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REPORT: Soros Woke Prosecutor Movement on the Ropes

Posted on Tuesday, December 10, 2024
by Andrew Shirley

Following a series of high-profile defeats in 2022 and 2023, 2024 was another rough year for soft-on-crime prosecutors and district attorneys backed by liberal megadonor George Soros. After years in which “Soros prosecutors” ran roughshod over the criminal justice system in many of America’s biggest cities, it appears even voters in the most deeply progressive corners of the country have had enough.

According to a new report from the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund (LELDF), a nonprofit aimed at defending “the law enforcement profession and those law enforcement officers who have devoted their lives to upholding the Constitution and serving the United States,” 21 Soros-linked progressive prosecutors have been replaced by tough-on-crime prosecutors since 2022, while four have left office. In that same time period, just 13 new Soros prosecutors have been elected, while eight Soros prosecutors have been replaced by other soft-on-crime prosecutors.

On the whole, LELDF notes, the trends clearly show that soft-on-crime prosecutors are falling out of favor with the public, even as Soros and his extensive web of nonprofits continue to pour millions of dollars into electing them. As of this January, Soros and Soros-linked groups had spent at least $50 million electing dozens of “social justice” district attorneys nationwide. At the height of the movement, Soros prosecutors represented 70 million people, or more than one in five Americans.

District attorneys arguably have more power than any single individual to influence the justice system because of their discretion in choosing what crimes to prosecute and how to prosecute them. Historically, most district attorneys have been largely nonpartisan, understanding that their role is to enforce the laws on the books and keep the public safe. As a result, district attorney elections are usually low-dollar affairs.

Starting around 2015, however, Soros realized that a relatively small investment in these races could yield immense influence. Once in power, his acolytes began instituting policies like ending cash bail and outright refusing to prosecute some crimes, including robbery. Predictably, crime has skyrocketed in jurisdictions overseen by Soros prosecutors, leading to the ongoing backlash from voters.

Undoubtedly the most high-profile defeat for a Soros prosecutor this year was Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon, who went down to Independent challenger Nathan Hochman. Over his four years in office, Gascon racked up a grisly record of repeat offenders committing heinous crimes thanks to his “bail reform” policies. In one high-profile case from earlier this year, a man convicted of murder who was released early thanks to Gascon committed another senseless murder, generating intense public outrage.

Just up the coast in Alameda County, outside of San Francisco, voters recalled District Attorney Pamela Price following her decision to drop two murder charges against Delonzo Logwood, a career criminal who killed three people outside a club. As a result, Logwood is now looking at early release in a few years instead of facing life without parole. Price received more than $1 million from Soros-linked groups.

Across the country in Athens, Georgia, Deborah Gonzalez was trounced 60 percent to 40 percent by Republican Kalki Yalamanchili. Gonzalez’s circuit, which includes liberal Athens-Clarke County and conservative Oconee County, was the site of the horrific murder of nursing student Laken Riley earlier this year. Riley was slain by a Venezuelan migrant who was reportedly known to authorities. Gonzalez has notably failed to secure even a single guilty verdict the entire time she has been in office.

Some Soros prosecutors were so ineffective or unpopular that they didn’t even make it to their elections. In Portland, Oregon, Soros-funded Mike Schmidt lost a primary election to Nathan Vasquez, one of his deputies who ran promising to be tougher on crime. “We must take lawless behavior seriously and enforce our laws,” Vasquez’s campaign platform said. “Even ‘petty’ crimes, like theft, vandalism, and littering, public use of illicit drugs and public drug use, all contribute to the overall feeling of safety and wellbeing of a community.” Schmidt had notably declined to prosecute those crimes.

Even when voters haven’t directly ousted progressive prosecutors, some have been caught up in criminal cases of their own. In Mississippi, Hinds County District Attorney Jody Owens was indicted on eight federal charges just after Election Day. Owens faces one count of conspiracy, three counts of federal program bribery, one count of use of an interstate facility in aid of racketeering, one count of wire fraud, one count of money laundering, and one count of making a false statement.

Despite this momentum shift in recent years, Soros and the activist groups he funds have remained defiant, insisting that their vision for “reimagining” the criminal justice system will ultimately prevail. It appears that until voters boot every Soros prosecutor from office, they will still have to contend with their dangerous soft-on-crime policies.

Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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3 months ago

Finally, communities are wising up to the horrible antics that have been supported by Soros and his $$$$$. He needs to be prosecuted as well as his son, sent to prison, and the key thrown away. His monies and assets should be confiscated and used to pay all the damages that he has caused.

3 months ago

Will he be arrested (Soros) for seeking the demise of this great country?

