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Second Amendment – Endangered by Biden Team

Posted on Tuesday, November 24, 2020
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

bidenSometimes the obvious bears repeating.  Now is such a moment.  The Second Amendment, allowing every American “to keep and bear arms,” was key to passing the US Constitution.  If the Biden Campaign prevails in lawsuits and Electoral College, leading appointees will take aim at the Amendment.

While current social unrest has triggered record firearm sales, and one recent poll shows support for gun control at its lowest point in four years, Biden partisans have made clear their interest in curtailing the Second Amendment.  See, e.g.,; and

At the outset, the political figure Joe Biden indicated will be lead on gun control, former Congressman and failed presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke, has made clear his disaffection for firearms, and intent to limit ownership, not just with legislation limiting sales, but with mandatory buy-backs. He famously said in September 2019, “Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47,” when quizzed.

Echoing confiscation sentiment, former O’Rourke staffer and now aspiring Biden Deputy Chief of Staff, Jen O’Malley Dillon, has made clear her views.  One is pushing “mandatory buybacks” of firearms, including so-called assault weapons – semi-automatic rifles distinguished by their military appearance.

Moreover, discussion this past weekend has highlighted possible Biden appointments, if he becomes President.  One is Federal Judge Merrick Garland, who may be nominated for US Attorney General.  Garland has made clear his hostility to gun rights and could act swiftly to push that view.

Garland knows well the ways of the Justice Department and could push limitations on gun rights with method and high impact, even before legislation was pushed in the House and Senate.  When Garland was nominated to the Supreme Court, a vote that was never taken, his views were scrutinized.

Specifically, the DC Circuit Court judge upheld federal storage of gun buyer’s records during the Clinton Administration, and later joined efforts to reconsider a landmark Second Amendment case, for purpose of narrowing those rights.

As one report assessed, “This is probably the most anti-gun Supreme Court nomination in decades.” See, e.g., In time on the bench, Garland has made this a hallmark of his worldview, including an attempt to strike down the famous D.C. v. Heller case, authored by the late Justice Scalia. That case affirmed the right of individuals to keep and bear arms.

As reported, “back in 2007, Judge Garland voted to undo” that case, aiming to revisit the right of DC to restrict individual gun ownership. Public reaction to that DC Circuit Court effort to reconsider, which was defeated, led observers to describe Garland as having “strong hostility to gun owner right.” See,

What does all this mean?  Several things.  First, if Biden-Harris prevail – and Harris’ views on gun rights limitation, suing gun manufacturers, and curtailing ownership are more radical – limitations on the Second Amendment will be a top priority for the administration.

Second, if Biden-Harris prevail, social unrest, record gun buying – including in minority communities – and polls showing gun control unpopular, will hardly matter.   Most of America does not agree with socialism, defunding police, or the New Green Deal, but Democrats pushed all three without hesitation.

Expect legislation, originating in the House and pushed hard in a close Senate, aimed at limiting gun sales and ownership, mandatory buybacks to elevated liability for gun manufacturers.  Whether these would pass remains unclear, but with Garland as AG – and maybe later nominated again to the Supreme Court, plus O’Rourke and team in power, the issue is sure to become hot soon.

Finally, one of the unusual features of this political moment – and the past several years – is that long-honored norms, enshrined American values, and constitutional rights held inviolate and sure to stand the test of time, have been questioned, buffeted, and increasingly eroded by extreme views, centralizing federal power.

Thus, free speech, worship, assembly, travel, and other timeless rights have been called into question, in places put in peril.  Seeking to look around the next corner – before something comes flying at us – one should consider what the left things of the Second Amendment itself.

In March 2018, retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens openly proposed repealing the Amendment, overturning it in favor of expansive federal power over firearms, at the expense of the citizen rights to protect democracy, their homes, families and the nation.  See, e.g.,

The last line, peek around the corner – based on where potential Biden appointees put their emphasis – is this:  Should Americans be thinking long, striving harder to protect the right to “keep and bear arms,” before that right is removed from the Constitution.  Until this political era, rise of socialism, and aspiring Biden administration, that was never a question.  It is now.

