of freedom is their freedom to control.

5 months ago


Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

I don’t think they’re turning down anything since I heard the same rhetoric, word-for-word in Kumalas Nevada radio spots this morning… on conservative talk radio?!! How does a guy in a pink shirt stay concealed for 12 hours? All I have to say is: Trump got lucky/blessed again that the guy wasn’t in a gillie and stayed concealed. But be careful because pretty soon everyone’s luck runs out or God is on break…

5 months ago

I think the catastrophic end to Biden’s time in office seals the verdict on a dysfunctional political regime. Certainly the worst in my 89 years of observation

5 months ago

Who are you trying to kid? You assume too much. Declaring that Democrats have begun to agree with us that Harris is a danger to America is just stupid. These people hate Trump and would vote for a “blue dog” before they’ll vote for him. This article talks like they can see past their CNN broadcast and have all of a sudden grown a brain.

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
5 months ago

You talk about the “14 million” disenfranchised biden voters…where??? Those people didn’t give a rat’s patooty about biden being thrown over for komrade kacklin’ kammy and tampon tim. They just disengaged their collective heads from the old rectum train and plugged into the new one, without a peep. Just look at them. They couldn’t stand kacklin’ kammy as VP…they downright hated her. Looking at them now though…lol…boy do they have their lips latched onto her butt. It’s sickening and clearly shows how their gray matter doesn’t function. SMH
As a former Democrat now Independent, it disgusts me to see all these people claim they’re a “democrat,” when it’s the farthest thing from the truth. Real Democrats love the USA and believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. These “democrats” do not. They are nothing but socialists and communists, determined to destroy the USA. Please wake up people.

5 months ago

The democrats have been deep sixing their “democracy narrative” since the Wilson administration, but to be more clear, it went into overdrive in the early ’60’s during LBJ’s Marxist “great society” narrative and it’s been downhill with them ever since. Now it has devolved into this “uniparty” BS which has taken root with all the corrupt elitists in the blue bubble, r and d alike. It’s ironically humorous to see that the elite will ultimately take themselves down with their own “enlightenment.” In a word: evil.

Candy Luhrsen
Candy Luhrsen
5 months ago

The Democrats claim that Trump is at fault for getting shot at is reminiscent of the claim that women ask to be raped. Neither contention works for me.

Orion Bennett
Orion Bennett
5 months ago

Democracy in our Democratic Republic, suggests that persons that lead us / govern us, are selected by the people, through the means of voting. If there is any threat to democracy it is in Harris, selected by the presidential nominee to be VP … and then Harris being selected by the powers that be … to be the presidential nominee in 2024. She has not been voted for by everyday citizens yet. That is the affront to our democracy!

5 months ago

I think it makes no sense for Mr. Trump to continue his pursuit of another term. It is obvious that there exists a movement to prevent his election or even continued existence and there is no protection for himself or family available. It is a matter of time before he is assasinated

5 months ago

Why do the authors of your articles use a pen name? Why can’t we know who is writing this article?

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