3 months ago

It never ceases to amaze me how emotional and stupid people really are. How on earth did they even entertain for 1 minute that defunding the police, letting criminals off with a slap on the wrist, decriminalizing crime and persecuting law abiding citizens was ever a good idea. Americans have really gone insane. Thank God, they are waking up to reality, but its pretty obvious, they are not to be trusted.

Bil Smith
Bil Smith
3 months ago

It is long past time for the citizens of this nation to band together and resist/eliminate the dire and deadly political/social influences of Kazillionaires and their infectious offspring like this guy and his family-member accolytes. He and his family should have been deported long ago. And, double up on what those guys (below his entry) said. Make a public spectacle of ridding the nation of this vermin.

William Hodge
William Hodge
3 months ago

It’s time for the DOJ to do its job and put this scum along with his sons in prison. He’s the one that invented Obama and bought his presidency and we see how that worked out.

Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
3 months ago

Soros and his ilk know that they will only get the people to embrace tyranny and dictatorship if they can create an unhealthy society. Hence, make life difficult for the average citizen. Classic acts of violence making life miserable. Why is George Soros still here? Deport the s.o.b. He lied to get into the country. Strip him of his citizenship and send him back where he came from!

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
3 months ago

Seems we are hearing more complaints from citizens who are angry at the government officials in Blue States and Cities. My question to them is why do you vote for these far-left people? Nothing will change until they start voting for the “other side’s” candidates. I understand that Soros is spending a lot of money to help these officials get elected, but the voters are the ones who make the final decision.

Gary McCormick
Gary McCormick
3 months ago

Why has he not been declared ” Ememy of the State” And all of his assists frozen or taken to help pay down the dept!

3 months ago

You can’t let the inmates of an insane asylum run the country. And that was exactly what Soros was creating when he bought all these DA’s. I am surprised Bragg and James from New York weren’t mentioned in this article. Two of the most notorious Soros bought DA’s in the country. Invader gang members can roam the streets of New York and elsewhere and the police can’t even arrest them. Bragg is looking the other way. James the same. As well as all the other DA’s or AG’s all over the country. Many more have to be voted out in the blue states. I am afraid that Biden is going to go and empty all the prisons by pardoning all the prisoners. Just to obstruct Trump. They don’t think what it will do to the citizens. They have to get Trump. Be vigilant people the ultra left isn’t done yet destroying this country.

3 months ago

Crime data has been made useless. In NYC, Alvin Bragg downgrades so many felonies to misdemeanors that city leaders love to talk about a reduction in crime. Meanwhile, arrests have increased. So the cops do their job and the Manhattan DA renders their work meaningless. In the recent Penny case, Bragg took one on his double chin as jurors hung on the most sever charge. The judge allowed the DA to withdraw that charge, and required the jury to deliberate on the lesser charge. It took them less than two hours to vote not guilty. Hopefully this means citizens are wising up to these so called prosecutors and judges playing games with the law and peoples’ lives.

3 months ago

THIS is the FAULT of the MSM – which doesn’t REPORT on these FACTS to The People it is SUPPOSED to SERVE with REAL INFORMATION! Most people in the U.S. have never HEARD of ‘geoge soros’ or KNOW WHAT HE’s DOING with all his $$$. The MSM is a disgrace!

3 months ago

Much as I agree wit the comments made on this critically important issue, prosecuting George and son Soros appears to be a utopian dream. Until every Conservative citizen of these United States open their eyes and ears to the extreme danger that this man Soros poses to our Constitutional freedoms, he (Soros) and son will continue to hammer away at our freedoms until one thing happens! We as Christians call on GOD to end this demigod’s power and strike down his power by taking away his wealth, health and that of his family.

3 months ago

Yet the liberal media is STILL publishing articles attempting to convince people the crime rates have actually gone down!! Isn’t there some journalist out there with integrity that wants to expose this LIE for what it is? They could win a Pulitzer, if that group wasn’t in bed with the libs.

3 months ago

I do not understand why Elon Musk does not declare lawfare on George Soros. George Soros is pocket change for Elon Musk. He could break the man, reduce him to a Pauper. The fitting end to a minion of the devil.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

Do so to all his prosecutors nationwide

3 months ago

For all the World to know and become strongly aware..Soros has a son who will continue this Evil on Earth.

3 months ago

Soros should be in prison for the rest of his life…..or better yet, hang him. He is a traitor

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

How can there be justice when criminals are in charge of it?

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
3 months ago

In the past, Soros has hidden the fact that HE is financing these useless DAs by laundering contributions through his many “nonprofit” organizations. ANY candidate who accepts even $1 from Soros should be excluded from office!