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4 years ago

Well Biden and the Democrats never pretended that they weren’t going to do everything in their power, if they ever held control of the White House ever again, to start stripping away the 2nd Amendment piece by piece until eventually only the government had guns. That’s what all socialist government around the world have done. The Democrats have always been bold enough to actually say what they intend to do, if they ever had power again, and they certainly intend to follow through.

Yesterday’s announcement that the Biden administration will impose a $200 FTA tax on each gun they view as an “assault weapon” and an identical tax on each magazine capable of holding more than 10 rounds is just the start. So say you already own a semi-automatic rifle, a couple of what they now classify as high capavity magazines (more than 10 rounds), you would pay a total tax of $600 dollars for something you already own.

This is just the beginning as the Democrats will then move to classify all semi-automatic handguns as “assault weapons” and go after them as well. That’s how all socialist government go about systematically disarming the populace. Bit by bit until you are disarmed. Finally they will target ammo manufacturing to eliminate the supply of bullets. Whatever it takes to achieve a disarmed and defenseless public.

Elections have consequences. Especially elections that are won by fraud. So strap in, because it is going to be a very bumpy, painful ride into the socialist abyss kiddies.

4 years ago

So, Jackass Joe Biden will be targeting the right of Americans to own guns he?
$200 fine for owning a gun and another $200 fine for each 10 bullet magazine he? So no problem, empty your extra 10 bullet magazines into ANY Progressively Communist Democrat you can identify and that should take care of the problem and start with politicians, media people and criminals. Oh that’s right, ANY recently “elected” politician IS A CRIMINAL, since they were elected illegally anyways. Maybe then they’ll get the message. Uphold the Constitution and respect our rights and freedoms!

Linda K
Linda K
4 years ago

Oh my gosh, are you sure? Why, I had no idea that the Democrats wanted to take away our guns. Thanks AMAC for providing such relevant information. ????????????

4 years ago


Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

I believe so & yet they defund police, NO forces 1 to have a gun since NO Police.
Choose Dems
Seeds for Civil War 2.
Fund police & less gun sales, right

4 years ago

I like how so many people thought that these new “gun owners” would help the 2nd Amendment! And help Trump would win a second term. They were just buying to defend themselves when they participate in criminal riots. They have no real interest in the constitution and never have. Those guns have most probably been disposed of already and those that are still around will never see daylight. No pro gun support from the left, ever.

Keith Denton
Keith Denton
4 years ago

I’m scared to death that we’re heading towards socialism

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Biden is rerun to status quo & GIGO admin. No new blood
Same BS policies BUT add now virus factor & widen more Govt
We Lose

Mary L Sedwick
Mary L Sedwick
4 years ago

You need to set these up to be able to post to Parler. Com. Since Facebook and Twitter are censoring everything

4 years ago

Investigative reporting by OAN and Newsmax have revealed massive voting fraud to be presented to the Supreme court. These investigative reports are presented at least twice during the day on these channels.. read them and get information you will never find on fake news channels.
The fraud case presented in a public hearing by Guilanie to the Pennsylvania legislature on Monday was long and very revealing. Stunning information revealed by witnesses who have signed affidavits with warnings of jail time if they are not telling truth. The witnesses were from both sides of the isle. They were lawyers and poll watchers. Hearings such as these are being conducted in every state where the votes are questionable. More to come. Take heart. It’s not over till it’s over. Remember the hanging chads in Florida in 2000. Thirty seven days and two trips to the Supreme court. Gore didn’t get to be president. Neither should China Joe get to be president.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
4 years ago

I will once again ask the question I have been asking for more than 40 years now: More than a century of Court decisions notwithstanding, could someone – anyone – please show me where in the wording of The Second Amendment there is any provision for restrictions, limitations, or exceptions? Anyone?

