AMAC Exclusive – By David P. Deavel

Just in case you missed it, there was a big win in Ohio this week. Almost 1,900 AMAC members took part in the “Stand Up for Children and Override Gov DeWine’s Veto of the SAFE Act.” Their action was successful, and the Ohio House voted 65-28 to override Republican Governor Mike DeWine’s veto of the bill.
We can make a difference. And when we keep up the pressure, we can win.
Yes, it’s sad that so much of our medical establishment has embraced destructive and radical gender ideology. It’s also sad and frustrating that there had to be this action in a red state—with Republican governors like this, who needs Democrats? But that’s where we are. The key point is that this bill to protect parental rights and prevent children from suffering irreversible effects from medical procedures that do not benefit them was indeed passed.
The problems of medicine these days are legion; nowhere more than in the highest reaches of the “public health” bureaucracies around the world. Last week, a leader for the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that COVID is “still a pandemic.” This is even more radical than the WHO itself, which stopped talking about it as an international public health threat last May. Yet even if the WHO is seemingly more moderate than its more wild-eyed members, it is itself a threat to the United States because of the Pandemic Agreement it has written and to which the United States is likely to bind itself unless there is sufficient public outcry.
Ben Johnson of The Washington Stand has written as thorough an exposé of the Agreement as is possible. He shows that the WHO’s Agreement is precisely an “agreement” rather than a “treaty” because the Biden Administration lobbied to have it so. A treaty requires the consent of the Senate while an agreement can be entered by the President. That is why it is particularly important for there to be an outcry.
What’s in the Pandemic Agreement as it stands that makes it so bad? Well, there is a lot to cover, for which those interested can read the October 2023 text or Johnson’s full article. The most important thing is the ceding of authority to the WHO. While the document itself affirms as a principle that states have “the sovereign right to legislate and to implement legislation in pursuance of their health policies,” this is hedged in by the fact that the Agreement also binds those signing on to “recognize” the WHO as “the directing and coordinating authority on international health work.” And indeed, those with the sole authority to make binding decisions will be a “Conference of the Parties” (Articles 21 and 24), whose delegates will be chosen from the Parties alone, defined as “a State or regional economic integration organization that has consented to be bound by this Agreement.” One is reminded of Solzhenitsyn’s withering critique of the United Nations—it is not nations, but governments, that are uniting together. In this case, we will see not only nations but “regional economic integration organizations”—something that might include the EU or other Free Trade Areas or Customs Unions. In short, unaccountable groups.
Once in this Agreement, nations are committed to “national” policies around pandemics. It is not unreasonable to see this as a way around what happened with COVID-19: in a nation with strong federalism such as the U. S., various states—particularly Florida under the leadership of Ron DeSantis—were able to buck national and international health organizations. This agreement is aimed at making sure there are no control groups for the kind of coercive policies that are sure to be rolled out again.
In addition to these more general problems of authority, the Agreement, if signed, would commit the U. S. to donating 10% of any “pandemic-related products” (vaccines, medicine, equipment) to the WHO and providing another 10% at “affordable prices” (Article 12:4b(ii)(a)). It would also commit the U. S. to settling disputes via arbitration or the International Court of Justice at the Hague (Article 34:2).
The lines of authority and the demands made are bad enough, but most of the other substance of the agreement is also terrible. Johnson notes that, though not mentioned in the Agreement, following the paper trails reveals that the WHO’s understanding is that abortion is “an essential service”: “In March 2022,” he writes, “WHO released a new ‘Abortion care guideline” stating that both chemical and surgical abortion should continue even during global health crises. “In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic … WHO has included comprehensive abortion care in the list of essential health services,’ said the document.”
Indeed, abortion is not the only globalist, left-wing element of substance. Alongside the supposed commitment to “national sovereignty,” the Agreement commits signers to the dreaded “equity,” which, to achieve equal outcomes among groups, will require discrimination against individuals. Think COVID-era Stand Up for Children and Override Gov DeWine’s Veto of the SAFE Act in Democratic-run cities and states in which medical treatments were prioritized on the basis of race.
Even worse is the “One Health” approach. This latter is defined in the Agreement as “an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems.” Note this notion of a “balance” between human and animal health. In other words, human life is not even the main priority. Though that’s not quite spelled out in the document, Johnson cites a 2023 editorial in the British medical journal Lancet, which describes “a fundamentally different approach to the natural world, one in which we are as concerned about the welfare of non-human animals and the environment as we are about humans.” The editorial explicitly describes One Health as “a call for ecological, not merely health, equity.”
Bad policies will be everywhere if this is signed. With respect to vaccines, the Agreement calls for rules for development, distribution, and use of emergency-authorized vaccines. It also calls for ways to deal with liability for the inevitable vaccine injuries. One suggested approach is, as was true with the COVID shots, complete freedom from liability. That this freedom from accountability was a bad idea ought to be obvious, but to the WHO, it is not. Johnson notes that in all this discussion, there is not a word to be said condemning those countries that violated basic human rights in the name of the emergency. Look for more COVID-style authoritarianism for countries that sign on.