3 months ago

Soros is his own “private” mafia. He wants to be the ruler of this world and spending his fortune to buy that position.
I am sure there are some laws that he has broken and why have the legal beagles not pursued that? The answer of course is “mafia leader”. He has surrounded his position with lots of fear against anyone’s family that goes after him, as well as the person who heads up the investigation of laws broken.
I am sure there are other “western” countries that are being targeted as well!
Just my thoughts!

3 months ago

I watched the last 10 minutes or so of a 60 Minutes interview with Soros by the late Steve Croft a few short years back. Soros is a Jew and as a boy was put in a German prison camp when Hitler was determined to eliminate the entire Jewish population. He was 12 at the age when he would be considered a man in the faith. As Steve was asking questions, Soros started smiling (yikes! a “smile” like a monster!) and was “reminiscing” about his time in the Auschwitz concentration camp. As he remembered, he “smiled” as he talked about taking the belongings of fellow Jews and handing them over to the Gestapo guards…who then sent them to the showers. Showers of CS gas. I’ve seen horrific photo’s of the concrete walls in these ‘showers’…where bare hands, down to bone had literally clawed ruts into the concrete as the gas filled their lungs and burned them from the inside out. Even as I wrote this the tears started.
The absolute evil that Soros is, cannot be much less than the evil of Hitler. This “man” is the personification of evil. The look of sick unbelief on Steve Kroft’s face is etched in my own mind. May God help this nation if this man, who’s already stated that “I’d like to move my operation to America,” ever does come here…I can’t even express it. I’m also hopefully sure that The Donald would have more than something to say about it.

3 months ago

I believe Soros was banned in Europe now he must be stopped in the US and Jailed without the possibility of early release

3 months ago

Soros will be dealt with, along with his son & Organizations will answer for their crimes; as well will the Prosecutors. Crimes against Humanity are punishable by Hanging.

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
3 months ago

We can see how they prosecute honest citizens and let criminal go free, that is what defines them now. Is that what their mentor Soros expect them to do, to corrupt America & eventually lead them to it’s own demise?

3 months ago

Love the title…wish it read “Hanging from ropes”

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
3 months ago

I was hoping that those people were literally on the “Ropes “ as in a noose

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

Still Bragg and Willis hanging around…

3 months ago

They took and OATH to protect and serve “THE PEOPLE”! They are unfit for the job! Need to be disbarred. Republicans NEED to treat Soros like the Democrats treated Republicans! He did some king of TREASON!

Chet Lambert
Chet Lambert
3 months ago

These people should not only be put out of office but they should be deported to a communist country of their choice. Since they hate America so much they shouldn’t mind losing their citizenship. Life in America should be made unbearable for them.

3 months ago

Too bad these criminal prosecuters and George Zeros, are not victims of the criminals they put on the streets.

3 months ago

The organizations funding the these crooked Democrat DA candidates need to be prosecuted and shut down.

3 months ago

All those prosecutors backed by Soros should all disappear from the face of the earth.

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
3 months ago

I don’t understand how this cretinous pig has been allowed to remain free in our Country. He’s a subversive entity and is supporting treason against the United States of America. He needs to be arrested and prosecuted as a traitor. His citizenship needs to be stripped and all of his assets frozen. What a disgraceful POS he is. He sold out his own people to the nazis when he was a stupid young punk and he’s continued to do it throughout his life.

3 months ago

“…reportedly known to authorities.”

“Authorities” in what??

3 months ago

The mentally ill Soros looks like he’s about to croak any day now and it can’t come to soon for me. Unfortunately his communist son is taking the helm and has his clutches planted firmly in “leadership” of the evil party. Hosting Nazi Pelosi recently, I can only picture the two of them slithering side by side and what they discuss would appall most people and anger everyone.

Patti Zelenack
Patti Zelenack
3 months ago

Hallelujah! God is good! We really need to get Soros and son out of our country before they do more harm to our society.

3 months ago

In another time, Soros would have been shot for his evil plans to destroy our country.

3 months ago

Time for Soros and his controlaholic ideas to be put to bed. His “contribution” to humanity has remained quite well below zero.

3 months ago

I appreciate knowing this trend.

Toby Rossin
Toby Rossin
3 months ago

Why hasn’t he been arrested yet?

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
3 months ago

This soros character is an anti AMERIAN slug,along with “ITS”offspring.Put the criminals in jail along with soros and company and every one of the politicians that he bought or influenced their election.They are as guilty as his cult.

3 months ago

just never understood what that senile old bird intended to accomplish…A revolution perhaps??? Not Sure……..

3 months ago

It would be a shame if someone mistook Soros for an imbecile.

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