Barry N. Schmidt
Barry N. Schmidt
4 years ago

It has been no surprise that the Biden/Harris cabal has planned to initiate gun buybacks. It’s all part of their plan to control the U.S. population, whose only remaining power is resisting a tyrannical government by force, if necessary. That was the purpose of the Second Amendment, not to allow hunters to seek out Bambi. Harris was the AG of California prior to her power-hungry senatorial ambitions, and she did everything she could to force gun owners into gun registration. Didn’t work, except for those few sheep who decided to shut up and obey.

If the demented, China-loving liar Biden and Harris go through with their evil ILLEGAL plans for gun confiscation, they will immediately cause law-abiding citizens who wish only to protect themselves to become felons for disobeying such an unconstitutional order. Hopefully, there are more of us who will have no problem giving the middle finger to these two power-mad fools who have no business running our country in the first place. Criminals, however, will be the only ones left with guns. Criminals (including street punks and gang-bangers such as the Crips, Bloods, and MS-13) don’t obey anti-gun laws, as anyone with half a brain knows. Biden’s plans also include opening the borders that will allow even more MS-13 rats to invade our country with impunity. Of course, this is not mentioned on CNN or MSNBC.

4 years ago

Thank you President Trump for all you did and what you tried to do! I strongly feel that the republican party has very few fighters in it’s leadership. Over the years they have allowed themselves to become useful idiots. We again need a strong leader to lead us out of this and the will of the people to make sure the Patriot party assembles and we vote for people that have understand they need to be vigilant and their reward will be restoring our country rather than falling asleep on the job and only waking up to the smell of money. I am now going back to being a conservative.

4 years ago

Not only are they wanting to do away with the 2nd Amendment but also do away with the Constitution and implement Dumocrat law. I hope and pray that every single person involved in this farce and that helped steal the election from a true American, lives long enough to regret it. They made a deal with the devil, and like the devil, they don’t keep their end of the deal. Thanks to all who participated in stealing the election, this is probably the last one. God help us.

4 years ago

The second amendment is one of the most important constitutional rights we have, it insures that the constitution its self and the other amendments to the constitution are upheld, it is our protection against a tyrannical Government, the second amendment never was about hunting or sport shooting, it was about liberty and individual freedom, if they can do away with the second amendment by legislative action, then they can take away all of your others constitutional rights the same way. If they would just enforce the laws that are already on the books there would be now problem, the only way they can control you and make you a subject and not a citizen is to take your guns, and make no mistake about it they want them all, not just the AR’s that they call weapons of war they want all rifles, shotguns and handguns, we need to fight them like we have never fought before or we will as a free nation parish from the earth.

4 years ago

Biden did not win the 2020 election, President Trump did! Don’t stop supporting the President and and fighting with him. Media is lying about everything. Watch OANN for the truth.

Richard Arveaux
Richard Arveaux
4 years ago

I’m 78 years old. I’ve lived a full life and death after the loss of my angel wife doesn’t scare me one little bit. So Biden and his commie allies can come to my door any day of any week, and they will learn the meaning of “MY DEAD COLD HANDS”, I’m well ready to see my wife again.

4 years ago

George Washington and the other signers of the constitution need to be resurrected and voted into the white house!…in the meantime we have God who answers prayers takes care of us

4 years ago

Only a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT passed by 34 States can change the 2nd Amendment (or any other Amendment). Biden and O’Rourke are just pissing into the wind.

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
4 years ago

The country as a whole will be endangered by the Biden team.

4 years ago

Stay calm. The jury is still out on the election. Use this time to arm and gear up. Buy all the ammo you can afford and purchase whatever weapons you may think you need to protect your home and family. If the worst comes to pass you will at least be ready. There are many Veterans that love this country and will assist you in preparing for whatever the future holds. Many other unknown Patriots live near you. Remember, the Japanese did not want to invade the USA during WorldWarII because or citizens were well-armed. We will rise up like we did 240 years against a tyrannical government if we are forced to do so.

