AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan

In a stunning blow to Joe Biden and the Democrats’ Open Borders agenda, the United States Supreme Court on Tuesday ordered the administration to reinstate Donald Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy, or Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), which contributed to the historic drop in illegal border crossings under the last administration.
In a 6-3 decision, the Court overturned an action by the Biden administration to cancel the policy, writing that the federal government “failed to show a likelihood of success on the claim that the memorandum rescinding the Migrant Protection Protocols was not arbitrary and capricious.” The Court’s three Democrat-appointed justices, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan, each indicated they would have permitted cancellation of the policy but did not write dissenting opinions.
President Biden ordered a temporary halt on MPP his first day in office, followed by a complete cancellation of the program in June. In a June 1 memo, Biden’s Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas announced a formal end to the policy, writing that “MPP does not adequately or sustainably enhance border management in such a way as to justify the program’s extensive operational burdens and other shortfalls.”
However, according to a March 2020 Heritage Foundation report, MPP significantly reduced the number of illegal border crossings since its implementation in January 2019, and allowed immigration courts at high-traffic locations to process legitimate asylum claims on a more efficient basis. Thanks to the Mexican government’s cooperation with the policy, more than 60,000 illegal aliens were returned to Mexico from the United States over the course of 13 months. Upon enactment of the policy, former Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf said MPP equipped the government to “take control of the crisis.”
The High Court’s ruling is ultimately a victory for the states of Texas and Missouri, both of which filed suit against the Biden administration for its repeal of MPP. U.S. District Court Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, a Texas-based judge appointed by President Trump, accepted arguments from each of the states’ Republican attorneys general that Biden’s cancellation of the program failed to meet legal requirements, as outlined in the Administrative Procedure Act, for ending the policy—the same reasoning the Court used to prevent the Trump administration from rescinding the unconstitutional Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R-TX) praised the Court’s decision, writing that reinstation of ‘Remain in Mexico’ will halt “Biden’s skirting of immigration laws” and “reduce the record number of migrants entering illegally.” Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R-TX) similarly celebrated the ruling, tweeting that MPP “must be implemented now!”
In an August 25 statement, President Trump congratulated Paxton for the ruling: “Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, whom I strongly endorsed for reelection, has just won a major Supreme Court victory against the Biden Open Borders agenda,” he said. “Biden was found to have broken the law in terminating the Migrant Protection Protocols, or Remain in Mexico. Now, Biden must reinstate Remain in Mexico, one of my most successful and important programs in securing the border.”
Members of the Biden administration and others on the Left have predictably fired back against the decision. Biden’s Department of Homeland Security said in a statement that it “respectfully disagrees with the district court’s decision,” vowing to “vigorously challenge” the district court’s order that was ultimately upheld by the Supreme Court. Omar Jadwat, director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Immigrants’ Rights Project, similarly decried the ruling as “incorrect”: “The Biden administration was correct to rescind the Trump return to Mexico policy, the whole point of which was to punish people for seeking asylum by trapping them in miserable and dangerous conditions,” he wrote.
As President Biden continues to subject the American people to arguably the most dire border crisis on record, the Supreme Court’s reinstation of MPP will resume one of the most effective illegal immigration deterrents in U.S. history, providing American families and communities with a limited line of defense against the Biden administration’s border negligence.
In his statement, President Trump urged other states to follow the lead of Texas and Missouri: “Other State Attorneys General should follow suit,” he advised, “and go after every one of Biden’s unlawful border and immigration policies.” In an era of seemingly unending national crises brought on by the Biden administration, legal battles like this one may prove to be the American people’s best hope—at least until the midterms next year.
Does anyone really think that reinstituting the MPP will now suddenly stop the 200,000 plus illegal immigrants from walking across a wide open southern border? No it will not…How does ( 12 ) Border Control Agents cover 450 miles of border? They don’t, we have a crisis on our hands!
Governor Abbott, Ted Cruz, where the hell are Y’all? Will this stop the insurgents in the WH with the help of their military from flying down to Guatemala, El Salvador & other Central American countries using American Southwest Airlines now in addition to military aircraft, loading them up with immigrants & flying them directly into Texas 24/7, processed, bussed & flown to all points around this nation…Once again, Gov. Abbott & Ted Cruz, where the F**K are you? I call it RINO behavior at it’s finest, sadly enough…More of the same with the predominantly male Islamic Afghanis being flown directly into the states now as every American should be fully aware by now how much these people love Americans…
In conclusion: Watch the Arizona Audits Release, the Deep State has accelerated their plans with multiple DISTRACTIONS, i.e. Afghanistan… :~(
Bill on the Hill…
I wish they would stop calling it “Trumps policy”. It was Law before it was Trumps so called policy.
Not only are Texans and other states overrun with illegals, we are overrun with Covid positive illegals! If the Democrats can’t kill us one way they will find another!
I love the America of my youth! Now it is gone for good!