Perhaps the worst aspect of this Agreement, however, is the promotion of more totalitarian speech policing. The Agreement encourages nations to work together on “infodemic management” (Article 9:2D), by which the document means both “false or misleading information” and “too much information,” both of which lead “to mistrust in health authorities and undermines public health and social measures” (Article 1C). That it was public health authorities that were themselves purveyors of misinformation during the COVID episode is something that is nowhere acknowledged. Johnson cites the many contradictory and false claims about non-pharmaceutical interventions from masking to “social distancing,” as well as the false claims about pharmaceutical interventions themselves, as good evidence that this kind of top-down approach to information will be guaranteed to make things worse in any future pandemic.
Nobody should be in doubt that the U.S.’s signing on to such an agreement would be a destructive thing. Johnson notes that there are at least four different pieces of legislation in the works to keep us from the baleful effects of this governmental and health boondoggle. But given that our own national legislative branch is not red as is Ohio’s, the best way to make sure we have victory is to stop this thing dead in its tracks now. The required 30-day public comment period for this new rule opened up December 22, which means that it ends January 22 at 5:00 PM Eastern Time. Given the seriousness of this new and hidden threat to our political and bodily health, everybody should email comments against the signing of this agreement to [email protected] using the subject line “Written Comment Re: Implications of Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) Commitments/Regimes and Other Proposed Commitments in the WHO Pandemic Agreement.”
The voice of Americans is needed now more than ever. Let’s keep up the pressure and win this national fight. Given the fact that the United States still carries weight in many parts of the world, not signing the Pandemic Agreement would be a win not just for America and Americans but for the world.
David P. Deavel teaches at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas, and is a Senior Contributor at The Imaginative Conservative. Follow him on X @davidpdeavel.
No government should force the will there will on the people. We are a free country and no other country should be telling us what we need to do. 
We are against every criminal move this administration have imposed.
This is the United States of America . Not a country without people that can speak for themselves and I say NO to any foreign entity’s interferences of our freeedoms and liberty! We are a Republic that can govern ourselves!!
WHO is a corrupt proxy for the CCP. Joe Biden wants this agreement because he is too.
This is extremely dangerous! Our freedoms our being pulled away one straw at a time and they’re going quickly. Pretty soon, our “broom” of American freedoms will be empty and all we’ll have left is a stick to try to fight for our lives!
The WHO is run by Communist China.
NO American deal with WHO.
Do not sign away our American rights. Keep WHO out of our health care at all levels.
I don’t like WHO and I don’t like or trust the UN. We should be getting rid of all of them. All they do for? us it take our $$$$.
One more agreement closer to a one world dictatorship. This whole world and global everything is all inclusive. The United States of America a country set apart by the people for the people. No more we have let it be taken down by evil.
I strongly condemn allowing our national sovereignty to be violated signing the W.H.O. Pandemic Agreement.
Most of us agree that the U.S. shouldn’t sign this treaty. Why isn’t AMAC Action sending out a blast where members can click a button to send messages to our U.S. Senators to fight Uncle Joe on this?
Wonder how much Biden profited on the selling of America with this agreement.? What a traitor. I guess so long as he makes money he doesn’t care for anyone but himself.
Signing this would be unconstitutional and treasonous. No elected official has the right to take the sovereignty away from American citizens.
This is another phase of the push for GLOBAL GOVERNMENT!!! We have TOO MANY TRAITORS (Demo/Social/Communist/RINO’S — ALL ONE PARTY) willing to SELL us out to the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM/United Nations. We need politicians with the GUTS to declare to the GLABALISTS that we are “The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A SOVEREIGN REPUBLIC” and they can go POUND SAND!!!!!
WHO? we should not be governed by “world” health at all
I wouldn’t sign anything that has the stamp of the who on it.
You bet David ! As you stated in this well written article – to stand up to any of these ” authorities ” – or would- be authorities, who have a disregard for the spirit of American liberties – that is the noble thing to do. And let’s look at it like this too – to have a victory with this issue will be like ” winning one for the Gipper ” ( see the history of Ronald Reagan films for an explanation of that phrase ) , but it means to be honorable in doing what is right , and it will send a good ,positive message that courage and respect for truth are still thought about by Americans who value the qualities of Faith, Family and Freedom.
No to WHO!! WHO has no business being in private lives. This is definitely a communist regime. This would be a loss of self- governing and self-responsibility, equaling the loss of God given right to freedom. I dont want my body dictated by someone other than me or per my directive.
This started out as a treaty. Someway, the democrats have it as an agreement now. Treaties have to be voted by congress, agreements don’t. So, this administration can give up our sovereignty with a stroke of Biden/Obama’s hand.
That’s easy… OH HELL NO!!!