4 years ago

The 2nd amendment covers tyrannical moves like the Democrats, in regards to gun rights, correct?

4 years ago

Biden did not win. We all know it.

There are legal challenges regarding this election that are yielding results. Giuiliani & his team are spearheading civil suits where preponderance of the evidence is the burden of proof. What do you think, folks? Do we have evidence? The President’s legal team says we do in the form of over 200 sworn affidavits concerning election irregularities.

Sidney Powell, on the other hand, is spearheading the criminal issue of fraud. A much more lengthy & involved undertaking. I think her filing is available online if you want to read it.

We will not be told everything about how the leftist/globalist/corporatist crooked, evil, lawless machine will be taken down, but taken down it will be. If it is not, America is over. 2A will be as irrelevant as 1A already appears to be. Americans overwhelmingly reelected President Donald J. Trump. President Trump clearly is not hated by We The People.

For the leftist/globalist/corporatist machine that hates him, President Trump is hated for what he is exposing. We already ARE a banana republic. The attempted theft of this election proves it. It’s time for us all to wake up & start looking at the BIG picture.

The rule of law, upon which our Constitutional Republic was founded, must be powerfully enacted right now. Now is exactly the time. Now is our best, and likely our last, chance to save this Republic. God Bless President Trump & his team, and God Bless America.

4 years ago

I also need to add this: All readers and commenters on Amac need to withdraw your children from the socialist educational system and send them to a conservative private school or home school. Where do you think the AntiFA and BLM got their riot instructions > from liberal teachers.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

If Biden becomes President, losing the second amendment is just the beginning! Our rights and privileges that were so hard fought for are in danger!!!

DM Parker
DM Parker
4 years ago

I have been saying it for the last few years we are headed for another revolution. Our founding fathers would already have started it with the things that are going on no doubt about it!!

4 years ago

If you voted for this dementia scuz ball old man Biden then let him run you around like a loser//If you voted for the TRUMPSTER then tell this dementia scuz ball old man to see where the socialists are in Venezuela and Cuba// Its really very easy to decide what to do//

4 years ago

The left ever gets the Second Amendment gone from our Constitution, the people will have NO rights left! Tyranny will rein in this country and the real fascists: Democrat leftists will run rough shot over everyone! We have to protect our rights cuz the Government under Democrat control won’t do it! All Georgia voters: We must keep the Senate in Republican hands or our freedom is GONE!

4 years ago

Once Joe Biden takes the oath of office it will be the beginning of the end of our nation as we know it. It actually started in 2008 but President Trump upset the timeline that was supposed to be continued by Hillary. That’s why the Globalists, Chinese Commmunists, the Deep State and sadly the totally corrupt MSM has been against OUR PRESIDENT since before he even took office.

James Kelly
James Kelly
4 years ago

Just say no to dopes.

4 years ago

I know what Biden has said. I have watched and remember what he and Obama did during their administrations. They did little for conservatives except to try to stereotype them as “bitter clingers”. I expect poor things from this administration and election rigging notwithstanding, I expect it to be a one off, if any. Biden better hire a food taster.

Elena Ortega
Elena Ortega
4 years ago

This will NEVER happen. Where we live, our sheriff’s / police would NEVER enforce any laws like this. What is the matter with these A**holes… then only the CRIMINALS and the Secret Service will have guns.

4 years ago

We have moved beyond a civil war of words and culture and now may be entering a time when blood may be shed protecting our constitutional republic.
From the 2nd amendment, ridiculous taxation, no border protection, amnesty for approximately 11 to 25 million illegal immigrants, property confiscation, stupid COVID-19 mandates, and especially abortion on demand, we have no choice but to fight. Since the ballot box is not secure and Republican rinos will not stand up for America we have no choice but to fight. Since we have a radical Supreme Court – save for a few originalist judges — we have no choice but to fight.
My hope is in the Lord God – and warring in prayer for the principalities, powers, and rulers in high places to be brought down is a start. I believe the vast majority of the 73 million voters for Trump and America are a remnant from which God will hear our prayers, forgive our sin, and heal our land.
May God bless America and remember His Covenant with us as proclaimed at our Founding. I believe God still has a purpose for us and will not honor the Democratic stronghold of division to prosper.