Time to get planes loaded up at border snd fast passage to Mexico. The poor children who are victims need to be returned to their home country— foster care or orphanages in their country. Many of these children were kidnapped to look like a “family unit”. This is all wrong-Knowing how Biden and his son got rich off China—he probably gets a cut from the cartels that made millions off this debacle. Biden , Harris, Pelosi, Schumer and etc are all traitors to our country. Their interest was to transform America with voter fraud and giving away our freedoms and security.
How can we help finish the border wall, now that this decision has came down from the Supreme Court? It’s a beginning , but the wall must get finished!!!!
10 $ They still ignore it AND nothing will happen–WATCH !
If anyone thinks Biden will abide by the SCOTUS decisions he is living in dreamland. When did a law ever prevent the Dems from doing whatever they want?
My gosh, the Supremes are upholding the law. Maybe the Constitution will become applicable again.
A small move in the right direction. If they can only get rid of the communist known as John Roberts when Ron DeSantis takes office.
I wonder who will enforce the SC decision? Can anyone?
This is the trouble with democrats: “… The Court’s three Democrat-appointed justices, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan, each indicated they would have permitted cancellation of the policy but did not write dissenting opinions…” Is this because there is no dissent argument based on the law? On the other hand, aren’t EO’s strictly the domain of presidents? Yet the court did not allow Pres Trump to cancel the Obama DACA EO by EO. Guess I don’t know how the APA works nor its relationship to Executive Orders (EO)
I will believe it when I see it. So far the Biden administration has continued to break the law, totally ignoring what the supreme court says. What makes anyone think this will be any different? And where are all the republicans that are supposed to represent us, that’s right, crickets.
12 dead a Marine Squad + their Navy Corpsman, they were possibly white sacrifices for the elite.They were doing the job and paid the ultimate price. All of Afghaniston will suffer under Sharia law now, Where is Gloria Allred and the NOW people when Democrats kill people?
Supreme Court ruling is one thing, obeying the law is something else when it comes to the Socialist Party.
Jackass Joe doesn’t care what the SCOTUS says, he will just ignore them and continue his policies to destroy America!
SCOTUS delivered a “blow” ONLY if The Senile One actually obeys what they said. He has a poor record of giving a **** about The Constitution. After all, he “won” the election based on multiple unconstitutional edicts handed down by corrupt DIMM and RINO judges and bureaucrats!
The illegals that are confined at the border should be immediately taken back across the border. If anybody deserves to live off the government, it’s American citizens. We cannot keep up the entire world.
I’m in Texas… it’s a shame…we don’t even have local media that is truthful…”What I continue to see…are illegals everywhere”…so if indeed this is going to happen…when…and where?… It becomes evident…that our taxpayer-funded government in the Whitehouse are the only one able to break the law!” “When is enough…enough?”
This news isn’t posted elsewhere.
It takes 7 months to state an opinion that makes our country safer.
I applaud the people of Texas and Missouri and congratulate them. However, I live in California and I fear that they will just head to California because Gruesom Newsom will still have the welcome mat right at the border. I pray that he gets recalled and Larry Elder becomes our new governor. God help us. I’ve already sent in my ballot to oust him, but there’s got to be an awful lot of votes going the same way to get this job done.
Prince Biden and Alice in wonderland Harris don’t care about the law, and they live too far away from the problems they have created. In their little bubble-worlds at the white house they are thinking up new fairy tales to tell their gullible followers.
What Homeland Security means with their vow to “vigorously challenge” the Supreme Court’s order is; F – SCOTUS, we’re doing what we want anyway. If that happens, they should be immediately arrested and removed from their posts.
I hope the border control closes the border immediately.
Hopefully this will be a first step in reversing the dismal decision….but I fear the damage is done and it is too little too late. Time will tell if that’s the case.
Biden and his corrupt administration need to go. The safety of the citizens of this country are not their first interest. They continue to run their agenda against us each day. What else can they screw up and put on the American people. Since he took office, we are paying more for everything, our border is open, and they are in the process of taking more of what we’ve worked for. Biden’s total failure in the evacuation of Afghanistan has now gotten our brave military members wounded and killed. I am furious with top military officials and Biden’s decisions that got them killed. WHAT NEXT! They must go! Do we the people have any power to turn this country around? They are all corrupt. It saddens me.
Have the Mexicans OK’d it? Haven’t heard. Let’s hope, but I don’t see it getting better, there are too many here now. We don’t want these people here. I hope it stops for good.
Finish the d@mn wall! And throw Joe-tard and Heels-up Harris over it! Enough already!
Who gives one bit of concern to the response that the Commies are unhappy with the SC finally doing their d*mn job!!
Protecting AMERICA (ie, NOT illegal aliens) is the first order of business for any and every office holder.
Start the firings for ALL of those who broke this program.
Then….round up the hundreds of thousands of illegals and GET THEM OUT.
Illegals HAVE ZERO RIGHTS in America. A lot of Traitorous bureaucrats need to be educated on our laws.
