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Restore Trust in Government

Posted on Friday, December 27, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

The biggest challenge President Trump faces is restoring trust in government. Americans feel beaten about the head and ears, abused, overtaxed, overregulated, mandated, investigated, culturally denied, are fit to be tied. Restoring trust is hard, but that is the mandate. So, how?

Yes, get rid of overreach by the Departments of Justice, Education, HHS, and EPA. Stop pushing Marxism via CRT, DEI, ESG, confusing genders, lawfare, giveaways, and delegitimizing advancement by merit. Start enforcing laws at the border, against drug and human traffickers.

But more is needed, something fundamental: The outrage many feel goes beyond ousting left-leaning policies and faithless leaders who push power consolidation. Missing is trust.

Americans operate at their best when they can trust “the system” to leave them alone, and let them make their own, well-grounded choices, moral, family, political, job, and purchasing. They only trust the “system” when the government is limited – not trying to remake, oppress, and distress them.

History is crystal clear about what happens when a government oversteps, causing people to feel denied their carefully (often painfully) reached life decisions about family, work, and faith. One day, people just rise up. In a republic, they revolt with their vote. That is what just happened.

The major takeaway of Election 2024 is this: “The People” have lost trust in government, and its self-appointed cheerleaders throughout the media, social media, and high tech, all manipulators.

Over the past many years however, people of all walks – young and old, men and women, rural and urban, black, white, Hispanic and Asian, have grown disenchanted, now to distrust leaders.

The reason is not mysterious, not to average voters. Power begets arrogance, and arrogance begets abuse. Abuses create resentment that, over time, bubbles up. Free people do not like being told they must conform to being taxed, inflated, mandated, and manipulated out of their values.

They hate the idea and despise those who push it on them. The last thing people will do – once trust is lost – is empower those who abuse the power they were given. For good reason, many are disillusioned with those in high office, those who regularly forget where power comes from: us.

What did our Founders say, tell us never to forget? They foresaw all this, this kind of abuse. They knew something, too, about being abused. They cautioned us to turn out bad leaders and implored us to keep our government limited. They told us, which we know, to be suspicious.

They were wise, these fighters for liberty who gave us a written Constitution, backed by a clear defense. They warned against oversized, ambitious government, and warned us to contain it or be contained by it. Their words still resonate, especially now.

A great deal now turns on restoring trust in government, but this is a necessary but tough task. We need leaders – at all levels – who understand what the majority feels and wants, and who will keep federal and state governments limited, reducing size and spending, across all branches.

Wrote James Madison, Father of our Constitution, in his thoughtful way: “I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.” We live among such “encroachments.”

More direct was Thomas Paine, author of Common Sense. “Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, and intolerable one.” Leaders are faithful only when they limit government; the rest are faithless, self-serving, and not to be trusted.

Thomas Jefferson, reader of six languages, author of our Declaration, governor, and our third president wrote: “A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned – this is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities.”

So, to be happy, we need only a limited government, one that keeps us from injuring each other and operates at the lowest possible cost, with the least possible intrusion on our daily “pursuits.”

Over and over, our Founders warned us: Trust only those who cherish individual liberty, preserve public safety, and are passionate about limiting government; all others scrutinize, distrust, and discard.

For too long, freedom-loving Americans have stood aside, watched the federal government – and many state governments – grow in power, abuse power, spend and indebt, overstep and forget, our leaders debasing themselves, defiling our Constitution, and diminishing our rights.

Suddenly, in 2024 – as if we heard our Founders’ words on the wind – much of America awoke and spoke, a mandate: Reduce government, restore our trust. Hard to do, but that is the mandate.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC. Robert Charles has also just released an uplifting new book, “Cherish America: Stories of Courage, Character, and Kindness” (Tower Publishing, 2024).

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Patricia K Browne
Patricia K Browne
2 months ago

I would like to know WHERE/HOW Congress has the right to vote for their own raises? This recent raise of 40% is absolutely absurd! They are ‘supposed to work FOR US; not for themselves and MOST CERTAINLY NOT AGAINST US!