4 years ago

This one action by the democrats will set off a civil war in this country.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
4 years ago

The only legal restriction on gun ownership would be to repeal the 2nd Amendment, which I would strongly oppose and I suspect would have no chance of passing (although with the level of fraud we saw in this election who knows). Most state and local restrictions of guns already are plainly unconstitutional. They clearly “infringe on the people’s right to keep and bear arms”. Gun control advocates do not push repeal of the 2nd because they know the public support does not exist, so they try to circumvent the law. They cannot legally enforce any buyback programs or the like though they may try. What they can and are likely to do is tax all sales to a level that makes firearms unaffordable (watch the black market surge) and restrict ammunition. Ammo is today so heavily in demand that if you can find some the quantities are often rationed. My take is before Biden takes office, buy everything you can including ammo. For those who may not be aware, the 2nd exists not to protect hunting, sport shooting, or even personal safety. It exists to give the people the means to resist an increasingly tyrannical government and was felt necessary by our founders since they have just fought an ugly and costly war against the tyranny of a king. They were right then and still are. The people are the final check on a despotic government.

Walter Blackburn
Walter Blackburn
4 years ago

I intend to turn in my firearms one bullet at a time.

Joe Pratt
Joe Pratt
4 years ago

Shoulda, woulda, coulda. I thought you were supposed to report news not foment antagonisms.

4 years ago

The FED should be shaking in their boots, patriots will NOT COMPLY.

William Merritt
William Merritt
4 years ago

Happiness for the socialist dems is replacing our stars and stripes with a hammer and sickle. Take away the right to bear arms, even conditionally, and they can drive our country in any direction they so choose. We may see a lot of the basic “fight or flight” from our citizens.

Ed J
Ed J
4 years ago

If anyone has studied history, you will discover that a lot (but not all) of what Adolph Hitler and his criminal cronies did was entirely “legal.” How can this be true? Simple, when they were in power, their so-called government passed “laws.” These “laws” may have made things legal, but they often were not moral or ethical on any level. But those “laws” did serve the furtherance of the Nazi’s evil goals, and at great cost to humanity. Does anyone begin to see the parallel with the upcoming Biden/Harris scourge?

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

What is happening today is exactly why OUR Founders wrote and passed the 2nd Amendment!!  If we are not willing to fight for OUR Country, we do not deserve to have it!!  There are STRONG indications that the “Left/Communists/DemocRats are planning some sort/level of THE “Reign of Terror” if President Trump wins reelection!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution Version 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Every day throughout the 1950’s, 1960’s, and 1970’s the USSR Politburo met.  Every day one item was on the Agenda: “Invade the United States of America, yes or no.”  Every day the answer was no.  The only reason it was no was that they did not believe they could control our population because there were 10 times more weapons in the hands of our Civilians than in the hands of our Military, making such control IMPOSSIBLE!  REMEMBER, that issue is still TRUE!  If any “Usurper”, Foreign or DOMESTIC, were to try to violate the 1st, the 2nd, the 10th  Amendments, taking away our FREEDOM (even if they try to make it appear constitutional), we, the CITIZENS of the United States of America, can and will do to them the same as we would have done to the USSR!!  Americans WILL FIGHT!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

We must be ready to FIGHT for OUR Country!!  What is happening today is exactly why OUR Founders wrote and passed the 2nd Amendment!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution Version 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

The primary purpose of defunding the Police is to pave the way to pave the way for the “Socialist Police” that the DemocRat/Communist are planning to put into place to “fill the gap caused by eliminating TRUE Police!!  Get ready to exercise our 2nd Amendments Rights to defend ourselves against the “Socialist Police”!!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