FINALLY people with some power stop the dimrat maniacs in their tracks! Now if SCOTUS will reinstate border patrol and ICE to round up the illegals and send ’em all back.
When is it implemented? Yesterday I hope!!
Send all illegals to D.C. !! Then build a wall around it !!
Good move by the SOTUS but they have no power to enforce their ruling. The ruling must be followed and, if not followed, DOJ must take steps to enforce the ruling. So far the DOJ has NOT done anything to back SOTUS. Our Constitution is nothing but white supremacist doodlings to the Democraps.
There are three problems with the not-so-supreme court: Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan. These ‘justices’ have no use for rule of law. Their feelings get hurt and they vote accordingly.
Being repetitious, the DemocRats, including Joe Hidin’ Bidens puppet masters, want to RULE the Nation, not GOVERN ACCORDING THE CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY that has allowed this Nation to thrive consistently since inception.
The SCOTUS should lhave stepped up to the plate on several things this stupid Administration has done. You people need to protect America if they won’t. They have gone to far Left and if you don’t stand up to them in more of their antics we won’t have an America and you will be paying for what is happening the same as the rest of us will. Obama was a TRAITOR to thisCountry and Biden is just as bad. Obama has had more to do with this than Society will ever knsow. I want my FREEDOM AND MY RIGHTS given us by our Founding Fathers, but if you don’t make Biden toe the mark we won’t have an AMERICA we will be overrun bu Socialism and Dictatorship
I love it!
Even when cheated out of the Presidency by corrupt democrats, biased media and big tech. conspiring and lying, President Trump battles and WINS for America and its Citizens!!!
– That’s love of Country –
– That’s America First –
It’s a great example how strong convictions, morals , love of Country, can and will prevail!!
Expose, reject, stand for America, our common beliefs, rights and Freedom!
So by my count , EVERYTHING President Trump said, every policy descision was RIGHT for America!
We the People need the same enthusiasm for WINNING.
It’s time the supreme court to step in for other poor decisions that is being made in our bad so called leadership.
I doubt that the puppet Biden will listen to the court. Democrats use activist courts to brow beat conservatives but when the courts rule against their erroneous policies, then the court has made a bad decision and should be disregarded. Maybe it is time that we conservatives held Roe vs. Wade to the same standard. However, that would mean undermining the rule of law and disregarding the authority of the court. I forgot. Only Democrats do such things.
President Trump took more initiative and assertive action on behalf of America in 4 years than the GOP “lifers” in Congress had done in 4 decades. The DC Beltway Establishment exists to protect and perpetuate itself rather than act on behalf the nation and Constitution. This applies to both parties with few exceptions and those dissenters are summarily brought into line or ousted, as in the case Trump by means of hook or crook. Since 1964, the Congressional incumbent re-election rates have been 82% for the House and 96% in the Senate despite the steady decline of our national interests, economic base and culture during that period.
In the real world (i.e. private sector) such performance would have led to dismissal and/or civil prosecution decades ago. We are simply reaping what we have allowed to be sown in plain sight while we were busy with social media and other shiny toys……
America pukes at and SCOTUS rebukes Biden’s flukes!! How long is the Nation going to tolerate Joe Hidin’ Biden’s sidin’ with political insanity!!!?
It has always puzzled me that Joe Hidin’ Biden is sidin’ with virtually uncontrolled flux of illegal immigrants to this Nation. It is a political stand that I find to be near insanity from the standpoint of preserving the welfare of true modern day American citizens. It is long past historically from the 1800’s and earlier when the USA was growing leaps and bounds and was forming the modern day Nation we now love and have. Yes, some immigration is healthy for our Nation in some ways, but not unleashed and uncontrolled… even a fool can understand the wisdom of that.
Praise the Lord. Now, let’s finish the wall!
My question; why has this taken so long? There has been a lot of damage done while SCOTUS fiddled.
Thankfully, the supreme court has some common sense on this matter. Now, will the decision be enforced?
After this supreme court ruling and the Afghanistan debacle, BIDEN, HARRIS, PILOSI AND SCHUMER NEED TO BE IMPEACHED!
I was very moved to see that Glenn Beck has mobilized with the Nazarene to help get all the stranded people out of Afghanistan. The Americans are very flabbergasted that O’biden has done the most stupid thing imaginable the way he gave 600,000 top guns to the Taliban and left Americans and Afghani’s that helped our soldiers for the past 20 years. Now the open boarder will allow terrorists the opportunity to come into our country. China is the only one benefiting from this stupidity. God help America.
Send all the illegals to Delaware, they are the ones who put “body bag” Biden in office originally and kept him there 40 years! Now we can send all the people from Afghanistan there as well.
i love it about time someone in the government found the lost balls and took the wheel away from biden.
It would appear that at least one of the three branches of our government is still working correctly.
It will take elections in 2022 and 2024 to fix the other two.