2 months ago

For me, at least, this goes far beyond losing trust in government. I no longer trust the politicians at all. Of either party! I think VERY few of our elected “representatives” (I refuse to use the word leaders) realize just how far they have fallen in the eyes of the citizens they are supposed to be serving. They have all become so full of themselves that they have lost touch with the common citizen. Especially the democrats, but this applies to Republicans like Mitch McConnell and many others was well. Serving in the government used to be a privilege and its now a “career” and a way to get rich. WRONG in so many ways. Its going to take a long time to restore MY trust.

Michael J
Michael J
2 months ago

The bigger government gets, the easier it is to deceive it’s citizens. How can Americans trust lifetime career politicians when nothing improves?Taxes increase and spent on everyone except Americans. Politicians have been lying to get elected, lying to stay elected, expecting us to just go along as usual. People are waking up because their personal lives are being affected. Can we ever trust the government again? Only if we remove those responsible.

2 months ago

As John Adams said “our form of government is only for a moral and religious people and totally inadequate for the government of any other”. We, the people, need to take a hard look at ourselves.

2 months ago

Robert Charles is a very powerful writer. He says what I feel. The other comments are also well founded.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
2 months ago

The only way to restore trust in government is if those running the government will admit to all the lies that have been told to us for so long, to admit to having done so many awful things to us and to others around the world, and if REAL justice is meted out to those who have done these awful things. Otherwise, it is all just worthless talk.

Kathryn Davis
Kathryn Davis
2 months ago

Way past time for “term limits” for that Congress group. Really, they hang around there until the day or two before they die. Other careers, like pilots and military folks have retirement rules. We need new life in Congress and I have never in my 80 years understood why folks just keep voting for the same, worn out, never thinking out of the box folks who only care about themselves. Congress needs to get a life!

2 months ago

He is right. We have seen governmental abuse for decades. Now we have taken a stand. Let us hope we will get what we need.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

“Love your Country but fear your government”. Trust? That’s earned! And not until the same people in government who will defend “gender affirmation” for children but refuse to explain what a woman is.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 months ago

The goal of big government is not a good management, but to turn it’s citizens into a docile herd,being used to feed and care,government knows the best To have an independent idea is a disease that must be eradicated

2 months ago

I have been getting lots of notices from Cryto spammers the last couple of months. I would like to see AMAC put out an article on the pros & cons of Cryto currency! Seems like, if there is a power outage in this area, then I will not have any money at all until electricity is back on.

Nick Murphy
Nick Murphy
2 months ago

Not possible! Just like trusting DOJ or the courts is totally gone, never to come back. democrats destroyed that along with the economy

2 months ago


2 months ago

Biden is the joke that republicans put on us. Incompetent to stand trial for his own corruption yet pardons and commutes sentences of other criminals while the republicans stand by.

2 months ago

Another highly insightful article by Mr. Charles.
Not to sound “hokey” (if that’s how it’s spelled), but, generally it appears to take someone of decent upbringing to be an ethical AND effective political leader.
Anyone who is void of ANY sense of those values can be expected to collide with them, as President, Secretary of State, etc., in ways that can cause enormous harm to themselves and their offices.
Prime exhibits of how this measure of “ethical eligibility” can “pan out” are the Clintons and the Bidens, obviously, as no further elucidation is required for any who recall either family, and their members who have held high-profile political offices.
It also seems that a strong sense of ethics on the part of an incumbent can draw the right mentorship and support from others with political influence, not to mention public support from those who feel aligned with the values and sentiments that were so widely expressed by supporters of the Reagan Presidency.

2 months ago

No government can be trusted. At any level. Ever.

2 months ago

Congratulations TRUMP, so many hopes throughout the world are watching for you…. someone who is trying to help.

2 months ago

How is the new Trump administration going to treat the First Ammendment & freedom of the press? I hope that Twitter & Truth Social are not going to be the main source of info to the public from Musk & Trump, and that they will quit calling other news media as FAKE NEWS!
We need to go back to hearing the truth from news media & not slanted towards one agenda!

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