The 2020 Election is so full of FRAUD that anyone who claims there was no significant Fraud is a LIAR!!!  If the 2020 election stands, our Federal Government is no longer legitimate!!!  It has become time to TAKE-BACK OUR Government!!!!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Allan Brem
Allan Brem
4 years ago

There appears to be no appreciation for the fact that American’s Constitutional Right to keep and bear arms has been infringed upon for years. Taxes in the form of licensing and registration have caused Americans to not purchase firearms or to carry the firearms they do own.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

The socialist COWARDS want to disarm AMERICA because they want POWER to do whatever they want, in 1939 adolf hitler
gave a speech in which he said “the first thing you do before you CONQUER a people is take away thier GUNS” !!, Do NOT let this happen in AMERICA!!! The second ammendment is just the easiest to attack, they want the entire constitution and bill of rights, they want to make religion illegal and free speech, time to honor our pledge to defend AMERICA from our enemies foriegn and DOMESTIC(socialist/dems). KAF, KAG, MAGAA!!!!

David B.
David B.
4 years ago

Going after the ammo? Some folks may give up theirs only one at a time.

4 years ago

With due respect to David, 5 hours ago…

it actually started in 1861… when states who wanted to exercise their option to withdraw from the federation discovered the others felt they should be compelled to remain, Constitution be d@mned. Legal immigrants were paid to join the Union Army right off their boats, and offered fast tracks to citizenship. The precedent is there. Don’t threaten the Union.

As to preserving the 2nd Amendment with my trusty firearms, it ain’t happening unless some, selective, Air Force units announce for the same side. If all military units remain steadfast, it’ll be over shortly. If the units do take sides, and civil war breaks out, America might be weakened enough for China to have, you know, an actual chance at engaging and coming out the other side alive.

However, I don’t see why we have to have a civil war; other countries have “partitioned” with opposite parties swapping between two halves of the country. I say give the conservatives the crappiest parts of the country (with due respect for the residents there), leaving the choicest bits to the libs, and give each a copy of the Constitution, and divide the military assets 50/50, including nukes. In 25 years, the economies of the two “countries” will tell the tale. Of course the libs will then need to take over their more prosperous neighbor, but since the Constitution on the conservative side will have been, you know, actually read, there will be a strong defense to be overcome, while the aggressors will have “saved” on their military spending.

The problem of public schooling remains; if the same brain-washing tactics are continued in the new countries, each generation will result in an increasing number of freshly minted libs. Countering that, as they age people on both sides will gradually see foolishness for what it is. The only way to resolve the internal conflicts and maintain peace in the new nations will be to set up “exchanges” where air-head high school graduates are swapped at the border for “useless old people.”

Incidentally, looking at Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan as examples, I say give the conservatives a “corner” of the crappiest part of the US (apologies again to wherever that is–New York City?).

Fair warning if there’s no partition: if push comes to shove I’m going to try to land a cushy membership in the Democratic Party because the perks will shrink to the point where they’ll only be distributed to loyal Party members. Maybe I’ll be able to keep my guns if I promise only to use them to shoot (at) enemies of the state. I might have to denounce some of you. Nothing personal. Except for my personal comfort of course.

On a side note, it’s going to be interesting to see if the federal records of gun ownership, that weren’t being kept, are suddenly “found!”

Prediction: with Basement Boy’s ascent to the pinnacle, China will make its move. I say they’ll invade Taiwan, and make satellites of their neighbors. Then it’ll be on to Latin America and Africa. The “Westerns” will come to heel when their raw materials dry up.

Resolve to plant a Victory Garden next year, and learn how to preserve food.

With apologies,

4 years ago

Biden will NEVER by my president!!!

Electricity Grid. An electricity power sub station, shot on Canon camera equipment
RFK Jr. make america healthy again MAHA
Culture word written on wood block. Dark wood background with texture.
Aerial top view of open pit development and sand extraction. Mining industry Reserves.

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