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Retired Military Brass Seek to Rally a Grassroots Movement to ‘Save America’

Posted on Thursday, May 13, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

AmericaWASHINGTON, DC, May 12 — Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.  That’s the gist of the appeal scores America’s military elite made in a new clarion call to citizens who care and are engaged.

An open letter from the Flag Officers 4 America Web site, signed by 124 Generals and Admirals, warns that if you are a citizen who cares and is engaged, you must get involved “at the local, state, and/or national level to elect political representatives who will act to Save America, our Constitutional Republic, and hold those currently in office accountable.”

The letter describes the urgent need for action.  “Our Nation is in deep peril. We are in a fight for our survival as the Constitutional Republic like no other time since our founding in 1776. The conflict is between supporters of Socialism and Marxism vs. supporters of Constitutional freedom and liberty.”

It focuses on several key issues, starting with the need to ensure “fair and honest” elections in order to save our Representative Republic.  We must be ever watchful and act “swiftly when election irregularities are surfaced and not ignore them as was done in 2020.”

The letter cautions that Socialist, Marxist and Progressive extremists need to be checked lest they divide our nation into “warring factions.”  It takes aim at the calls for open borders, warns that the freedoms we receive thanks to the First Amendment are sacred and in need of protection, and reminds us that the “Rule of Law” — not anarchy — is the basic premise of our Republic.

In conclusion, the letter states that “Under a Democrat Congress and the Current Administration, our Country has taken a hard left turn toward Socialism and a Marxist form of tyrannical government which must be countered now by electing congressional and presidential candidates who will always act to defend our Constitutional Republic. The survival of our Nation and its cherished freedoms, liberty, and historic values are at stake.”

The missive focuses on a number of key issues, including China, which the generals and admirals who signed the letter say “is the greatest external threat to America.”  Not far behind, it adds, is illegal immigration and resuming U.S. participation in the Iran nuclear deal, two of President Biden’s top agenda items.

The letter goes on to slam Mr. Biden’s decision to stop the Keystone XL Pipeline project. “Stopping the Keystone Pipeline eliminates our recently established energy independence and causes us to be energy dependent on nations not friendly to us while eliminating valuable U.S. jobs. We must open the Keystone Pipeline and regain our energy independence for national security and economic reasons.”

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3 years ago

It would be very interesting to ask some of these retired military leaders, if they think current military brass agrees with their stance. That would be telling as to how far the Democrat administrations since Bill Clinton have succeeded in purging the military leadership’s ranks of those whose allegiance is an oath to the Constitution versus what the Democrats desire as a blind allegiance to the Democrat President in the White House. Now an article on that would be truly interesting and informative for the American people.

3 years ago

I am game. i’ll do whatever is needed to show the treason this admin is doing!

3 years ago

They are absolutely on target and most of the media is supporting the socialist agenda.

James Kelly
James Kelly
3 years ago

Can’t do much; 74 and crippled.

Could be on the firing squad.

Victoria Johnson
Victoria Johnson
3 years ago

Thank God we still have some high level military types who haven’t compromised their honor and sense of patriotism to the demands for fealty to the Democrap Party and it’s goal to do everything in their power to destroy our nation as founded. The leaders of our current DOD are working as fast as they can to purge the active duty military of anyone who will not eschew their traditional oath of loyalty to the Constitution for an oath to protect and defend the POTUS and Democrap Party. May God protect and guide those who refuse to bend a knee to their socialist intentions.
God bless you and the United States of America.

3 years ago

You can sign me up right now….it is past time to put the nonsense in Washington out on the streets and put the REAL president back in the oval office.

3 years ago

Enlisted or officer, I swore the same oath ‘to defend our flag and Constitution  against all enemies, foreign and domestic.’  I may have been discharged but I don’t ever remember being relieved of my oath.

3 years ago

Amen and amen!!! I’m ready to hit the streets and show some opposition to the evil in our government masquerading as Americans, and to those in the media masquerading as the press. We can’t sit by and allow this to go on without standing up and speaking out. It is astounding that so many of our countrymen and women have fallen for the liberal lies. Did their educations leave them with no personal accountability or common sense? Their freedom is at stake, too. God help us all…

Sarah Decker
Sarah Decker
3 years ago

Thank you. This is so true!

Ms Bell
Ms Bell
3 years ago

Lord help us! I’m tooo old to fight!

3 years ago

Praise the Lord! Stand up or be pushed down!

3 years ago

Amen totally agree we have got to take it back one way or the other.

3 years ago

What I want to know now is, how can I help? I want to join their efforts.

Gunny Joe
Gunny Joe
3 years ago

Not as lean, Not as mean, But still a United States Marine!!! No Body released me from the oath I took in 1961.
I also question how many of the active Generals are in line this letter! I do know one Retired Naval Flag that is very liberal, to the point I have to watch my words, out of respect for the person not the flag.
I know and fear what a civil war Would do to our Nation. Not to mention the doors such a action would give our enemies. Hell people in some respects BLM, KKK, and radical dems/rinos, will not let us heal from the last civil war. (Of which I was a rifle ball from not being here, as 1 grate grandfather was Union and one Confederate.) But have learned to accept people as they are. If I do not like you has nothing to do with skin color or lack of such, nor how you chose to worship or what you do in your bedroom. Just don’t push the last two as something we have to accept. In other words accept us as we accept your action, that are lawful.
As for now I shall continue to pray, with the knowledge that the God of my understanding is hearing my prayers .

3 years ago

Sign me up. Just say where and when.

3 years ago

God is the creator of freedom, liberty, and gave us all all a job so we would not be idle, and have a purpose in life. We told Him that He was not welcome in our schools, and now we expel Him from our government and lives. The result is we are godless and full of troubles. Only He can help us.