Please stop with the Pandemic nonsense
Don’t sign The Pandemic Act
They want to TAKE our Sovereignty away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Covid is still a pandemic pronounced the expert Is he preparing us for more draconian measures as in forced vaccinations and mask wearing demands? Funny all experts were pussyfooting around AIDS when first diagnosed All knew it was preventable but no one dared to put the iron fist down. Urge was to develop the cure ASAP no one dared to push personal responsibility and prevention only sympathy and pity This move has absolutely nothing to do with the health and well being but the total iron fist control over the world Surely prevention of pregnancy could have been taught where needed the most decades ago in the name of WHO Now they have the abortion on their agenda are they all psychopathic sadists? That outfit ought to be put in front of a tribunal
The WHO cannot be trusted. International agreements as a rule are designed to suck funds out of the US and/or attempt to control a segment of our society
Thank you for informing us so we can send our politicians and our stand on issues! Keep up the great work!!
No to this! No
We have already given up so many rights by entering into bogus agreements. this admiistration is corrupt and not caring about the rights of the people
I just sent an Email, indicating my dissent to the agreement.
As long as we’re at it, let’s email our congress people to get the US out of the UN and get the UN out of the US. We should turn the UN building into US retirement apartments.
Say no to WHO! Keep WHO out of Americans business and our freedoms.Free speech and our health care are non of their business. We are a country of freedom not totalitanism.Obama is part of the problem and he needs to stand down down on Americans rights.
Just one more move by old joe and his demorat/communists to communize our country.
I have been following this topic for months through a UK Source where it is under scrutiny and wondered when it would get around to U.S. The powers that are being sought by the WHO are extreme and totally contrary to the self-governance of any nation. Yet, there are those who would readily relinquish these freedoms. The track record of the WHO was abysmal during the Covid 19 Pandemic. More power would only exacerbate a bad situation.
We are a sovereign nation and don’t need a global order telling our nation how to deal with plandemics (pandemics). We have doctors and scientists that can assist in making these decisions.
The WHO does not have the right to dictate to anyone what or when about our health or anything else in life. WHO does not have the right to make decisions for us at all. Who put the WHO in charge? Our government and leaders should in no way give into or sign anything or agree to anything the WHO has to say or to try to impose. WHO does not now or ever had anyones best interest other than their own. They are out to destroy what GOD created. But with GOD as our leader and LORD of our country we will overcome the WHO and anyone who thinks they be god, because we have Almighty GOD with us now and always.
Absolutely not.
NOPE . Enough of Governemnt overreach and WHO isn’t government anyway
WHO and the US Communicable Disease Center (CDC) faitiled to inform the public about:
An abject failure in all key aspects. Both organizations have trillions of US taxpayer money but none of our confidence. WHO is now the equivalent of the UN. Worthless.
Do Not Sign Away Our Rights!
The WHO, CDC, NIAID, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx, Dr. Brett Giroir, Dr. Stephen Hahn, Dr. Robert Kadlec and Dr. Robert Redfield (who were considered “America’s doctors”) lied to us over and over again every single day, they lied to us and they still are lying to us!!! Dr. Fauci admitted to his funding Wuhan Labs for gain of function testing” which could be considered the beginning of the pandemic but he never has taken responsibility for his part in the pandemic that killed millions worldwide!! The lies about the masks and how they actually function and now they are trying to enforce masks wearing in America saying we are still in the pandemic!!! I, for one, am not willing to inconvenience myself for their benefit!! I don’t buy the vaccines – there was not enough testing done on the vaccine so they couldn’t have actually known whether it worked or not!!! And the unintended consequences that millions of Americans are now feeling because of those unintended consequences of not testing the vaccines enough!!! Some people are suffering from new or mostly unknown diseases due to either Covid, the vaccine or both!!! Now we have millions suffering because you were greedy, arrogant and selfish!!!!! I can’t believe anything that the medical profession says anymore!! Local doctors are told what they can and can’t say, do, prescribe, etc. with their patients dictated by either the insurance companies or the NIAID, the WHO, the CDC none of whom I trust – period!!!!!
You want to enforce the mask rules again but you can’t enforce the laws of the land and keep the border closed??? How many illegals are allowed to freely enter and go anywhere they like – is there any testing done at the border concerning diseases?? NO, they don’t have time for that so there could be some serious, serious diseases streaming across the border to infect unsuspecting Americans!!! Is this part of your plan, Joe??? Close the border immediately!!!
I agree with all of the others who have commented NO.
Has to be ratified by the Senate to mean a thing.
Their “laws” don’t mean much anymore as far as I am concerned.
Define is not a republican I’d say rino fits better
Covid is no longer a pandemic. It has evolved into a regular seasonal flu. This is a ploy to control the global public.
As noted in the last few years especially, these international entities are not in the best interests of the common male/female of any nation. These entities are administrative bureaucracies that desire for power power to their own organizations. Like our own politicians who are in power like plutocracy . I have more but they only want positive comments.
AMAC – how about a Call To Action for this facilitating a flood of ‘no’ to the powers that be??
Let’s get those emails sent today! Someday the lefts pograms will come back to bite them. Then what will they do.
Why is this even being considered in the first place by this Administration, just another step to One World Order.