3 years ago

I thank God that we now have the military clout to do what needs to be addressed to get our country back to the freedoms we have enjoyed for so many years. Thank you for your service and your willingness to fight this battle.

L and B :)
L and B :)
3 years ago

Very True ❤️????
Thank You for Sharing this
Important ???? Letter.
We will continue to PRAY for
Our Blessed Country and do
what we can to Support America ????✝️????????????????????????

Scott Berg
Scott Berg
3 years ago

Excuse me but Trump had the chance to capture all of washington’s congressmen senators & representatives (Scumbags INC.) that are named in the list of indictments in one fell swoop all he had to do was pull the trigger, But he didn’t “God only knows why “, everyone on this letter is if not fully retired then in the process of it, they have more leverage than any of US, so when the zombie they call potus makes these calls like letting hundreds of thousands of illegals into our country, wait on them hand and foot ,do you honestly believe between their votes along with the fact that they’re not planning on replacing any of the machines that put us in this situation in the first place will succeed in flipping these seats regardless of office, I seriously want whatever your on because mine doesn’t seem to be working”, I joined the Convention of States some fifteen years ago” but even that at best is moving at a snail’s pace ” So what I would love to know is how the hell do you win against a opponent that has no rules !?

3 years ago

Biden is an idiot. He is not qualified to be President. He just doesn’t have the courage or the intelligence.

James Russell
James Russell
3 years ago

I am in.

3 years ago

We need to protect the Constitution our great forefathers established. We need action from our elected Republicans to stop Socialism.
How can I help

3 years ago

Well, I’m sure the FBI will be all over these military brass at 6am. For reasons they the FBI make up as they go.

Barb Whatley
Barb Whatley
3 years ago

I’m in

Wendy Kaslaitis
Wendy Kaslaitis
3 years ago

I am in

Michael Smith
Michael Smith
3 years ago

Welcome to the New Amerika, comrades!

3 years ago

Fate whispered to the warrior, “You cannot fight the storm.”
The warrior whispered to fate, “I am the storm.”

Thank God I am finally hearing, reading, some voices of reason. There are some brave warriors out there. When I read the letter from the Flag Officers of America I breathed a sigh of relief. Is help on the way? Will the voices in the wilderness be heard? The more entrenched this travesty becomes the more difficult it will be to correct. Some voices come through but the follow up never follows. This time I’ll pray a little harder. This purge of freedom is happening all at once all over the world. The bio weapon seems to have succeeded at the first shot.Let’s hope the damage is not irreparable. .

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

Please take over.

Ugly Outlaw
Ugly Outlaw
3 years ago

If HR-1 and S-1 are passed through Congress, we have given up our Republic for a Socialist/Marxist form of govt that ONLY a blood shedding war will eliminate and allow us to return to the freedoms we all hold dear. Keep your powder dry and your flag high. Blessed day to all the patriots!

3 years ago

We can’t let HR 1/S 1 besides all the other HR and S’s get through. Democrats are here to destroy us

Roy Bobbitt
Roy Bobbitt
3 years ago

The people in Charge should show the stats on Foreign Aid, the amount of Philanthropy, the programs that exist for opportunity for all in our country, how sanctuary states and cities are hurting those programs, start arresting Politicians that are traitors to the country and violate the Constitution.

3 years ago

Couldn’t agree more. Seems like a movie called: Valkyrie. Does history repeat itself?

Gloria P. Sterling
Gloria P. Sterling
3 years ago

Fair elections should be right there at the top. This last one was anything except that.

Susan Jordan
Susan Jordan
3 years ago

This is a great call but I might suggest instead of fractioning (as I see it) the power we have in subgroups of patriots that a majority of us should be concentrating on the real source, which is to cut the heads off this existing government. Join your CONVENTIONS OF STATES. While it is admirable to put out fires as they come, our government is so deeply entrenched with this globalist ideology that by the time we rally and remove one impediment to our right to self governance they will have increased agendas 3 fold.

3 years ago

Time to rock and roll before socialists gain control over elections like the last one. Sleepy Joe magically got more votes than any president in history. I do not believe there are that many informed Americans that hate America so much.

3 years ago

RINOs like the Bush-Cheney-Romney-et al cabal, and Lincoln Project, are equally as much undermining our Republic by enabling the Progressives and the Democrats as junior partners of their coalition, masquerading as “Moderates.”

3 years ago

I fear we don’t have a sufficient number of true patriots in Congress today to stop these treasonous Dems. Shame on the Republican party “leaders” of the past to have proffered up so many swamp rats as our only alternative. Reagan and Trump had to overcome the party rather than being the example of what they look for. I no longer donate to the RNC but have to look for the individuals and organizations to support separately.

Pat R
Pat R
3 years ago

If the Dems/leftists have their way, these retired military will have their retirements taken away – no doubt for some hyped-up charge. They like to throw the word “treason” around toward any who do not agree with their leftist mantra & push.

3 years ago

I wish there were someone to get us past these 4 years. I see nothing good and positive to happen with this administration. The only ones who will benefit are those holding all the B.S. cards. It’s all about THEM! Always has been and always will be! God help us.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

The generals & admirals see the entire picture & I can only hope & pray our US military command structure hasn’t been completely feminized as some articles are stating as factual, i.e. CRT for starters. Critical Race Theory has NO place in our military, period. It does not belong in Federal Gov’t & it most certainty does NOT belong in our schools classrooms at any grade level, including our colleges. I tip my hat to these patriotic retired officers for speaking their minds. Is the US military listening to the peoples voices? We The People of this nation are the employers of all those serving in Washington, DC. We The People can have all of you REMOVED as well that have failed to live up to your obligations as public servants, remember this the next time any of you enrichen yourselves at the taxpayers expense…
God Bless America…

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